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Redspice says, "so far..3 times tonight...and it rarely happens...but tonight...of course" Kao brought an extra pair of panties in case Red starts in again.....;) Kewlcat doesnt wear boxers...or underwear at all for that matter... Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight we have the pleasure of Redspice being our featured guest" Bsacarl applauds Chiefsgirl says, "She'll tell us a bit about her past and answer questions from the audience" Sirglec cheers wildly! Snowstar claps and stomps her feet, bouncing Kewl around! Saffire applauds Claire applauds Ditzy applauds Myangel claps and cheers Sallyanne grins and applauds for Red. Antonia applauds Chiefsgirl says, "Please, since there's such a big crowd, allow her the chance to answer each question before bombarding her with another" Juel can hardly wait Chiefsgirl exclaims, "let's make Redspice feel welcome!" Memphisdave winks and says, "this should be interesting" Claire cheers Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and plops down on her barstool Redspice smiles and wrings her hands a bit... Jazir smiles and claps for Red Jordy claps and cheers for Red Redspice stands and smiles... Memphisdave applauds Red Antonia applauds Redspice grabs a double shot of tequila and proceeds... Sirglec shoots a rubberband at Red. Von raises her glass to Red and nods. "Before we get started, I would like to first thank CG for inviting me, even though I was given no choice. I like the way she persuades everyone, because she is getting the job done. ::chuckles::", says Redspice. Chiefsgirl bounces on her barstool and smiles "I would like to thank everyone for being here and hope we can have fun . Please note that all males were to check their boxers at the door tonight, so that I could keep my mind on the M&G, and not be tempted to work", says Redspice with a wink. Redspice says, "I have had a lot of fun in Fed during my stay here, and it is impossible for me to list the WONDERFUL people I have met in the past 5 years. There are so many exciting things that have taken place, but again, we don't have time for everything." Juel looks at the stack over there Justadawg never wears a thing Redspice says, "I arrived in Fed, around July of 97, created by my maker as an independent female, who was afraid of everything and everyone, so, she decided that I was not going to be that way." Memphisdave ponders if red brought her collection of boxers with her "She thought I should be independent one way, and not care what anyone thought, and I was supposed to be tough and strong, compared to her. She felt that she had lived by the rules and still everything had turned to poop", says Redspice. Redspice says, "so I was born to break the rules." Redspice says, "My creator decided that I was to do nothing,. except have fun and to laugh and have a good time, all the time. I was not to take anything serious,.." Claire grins Von smiles, "As it should be" "..or never had the nerve to do", says Redspice. Redspice laughs "But.. but.. Stealing boxers is SERIOUS business.", says Sirglec. "oooooooooooh this is hard...", says Redspice. Redspice laughs at herself Rere hands Red a drink and grins Redspice chuckles and thinks Little did she realize that a little bit of independence was going to create a monster? "When I was arrived in Fed, I was immediately approached by this shimmering figure, and her name was RikkiTikki.", says Redspice. Claire grins and nods Blirish smiles at the memory of Rikki Redspice says, "She appeared before me one day as I was exploring earth. It was amazing and a bit scary," "but of course, I was determined to not let anything scare me, since that was my new attitude.", says Redspice. Claire chuckles Redspice says, "Say She picked me up and carried me through 3 or 4 ranks. in a few short whirlwind hours" "My head was spinning and I felt like I had traveled through space at warp speed. I was dizzy ..for days after that, trying to figure out what had happened to me.", says Redspice. "okay...I goofed..mark it down...::chuckles::", says Redspice. Claire puts one on the scorecard "I had no logs to refer back to, because I didn't learn how to log, until around December of 97. I was not really familiar with all the little things in fed, like logs and spybeams.", says Redspice. Von makes a mark on the table and winks at Red. Redspice says, "I was one of those computer dummies, that when told to hit any key, I would spent 5 minutes looking for that "Any" key::chuckles::" Redspice chuckles.... Redspice says, "I didn't realize what a baby I was, the first years in fed, but I guess like everyone else, I grew up fast." Memphisdave is dumbfounded...you mean there isn't an any key;) Redspice says, "I worked hard, and made lots of groats and I spent all my groats on my friends, clothes, drinks, and parties." Redspice laughs and hugs MD...nope... Rere gasps...you went to parties? "took me a long time to figure that one out...", says Redspice. "I had to replace the hot tub several times, because we wore it out and of course, each time, I had to get a bigger one, so that I could fit everyone into it. My liquor bill was about equal to a captains wages", says Redspice. Redspice says, "I spend so much time in the hot tub, that I thought I was going to grow fins. I don't know what my friends enjoyed the most, but my little blue bottle of bubbles seemed to be a favorite past time." Redspice chuckles and watches the faces of those that are using their imaginations. Esperanza has a vivid imagination Claire grins Rere grins vixinnocently "it was all innocent fun and we had fun making snowmen and coneheads out of bubbles well.I think it was", says Redspice with a wink. Kao loves hot tubs.... Chiefsgirl is imagining the bubbles Redspice says, "I cant remember all the duchys I have been in..." "too many years have past...but there were a few...", says Redspice. Redspice smiles... "Von and I were friends from the beginning, since we both grew up in fed. We were like sisters, and it has never changed.", says Redspice. Von smiles. "We use to party a lot and get into all sorts of mischief. Then she met and fed married Djkat, and that sort of slowed down our mischievous behavior for awhile.", says Redspice. "Djkat and Von invited me into Nectar and it quickly became my home.", says Redspice. Rere awwws "We became a close family, although DJkat had his hands full, since I was constantly stirring up mischief.", says Redspice. Claire smiles Redspice says, "Like I said, Von and I were like sisters and poor Dj had a hard time keeping track of us. He tried to get me to behave myself at times but it was impossible. I think Von finally convinced him that my mischief was innocent" Von winks and says, "He loves it" Redspice says, "Then one day, I was informed that I had a brother. It was a shock to me, and hard to get use to the idea, since he was a big blob. His name was Qaxlor, and to this day no one has figured out who is father is." Redspice says, "I had a lot of fun with Q..Q, ..I tried to flush him down the toilet, and I tossed him out with the bath water once but he kept coming back." Redspice says, "Von thought it was funny, but I was really upset to think that my brother was a blob I mean he didn't even know how to dress" Claire winks and says, "Blobs will do that" "Then Q..Q sort of grew up, the first sign was that he had grown some legs.", says Redspice. Juel loved that blob Von giggles remembering. Redspice says, "I was really upset, since now, I realized, that maybe at one time, I had been a blob too and has slowly transformed, but I quickly tossed that thought out the window ::chuckles::" "yeppers...a wonderful blob...", says Redspice. Redspice smiles, "he was such fun..." "Say Sometime during this growing up time of our lives, I met Jeblt. ::blinks innocently:: Djkat and Von thought they had problems before, well things got worse. ::chuckles::", says Redspice. Snowstar sighs at the memory of the blo...errr Q. Redspice says, "Jeblt is what I call the Whippy King. He is constantly spraying everyone with whippy and he loves to sneak up on Von and squirt her a time or two and then dash off to hide." Von rolls her eyes. Redspice says, "Of course, I had nothing to do with it ::blinks innocently::.but I loved watching and we usually would end up in some sort of food fight" Redspice says, ". Von was at her wits end, trying to get us to behave, and Djkat just closed his eyes and pretended that it wasn't happening" Chiefsgirl giggles "Then one night, at one of the food fights, I think Jeb decided to steal my thong or whatever::chuckles::", says Redspice. Claire remembers some wild food fights Redspice says, "I was so determined that he would not get the best of me, that I turned around and stole his boxers. Well, I guess you know the rest of the story. It was so much fun, that I could not resist doing it again." Redspice says, "DJkat even laughed, so I knew this was the start of something new ::chuckles::" "I was only stealing in the Duchy at first, but the word spread fast, and the next thing I knew, I was getting calls from people wanting me to come to their planet and steal someone's boxers.", says Redspice. Redspice says, "Then one night, Q..Q was watching and he commented that the quick jerk, would cause chaffing. So, we decided he should make chaffing powder and provide it to all the ones that felt a little chaffed." Rere giggles Redspice says, "We were discussing this, and he said I need a business card, so he quickly made one for me, which I have been using ever since that night." Redspice quickly passes out her business card.. "Your Boxers have been stolen by: RedSpice, "Professional Boxer Thief" Redspice chuckles... Chiefsgirl loves it! Redspice winks and says, "must get that little advertisement in when possible.." Jordy checks for her boxers "that's allright...i have enough of em in my wallet", says Memphisdave. Redspice says, "I got so busy for awhile, I am sure that I forgot to write down some of the boxers that I stole. I then had to start logging, so I would not forget, because some nights, I was being kept very busy." Jordy whews and wipes the sweat off her brow, "Thankfully I don't have any on" Juel laughs Redspice says, "As of my last count, I have 202 pairs of boxers. There are some that I didn't log, or have forgotten to record, and also there are some duplicates." "that must be why you had to build a bigger house", says Juel. Redspice says, "As the boxer business grew, I decided to start posting information about the boxers I took home with me. I started asking each person to give me a description of the ones that I had taken." Chiefsgirl wonders if these boxers are on display in a museum somewhere Redspice says, "Some of these boxer descriptions were fantastic, and I had no idea there was such a variety of boxers out there." Redspice says, "After stealing boxers for a while, somehow we came up with the idea of an auction of the boxers. It was fun, but it is hard to get the guys to strut down the runway and model the boxers." "Say We had several auctions for the boxers and the turn out was fair, but the profit was outstanding. Cruise and his boxers were auctioned off for 710megs. Then Locksnatchers were sold 5/27/01 for 775,999,999", says Redspice. Redspice says, "As you can see boxers are very expensive in space. I guess that is why I collect them, and have made it my business. I know that eventually they will go up in value and it is a good investment ::chuckles::" Chiefsgirl grins Claire smiles, "So that' how you financed your builds" Redspice nods... "business was booming...", smiles Redspice. Redspice chuckles.. Redspice smiles and curtsies... Von chuckles. Redspice smiles, "I guess that is my story" Redspice smiles Blirish stands Blirish applauds Chiefsgirl asks, "Questions for Redspice?" Redspice blinks... "What is your favorite pair of boxers, Red?", asks Claire. Blirish sits back down "Where is your baby? Did the dingo eat him?", asks Jordy. Redspice says, "ohhhhhhh....I have some favorites..." "Can I have DJ's boxers back?", asks Von. Blirish gigglez Redspice chuckles... Von holds out her hand. Kao pours another beer Redspice says, "a few of my favorites..." "1. (wearing a purple tutu with a cigar hanging from his mouth, but no boxers...)", says Redspice. Jordy asks, "You mean, you didn't get Dj's back yet?" Redspice says, "2. looses boxers and assorted fleas ..to unknown thief .." Claire chuckles Redspice says, "3. my treasure map boxers! X marks the spot!)" Jordy thinks the first one sounds very familiar Chiefsgirl laughs "She kept them! Can you believe it!", exclaims Von. Redspice says, "4. g-string, leather.. maybe. boxers just arent him...")," Redspice chuckles... "5. decorated with mini burgers and fries (your choice, large fries or small fries)", says Redspice. "6. lil hobbit with lil hobbit boxers, purple with pink polka dots so cute!", exclaims Redspice. Redspice says, "9. from James and James...collectors addition....$500.00" "bored yet???", asks Redspice. Redspice chuckles... Blirish exclaims, "no!" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "no!" "more..", smiles Blirish. Galinfenner shows off his barney boxers Claire says, "Very clever stuff" Snowlily exclaims, "No! Keep going!" "the list goes on and on...", says Redspice. Snowstar is waiting for some she recognizes! Jordy got Rasal's back as a wedding gift "Wheres mine?", says Netmndr with a wink. Esperanza always did like Barney "some of the most interesting descriptions...", says Redspice. "But for some reason, can't find them anymore", says Jordy. Juel asks, "is there a catalog?" "10, one blue ribbon??", asks Redspice. Redspice laughs Blirish laughs Galinfenner chuckles Myangel grins Netmndr has given Myangel a warm hug! Blirish asks, "mmm who's is that?" "ummmmmm...I think I found that one under a kilt...", says Redspice. Blirish laughs Redspice chuckles... Chiefsgirl laughs Memphisdave says, "disturbing" Frogfur chuckles Blirish would like the name.. LOL Redspice laughs Sallyanne laughs! Jordy says, "utoh" Blirish get's out her note pad Esperanza says, "Disturbing? No. Intriguing" Galinfenner laughs Redspice smiles, "I will be glad to give you the names, ...if you really want them.. but may I please do that later...since will have to look them up" "Are you planning a museum to display all these?", asks Chiefsgirl. Blirish is pondering the blue ribbon one and doesn't want her to tell anyone but Blirish Redspice says, "I was starting a boxer room, but....got sidetracked..." Wolfkill laughs Blirish grins Sallyanne giggles. Chiefsgirl thinks that would be a good idea "I was doing the re-write of my planet this past...September...and my mind just went in a different direction.", says Redspice. Galinfenner winks and says, "I would think one room would not be enough" "Is the amazing quickness of the boxer robbery a secret...or can you tell us?", asks Memphisdave. Justadawg asks, "What was the most difficult pair for you to get?" Redspice says, "It wont fit in one room..." Redspice says, "no way..." Redspice says, "it is going to be like a wall ...with one leading to the next..." Ditzy thinks maybe a whole gallery... charge admission. Sirglec thinks Red will need an alt planet just for the display. ;) "I tried, and it is going to take at least 10 rooms, if not more...", says Redspice. Librarian ook's in amazement. Redspice says, "It has turned into quiet a business...and sometimes hard for me to keep up..." "id pay to see it", says Memphisdave. Chiefsgirl says, "Dave wanted to know the secret of your quickness with the boxer robbery" Redspice smiles "ohhhhh...I had to practice alot...", says Redspice. Jordy adds Red's name to the list again Blirish would if the names are there.. with the name of the Blue ribbon guy marked out Wolfkill wonders at the training methods :) "at first my jerk was a bit rough...", says Redspice. "You know Red, I can only deliver 3 packages maximum to each customer... so keep the dingos away", says Jordy. "had to practice til I could do it without harming the guys...", says Redspice. Redspice chuckles Redspice asks, "ummmmm, what happened with your delivery business??" Redspice smiles "Been busy hehe", says Jordy. Redspice chuckles... Chiefsgirl says, "Dawg wanted to know what the hardest pair of boxers was to get" Redspice points to Jordy... "I was getting her started in her own business also, but she got busy...", says Redspice with a wink. "the hardest....ummmmmm...give me a sec...", says Redspice. "there were alot that were hard to get...", says Redspice. "everyone was hiding from me at times...", says Redspice. "it was so frustrating", says Redspice. "Nomads were difficult...", says Redspice. "he got me lost in a maze...but I was persistant", says Redspice. Redspice says, "I did steal several pairs when they were sleeping..." Blirish LOL don't give anyone any ideas to elude you Red! Chiefsgirl asks, "So you will chase them down??" Redspice chuckles... Redspice nods... "oh yes....if I can, I will chase til I get tired...", says Redspice. Redspice says, "boxers are valuable" Redspice blinks... "Then she logs off and comes back later.", says Sirglec with a wink. Juel thinks Red is tenacious Chiefsgirl asks, "how do you decide who's boxers to steal? or are you just going for everyone's?" Redspice says, "ummmmm...well..." Redspice says, "I had to be a little careful at times..." Miasmiccloud wonders if force bands count "didnt want to scare anyone...", says Redspice. Redspice says, "and so, I started trying to wait til the 2nd time I met them...before stealing them." Kewlcat winks and says, "Red? Scare people? Never" Redspice nods... Chiefsgirl asks, "Is there anyone that was extremely upset by the whole thing?" Justadawg stands and waves a paw. Redspice winks and says, "well...sometimes when I stole their boxers, they scared me..." Wolfyn wonders how many pairs of panties you wound up with. "You were extremely upset, Dawg?", says Snowstar with a wink. Kewlcat throws a look at the Dawg Kewlcat thinks Dawgs should know their place and stay outta sight, outta mind ;) Esperanza observes Dawg isn't wearing boxers "She would have to get a pair first.", says Justadawg with a wink. Redspice says, "some of them got upset...which always surprised me..." Redspice says, "I thought they would get a kick out of it..." Wolfkill eyes the chewtoy...err, cat. "but the ones that got upset, really arent that many, compared to the ones that enjoyed it", smiles Redspice. Kewlcat swishes his tail at Wolfkill Chiefsgirl smiles and nods Redspice smiles... "and, it has been sooooooooooo much fun...", says Redspice. Sirglec asks, "You said your personality was a 'meek' one. Has Red changed your RL personality?" Chiefsgirl asks, "More questions for Redspice??" Redspice smiles at Sir Chiefsgirl thinks Sirglec's question is great Neva hopes to be there the day Red tries to steal a certain Baron's pair of boxers and finds pantyhose ;) "ummmmm...well, lets say bourbon street will never be the same...", says Redspice with a wink. Redspice chuckles... Redspice says, "Fed has been great for me..." "I wont go into details...but it has been great for me", smiles Redspice. Redspice smiles... "I am sure you all know that, since I am still here after all these years...", smiles Redspice. "has anyone asked the big one yet?", asks Memphisdave. Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any plans to become a duchess?" Redspice says, "I do hope I havent bored you all too much..." Zeroz has a question. "no, I dont want to be a duchess....", says Redspice. "I like my position in life...and I probably have more fun", says Redspice with a wink. Zeroz asks, "Have you ever stolen your own boxers? Just for kicks?" "my own??..NO...I dont have to steal my own", says Redspice with a wink. "Do you wear boxers Redspice?", asks Chiefsgirl. Thejunior asks, "Has anyone ELSE ever stolen your boxers?" "Ooh... you mean she could go commando?", asks Zeroz. Redspice smiles and nods.... "just so you all will know.....", says Redspice. Redspice curtsies....smiles... Redspice quickly tackles Justadawg,..tossing him to the ground, while quickly and professionally stealing his boxers ....she laughs Memphisdave asks, "forgive me if someone has already asked this...but what was your most embarrasing moment Red?" Redspice smiles...I never give up Zeroz winks and says, "*I* stole her boxers once. Gave them to Von" "I so love watching you work, REd!!!!", exclaims Snowlily. Chiefsgirl is sure Dawg needs some chafing powder now Justadawg winks and says, "I have to wear them, for any to be stolen" Redspice says, "my most embarrassing moment...ummmmmm..." Wolfkill wow's at the precision "Oh no Dawg... She steals your skin instead then.. TRUST me.", says Zeroz. Ditzy thinks that sounds painful "I dont know...I have had alot of embarrassing moments...", says Redspice. Pppme chuckles at that statement and wonders why "if i had to answer it 2 weeks ago you certainly do", says Memphisdave with a wink. Redspice chuckles "I do things ...without thinking...", says Redspice. "and I say things...without thinking...", says Redspice. "never know what is going to come out of my mouth...and sometimes...its embarrassing...", says Redspice. Redspice says, "just ask Chelsia...about her pickles..." Redspice chuckles... Zeroz says, "Well at least it's just whats coming out that you have to worry about..." Redspice blinks... Zeroz points to the stuff he's eatten today and moans as his stomach hurts more. Redspice says, "and its Rere's fault that I have become such a vixen..." Redspice chuckles and loves to blame others... Blirish exclaims, "but Rere.. is such a sweetheart!!" Blirish can't believe she would be a bad influence Redspice nods... Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Redspice?" "I agree...but oh she is so good at starting something and sitting back to see what happens...", says Redspice. "Yes", says Zeroz. Redspice chuckles... "yeah..I have one..What did you do to Kats?", asks Paladin. Zeroz asks, "Out of all the boxers you've stolen, what is your favorite pair?" Redspice blinks... "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh...", says Redspice. Zeroz waits "I stole his boxers and it was a tatoo...", says Redspice. Librarian raises his hand with a question. Paladin says, "ouch" "he had to wear bandages for a month...", says Redspice. "I didnt know", smiles Redspice. Redspice chuckles... Redspice says, "looked good...so I took it..." Librarian waves his hand in the air "Now what about favorite pair stolen? <grins>", says Zeroz. "I know I have missed some questions...but, if there is someething you really want to know...you know where I am...and the bar is fully stocked", smiles Redspice. Redspice says, "I am getting a bit of lag again...excuse delays..." Kewlcat perks at the mention of a bar Librarian stands up and asks, "Oook?" "ZZ...there are so many....", says Redspice. Ditzy asks, "He said if you could change any one thing about fed, what would it be?" Zeroz says, "You have to admit... my taz ones were pretty cool." "I do have one pair, that I framed and they are in one of the offices...", says Redspice. Justadawg smirks at that one. Blirish smiles, "make them go look Red" "11. Authentic raw leather boxer-chaps....they are the epitome of western fashion when you want to have the comfort of frontal support and still feel the breeze on your behind.")", says Redspice. Redspice says, "so unique....." Redspice says, "please remember most of these descriptions are from the owners of the boxers..." "oh, those are fabulous", says Chiefsgirl. "they really are so fantastic....", says Redspice. Justadawg asks, "What about the question on one change to Fed?" Redspice smiles... Redspice says, "change to Fed?? I am sorry..missed the question..." "Librarian asked what one thing you'd change about fed.", says Ditzy. Redspice smiles... "what would I change? ummmmmm....", says Redspice. "Ook", says Librarian. "If anything", says Ditzy. Redspice says, "well, I think the newbies are promoting too fast these days..." "I think the time spent in the lower ranks, makes them appreciate their promotions more...plus now, they are missing alot of the lessons that fed has to offer...", says Redspice. Redspice shrugs... Kao agrees with Red "just a thought...", says Redspice. Kewlcat nods in agreement Ditzy applauds that answer Librarian nods in agreement. Redspice smiles... Redspice says, "I know my time is up..." Redspice smiles, "and I have enjoyed this so much..." Redspice smiles, "you have been a wonderful audience..." Esperanza stands up and applauds and waves Pppme nods in agreement Miasmiccloud smiles, "you were great red" Jazir cheers and applauds for Red Ditzy applauds Librarian claps his hands Antonia applauds Red Moonus applauds Neva cheers for Red, hugs her tight Sallyanne applauds "even though i didn't see most of it", smiles Miasmiccloud. Myangel hugs and claps for Red Chiefsgirl cheers for Redspice Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you all for coming tonight" "Join me next week when my guest will be Netmndr", says Chiefsgirl. "this was wonderful Red, thank you", smiles Myangel. Redspice smiles... Zeroz asks, "Red. whats your favorite random emote word?" "you mean like hugs and kisses", smiles Redspice. Redspice chuckles... Kao likes sloppy snogs Redspice chuckles... "ohhhhhhhhh...I like them all...", smiles Redspice. Redspice chuckles... "I think we are about finished?? Dont you...", says Redspice with a wink. |