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Galinfenner asks, "should I advertise you think?" Wolfyn says, "I have been, and will again in a minute." Wolfyn says, "They're almost done with the championship round." Cptmartin asks, "Do you have a copy of the Fed Bill of Rights, Galin?" "I've never seen nor heard of such a thing", says Galinfenner. Cptmartin frowns... "And when I thought there was still hope...", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner chuckles "Done!", exclaims Wolfyn. Wolfyn puts in extra hot bulbs in the spotlights. Galinfenner puts on his sunglasses Cptmartin snifs..."What's that smell?" Gigawatts puts on tanning lotion. "Roast guest.", says Wolfyn. "Aah...that's what I thought.", says Cptmartin. Wolfyn waves hello. Wolfyn ducks as another light bulb blows. Urissa jumps! Galinfenner clears his throat Galinfenner says, "Welcome to Meet and Greet everyone" "Thanks for coming, our guest tonight is Cptmartin", says Galinfenner. Cptmartin bows Wolfyn screws in a bright bulb and turns the spot on Cptmartin. Cptmartin squints Galinfenner smiles, "Cpt welcome" Galinfenner looks at Cpt "Thank you", smiles Cptmartin. Galinfenner asks, "HOw did you find Fed?" Cptmartin says, "I got sucked in to Fed like a moth to one of these ultra-hot spotlights like hundreds of others during the AOL days" Galinfenner grins Cptmartin says, "Back around '96 or so" Galinfenner says, "very good analogy" Chamberlain chuckles Wolfyn hears Cpt go zzzzt. Galinfenner asks, "before AoL went unlimited?" Cptmartin says, "Yes, very much so..." Galinfenner asks, "Were you playing the same name then?" Cptmartin says, "Yup, always have and will be Cptmartin" "I suppose I'm unoriginal like that", says Cptmartin. Urissa applauds Galinfenner asks, "Do you remember anyone helping you back then?" "Well, at least your consistent", says Galinfenner. Cptmartin says, "The person who helped me out quite a bit in the beginnings was KITJ99..." Galinfenner nods and listens Cptmartin says, "I was a bit impatient, though, on the whole loan thing" Galinfenner smiles "I paid about half of it off, then decided that the price on Monty was much more lucrative, and so I went and slapped a mag gun on the ol' harrier", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner chuckles Chamberlain winks and says, "Oh, I'll bet that worked" Cptmartin says, "And promptly got a one way ticket to the hospital" Galinfenner nods and grins Galinfenner asks, "Who were some of your friends back then?" Cptmartin says, "Not quite having learned my lesson, I hung out next to the IL, and took pot-shots at whoever passed by" "really? Rofl", says Galinfenner. "The evil side of Cptmartin.", says Wolfyn. Cptmartin says, "One guy got a bit peeved (I think I might've actually hit him) and demanded 25,000ig for repairs" Galinfenner asks, "Did you oblige?" Wolfyn exclaims, "Did you have that much!" Cptmartin says, "I was a bit scared, since he was a merchie or something, but then I decided with 300+ people online, it would be easy to get lost in the shuffle" "Heck no, I didn't have that much", says Cptmartin. "So, I DD'd, and started from scratch", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner asks, "that's funny. Did the guy go after you?" Urissa laughs at the demand Galinfenner rolls "Nope", says Cptmartin. Wolfyn laughs. Galinfenner asks, "with the same name?" "Yup", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner ponders the IQ of his guest Cptmartin laughs Malikmalik chuckles "Did you get more help from your friends?", asks Galinfenner. "Hey, I'm still here, no scars...", says Cptmartin. Kella chuckles. Galinfenner laughs "This time, someone actually was kind enough to pay off my loan", says Cptmartin. "That was a long time ago then", says Galinfenner with a wink. "And I started making my way up the ranks", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner nod "I hung out a lot in da Cantina, being a self-appointed snert basher", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner asks, "Did you get to bash quite a bit there?" Cptmartin says, "Well, of course" Devor shakes his fist at the snerts Faolan chuckles Kella laughs... "Snert..."" Galinfenner says, "I remember there being quite a few" Galinfenner asks, "Do you remember any in particular?" Wolfyn asks, "Were you one of them, Cpt?" Wolfyn ducks. "Can I have money? Can I have a fac? They're like the seagulls in Finding Nemo", says Cptmartin. Urissa giggles Kella has never seen that movie... Kella laughs anyway Cptmartin would glare at Wolfyn if his eyes weren't already squinting because of the lights Gigawatts says, "mine mine mine mine" Cptmartin says, "Anyways..." "No, I don't remember any particular snerts", says Cptmartin. "Names, anyways...there were heaps of them", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner says, "That is probably just as well" Galinfenner asks, "How about your friends?" "I held NickDan141 in very high esteem, being a private investigator type, since I have always had a secret ambition to be a PI", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner nods Cptmartin says, "I think I TB'd him once, but being only an adventurer or trader, he didn't give me much notice" Galinfenner nods Cptmartin says, "So, I decided that I'd start up my own PI business" "Didyou get any clients?", asks Galinfenner. Shel smiles at Cpt "I bought my first spybeam at trader", says Cptmartin. "You must have been a poor person with a lot of grand ideas.", smiles Wolfyn. Cptmartin says, "Since there were plenty of poor people to spy on back then" Cptmartin says, "And advertized my business" "Somehow, I attracted the attention of Pachy1", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner grins Wolfyn exclaims, "Heppalump!" Wolfyn asks, "Heffalump?" "woozles?", asks Devor. Galinfenner asks, "Did Pachy need some investigating?" Cptmartin grins Galinfenner asks, "humps mixed up or something?" "Well...you know how these things are", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner smirks Wolfyn winks and says, "Pachy1 would have been a full time investigation in her own right." "One thing led to another...first an office on her planet, then 12 arts facs, then a ring on her finger...", says Cptmartin. Malikmalik doesnt know Galinfenner laughs "Oh my.", says Wolfyn. "It all happened so fast", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner says, "Wow" "how long were you married?", asks Galinfenner. "My friend JonNoe and I set up our PI/mercenary business on Pachyderms, and the arts brought in the income to repair the TLs and engines", says Cptmartin. "I'll get to that...", says Cptmartin. Cptmartin says, "Things were going well, we were happy" Galinfenner nods Cptmartin says, "But then, one late night in da Cantina, one of those horrendous snerts showed up" "And started viciously hitting on a poor damsel in distress", says Cptmartin. Cptmartin says, "Being the true gentleman that I am, I could not stand by and let this occur, so I slapped him silly and sent him home to mamma" "did he go?", asks Galinfenner. "He went", says Cptmartin. Cptmartin says, "Leaving said damsel and I alone" "Ut oh.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner grins "Name names.", says Wolfyn. "Heed my words, gentlemen, the damsel in distress is irresistable...there is no resisting her charms", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner nods and agrees "Once again, one thing led to another, and I fell for one Breezie000", says Cptmartin. Gigawatts gasp. Cptmartin says, "Pachy was less than thrilled" Paladin exclaims, "ya thnk?!" "And I found myself a fac-less merchie", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner says, "Can't imagine why" Galinfenner chuckles Cptmartin sighs "I thought that I had found true love", says Cptmartin. Maximuszan thinks, 'ah, this is the part where she takes his kidney and his money' Galinfenner asks, "So how did it go with Breezy?" Rasal pats Cpt on the back, "That doesn't happen till damsel 3 or 4. Cptmartin chuckles "double dump?", asks Paladin. Cptmartin says, "Breezie and I were a very good thing for quite a while" Galinfenner nods "Pachy fortunately didn't send out the death squad on me, and I managed to get some more facs elsewhere, but I can't remember where", says Cptmartin. "But as fate would have it, Breezie and I were not meant to be, and that lead to my first departing from Fed", says Cptmartin. Kariscats is somehow reminded of gone with the wind err breezie Wolfyn says, "Oh my." Galinfenner asks, "what happened ?" Wolfyn turns the music to the second verse. Cptmartin says, "We both learned an important lesson about mixing fed-life and real life..no, there were no police involved, but we'll just leave it at that" Paladin exclaims, "doh!" Galinfenner says, "I see" Devor says, "actually i think i saw that episode of cops" Cptmartin glares at Devor despite the spotlights Galinfenner laughs "So, when did you come back?", asks Galinfenner. Paladin says, "I think I saw that episode at the local catholic church" Cptmartin laughs Cptmartin says, "I came back in fall of '98 on WebFed" Galinfenner nods "I think that was when you had to buy credits?", asks Cptmartin. Wolfyn nods. "Yeah, that was no fun", says Cptmartin. Wolfyn asks, "Was that the first time you made it to planet owner?" Galinfenner asks, "So, was this time when you got a planet?" Cptmartin says, "But once an addict, always an addict, and on my measly Air Force cadet paycheck, I continued to play" Galinfenner grins at Woflyn "Yes, it was...right after Fed went flat rate", says Cptmartin. Wolfyn drools at Galineffer. Galinfenner chuckles "And this planet was... ?", asks Wolfyn. Cptmartin says, "I became the proud owner of Academy" Wolfyn salutes. Cptmartin says, "Based upon the USAF Academy, since that's where I was at the time" "So, I hear you had had a guy that insisted you made locations that could not be teleported out of?", asks Galinfenner. "ah, so you used the game as an escape then?", asks Devor. Cptmartin laughs Wolfyn whispers, "Academy was 'special'" Cptmartin says, "Not at first" "Academy was pretty cool, it was based on the real USAFA...I used a campus map to set it up", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner nods Cptmartin says, "Not that anyone ever visited, though..." Wolfyn asks, "But what about your design trick?" Cptmartin says, "Be patient, Wolfyn, I'm about to talk about you" Galinfenner chuckles Devor grins Wolfyn acks. "Yes, it was during this time that I met the one and only Wolfyn", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner nods Devor says, "not good to be mean to us when YOU are in the seat with the electrodes attached to it" Cptmartin says, "And she helped me out royally, first by hooking me up with facs in Trout" Galinfenner nods Cptmartin says, "And then by welcomin Academy into Caddo" Cptmartin says, "Things were doing well, I was doing builds" "I thought I stole you from Conch.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Cptmartin says, "Oo...right" Cptmartin says, "Sorry" Galinfenner asks, "who was the owner of Conch?" Cptmartin says, "Bigs" "Bigshell himself", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner says, "ahh" Cptmartin says, "Indeed, at one time I was voted 'cute rear' of Conch" Galinfenner asks, "YOu have a trophy?" Wolfyn cheers and checks Cpt out. "Aye, it's on display...somewhere...", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner chuckles Wolfyn says, "Probably attached on your rear still." Galinfenner notes the women waiting for directions Cptmartin says, "So, one day whilst minding my own business, my Duchess Wolfyn came to me with a warning about the Onyxians going on a rampage..." "And that Caddo was being targeted, and to therefore take heed", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner onds "I suppose this is the part that everyone is waiting for, eh?", asks Cptmartin. Galinfenner nods even Galinfenner says, "I'm not sure" Galinfenner hasn't heard this story "So, I hopped into the workbench, and set up Academy to prepare for an exchange attack...simply following what the real USAFA would do if a terrorist attack was imminent", says Cptmartin. Cptmartin says, "There were warnings everywhere" Cptmartin says, "But indeed, there were defensive fighting positions dug in all over the place, and a couple of grenades just laying around waiting to be dropped" Galinfenner laughs Devor laughs as well Cptmartin says, "Mind you, as I said before, there were warnings everywhere" "Homeland Security", says Wolfyn. Cptmartin says, "That's right" "Defcon Delta", says Cptmartin. "don't say Homeland..I feel like I am in Germany or something", says Paladin. Wolfyn chuckles. "Yes, the whole planet was teleport shielded, I believe", says Cptmartin. "lol", says Paladin. "And the hospital was actually a POW cell", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner chuckle Galinfenner asks, "So, what happened?" "But I believe that you could buy insurance there", says Cptmartin. "damn insurance salesmen are everywhere", says Devor. "And there was a 50/50 chance you'd make it out alive", says Cptmartin. Cptmartin says, "But one unfortunate day, when a scout from said Onyxians was wandering around in an unauthorized area, she stumbled into the field of fire of one of the defensive fighting positions" "And found herself in a POW cell", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner grins Cptmartin says, "Rather than sell her ship and travel out, she decided to flip a coin, and lost" Devor gets rowdy at the mention of captured Onyxians Galinfenner says, "that was silly" "And count one Onyxian DD", says Cptmartin. Cptmartin says, "Aye, that it was" "But isn't all fair in love and war?", asks Cptmartin. Galinfenner winks and says, "supposedly" Cptmartin grins Wolfyn says, "Er, as long as you don't pull out fingernails." Devor says, "only if you have a slanted sense of ethics" "Tell us about Prohibition, your current planet", says Galinfenner. Rasal makes like MacArthur and shall return. Rasal has just left. "do you live in the early twentieth century and designed it after that?", asks Devor. "Prohibition is a fall back to the good ol' days, when I wanted to be a private investigator...", says Cptmartin. "Is it really dry? Would a bar crawl fail?", asks Wolfyn. Cptmartin says, "Most of the pulp PI novels are set back in the 20s, and I'd like to pattern it after that" Cptmartin says, "Well, there is one restauraunt right now - Joe's Diner, but he sells it under the table (shh)" Devor says, "are you kidding, prohibition? should be alcohol everywhere" Galinfenner chuckles Wolfyn won't tell. "sounds interesting", says Galinfenner. Shel giggles Cptmartin says, "There might be a puzzle in the future to get you the password to the speakeasy" Galinfenner grins Cptmartin says, "Don't worry, Dev, I'm not against the brew" Cptmartin has bought you a pint of Guinness! Shel sips her Guinness Galinfenner asks, "So Cpt, you have any most embarrassing moments?" Devor shows shel how you really drink a Guinness Cptmartin says, "Embarrassing moments...hmm..." Cptmartin says, "Now, after my previously mentioned episode with Breezie, I have sworn to singleness for my term in Fed...but I still am a sucker for a damsel in distress" Wolfyn chuckles. Galinfenner grins Cptmartin says, "So one evening, a call came out over 9 that Jaidiah was stuck in the caves on Venus and needed a hand" "She had forgotten to buy a lamp", says Cptmartin. "I hopped on over, and led her out, and got into a conversation with her", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner nods "And? And?", asks Wolfyn. "So, there I was, supposedly innocently having a conversation, when Shel teleports in...", says Cptmartin. Cptmartin says, "Gives me a full-on snog..." Cptmartin says, "And teleports out..." Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "How'd that go over?" Shel snickers "Quicker than I can say, 'Whaaa?'", says Cptmartin. Cptmartin says, "Well, seems that Jaidiah was looking for a bit more than rescuing..." Galinfenner nods Devor says, "ah, she knew she didn't have a lamp" "And it took quite a bit of backpedaling to get me out of that situation", says Cptmartin. "uh huh.", says Galinfenner. "Does anyone have a question for Cpt?", asks Galinfenner. "I try to keep myself out of 'potentially compromising' situations", says Cptmartin with a wink. Shel raises her hand Cptmartin asks, "Shel?" Galinfenner asks, "yes, Shel?" "Did you enjoy that snog?", asks Shel. Shel has given Cptmartin a warm tickle! Cptmartin blushes Galinfenner chuckles Cptmartin says, "Well...erm...I suppose I can't say no" Wolfyn laughs. Shel grins "well, you could, but we'd know you were lying", says Paladin. Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else?" Cptmartin says, "I'm a bad liar" Devor doesn't have a good question but he is interested "Do you have a bad one, Dev?", asks Cptmartin. "why did you choose that mood? i like philosophy also", says Devor. "its just boring is all", says Devor. "my question not your mood", says Devor. Cptmartin says, "I like to think, particularly about the politics of Fed...I think it's an interesting societal setup, particularly the topheaviness of it right now" Galinfenner nods Devor nods Cptmartin says, "Everyone is a superhero, everyone's a Cap'n Kirk...to steal a line from a great 80s song." Devor says, "i told Tis she should look into reductions but no...." Galinfenner chuckles Paladin covers up his space armor, enbarrassed "But money, planets, and power is not enough...what people really want is recognition from their peers", says Cptmartin. Kella nods at that. Cptmartin says, "And for the most part, people are holed up in their little planetary shells waiting for people to come over" Cptmartin says, "Or sleeping" Devor asks, "so do you feel lucky getting to do a meet n greet then?" Galinfenner nods Faolan uncovers Paladins space armor "I do feel very lucky", says Cptmartin. Galinfenner smiles Cptmartin chuckles Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else have a question?" "I do", says Maximuszan. "Max?", asks Cptmartin. "Whats the title of the '80's song you quoted earlier, Cpt? ;-)", says Maximuszan. "99 Red Balloons?", asks Cptmartin. Maximuszan smiles, "Thank you!!!" Galinfenner grins Wirebreak says, "I thought it was 99 Luft Balloons" Chamberlain smiles, "By Nana." "it is", says Kella. Paladin says, "a german version, and an american version" Devor says, "i just saw that advertised on the Best of Music tv order soundtrack" "Well, depends on whether or not you know German", says Cptmartin. Chamberlain says, "There's a german and an english version." Galinfenner nods "its 99 Luft Balloons", says Wirebreak. Devor asks, "yeah that girl sings it?" Devor says, "sorta catchy but i never knew what any of them said" Galinfenner smiles, "Cptmartin, thanks for coming tonight" Maximuszan applauds "Anyone else? I think I'm getting off pretty easy...", says Cptmartin. Urissa applauds Chamberlain applauds Galinfenner asks, "Do you have any parting words?" Moonus applauds Devor claps Wolfyn has given Cptmartin a friendly tickle! Kella applauds. :) "ermm, did you kill jimmy hoffa!?!?", asks Devor. "Remember to get your pets spayed or neutered?", asks Cptmartin. Faolan growls Galinfenner grins Cptmartin looks around nervously.. Galinfenner says, "Thanks everyone for coming out." Urissa grins Wolfyn smiles, "Thanks, Cpt." Chamberlain chuckles "Next Meet and Greet will be in two weeks", says Galinfenner. Gigawatts cheers for the host and the guest. Devor cheers Galinfenner smiles, "Our guest will be Fishsticks" Kella cheers. Devor cheers again "HOWLS!!!", shouts Faolan. Cptmartin says, "I do not know anything about the construction of the Detroit overpass and possible building materials..." Cptmartin smiles, "Thanks for coming, all" Wolfyn smiles, "Night everyone." Galinfenner waves |