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Jordy looks around to make sure noone's watching and hides her stash of liquor Kao promises not to tell Rere won't tell so long as you share Jordy always shares with the ones she loves ~THE~ Duke Ron has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "Hello!", exclaims Ron. Chiefsgirl says, "oooops! there he is" "Welcome Ron", says Chiefsgirl. Menotknow gets out the notebook of rude, crude questions. Ron hides behind Chiefsgirl... groping her all the while Ron eyes Jordy and looks for the hot pokers Sirglec adjusts the hot, bright lights and points them directly at the chair in the center of the room. Chiefsgirl checks with Cgee to make sure the camera is rolling Ron hugs and kisses everyone.... twice, even Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Good evening and welcome to the first Meet & Greet of the new year!" Ron smiles and waves "I'm thrilled that you could all turn out tonight for what promises to be an entertaining evening with our guest, Duke Ron", says Chiefsgirl. "Ron will tell us a bit about himself and then we'll answer questions from the audience", says Chiefsgirl. Ron waves again and hands out free beer "Please help me make Ron feel welcome", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl cheers and plops down on her barstool Snowstar claps for Duke Ron and his free beer! Jordy claps for the free beer! Heatherjn toasts Ron with her free beer. Menotknow accepts the free beer then give Ron a raspberry! "Good evening and Happy New year", smiles Ron. "Chiefsgirl tells me she wants me to tell you a bit about myself, then you all can ask questions", says Ron. Chiefsgirl smiles "That's pretty easy......", says Ron. Ron says, "I became Duke Ron about 4 months ago when I was offered this personna.... I am NOT the original Ron" "I had played Fed a very long time ago.....", says Ron. Pppme sharpens his roasting stick Ron says, "And evidently this Ron guy had left fed... and his character has bounced around" Ron says, "I did read his M and G meeting from 1998 and he seems like a cool guy" "But I never met him", says Ron. Rere asks, "How'd you come to own his character then?" Chiefsgirl smiles and fondly remembers the original Ron "I'll answer questions in a sec.....:::bows to Duchesse Rere:::", says Ron. "Anyway.... A fedder whom I knew a long time ago got hold of this character and offered it to me... so here I am", says Ron. "And I must say it';s been fun", says Ron. "I am done with the bio thing... so.... I guess we can take questions", smiles Ron. Sirglec asks, "How far did you go when you were on originally? and Who were you?" Ron says, "Ok.... Duke Sirglec has the first question...." Roslyn smiles, "Hey that was my quesion" Wolfyn waves a paw and waits her turn. Ron says, "I think I made JP..... was way back on AOL...." Snowstar blinks, "From JP to duke?" "Some jump indeed", says Rere. Ron says, "Well... there was a time lag" Snowstar winks and says, "Did you learn how to run a planet while you were away in that time lag?" "Who were you back on AOL?", asks Jordy. "Ok... 2 questions.... Snow then Jordy", says Ron. Wolfyn still holds her paw up. Foamfollower whispers to Snow .. "run" or "run from" ;) "I don't know how to run a planet... been guessing", says Ron. Rere blinks "Guessing?" "And my former identity will remain anonymous", says Ron. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "Fortunate since Duke's don't have to run a planet" "Ah Ron", says Roslyn. Roslyn laughs Ford says, "Ron, I suspect you missed a lot of the Fed experience that you would have enjoyed." Sirglec thinks Dukes need to help those PO's that depend on them though. Ron will answer Duke Ford's question Rere whispers to Sir that he only has one planet Mysteryman raises his hand Wolfyn still waits politely with paw raised. Ron says, "You are probably right.... but.. yanno... it's good to be the Duke" Foamfollower tosses Wolfy a scooby snack . .that paw has to be getting tired Ron asks, "Next questions?" Mysteryman asks, "How do you think this gap in ranks has affected your entire Fed expreience?" Rere points to Wolfyn Wolfyn waves the paw. Mysteryman says, "sorry woldyn first" Ron says, "I think Duchesse Wolfyn is next, mystery,man]" Chiefsgirl says, "I think Wolfyn has been patiently waiting Ron" Chiefsgirl settles back down to looking at her notes "I have two questions. The first one is.. have you ever been banned from a duchy?", asks Wolfyn. "Yes", says Ron. Roslyn asks, "As Ron?" Wolfyn frowns and says, "Awww, forget the second. I wanted to be first." "Yes.... I was banned from Pepperland... though I never went there", says Ron. Wolfyn settles for next in line. Chiefsgirl asks, "So how did you get banned?" Roslyn whispers to Wolfyn, "Wave your paw faster" "or rather, why did you get banned?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I will answer Chiefsgirl... then mysteryman", says Ron. Rere whispers to Wolfie, or just bite um next time ;) "Ouch", says Roslyn. "I was banned from pepperland because I shot the Duke's alt in another duchy", says Ron. Jordy thinks biting will be more effective Chiefsgirl says, "Ah......" Rere asks, "Shot at? Why?" Wolfyn whispers to Rere, "Nah, just banned 'em instead. ;) "Oh", says Roslyn. Ron says, "And I have just been banned from Caddo, too" Sirglec asks, "Aaaack! Then I would have to kiss her, Re?" Wolfyn grins! "the Duke Kup, has an Alt!", exclaims Pppme. "cause he was hauling .. and VERY threatening looking", says Foamfollower with a wink. "I don;t think I have been there, either", says Ron. Wolfyn says, "Don't think you have." Rere sips more wine to try and be less confused Chiefsgirl asks, "And is there a reason he's now banned, Wolfyn?" "Mysteryman has a question... but i forget what it is", says Ron. Jordy is banned from Sunshine Wolfyn winks and says, "Just hauler shooting. And to start the queue." Chiefsgirl tries to keep all this banning straight Ddking thinks Wolfyn just likes to ban people Ron will be happy to answer all questions.. ""What effect to you believe your jump in ranks has caused to your enitre fed expreience", says Mysteryman. "What would possess you to shoot a hauler? Out of your duchy?", asks Sirglec. Rere says, "cause he can Sir" Ron says, "Wait...I'm answering mysteryman... then Duke Sirglec" "I think my jump in ranks has made appreciate being a duke without all the PO baggae", says Ron. "baggage", says Ron. Rere thinks this should have been billed as Scandal 2002! Chiefsgirl smiles Rere asks, "Can you explain that further Ron?" Ron says, "Ok... now Duke Sirglec" Ron backs up Ron asks, "sorry... ecxplain what?" Snowstar whispers to Rere, "He means he's glad he didn't have to work to be a duke" Wolfyn watches the crowd surge forward. "Oh...ok", says Rere. Ron thinks Snowstar got it right Roslyn says, "makes sense to me" Ford says, "I submit that going through the ranks is not baggage but part of the over all Fed experience and allows you to better enjoy being a duke." "Ok..... hang on... Duke Sirglec was next...", says Ron. Mysteryman says, "Id tend to agree (though Im not there yet)" Ron bows to Duke Sirglec Ddking thinks it was harder to make it to JP back on aol than it is to become a duke today Ron says, "I can bow in either direction.. whatever turns you on" Chiefsgirl says, "quite right, Dd" Sirglec asks, "Don't you think as a Duke, earned or otherwise, you have a responsibility?" "What would possess you to shoot a hauler? Out of your duchy?", asks Sirglec. Ron will answer duke surglec Ford says, "Anyone that ever made it past JP during AOL lag earned it." Chiefsgirl notices Sir's questions are multiplying Rere hopes that's not catchy! "or the crashes Ford", says Foamfollower with a wink. Sirglec nods to CG. "Just continuations." ;) Ron says, "First... my only responsibility is to me... and anyone in my duchy... which is exactly 1 right now..." Chiefsgirl nods Ford exclaims, "True Foam, very true!" "So.... leaving your duchy to shoot down a hauler that didn't even go to your duchy is your responsibility to your single PO?", asks Sirglec. Ron says, "Second... I shoot I have only shot at macroers.... just to keep em awake and in the game" "wait, Sir.. that's another question", says Ron. "The more defenseless the better!", exclaims Wolfyn. Ford says, "Ron, I am only pointing out that you have missed a great deal of satisfaction by not strugling through the ranks." "Ok...I am a bit behind here... who has the next question?", asks Ron. Rere says, "But everyone is entitled to play this game whatever way they choose...I think that's his point Ford" Ron can't type fast enough to keep up with all of you Ron says, "One at a time.... I'll try to answer" Chiefsgirl says, "I think we are waiting to hear why shooting macro haulers is a service to your one PO" "OK.... will answer the lovely Chiefsgirl", says Ron. Ron says, "Simply put.... it isn't, really" Chiefsgirl asks, "So you just do that for fun?" Ron says, "Absolutely... and as a service to FED... keep the damn macroers' heads in the game" "fun or controversy", says Rere. "whatever", says Ron. Sirglec exclaims, "From a person that didn't have to haul!" "But Ron, everybody does that", says Roslyn. "So now that you have started at the top, do you plan to fill in the blanks and learn the rest of the game with another persona?", asks Snowstar. "And Ron, do you feel you missed a large part of the Fed experience by going right from JP to Duke?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ron holds up his hands in a "T" timeout... you are going too fast Wolfyn thanks you for your service, but declines your help. Mysteryman believe that was his question "Let me answer the lovely lady Snowstar... who is really sexy and nice", says Ron with a wink. Ruylupez buys Ron lessons in speed reading and a speed typing "I have too many blanks to fill in... so i won't try.... and i have no other personnas right now", says Ron. Ron says, "Next" Wolfyn smiles, "Have you ever been banned from Caddo before?" Ron says, "I don't think so" Wolfyn says, "Rats." "this was a new and unique experience;)\", says Ron. Rere winks and says, "He played before the ban rule Wolfie" Wolfyn coughs. Chiefsgirl wonders how to phrase her next question..... "I really like the ladies in Fed these days, though... much hotter", says Ron. "Or so he says...", says Rere with a wink. Ron nods to Chiefsgirl Chiefsgirl says, "Ron, the original owner of this personna was a bit of a social butterfly....." "Are you enjoying that aspect of the game as well?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ron says, "Butterfly is really cool.... I have a date with her" Chiefsgirl giggles "I even paid in advance", says Ron. Chiefsgirl laughs Rere raises her hand "Yes... I enjoy the social stuff a lot", says Ron. Butterfly smiles Chiefsgirl makes note that the answer is yes Ron points to duchesse rere Rere asks, "Do you have any duchy rules?" Ron says, "No" "except make me money.... which Zadoc doesn't", says Ron. Mysteryman raises his hand Roslyn thinks he has no need for them just now "sorry", says Zadoc. "Are you hoping to build up your duchy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Well... I am trying", says Ron. "But it's hard.....", says Ron. Ron says, "POs are very finicky" Chiefsgirl nods Mysteryman raises his other hand Sirglec exclaims, "Yeah... especially when getting shot at!" Ron points out to sirglec that he hasn't shot his own pos yet... but might Rere asks, "Ever shot at you Zadoc?" Chiefsgirl says, "I think Mysteryman has a question..." Zadoc says, "Not yet... I keep changing the planet so he can't find me" Kao shot Ron in DS "Did ya get him Kao?", asks Rere. Ron says, "OK..Mysteryman" Kao says, "Damn right" "Would you tell a potential new PO of your duchy that you havent played the ranks before letting him in?", asks Mysteryman. Sirglec respects his POs. "Of course not, Mysteryman....", says Ron. Chiefsgirl laughs Rere asks, "How would you explain that to them? Or help them for that matter?" "But dont you feell that they should know that you have no PO exerience?", asks Mysteryman. Butterfly smiles Ford asks, "Ron, should a new Squire keep cont stocked?" "May I say something real quick about the shooting haulers thing before I take more questions", says Ron. Chiefsgirl says, "I think there are some dukes that may have done all the ranks and are at the same planetary management level as Ron" Ron will answer ford and chiefsgirl in a moment Rere agrees with CG on that issue! "Some folks whom I have shot at get real pissed off.... and complain a lot....", says Ron. Ron says, "Others actually do something about it......" "For example...", says Ron. Ron says, "One PO changed his space locs to peace locs so I couldn't shoot..." "Another biuilt a ship with a 50 hull", says Ron. "And then another hired Kao to flames my ass", says Ron. Kao smiles Pppme says, "I think he's making a point" "So.... you see...", says Ron. Ford exclaims, "WTG Kao!" Ron says, "There's always a defense" "They're learning", says Rere with a wink. "Ok.... end of speech... duke Ford had a question", says Ron. Ford says, "I was just wonder how much cont a new Squire should haul in." Ron says, "Ohhh.... well... I like to get as much cont as i can" Ford asks, "Sage advive from one who has been a squire hey?" "Next question?", asks Ron. Rere raises her hand Ron points to the lovely rere Rere asks, "What do you plan on telling potential Po's and how do you plan to help them through the ranks? Plan on learning the stuff you missed?" Ron says, "Good question..." "I plan on telling them that I have no rules.... they can do whatever the hell they want to... but i want a cut of the action", says Ron. "Cut of the action?", asks Rere. Stgarb chuckles "kinda like pimpin?" "You bet...", says Ron. "Charging them over what ya make?", asks Rere. Chiefsgirl says, "I'm sure there are plenty of folks that can be asked to help for planetary management" "I gotta keep these suits pressed, yanno", says Ron. Rere asks, "and what about my second question?" "ummm.. what was it?", asks Ron. "Plan on learning what ya missed?", asks Rere. Ron says, "Probably not" "Maybe by osmosis", says Ron. Mysteryman raises a hand Rere winks and says, "From my experience, you'll need it if you really want more po's" "Why should I manage all that crap if i don't have to?", asks Ron. Ron points to Duke PPPPPPPPME Ron says, "sorry.. stuttered" Chiefsgirl wonders if that's her problem Ford says, "Well, at least next weeks games will have some interesting questions." Stgarb says, "ooooo that was a shot. I been a Duke for a few years now and PPPme taught me about planet management" Pppme says, "I think the Duchess has brought up a point that many of us face on literially a daily basis" Jordy asks, "who is next weeks M&G anyway?" "did Duke PPPme have a question?", asks Ron. Chiefsgirl says, "next week is Heatherjn" Mysteryman raises his hand again Ron smiles, "OK... I guess mysteryman is next" "How would you respond if one of your POs came to you with a management question?", asks Mysteryman. "I'd tell him to read the guide and leave me alone", says Ron. "nice", says Mysteryman. Zadoc reads Jordy smiles, "did he say that to you?" Sirglec tries not to laugh, but fails. Chiefsgirl cannot believe all the concern over planet management Stgarb raises his hand Chiefsgirl asks, "yes Stgarb?" "I guess STG is next", says Ron. Pppme asks, "tb rere He has no planets, and hasn't. I work my ass off for what I have. But I grew up with Ron, and I have talked to this one???" Snowstar grins. Ron hugs pppme Stgarb asks, "I may have missed it but how do you plan to get planets?" Jordy giggles Ruylupez looks at Pppme Rere laughs and laughs Chiefsgirl raises an eyebrow Roslyn raises her glass to 3P Lexie looks at 3p! "Heeehhheeee", says Ron. Rere pours 3P a tall cold one! "Ohh... I will answer Duke Stgarb", says Ron. Snowstar looks at Rere for her response ;) Pppme stands and bows smiling "How do I plan to get planets? Sex and bribery... neither of which have worked very well", says Ron. "Any other questions for Ron?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ron nods to Duke Kup "When you attacked Sagramore, He was hauling in Agri from other DUIT planets. As you will never be a member of DUIT, why did you feel this was your business?", asks Kup. Ron says, "I didn't know anything about DUIT........" Ron says, "I still don't" "Did you spy him first? Or did you just assume he was hauling out via poterm?", asks Kup. Ron says, "Both actually.... he was macroing so i took a shot" Ron says, "Had nothing to do with DUIT" "It had everything to do with DUIT", says Kup with a wink. Ron sings O Sagramore! O Sagramore! How your ship burns so brightly Ron says, "Maybe to you..... but i had never heard of DUIT" Roslyn reaches for the bottle and pours herself another mumbling about duit don't duit just haul is all. Kup asks, "One more Question. Why don't you attack Sagramore when I'm waiting in Newavalon with a fighting ship? Affraid?" "No... I just like you sitting there in dead space", says Ron. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Ron?" Ron bows to chiefsgirl Ddking asks, "do you think hauler's need to take more responsibility for getting shot down?" Ron says, "Yes, DDking I do" Ddking nods and agrees "Any final thoughts for us tonight, Ron?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ron smiles, "Nope... except sex and violence sell" "I'd like to thank Ron for agreeing to be our guest tonight and thank you all for coming out", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Join me next week when Heatherjn will be my guest" "Thanks for hosting CG", smiles Rere. |