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Snowstar is a ventriloquist, speaking for Ruy. "no..you mean a medium", says Paladin. Juel asks, "didn't we do that last week?" Snowstar smiles, "Ok, medium then" Ruy hides under the Juelz/Starsicle table Juel kicks Ruy when he grabs the wrong knee Snowstar winks and says, "While you're down there, Ruy...." Juel whispers I was just protecting your knee Your deluded imagination tells you Ruy has just disappeared. Your deluded imagination tells you Ruy has just appeared. "Lookie at all the folks here to see you, Ruy", smiles Snowstar. Juel laughs he did it... "wow, I just imagined Ruy disappeared, then reappeared!", exclaims Neva. Ditzy is just glad she doesn't have to translate. Chiefsgirl stands up and glances at her notes "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight I'm thrilled to introduce Ruy as our guest" Chiefsgirl says, "he'll tell us about himself and answer questions from the audience" "let's make him feel welcome!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Snowstar cheers loudly! Neva applauds for Ruy Paladin applauds! Ruy says, "Hello everyone..." Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and plops down on her barstool Ditzy applauds Mony applauds for her former Duke Bandle whistles and claps. Genike claps very very loudly Ruy says, "I guess I'll start with my beginings in Fed" Snowstar wonders which beginning. Von wonders what meds. Ruy says, "I began playing fed the day my AOL account went to unlimited time with the name Paul1430" Ruy says, "I promoted fairly rapidly and eventually got the planet Chess" Esperanza shares a seat with Kats Juel waves back to Esperanza Katspurfor sits in close to esper "Um...My computer is messing up for real...I think I need to reboot but I will be right back",says Ruy. Chiefsgirl says, "ok Ruy" Your deluded imagination tells you Ruy has just disappeared. Snowstar narrows her eyes at Ruy. Chiefsgirl knows we will all wait [Long pause...] Your deluded imagination tells you Ruy has just appeared. "Ah..he came back", says Esperanza. "Sorry about that", says Ruy. Chiefsgirl cheers for Ruy's return "My computer messed up for real", says Ruy with a frown. Snowstar smiles, "I'm shocked he came back" Esperanza says, "We blamed Lobo Ruy" Ruy says, "Good choice" "I did it!", exclaims Lobo. Chiefsgirl asks, "YOu ok now Ruy?" "Lobo is always a good bet", says Juel. "Wait...what did I do?", asks Lobo. "Ok, Had to reboot", says Ruy. You notice that Juel no longer looks official. Ruy asks, "Ready to restart?" Chiefsgirl says, "ok, and you were right up to getting your planet of Chess" Lobo exclaims, "I love it when that hat comes off!" Juel asks, "Just the hat?" Ruy says, "Oh yes..." Chiefsgirl laughs Lobo blushes...is all he's willing to admit for the moment "I got the planet and parked it in Tazmania duchy", says Ruy. Juel turns her attention to Ruy "After I made squire I began working on an alt under the name Kholl93773", says Ruy. "Was this because you were in love with those lower ranks, Ruy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "One day I was doing some hauling, then logged off to go to class. When I came back on I started hauling again but in the few hours I was away one of the POs had changed his planet into a DD trap, and I lost chess", says Ruy. Ruy winks and says, "I just wanted to have more planets" Neva says, "ack" Lobo goes "EEP!" Bsacarl gasps "someone who loves exchanges", says Juel. Chiefsgirl eeks Von grins. Snowstar wonders if that was a checkmate. Neva giggles at Snowie Genike laughs Ruy says, "Kholl93773 was about to promote to GM at the time so i used that name to get a new planet named Chess and returned to Tazmania" Katspurfor loves exchanges thinks nothing is wrong with a good exchange Von wonders what Kats considers a good exchange. Von listens to Ruy. Katspurfor listens Lobo whispers to Von..."one that sells beer" "I had 2 other planets on 2 other names that I got while Chess was promoting....I don't even remember the names of the planets or personas anymore", says Ruy. Von chuckles and nods to Lobo. "you don't remember?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "or you don't wanna tell?" Ruy says, "Nope" Chiefsgirl ponders that Ruy winks and says, "One I honestly don't remember....One I don't want to tell" Chiefsgirl laughs Esperanza really wants to know the one he won't tell Juel does too "I was working my last two screen names on AOL up to the PO level when they announced the move to the web...I knew I couldn't afford five personas so I DD'd all of them except Kholl93773 and worked on promoting my planet Chess", says Ruy. Chiefsgirl nods, remembering the rash of DD's at that time "I named that planet Chess because Chess is by far my favorite game", smiles Ruy. Katspurfor thinks he will have to play ruy just because "When they started charging for webfed I DD'd my last persona and left fed forever (Yeah right)", says Ruy. "Famous last words", says Von with a wink. Ruy says, "At that time Chess was up to Tech" "I belonged to that same club, Ruy", says Lobo with a wink. Ruy says, "About a year later I returned to fed and began climbing the ranks again" "And what brought you back, Ruy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Since you had left never to return", says Chiefsgirl. "I really don't know...", says Ruy. "I returned under the name Ruylupez....which was actually a type...I intended it to be Ruylopez after my favorite chess opening at the time...but I didn't realize I had made a typo for some time and by then it was too late", says Ruy. Neva says, "lol Ruy" "Under that name I quickly promoted to Squire and aquired the planet Challenge", says Ruy. "I joined a duchy the night I promoted....the next day the Duke had DD'd and I was back in sol....", says Ruy. "Next I joined NVM", says Ruy. "which duke was that ruy", says Katspurfor. "I can never remember the name...I've been trying to figure it out for some time but I don't know", says Ruy. "When I found myself in Sol I next joined NVM", says Ruy. Ruy says, "I stayed there til I was a thane...but when I promoted and realized I had never even talked to my duke or any of my duchymates who were still there I decided it was time to move on" "I moved to Landofboz under Duke Bozowl", says Ruy. Ruy says, "not long afterwards the duke of NVM DDed" "what is it you do to Dukes Ruy", says Juel. Bsacarl smiles Bsacarl notes that he is still here ;) Chiefsgirl is suddenly feeling awfully glad Ruy hasn't tried living in Rhapsody Katspurfor was wondering that as well juel "Good question I was just wondering that myself.", says Von. Ruy says, "I stayed in landofboz until I was about to make baron...I had to leave there when Bozowl DDed" Neva giggles Mony giggles Esperanza stifles a giggle "Geez", says Von. Ruy says, "So 3 duchies and 3 DDd dukes....." Juel is just so sharp tonight.... Esperanza makes another check on the scorecard "check your insurabce, Carl", says Paladin. Bsacarl says, "lol" Saffire laughs Ruy says, "I moved on to um...another duchy" Katspurfor decides he may never want to duke "I think the duchess was alysia...", says Ruy. "Stayed there for a bit then moved to Camp", says Ruy. Bsacarl cheers for Camp "This time without a quick DD from the DO", says Ruy. Katspurfor quickly fills in another check Esperanza compares her card with Kats and nods Chiefsgirl whispers to Carl to keep check on his insurance policy Ruy says, "Eventually I promoted out of Camp and into my own duchy of Challenge" "hehe", says Bsacarl. Katspurfor carl broke the chain Ruy says, "I stayed there for some time...Until the Duke decided to DD himself" Ruy grins Juel the bug is catching Neva laughs Chiefsgirl laughs Esperanza changes the lead in her pencil "I didn't care for being a duke...so I decided to start over", says Ruy. Kimba laughs. .. Katspurfor grins "and so Ruy was born", says Ruy. Bsacarl shows pictures of Ruy Juel thinks you chose wisely in a name this time Ruy says, "when I got a new planet I returned to Camp" Qaxlor winks and says, "You made it easier for people to shoot at you with the shorter name though" Snowlily chuckles Neva winks at Q "People use macros or f-keys for shooting....", says Ruy. Genike winks and says, "I miss Ruylupez he was much nicer than Ruy" Ruy says, "and anyone who shoots at me gets shot at" Snowlily nods furiously Esperanza wonders if she could give Ruy a short list of people to shoot Ruy smiles, "Under this name I intend to make it back to Duke fairly quickly and then DD and return as Ruylupez again" "and that's about it", smiles Ruy. Mony wonders why "I don't like sitting at any rank....I want to have something to do", says Ruy. "so you'll typo and kill Dukes?", says Neva with a wink. Von smiles. "Hope not", says Von. Ruy grins "That's all I have...any questions or comments?", asks Ruy. "Why did you decide to stick at Thane for a while?", asks Genike. "Stick at thane? I'm promoting as quicly as I earn the money to do it", says Ruy. Genike says, "Oh hehehe" Lobo says, "I have a comment or two...first of all...you'll never be invited to join Flashback cause I don't intend on DDing" "Secondly...it's a pleasure to finally meet someone that has DDed more times than me", smiles Lobo. Snowstar grins at Lobo... Juel laughs Ruy grins Katspurfor laughs and laughs Djkat chuckles "Carl still hasn't DDed with me in his duchy...and I'm on my second trip through", says Ruy. Bsacarl smiles Mony looks at Carl "It was nice knowing you, Carl", says Ditzy with a wink. Katspurfor may need a tranfusion one day just in case Mony giggles Esperanza ponders the implications Bsacarl laughs "well .. if you are looking for a nice quiet duchy .. you can join Nectar and have the whole place to yourself .. even I dont go there", says Djkat. Djkat winks "No!", exclaims Von. Juel laughs at DJ Mony asks, "Any love interests in Fed, Ruy?" Von pulls DJ close, "No dding" "um....no", says Ruy. "um no?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Lust interests?", says Qaxlor with a wink. Chiefsgirl thinks that sounds like there could be Ruy grins Snowlily winks at Q "leave it to Q to get right to the point", says Chiefsgirl. Esperanza makes a note that Ruy is safe to flirt with Juel grins at Q Lobo thinks we ALL have lusts interests Lobo winks Ruy thinks it is a good idea not to give too much information "But then how will your lust interest know?!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Qaxlor says, "Discretion is the better part of valor..." Lobo nods to Ruy and points to page 35 of the Bachelor's Guide to Federations Space Esperanza peeks at Page 35 Ruy winks and says, "Just spy me and you will find out about all that.....or get bored watching my hauling macros" Chiefsgirl tsks Prrrl giggles... Snowstar grins.. Mony Sadly knows exactly what Ruy means Neva raises her hand Chiefsgirl says, "if I'm gonna invest in a beam, I at least want to see something exciting" "Neva?", asks Ruy. "How'd you get interested in fighting, Ruy?", smiles Neva. Ruy winks and says, "Then aim it somewhere else CG" Chiefsgirl doesn't spy Ruy says, "I was bored and looking for ANYTHING to do...and they announced Cup of Fearlessness was starting...." Prrrl giggles Frogfur smiles Neva chuckles "ooooo... the Cup", says Chiefsgirl. Ruy says, "just to have something to do I went over and agreed to fight" Chiefsgirl bounces Snowlily grins "Sholuvr helped me buy a ship and I did fairly well that evening", says Ruy. Ruy says, "I've been fighting ever since" Neva smiles Chiefsgirl says, "Sholuvr... musta been a good ship then" Chiefsgirl grins Von grins. "damn good one", says Neva with a wink. "Probably needs a little paint by now.", says Sirglec with a wink. "I don't have that ship anymore...I have to keep switching from haul to fighter to hauler to fighter", says Ruy. Chiefsgirl says, "You can be honest Ruy and tell them it was me that kept you coming back to the Cup week after week" Ruy says, "Gonna have to buy a fighting ship soon as I get out of here" Chiefsgirl has fond memories of hosting the Cup Neva knows everyone fights just to see CG bounce Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces Ruy winks and says, "Yes, It was CGs fault I killed so many people" Lobo perks! Sirglec throws a net every once in a while. ;) "Any more questions?", smiles Ruy. Lobo asks, "Can I go to the bathroom?" Bsacarl raises his hand "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?", asks Qaxlor. "wanna play some chess one evening ruy", says Katspurfor. "Go ahead Lobo", says Ruy. Von points to the hall. Djkat laughs "European or African?", asks Djkat. Qaxlor winks and says, "I don't know that" "I'll play chess anytime Kats", says Ruy with a wink. Snowlily chuckles and nods to Q Katspurfor says, "cool" Ruy asks, "Carl?" "If you were to give advice to a newbie in Fed..what would it be?", asks Bsacarl. "Don't accept too many handouts and don't let someone give you all the answers", says Ruy. Bsacarl smiles proudly :) Chiefsgirl nods and writes that down "Why is that, Ruy?", asks Snowlily. "What is the point of even playing a game if someone else just promotes you to baron in 30 days and you don't have to earn anything", says Ruy. Von nods to Ruy. "So you can be a baron?", asks Snowlily. Juel applauds Ruy Bsacarl applaudes Ruy says, "It means more if you do it for yourself" Djkat applauds Ruy Katspurfor smiles "which is sooo much more fun than not!", says Snowlily with a wink. Snowstar nods and smiles at Ruy. Juel says, "now maybe the 4th or 5th time you might have some excuse" "If I took all the handouts that are available out there I could be a baron by this time next week...why should I do that?", asks Ruy. Snowlily giggles and winks at Juel Lobo has only accepted sexual favors...the money was gratuitous... "So you would have time for lust?", asks Esperanza. Snowstar asks Ruy if he wants a handout once a week, just to be sure. Snowlily giggles at Lobo Ruy says, "I have plenty of time for that Experanza" "All money exchanged is just for comanionship, Lobo?", says Qaxlor with a wink. Ruy says, "Oh one more thing I need to brag about...." Ruy smiles, "I played in a chess tournament yesterday and was the top player in my section" Juel thinks we've missed the embarrassing moment bit Lobo applauds Ruy! Chiefsgirl exclaims, "whooo hooooo!" "Way to go", says Esperanza. "congrats Ruy!", smiles Kimba. "Wow congrats!!", exclaims Snowstar. Chiefsgirl cheers wildly Katspurfor thinks coolest "congrats", smiles Neva. Snowlily claps and whistles for Ruy! Ruy grins Neva needs to play chess with Ruy ;) Esperanza loves chess Chiefsgirl asks, "Ruy, do you think this chess knowledge helped you any with your strategy when participating in Fed Survivor?" Snowstar mutters about Fed Survivor. "Chess helps you learn to plan a lot of moves ahead...that had to help", smiles Ruy. Chiefsgirl nods Juel asks, "plan???.. Fed????" Lobo wanted to watch Snowie eat cooked rat...but was busy that weekend... Von loves to plan moves ahead. Chiefsgirl says, "I should have realized folks would make alliances" Neva exclaims, "lol Lobo!" Snowstar winks and says, "You missed a good time, Lobo" "Before we had merged the tribes in Fedsurvivor I had already planed it out so I would be at least one of the final three...", says Ruy. Lobo nods and sighs... "is that the word of the day CG... alliances?", asks Juel. Chiefsgirl nods "Do they still do Fedsurvivor?", asks Esperanza. Lobo says, "Nope...no one survived" "no they don't", says Chiefsgirl. Katspurfor thinks he needs a briefing on the fed survior "That was the last one....I don't know of any plans for another", says Ruy. Chiefsgirl asks, "Ruy, what's your most embarrassing moment?" Qaxlor winks and says, "Besides this" "I don't embarrass", says Ruy. Ruy grins Chiefsgirl grins cause she doesn't either Esperanza makes a note. Now THERE'S a challenge "oh no supprise checkmates in your fed life ruy", says Katspurfor. Chiefsgirl says, "Do you have a favorite rank since you seem to go through them regularly" "I like groundhog...You have so much to look forward too", smiles Ruy. Chiefsgirl laughs Katspurfor smiles "and, the shortest", says Paladin. Esperanza giggles "and you don't have to HAUL!", exclaims Lobo. "and you get lots of attention", says Juel. "Just show a little leg to the official and you're on your way....", says Esperanza. Katspurfor says, "but unfortunately ya cant leave sol" Ruy says, "Right, Groundhog is the only rank where you CAN'T haul" Chiefsgirl thinks hauling is so overrated Snowstar totally agrees with CG. "you can't leave earth!", exclaims Paladin. Katspurfor knows hauling is very over rated "and you can innocently harrass the navigators without getting in too much trouble...at least not without a few warnings", says Lobo with a wink. "Sure you can, you just promote", says Ruy. Neva winks and says, "groundhogs don't win Cups of Fearlessness either" Juel looks at Q... all ready to tackle that "That is the one drawback Neva", says Ruy. "And those clothes......", says Esperanza. Esperanza shudders "You can change on Earth", says Ditzy. Neva giggles at Esp "Ya never have to wear a hospital gown as a groundhog, either", says Lobo. "But then you have no money for a ship", says Esperanza. "No toe tag collections", says Von. "They will loan you some money for a ship", smiles Ruy. Esperanza says, "Well maybe" Katspurfor says, "hmmm could earn the groats for a ship over time i think" Esperanza wouldn't know where to get clothes without a ship tho "Near the earth EX there is a clothes shop", smiles Ruy. "Old market on Earth", says Qaxlor with a wink. Esperanza asks, "Really?" Ruy knows his way around SOL Katspurfor nods Esperanza will have to check that out Ditzy earned groats for a ship on Earth... Katspurfor will take esper there if she likes Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Ruy?" Esperanza grins at Kats "That's okay", says Esperanza. "boxers or briefs?", asks Neva. "Is Armstrong still in jail?", asks Esperanza. Ruy says, "um..." Katspurfor loved takng fresh groundhogs to the clothes shop on earth Katspurfor says, "no" Chiefsgirl leans forward to hear the answer to Neva's question Ruy says, "Neva, ask redspices...she still has them" "That was your only pair, Ruy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Neva winks and says, "lol, don't need to ask if Red has em" "redspice has everyones", says Paladin. Ditzy says, "Only the guys..." Snowlily grins "well, natch", says Paladin. Ruy says, "It gets expensive....You put them on, Red steals the...You put them on, Red steals them..." Esperanza humphs. How many women do you know who wear boxers anyway? Neva does... Juel says, "at least as an undergarment" "Redspice! lol", says Snowlily. "I had a few wear mine", says Lobo with a wink. Paladin wishes more did Esperanza thinks you're all wierd "Any other questions for Ruy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "We are we are", says Lobo. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience Von isn't. Von grins. Ruy smiles, "Looks like no more questions....so I am off to try to kill someone in capture the flag!" Ruy looks around Lobo puts away the photos..figuring he'd just deny them anyway... Djkat says, "Go get em, Ruy" Katspurfor says, "happy hunting" Snowstar smiles, "Good luck, Ruy.." Snowlily exclaims, "good luck, Ruy!" Esperanza wants ship outfitting lessons Juel asks, "sure to aren't to exhausted Ruy?" Qaxlor winks and says, "All ships look good in black...a nice choker..." "I'd like to thank Ruy for being my guest this week", says Chiefsgirl. Ruy smiles, "Never to exhausted to kill someone" Chiefsgirl says, "I hope you'll all join me next week... same time and same place" Djkat applauds Ditzy waves Neva claps for Ruy Snowstar claps and whistles for Ruy! Paladin applauds! Lobo applauds..."Yes, thanks for putting up with us, Ruy" Saffire applauds Chiefsgirl says, "And next week is our last Meet & Greet before the summer hiatus" "the summer hiatus?", asks Bandle. "summer hiatus?", asks Paladin. Esperanza asks, "What summer hiatus?" "When are you gonna have Snowstar as a guest again?", smiles Ruy. Chiefsgirl says, "Yes, I take the summer off" Snowstar glares at Ruy. Djkat asks, "can you get vaccinated for that? for the summer Hiatus?" Lobo asks, "Hiatus? Summer?" Bandle asks, "will there be a pro tempore host then?" Chiefsgirl says, "I could Dj, but I wouldn't want to" Esperanza pruned her hiatus just last week Snowstar winks and says, "This summer, Ruy" Djkat grins Neva asks, "good job CG, who's the guest next week?" Lobo loves the hiatus blossums though Esperanza says, "Yes, Lobo, especially the pink ones" Lobo nods Chiefsgirl says, "No fill in hosts... just a nice long summer break" Juel says, "watch those hiatus hernias they give tho" "My hiatus hasn't bloomed in years", says Qaxlor with a wink. Lobo says, "and the ones with double blossoms" Esperanza laughs "And I will have a guest next week.... they are trying to decide who will appear", says Chiefsgirl. Djkat ponders if women wear boxers to conceal their hiatus? Paladin asks, "they?" Lobo says, "and the infamous Night-Bloomin hiatus" Neva nods, will look for the announcement Chiefsgirl says, "The guest next week will be either Cen or Xyli" Esperanza wears her hiatus proudly "Hrmm..either one we can get lots of dirt on", says Lobo with a wink. "That'll get you arrested in some counties", says Qaxlor with a wink. |