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"Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl glances at her notes Chiefsgirl says, "I'm please tonight to introduce Wrkincaid, Duke of Aura, as our guest tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "He'll tell us about himself and answer questions" "Please make Will feel welcome", says Chiefsgirl. Redspice applauds Wrkincaid.... Rere cheers and applauds wildly for Will! Myangel winks at her Will Sirglec applauds and jeers Will. Saffire applauds Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and plops down on her barstool Wrkincaid sets up his anti-rotten-tomato shield Ford exclaims, "Will, remember it is past this old man's bedtime. Make this good!" "Don't think that'll help the whippy blasts much Will", says Rere with a wink. Jediknightq winks and says, "Well, there's good cause to flee" Wrkincaid smiles, "Evening Everyone.. glad you could make it" Sirglec opens his notebook and flips through several pages. "I started fed with this character.. it's an original long term playing char.", says Wrkincaid. Wrkincaid says, "I began in May of 1996 .. when aol was still charging by the hour" Ford reviews all the roasting questions Angel gave him. Jordy wonders if they're the same as her notes from Angel Chiefsgirl giggles Myangel giggles at you all Wrkincaid says, "I saw an advertisement on the aol main screen for Aol's most favorite game as rated by players" Wrkincaid says, "So i ventured out to try it" Sirglec chuckles. "Same ad that got me. ;) Rere winks and says, "me too" "not me", smiles Jordy. "I was overwhelmed right away by all the scroll.. mostly that silly chime", says Wrkincaid. Ford says, "I was just surfing for games." "I logged out and downloaded the game manual and spent a weekend going through the pages", says Wrkincaid. Sirglec winks and says, "Ahhhh... the technical player." Wrkincaid says, "I still have that someplace.. in a 3 ring binder" Rere gasps...you read the manual? Redspice smiles... Wrkincaid nods "What manual?", asks Jediknightq. "the good old newbod's guide :) I still have my original one too", smiles illasi. Chiefsgirl is impressed that it got it's own binder "I spent the next few months (yes not days) working my way up to Merchant", says Wrkincaid. "Fed has a manual?", asks Ford. Jediknightq grins innocently Sirglec looks at JediQ. "That's what got you in trouble." "Being new to online games.. I did not really master the communications very quickly.. buying factories was my first lesson in talking to the other players", says Wrkincaid. Ford hands Will another Aurian ale in hopes of gaining loose lips. "He's immune.", says Sirglec with a wink. Wrkincaid says, "I had factories in several places.. on Stadium, Smile, Pub, Bourbon to name a few" Sirglec winks and says, "No wonder it took him months to make Merchie... he didn't know how to ask for a PC." Wrkincaid says, "actually i didn't have to.. i just listened" Djkat says, "Bourbon ... that brings back memories" "I was working on the JP puzz with folks like Dooeee", says Wrkincaid. "Just around the time that.. it was no longer a requirement.. and I was able to advance without solving it", says Wrkincaid. Kao asks, "You never passed the Snark?" Wrkincaid says, "I worked my way through Gm and up to explorer" Neva chuckles, remembers WR from channel 5 Wrkincaid says, "I was working on getting rid of my last two bays of pharms.. to buy a planet. when i accidentally DD'd" Sirglec cringes. "eeps!", exclaims Cillasi. "oops", says Kao. "Ouch", says Rere with a frown. Ford says, "Ughhhhh" Von says, "Ack" Redspice blinks...oh geeze... "How'd you do that Will?", asks Rere. Sallyanne says, "Ouch ..." "I was pretty much in shock.. wasn't sure if i wanted to do that again", says Wrkincaid. "heh...I wonder why?", asks Cillasi. "I went to the planet Pyramid to sell my pharms.. the link to orbit was a trick.. any move except the right one.. killed you", says Wrkincaid. "ouch...dd planet", says Rere with a frown. Wrkincaid says, "once in the hospital.. not believing i was dead.. i got in my ship to leave.. and.. hehe.. orbit to link was a trick also" Chiefsgirl says, "oh my" Kao says, "Ouch" Sirglec winks and says, "Sell ship.... travel." Wrkincaid says, "anyhow.. had to start all over again" Sallyanne shudders at the thought. "I got back to commander pretty quick.. and just so happens.. I had loaned someone 2 megs to buy a ship.. not an hour before", says Wrkincaid. Chiefsgirl doesn't know if she would start all over Wrkincaid says, "that person gave me back 1 meg of that.. and I paid off my ship.. got a new one and started hauling" Redspice smiles... "Guess that was before IB made it so you can't give groats to commanders", says Kao with a wink. "I worked back up to Merchant in a reasonable time frame..", says Wrkincaid. Wrkincaid says, "yes Kao" Jediknightq remembers those days "The an intresting thing happened", says Wrkincaid. "when I bought my company .. I had 12 factories already up and working", says Wrkincaid. Von says, "Hmmmm...." "I had not sold them before I dd'd", says Wrkincaid. Rere looks confused "interesting fed bugs", smiles Neva. Snowstar scratches her head with a puzzled look on her face.. Cillasi smiles, "wow...nice bonus" Sallyanne laughs! Wrkincaid says, "at that time.. the rules for Merchant and JP had changed.. I went through those each in one cycle" Redspice says, "guess you can leave but your factories stay there til you come back..." "really", smiles Miasmiccloud. "get out... really?", asks Rere. "seems natural...", says Redspice. "I got a loan from MMoff29364 to get the last of my stats", says Wrkincaid. "and yes it was a loan.. i paid it back", says Wrkincaid. Redspice smiles.. Wrkincaid says, "I finally got my planet.. January of 1997" Rere cheers Wrkincaid says, "I was invited to place my planet in Backdraft" "I have records of my first exchange, and advice from Duke Aldva on how to set up the production points", says Wrkincaid. "priceless stuff Will", smiles Rere. Ford says, "Backdraft huh? No wonder that Aurian ale cooks off so fast." Neva says, "Dukes were God" Wrkincaid says, "Somewhere around this time.. I found a wonderful woman named Rachelsys .. she became my first wife" Wrkincaid says, "The guys threw me an intresting bachelor party.. logs i think may still be floating around in fedspace" Rere perks "Rachel had to leave fed for financial reasons not long after the wedding", says Wrkincaid. Wrkincaid says, "I worked on my planet.. building and building.. took 4 months to make Thane" Wrkincaid says, "My mining ex was a lot better than my agri" Rere exclaims, "wait...wait...I want details of the bachelor party!" Wrkincaid claims memory loss ;) Cillasi thwaps Rere...shush you :) Von winks, "Me too" Snowstar pools her groats with Rere's to acquire said logs of this bachelor party. "Re, filf at 11.", says Ford. Redspice chuckles Rere giggles "film too", says Ford. "Filth at 11?", says Snowstar with a wink. Neva giggles "About this time.. MMoff29364 (later known as Flee) was working on the duke puzz", says Wrkincaid. "Snow, that too dear", says Ford with a wink. Wrkincaid asks, "what are you going to do at 11 Snow??" Miasmiccloud grins at snow Snowstar smiles, watching the clock. "well.. nevermind", smiles Wrkincaid. "I helped MM do the duke puzz.. went on a few trips to Horsell and made lots of notes", says Wrkincaid. "I was one of the first planets in his new duchy", says Wrkincaid. "I stayed in Stadium.. until I went duke myself", says Wrkincaid. Wrkincaid says, "I was a new Baron at the time when fed moved to the web" "I lost contact with the game for a few weeks", says Wrkincaid. "someone gave me the link to the ib site.. and I ventured back to fed", says Wrkincaid. Wrkincaid says, "I stopped working on the planet so much.. and started socializing" Wrkincaid says, "I got to know several of the players.. recruited planets for Stadium" Wrkincaid says, "generally had a fun time.. Hosted parties on Aura.. for those of you who remember" "for those of you who don't.. hehe.. too bad", says Wrkincaid. Unomee hmms.. all those parties are kinda blurred together Wrkincaid says, "Somewhere during that time.. Flee decided to join the newly formed DHL" "One of the first events I attended .. was a tttt party on LadyEm's planet", says Wrkincaid. Unomee remembers the DHL Jordy misses LadyEm Wrkincaid asks, "what was it called.. kathadin ?" Myangel nods "something like that..", says Wrkincaid. "that is where I met the most amazing person", says Wrkincaid. Sallyanne winks and says, "YEs, it was Kathadin." Jordy awwws and blushes "Oh wait, he's talking bout Angel?", asks Jordy. Jordy giggles "I met Myangel.. yes. hehe", says Wrkincaid. Kao remembers the DHL too Wrkincaid says, "I remember that time.. we danced (and I don't dance often)" Sirglec tries to imagine Will dancing. Myangel remembers it well ;) Wrkincaid says, "After that day.. we spen some time solving puzzles and exploring planets" Wrkincaid says, "and getting to know each other a bit better" "exploring planets...uh huh", says Rere with a wink. Wrkincaid says, "It was during that year.. we formed WINGS" "I was re-introduced to her Father,Duke Aldva", says Wrkincaid. Myangel giggles. Wrkincaid says, "grilled.. roasted.. boiled.. toasted.. and then finally.. Married to Angel" Von smiles. Wolfyn chuckles. Rere cheers again "and I am proud to say. I am very happy", smiles Wrkincaid. "they wanted him to feel welcome", says Myangel with a wink. Redspice chuckles... Wrkincaid says, "Wings developed and grew into the association it is today" Rere whispers to Angel...not feathered? Wrkincaid smiles, ".. I guess I am ready for the questions now" Redspice whispers to Rere...tarred and feathered... "Wings.. the duchy that really knows how to party in Chicago", smiles Unomee. "well not duchy but ya know what i mean", says Unomee. Ford exclaims, "And I'm here to say Wings has low standards. I mean look, they accepted me!" Jordy exclaims, "and me!" Wolfyn agrees with Ford. Wrkincaid wakes up CG "Oh, I'm not sleeping", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone have questions for Will?" Chiefsgirl was waiting for folks to just shout out questions Wolfyn says, "Will..." "We were waiting for the green light for the Hostess", says Jordy with a wink. "What is WINGS?", asks Wolfyn. Wolfyn grins. "Will, tell us the orgins of Wings.", says Ford. Wrkincaid says, "Wings is an association of friends and players with similar ideas" Snowstar hopes he means origins ;) Jordy pulls out a picture of Will and hides it til the right time Wrkincaid says, "Wings is not and never has been a trading alliance" Ford asks, "Can you tell me how you attracted my Duke, Danmathman?" "What are the ideas they share?", asks Chiefsgirl. "You'll have to ask Angel that one Ford", says Wrkincaid. Unomee winks and says, "well see it was like this.. angel and will talked us both into going to chicago and they set us up.. we have been madly in love ever since" Wolfyn thinks Angel attracted quite a bit of attention! Wrkincaid chuckles softly Myangel blushes. Unomee grins at will and angel "I did say she was a most amazing woman.. didn't I", says Wrkincaid. Ford exclaims, "BTW, I may hold the rank of Duke, but Dan is still my Duke!" "And you're a lucky thing, Will.", smiles Wolfyn. Jordy needs to go to Chicago then Unomee winks and says, "hes mine more than yours ford" Ford smiles, "Uno. yes dear" Chiefsgirl asks, "more questions for Will?" "we share a great number of ideas Cg.. for those of you intrested.. see our website for more information Http://w3.one.net/~wkincaid/", says Wrkincaid. "what's the square root of 592857633412 Will?", says Jediknightq with a wink. "You think you and Angel can set me up with someone I can be deeply madly in love with too, Will?", smiles Jordy. Rere raises her hand Sirglec asks, "Rasal?" Rere winks and says, "No, not for the square root" Jordy perks Wrkincaid winks and says, "I don't know Jedi" Jordy asks, "Ras? Where?" Rere asks, "Can you tell us your most embarrassing moment in all your time in Fed Will?" Sirglec winks and says, "The one you can be deeply madly in love with." "Will, what was your madien name?", asks Ford. "Hmm.. well.. it was probably one of those times.. when", says Wrkincaid. Jordy winks and says, "In fed, yes... I am madly, deeply in love with Ras" "I was spying someone and responded to a person who sent them a TB", says Wrkincaid. "Will...CG talked about growing up in Backdraft a few weeks ago during her M&G. Are you and her related in any way?", asks Snowstar. Wrkincaid says, "I would imagine I'm related to Everyone in fed.. one way or another" Wrkincaid says, "I had left backdraft by the time CG went there I think" "Are you my mommy?", asks Jordy. Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl says, "You were gone when I arrived" Ford exclaims, "UncleMom!" Chiefsgirl doesn't have many relatives around "I remember when Al made duke", says Wrkincaid. Jediknightq doesnt think he's related to Will... Wrkincaid says, "I had factories on Legacy, MysticDawn's planet" Jordy has a few relatives left Neva is an ex-relative of Will :::blush::: Wolfyn just has relations. Sirglec winks and says, "Jordy has multiple spouses left." Chiefsgirl laughs Jordy giggles "yup i am one of em", says Unomee with a wink. "yeah, first spouse says we never officially Fed divorced, so that makes me a polygamist", says Jordy with a wink. "I was in backdraft when dawn went duchess", says Wrkincaid. "Yep, Uno is me wifey", smiles Jordy. "Any other questions for Will?", asks Chiefsgirl. "7!", exclaims Rere. Von exclaims, "A dozen!!" "Will still hasn't answered my question yet", says Jordy. Wrkincaid says, "I'm not your mommy Jordy" Jordy pouts and sniffles "Will ... have you experienced Fed through any interesting Alts?", asks Djkat. "all my alts are intresting", says Wrkincaid with a wink. Unomee says, "will, tell us the name of your most interesting alt" "awww Uno.. this is MY meet and greet", says Wrkincaid. Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl asks, "more questions for Will?" Jordy slides the picture to Angel "thank you all for comming", smiles Wrkincaid. Rere asks, "Will, what about your funniest Fed moment?" Jordy whispers to her "Ask him about that dress." Redspice stands and applauds Wrkincaid ... Wrkincaid says, "Hard to say Rere..I have had several moments that rocked my off my chair in tears and fits of laughter" "Any one you care to share?", asks Rere. Jordy would have to say Wolfy and Sir's wedding would have to be one of the funniest Sirglec glares at Jordy! Unomee says, "oh i wish i could have been there" "hehe.. I was one of the first.. that Redspice used for her boxer theft ring", says Wrkincaid. Wolfyn blinks! Jordy giggles "Just because he was naked and a duchess.", says Sirglec with a wink. "Exactly!", exclaims Jordy. Redspice laughs.... "I was thunked by Horton", says Wrkincaid. "That's unusal", says Genike. Jordy giggles Rere giggles "that is true...very true...good boxers too!", says Redspice with a wink. Sallyanne giggles. Jordy shows everyone the picture of Will in his Bridesmaid gown, all Duchess like Jediknightq flashes his boxers to Red and runs and hides Redspice smiles... Rere hehehes Unomee oooohs and ahhhhs Redspice chuckles... Wrkincaid smiles, "I have had the pleasure of knowing a lot of good people.. I enjoy playing this game.. I hope it continues for a long time" Unomee likes to wear boxers sometimes "Jedi the flasher??", says Redspice with a wink. Jordy whispers to UnoWifey "See the open flap in the back there?" Unomee says, "only the silky ones tho" Chiefsgirl says, "I want to thank Will once again for being our guest tonight and thank you all for coming" Miasmiccloud lol Wolfyn cheers! Rere stands and cheers Will! Neva claps for Will Chiefsgirl says, "Please join me next week when Dgallagher will be my guest" Sirglec applauds the Duke! Djkat stands and applauds Redspice applauds... Snowstar claps and cheers for Will! Myangel beams and blows a kiss to her Will Miasmiccloud applauds for will Ruy cheers Jordy yays and cheers Will Unomee exclaims, "Dg?? cool!!!" "Oooo Dg!", exclaims Rere. Sirglec exclaims, "Ooooohhh... Dg! Cool!!!!!!!!!!" |