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"Before we get started, let me remind everyone that starting next week the Meet and Greet and the fighting event will be swapping times - the meet and greet will start at 10pm eastern.", says Wolfyn. Flair asks, "Oooh that's odd...How come Wolfyn?" "Wow, and fights at 9?", asks Snowlily. Wolfyn winks and says, "Allows more M&G time and Sir can get his old bones to bed on time." "lol", says Kella. Flair giggles and agrees with the more time thing Wolfyn exclaims, "Tonight we'll be talking with Srgasman, and entertaining questions from the audience after our interview! Come on up, Srgasman!" Flair jumps up and cheers "Yeah now the guest can slither out after just an hour", says Snowstar with a wink. Sitting on his favorite stool Galinfenner has just arrived. Wolfyn exclaims, "A timely entrance from Galin!" Galinfenner grins sheepishly Wolfyn hands over the mike. "Hi, sorry I"M late!", exclaims Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Have I missed much?" Wolfyn smiles, "We just called Gasm up to the stage." Galinfenner says, "ah well then." Galinfenner clears his throat Galinfenner says, "Welcome everyone, tonight's guest is Srgasman as you probably already know." Srgasman waves sheepishly Galinfenner says, "Sr, welcome to Meet and Greet." "thanks Galin", says Srgasman. Galinfenner says, "My first question is pretty much always the same." "HOw did you find fed?", asks Galinfenner. Sparhawk quietly and unobtrusively hands Srgasman cards with suggested answers to common questions. "Is it when did you first fall in luv wif da 4 year old duchessE?", says Kissy with a wink. Kella gigg,les. Flair strains to see the 'suggested answers' Srgasman says, "I had just gotten back from Cuba, and had joind AOL..saw the banner..and tried it out." "How long ago was that?", asks Galinfenner. Kella nods. "bout the same time as me, then, huh? ;)" Srgasman says, "Yep A UwntMyKiss stole my heart..round 95 I guess" Kella says, "lol" Kissy blushez.... and goes back ta suckin on her lolly. Kao wonders what else Kissy sucked on SPYNET REPORT: Baron Silverkat has entered Federation DataSpace. Kissy playfgully thwackz at Kao. Kao giggles Kissy winks and says, "Only my popsiclez... OrangeSwrl" Srgasman says, "Aww she was much too involved to be bothered with lil ol me.." "So Kissy was your first love interest?", asks Galinfenner. "Kissy had many of them", says Dooeee. Kella says, "hehehe" Kissy gaspz..."Galin. I iz only 4... I ain't nevah had a love interest.... Galinfenner gets right to the interesting stuff Kissy winkz. Srgasman says, "I had lots of infactuations..no loves tho.." "Have you been in Fed this whole time? Did you at some point leave and come back?", asks Galinfenner. Srgasman says, "I was in the Navy..and got transferred to sea duty..so I left in 99 I think." "kinna hard to keep up when you're away so much.", says Srgasman. Kissy passez Galin a question. Kissy gigglez and coverz her eyez. Galinfenner asks, "When you started, was there anyone (we know about Kissy) that left an impression on you? From that time?" Srgasman says, "and when Fed abandoned me fer the web I left a short while stubborn yanno" Galinfenner nods\ Teddysea nods Chewbacon mutters. Srgasman says, "Well, I was taken to Bourbon by Asoftflame..and Kissy was there..she and Kewlness took me under their soft wings.." Galinfenner grins Dooeee grins Kissy gigglez, "Go sistahz!!' Galinfenner asks, "ahh.. Chasroll?" Srgasman winks and says, "Sedako and KammerKazi were informative..in more ways then one.." "That was a fun place.", says Galinfenner. "yep Ol Chas..", says Srgasman. Kissy sniffz and nodz. Kissy passez out kleenex to everyone else. "What do think was the best part of Fed then?", asks Galinfenner. Srgasman says, "Well I never left Bourbon..no need to party there all the time. And you actually had to learn and work to get ahead then.." Kissy noddlez. Srgasman says, "I had printed out all 3 guides to study..just to save my billfold." "ha!", exclaims Kella. Sparhawk grins. "took awhile to download guides then..2400 baud modem..", says Srgasman. Ditzy is glad she's not the only one to print out the manuals Flair eeks! Dooeee remebers those dayz Kissy gigglez and thankz her starz fer Uni! Galinfenner asks, "Heh, ouch. That would take awhile. Did you do any fighting at that speed?" Flair chuckles Kella says, "ouch...<sigh>" Galinfenner recalls trying to down satellites at 14400 "Oh yeah died a few times..You hauled in mud mostly then eh?", asks Srgasman. Galinfenner says, "hauled in mud. That's a good example." Srgasman says, "I did go to some events..Specially when they had em on Supai.." "I had a big crush on Boatkitten..", says Srgasman. Galinfenner chuckles "What drew you back to Fed?", asks Galinfenner. Srgasman says, "and Kissy hauled me around with her..she would'nt go anywhere without an escort" Kissy gigglez, "And th9nkz change??' Srgasman exclaims, "I had retired from the Navy..and settled down a bit..I remembered the addy so I said hmm, I went to the link and asked for my password..and guess what..Spinnerz was still here!" Sparhawk doubts that planets ever really stop existing, they just go deeper and deeper into storage. :) "What changes in the game are most noticeable to you? I mean now compared to back when you started?", asks Galinfenner. "too much cash floatin around..people get a Planet and don't even know how to haul yet..silver spoon syndrome I call it.", says Srgasman. Srgasman gets another beer. "DO you have a solution for that?", asks Galinfenner. Haeger nods to Srgasman Flair nods in agreement to Gasm's statement Srgasman says, "Only solution I can think of is to not allow alt's..only one character allowed." Kissy whisperz Amen under her breath. Sparhawk has no alts. :) Chewbacon doens't either. Kao smiles, "Not a good capitalist solution, though" "How would that teach people to haul and so forth?", asks Wolfyn. "it wouldn't", says Dooeee. Sparhawk smiles, "I will teach hauling." "prolly not fiscally responsible fer IB..but it would balance the game.", says Srgasman. Ditzy already knows how to haul, thanks anyway Flair nods Galinfenner grins Esperanza can haul and avoids it whenever possible Dooeee says, "fix fed back like it was in 95. all puzzles worked and it was harder to advance" Silverkat politely suggests that the silver spoon would be reduced if top players had other outlets for all those groats Kissy whisperz, 'Fastest fingahs in da game for quite a long time, dat waz uz in Bourbon. No macroz fer haulin..... Kao hasn't had to haul for 4 years....doesn't miss it Rikkytikki says, "I miss bourbon" Chewbacon winks and says, "I think Hazed said all the puzzles didn't make a boundry since everyone knew the answer to them" Sparhawk is still faster than ya Kissy. :) "Tell us about your most embarassing moment.", says Galinfenner. Srgasman says, "hehe only macro I had was to keep AOL running while I was asleeep" "You do have an embarrassing moment don't you?", asks Galinfenner. Snowstar grins and leans forward to listen to this. "he's married to snowstar, I'm sure he does", says Rikkytikki. Rikkytikki winks. Flair giggles excitedly Kella demands a maternity test on her kids. ;) Galinfenner laughs Kissy gigglez. Flair is all Gasm-Snow! Chewbacon gets out his Questions of Death. "I have a few..but not any really funny..mebbe a nightclub in Chicago once..", says Srgasman. Kissy laughz and closez her eyes. Sparhawk chuckles. Kella rubs Gasm's tummy. Kissy says, "I didn't make you dance that way... you chose to do it ;P" "What happened in the nightclub?", asks Galinfenner. Snowstar winks and says, "hehe even better...embarrass Kissy" Galinfenner asks, "heh, this isn't Guyray's Nightclub was it?" Srgasman says, "all I know is the line was blocks long and Kissy strolled right up and got us in.." Sparhawk laughs. Kissy laughz again. Silverkat sips his wine and chuckles Galinfenner asks, "How was that embarrassing?" Kissy noddlez, 'No one makez da 4 year old DuchessE stand in line.... "Imagine a Texan dancing in a Chicago club", says Chewbacon. Flair giggles quietly Kella shouts, "LOL!" Srgasman ain't mentioning the activities inside.. Snowstar giggles. Kissy says, "Galin.... let'z just say that it was really adorable... in a Fed way" Kella says, "that says a lot..." "but not quite enough.", says Galinfenner. "What sort of nightclub was it?", asks Galinfenner. Kella rollz. Sparhawk smirks. "Dance club..lotsa young people..I was prolly the oldest one there..", says Srgasman. Galinfenner grins Kella winks and says, "how old gasm?" Kissy says, "No, you weren't the olest...." Galinfenner says, "I guess that could be uncomfortable" "but everyone was buyin me beer so I liked it", says Srgasman. "There was the bouncer ;0)", says Kissy. Flair laughs! "WHat about in Fed? What was your most embarrassing moment in here?", asks Galinfenner. Srgasman exclaims, "hell Galin I can't remember,,prolly some here can tell ya!" Galinfenner looks around the audience "I suppose this is a good time to get some participation.", says Galinfenner. Flair thinks Kella raises her hand. "Anyone got any stories about Sr or questions?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Kella?" "don't look at me. I don't know da blot!!", says Dooeee with a wink. "The wOOk peein on my boots on my wedding night mebbe..", says Srgasman. "How did you get the nickname Gasm and who gave it to you? Want the whole story!", smiles Kella. Flair laughs Srgasman point to Snowstar..she did it "yes, tell me about the chewbacon peeing on your boots thing, too... lol", says Kella. Sparhawk smirks. Chewbacon wakes up rather disturbed Snowstar grins, "Guilty as charged." "What now?", asks Chewbacon. "chewie, he said you peed on his boots!", exclaims Kella. Chewbacon asks, "I did?" Chewbacon will have to look over his logs. Kella nods. "On his wedding night, no less." Srgasman winks and says, "I made her come where ever I took her I guess Kella..." "What about the time Gasm knocked Chew over the bar?", says Flair with a wink. "LOL Gasm!", exclaims Kella. Snowstar laughs!! Galinfenner asks, "Heh, who was she?" Kella winks and says, "what about the time Gasm gave birth to vampire children that Snow adopted and are still following her around to this day?" Kella demands another maternity test. "Since when is this the Adventures of Gasm and Chewy?", asks Chewbacon. Flair looks at herself, seeing no Vampiness. Srgasman says, "My lil wife o'er there Galin" Kissy laughz. Galinfenner says, "ahhh" Sparhawk laughs. "You have given birth ?", asks Galinfenner. "yes. he's given birth. lol", says Kella. Chewbacon has a question. Kella speculates it was quite painful, actually. Galinfenner says, "I could imagine" Kella giggles. Galinfenner squirms thinking about it "Kella somehow impregnated me with her and Indi's offspring..still ain't figured that out..", says Srgasman. Snowstar winks and says, "But try not to, Galin" Kella laughs outright and snuggles Gasm. Galinfenner grins Kella says, "would you like a demonstration? ;0" "", says Kella with a wink. Flair eeps and shakes her head "No, TMI", says Galinfenner. Kella says, "lol" "You people have some strange imagination", says Rikkytikki. Galinfenner gives Kella a warding sign Kao giggles "I keep em in Indi's nightstand", says Srgasman. Kella behaves and winks at Galin. Chewbacon reads on of the Questions of Death cards, "How'd you come up with the name 'Srgasman?'" Galinfenner chuckles "now, is THAT anyway to treat my children? you cad.", says Kella. Flair winks and says, "The burritos did it to him, Chewie" Kissy asks, "I have a question. HOw did you come up with the name for your planet??" Srgasman says, "I was in the Navy for a long time..I was a Senior Chief Gas turbine tech..So Sr. Gas. man. and turbines go round really fast..13k rpms ...I waited for Kissy to Duchesse..then named it with the z.." "suck up", smiles Rikkytikki. Srgasman was Kissy's first PO.. Galinfenner says, "I figured it had to have some Kissy in there somewheres." Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else have a question for Sr?" Kissy says, "I am like a virus... I iz evahwhere...." Chewbacon grabs another Question of Death card. Kissy just donnae wanna be like a mosquito and have anyone smash her Chewbacon asks, "Is there anything about Snowstar you would change, what is it?" Rikkytikki smiles, "Do you miss silly string?" Snowstar glares at Chewie! Chewbacon gave Gasm plenty of time to rehearse this 'un Galinfenner winks and says, "one at time" "more push up bras and daisy duke shorts!!", exclaims Srgasman. Kissy gigglez Flair laughs Sparhawk rofls. Chewbacon laughs. Kissy asks, "What about the thigh high bootz??" Kissy fergot where her'z went "Christmas wish list", says Snowstar with a wink. Kella says, "lol" Kao winks and says, "I got the boots" Srgasman says, "barefooted!! boots just snag the covers" Flair giggles Kella rolls laughing. Chewbacon says, "Boots cover the leg anyhoo" Sparhawk nods, boots not necessary. :) Snowstar winks and says, "Actually he dressed me shortly after we met...said the short skirts hadda go" "I'd like to say Snowstar is the one who kept me here..She took me in from sol and made me feel welcome", says Srgasman. Galinfenner asks, "What about the silly string?" "Kissy is the silly string officanado..she practices bondage with it..", says Srgasman. Flair raises an eyebrow Kissy cacklez, 'All my secretz come out tonight.' Sparhawk ponders and raises both eyebrows. Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else have a question?" Chewbacon asks, "What color socks do you wear?" Srgasman exclaims, "white o course!" "Boxers or briefs?", asks Chewbacon. Srgasman says, "both" Sparhawk asks, "What's the worst you've ever painted your ship?" Dooeee orders a hard drink in hopes someone will ask a real question Galinfenner asks, "Haeger?" Haeger asks, "You started at about the same time I did and stated that you would like fed to go back to what it was... Do you feel that it would be good for fed?" "anything to make it a game. Instead of a big chat room..we need quests and puzzles again..we need new people to fill lower ranks..and not spoon feed em..", says Srgasman. Sparhawk likes idea of new quests..... :) Galinfenner asks, "maybe spoon beat em?" Flair laughs Galinfenner says, "I didn't say that" Wyldcat chuckles Kissy perkz, 'Spoonz and ferkz??' "why not..I was", says Srgasman with a wink. Wolfyn chuckles. Galinfenner erases the log "Sporks!", exclaims Snowstar. Neka agrees with Srgasman! Haeger nods at Srgasman "All new quest, to be a PO, you must find Spar and beat him in two outa three different games.", says Sparhawk. Teddysea agrees "any one gonna ask me why I duked?", asks Srgasman. Sparhawk laughs. Galinfenner grins "Why did you duke?", asks Chewbacon. Kissy gigglez, 'Why did ya Duke, Gasie?' "heh", says Rikkytikki. Teddysea misses the poker games Snowstar exclaims, "Good question, Chewie!" "Ya dinnae like Gigglez no more?", asks Kissy. Sparhawk shrugs, he figured you just followed the drugged crowd that went Duke/Duchesse. :) Kissy sniffz. Chewbacon smiles humbly. "did'nt like Rasal spyin on me", smiles Srgasman. Sparhawk loves Gigglez. :) Kissy LOL! Sparhawk laughs. Flair laughs Chewbacon chuckles. Wolfyn rolls her eyes. "Spy, be spied... that's the game", says Chewbacon. Sparhawk doesn't get spied on, so he doesn't really need ta go Duke. He just do anything interesting enough for it. Blirish rolls her eyes Kella says, "neither do i anymore" Kissy rememberz living at JP just so she wouldn't be spied. Sparhawk laughs. Srgasman grins Ditzy has given Rasal a hot hug! Haeger sympathizes with Srgasman .. I feel the beam all the time ..lol Rasal smiles, "Keep yer beam outta my business, I'll keep mine outta yours." Blirish says, "you missed his question of why he went Duke Rasal" Sirglec chuckles. Galinfenner chuckles Srgasman snickers Neka chuckles Blirish thinks maybe he didn't Chewbacon says, "I think he heard it" Srgasman says, "not a chance" Sparhawk laughs. Rikkytikki asks, "What good is a spybeam if you don't use it to spy all the dysfunction there is in Fed?" Kella winks and says, "rasal was spying me." Blirish laughs at Rikky Kao has lots of beam burn cream Blirish grins at Kao Galinfenner exclaims, "OK, unless anyone has a burning question, we are going to wrap up!" Galinfenner looks around the room for flaming eyes Kao burns the question Dooeee better to duke then ask to be put on fed staff, just so you can't be spied. Ditzy hides her eyes Sparhawk shrugs, he's flaming, but only 'cause he's in a kilt. :) Ford hands Galin some wrapping paper. Kella says, "congrats on the hot seat, sweetie" Pppme applaudes Gasman Sirglec hands Galin the Scotch tape. Galinfenner says, "Thanks everyone for coming tnight" Srgasman grins "Thanks Sir,", smiles Galinfenner. "Listen everyone...", says Galinfenner. Snowstar cheers and stomps her feet for Gasm! "thanks fer having me Galin, Wolfyn!", exclaims Srgasman. Galinfenner says, "NExt week we start a new time... Meet and Greet will be at 10pm eastern" Kao applauds gasm Galinfenner exclaims, "instead of 9pm!" Sparhawk says,"Been fun Duke Gas Man sir." He then bows. Ditzy grins Kissy applaudz. "Bravo.' Chewbacon says, "Past my bedtime" Galinfenner says, "'And our special guest next week will be Kao" "Woohoo!", exclaims Snowstar. Galinfenner smiles, "Giving us the now traditional Fed Halloween story" Dooeee will be here for sure Chewbacon applauds Gasm. Pppme smiles, "O cool" Kissy laughz softly Ditzy cheers for Kao "Oh man. I fergot about the great pumpkin... I remember gettin something from him in fed.", says Kissy. "I remember Santa is a pervert", says Rikkytikki. Galinfenner exclaims, "THanks again everyone!" Kissy laughz. "We would expect anything less in Fed? |