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The one the evil the Galinfenner has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Galinfenner chokes Galinfenner exclaims, "Look at this mess!" "Cen did it.", says Priscilla. Jamel says, "hmmm" Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "I wonder how far away the cleaner is?" "why is all that crap here", says Jamel. "Cen did it.", says Priscilla. Priscilla says, "Again, Cen did it." Galinfenner chuckles Cen did it! Priscilla has just gone north. Cen did it! Priscilla has just arrived. Cen has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "See? Proof.", says Priscilla. Priscilla is GUILTY Cen has just vanished. "Why does he insist on flirting?", asks Priscilla. The cleaner has just arrived. The cleaner has picked up the beaker, the calendar, the chart, the diamond, the kalindra, the klystron, the oscilloscope, the photograph, the sargeur, and the syringe. The cleaner has just left. "nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!", exclaims Priscilla. Priscilla says, "Uh, Cen did it." "Well deserved.", says Embrionic with a wink. "see the cleaner was following cen right here", says Jamel. "must of led cleaner here", says Jamel. Redspice looks at Emb and notices his knees are knocking... Embrionic does a crazy foot dance, ala Michael Jackson, but not nearly as good. Embrionic slaps himself but overdoes it and falls on the floor. Embrionic takes THE seat. Galinfenner says, "Ok" Galinfenner exclaims, "let's get started!" Galinfenner says, "welcome to another Meet and Greet." "Tonight my guest is Embrionic.", says Galinfenner. Embrionic waves. "Embri, I'll start off with the usual. How did you find out about Fed?", asks Galinfenner. "Heh. I found out through my sister Phedre, who at the time was dating Felina's son.", says Embrionic. "He was who got her AND Felina into it.", says Embrionic. Sallyanne giggles. "we want names!", exclaims Gypsy. Galinfenner nods "Good old BriGuyMHS2.", says Embrionic with a wink. Galinfenner makes a note to put Felina on the hot seat "That was about 5 years back, though.", smiles Embrionic. "have you been in Fed for 5 years?", asks Galinfenner. Embrionic never made it past Adventurer and believe it or not, DDed more than he does now. Galinfenner grins Embrionic says, "Ahh no.. I played until iut left AOL, then I came back this last November." Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "How many times have you d'd since you've been back?" Embrionic smiles, "Twice." Nimat chuckles. "Both on account of my own stupidity, yes, I admit.", says Embrionic with a wink. "That's not bad", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner says, "I've heard worse." Ripntear chuckles Embrionic nods to Ripntear, "Me too." ;) Esperanza coughs for no apparent reason Jamel asks, "'like 2 days after duling ?" Ripntear looks away Nimat clears his throat. Embrionic slaps himself but overdoes it and falls on the floor. "Did Felina know who you were?", asks Galinfenner. Nimat laughs. Embrionic scrambles back into the hot seat. Galinfenner grins "Felina? Oh yeah I came over a few times and she put up with me and gave me money back in her squire days.", says Embrionic with a wink. Galinfenner nods Embrionic was whinier back then.. if possible. Galinfenner bites his tongue Embrionic says, "Back in the days where you could donate to lower ranks." Embrionic winks. Sallyanne groans and winks at Embri Fishing pole in hand, Felina has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Embrionic exclaims, "Ut oh!" Nimat laughs. "So is there anyone else who helped you at the beginning of your fed career? Anyone you remember?", asks Galinfenner. Sallyanne pretends we weren't talking about Felina. Embrionic winks and says, "Mainly the people I knew from real life - Felina and her son.. more Felina because she had more money then all of us." Galinfenner chuckles Embrionic winks and says, "combined." "She was actually nice back then?", asks Galinfenner. Sallyanne giggles. Embrionic says, "She amazed her son at how much she advanced" Galinfenner winks at Felina "No, you had to bother her enough.", says Embrionic with a wink. Felina thwaps galin.....hard Galinfenner nods Galinfenner says, "I'm sure" "ouch!a", says Galinfenner. Redspice chuckles.. Galinfenner rubs his head Dragonheart chuckles Felina is well known through out Fed for how sweet she is! "its amazing cats get anywhere", says Jamel. Felina asks, "do I need to remind you so often?" Felina thwaps Jamel... hard Jamel says, "the other white meat" Nimat laughs. Galinfenner asks, "You said something about not making it past a certain rank then. That because you died so much?" Embrionic looks Felina up in the phone book. ;) "Oh yeah.. I went to Arena in a harrier once.", says Embrionic with a wink. Jazir chuckles "u go guy", says Jamel. Sallyanne laughs! "Then tried to fly to venus for insurance.", says Embrionic with a wink. Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner says, "I see." "Needless to say. SO farewell then, Hobbestars.", says Embrionic with a frown. "ouch.... couldn't have been pretty", says Dragonheart. Nimat says, "now that takes guts." Galinfenner grins Embrionic winks and says, "or stupid." "Guts?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner smirks "you called?", asks Ripntear. Sallyanne looks up Embri's planet name and just nods. Fishsticks tries to remember what Jerden said about a black hole "are we viting?", says Felina with a wink. Embrionic does the circle salute from Mars Attacks! "or voting even", says Felina with a wink. Galinfenner asks, "So you hung out with your sister and Felina's son most of the time or wee there others?" "Heh. I cut a rug with some girl once then she kinda ignored me when she found out I was 11.", says Embrionic with a wink. Galinfenner chuckles Embrionic exclaims, "ohhh.. XspeeDrCr7 hated me!" Nimat laughs. "I used to hang out in the cantina and he HATED my guts.", says Embrionic with a wink. Galinfenner asks, "Why is that?" Embrionic winks and says, "I was stupid." Roslyn adds five and eleven. "was u a tina rat ?", asks Jamel. Embrionic nods to Jamel. Embrionic whistles. "you too?", asks Felina. Galinfenner asks, "Why did this spree person hate you?" Felina says, "xspeedyx I think he became when we moved to the web" "Heh. I was annoying. I declared myself ther Boba Feet of Fed (I was 11 and into Star Warss, gimme a break), and I always used to throw darts at him.", says Embrionic with a wink. "oh.. speedy", says Galinfenner. "oh yes i remember speedy", says Jamel. Nimat laughs. Embrionic says, "the Boba Fett, too" Embrionic tickles you all! "didnt he enlist in army", says Jamel. Felina winks and says, "sounds pretty annoying to me too" Galinfenner asks, "You were BobaFett??" Felina thinks he's overseas now Embrionic says, "No, I was Hobbestars" Galinfenner thinks he remembers that name Galinfenner says, "ahh." Embrionic remembers annoying Felina on her planet a lot. ;) Nimat chuckles. "I remember I bugged Felina until she gve me the money to get an apartment of Capecod.", says Embrionic with a wink. Felina laughs "on Capecod, too.", says Embrionic. Galinfenner grins Embrionic only remembers Felina and Hazed from the old days, though. "When you came back, did Felina give you a bunch of money again?", asks Galinfenner. "heck no... I just realized who she was a few days ago.", says Embrionic. Sallyanne laughs! Embrionic winks and says, "My sister gave me work and one name explains the rest: Blirish." Galinfenner laughs Galinfenner asks, "OK so where do you hang out today?" "I'm a hermit on my own planet most the time.. but sometimes I'm on Serenity (Not lately), Northstar, Wyldfire, Archology, or Svaboda.", smiles Embrionic. Embrionic grumbles about Svaboda just so Zyphr can read him grumbling later. ;) Galinfenner asks, "Why did you come back to Fed?" "My sister brought it up, so I gave it a trial period, and got hooked.. so I got an account as a Christmas present from her.", says Embrionic. "hooked AGAIN, I might add.", says Embrionic. Embrionic boogies to the Bongo Song! Galinfenner nods and smiles "What hooked you do you think?", asks Galinfenner. Embrionic thinks, thinks, thinks, blows a gasket, re-insures, and thinks some more. Galinfenner grins Ripntear notices Embri's feet nailed to the floor Embrionic says, "I think it's the social aspect." "make an insure trigger", says Jamel. Embrionic says, "And the diversity." Galinfenner smiles Nimat laughs. Redspice chuckles.. "maybe Redspice.", says Embrionic with a wink. "Tell us your most embarrasing moment.", says Galinfenner with a wink. "DDing because I followed Ron into Zogland.", says Embrionic with a wink. Ripntear laughs Galinfenner asks, "you were hauling?" Dooeee rolls Ripntear tickles embrionic Embrionic says, "In hindsight it wasn't the greatest idea, but also hating ROn was stupid, too." Galinfenner chuckes "Nope, going to attack him.", says Embrionic. Galinfenner chuckles even "ahh.", says Galinfenner. Embrionic winks and says, "Revenge for the many Ripntears.. some revenge, too." Fishsticks laughs Ripntear nods and chuckles Galinfenner laughs Embrionic says, "yeesh." "So... have you learned to fight since then?", asks Galinfenner. Fishsticks says, "No" Dragonheart chuckles "Not good enough, but yeah, I win a few.", says Embrionic with a wink. Embrionic has shot down the previous incarnations of Fishsticks. ;) "I'd say that is pretty good", says Galinfenner with a wink. Fishsticks was shot down in a previous life during a team event, never one-on-one Galinfenner says, "Ok, here's another blow a gasket question..." Ripntear chuckles "if you could, what one thing would you change about Fed?", asks Galinfenner. Embrionic prepares the act. Embrionic thinks, thinks, thinks, blows a gasket, re-insures, and thinks some more. "Hmm... Planets.", says Embrionic. "What about planets?", asks Galinfenner. Embrionic exclaims, "Play events, Use Events, Put blank into Thingy events! More space! More events!" Embrionic grins. Sallyanne giggles. Nimat cheers. "If you make an object an instrument, you can play it", says Fishsticks with a wink. Galinfenner says, "mmm.." "But there's no event upon playing.", says Embrionic with a wink. Galinfenner nods Dragonheart nods. Galinfenner asks, "Did you get your planet uploaded?" "You could make a magical whistle that carries you off.. maybe even a specific tune to be played.", says Embrionic. Embrionic says, "Nope. As soon as this is concluded, I will go off to place it all into Genesis. It should be up in less than 24 hours." Embrionic hopes. Galinfenner nods "You care to tell us a little bit about what it will be like?", asks Galinfenner. Embrionic winks and says, "Neurotic.." "Ok, that's very little", says Galinfenner with a wink. "It's a dreary place.. you'll get ssome laughs, but no ssunshine.", says Embrionic. Galinfenner nods Embrionic says, "There's an easy puzzle.. as a matter of fact." Embrionic winks and says, "I've reduced 'puzzle' to 'interactive story'" "Will you be offering a reward then?", asks Galinfenner. Nimat laughs. "Most likely 100 megs or something.. I'm not too rich, and it's too easy.", says Embrionic with a wink. Galinfenner nods "maybe 50.. I'm not sure.", says Embrionic. Galinfenner smiles, "Ok" Embrionic winks and says, "I just hope the puzzler enjoys it." Galinfenner turns to the crowd "Does anyone have a question for Embri?", asks Galinfenner. Embrionic winks and says, "interactive story-er... urm.. nevermind." Ripntear hands Embrionic the "cheapskate" button Embrionic hand Rip the "DD of the year" award Galinfenner grins Dooeee thinks that like the pot calling the kittle black "anyone? no questions?", asks Galinfenner. "None?", says Embrionic with a frown. "I'm workin' on it! I just got here!", exclaims Kblackdragon. Embrionic is hurt somewhere deep inside.. oh wait, that's gas. ;) Fishsticks asks, "How much cheese could a cheese chuck chuck, if a cheese chuck could chuck cheese?" Dooeee is here for the beer. "3 cheese wheels.. simple.", says Embrionic. Galinfenner hands Dooeee his keg Dooeee nods to Galin Fishsticks asks, "Did you think you would win Survivor after you won all those events, or did you know you were dead meat?" Sallyanne giggles and throws a swordfish, javelin style at Fishy. Embrionic winks and says, "I knew I was dead meat VERY soon." Galinfenner laughs Galinfenner asks, "Why is that?" Fishsticks parries the swordfish with his lobster Embrionic says, "I was a threat.. I knew the planet the best." Sallyanne fries lobster tail and munches while she listens. Urissa applauds the defense! Kblackdragon wonders about lobsters being used as parrying devices. "How ARE you and Heatherjn getting along and do you have hard feelings towards Legolas?", asks Gypsy. Embrionic rolls! "Legolas is stupid.", says Embrionic with a wink. "Here here!", exclaims Kblackdragon. Gypsy laughs Sallyanne grins at her Sis. Sallyanne laughs! "If you were to have a cage match with anyone in Fed, who would it be? Alts need not apply", says Fishsticks. Galinfenner grins "Well... I'm happy for Heather, she deserves someone... and I guess I'm happy for the elf, too.", says Embrionic with a wink. Nimat laughs. "Cage match? Easy - Paladin for the heavyweight smartass title!", exclaims Embrionic. Sallyanne giggles. "Which would you rather have...clam chowder or lobster bisque...and this is good clam chowder, have you.", says Kblackdragon. "Clam chowder.", says Embrionic. Kblackdragon says, "Well, I'm satisfied." Galinfenner chuckles Embrionic grins. Felina asks, "will there be a neurotic the duchy?" Embrionic flails his arms in frustration! "That was easy.", says Galinfenner. "Not in my plans.. Turismo is more likely.", says Embrionic with a wink. "why is that?", asks Felina. Nimat winks and says, "will you be able to keep alive long enough to get that far?" Embrionic thinks, "Well actually, AAragorn's the king..." Sallyanne giggles. Nimat whistles innocently... "Hmm. I really couldn't tell you. I don't think Embri's duke material.. he's just a cash cow and vice-duke of Nude.", says Embrionic with a wink. Nimat winks and says, "not like I stayed alive for my quest for Duke, nor you either for that matter" "Ok, anyone else have a question?", asks Galinfenner. Gypsy asks, "Can I ask a controversail question?" Fishsticks ponders the mysteries of the universe for a moment Galinfenner says, "mmm" Gypsy says, "Or however you spell it" Nimat perks up his ears. Sallyanne whispers to Fishsticks, "The answer is 42." Dragonheart Listens Gypsy thinks how to word this.. Felina thinks only boring bland questions;) "Many have attacked your insta duke class.. How do you feel about training dukes?", asks Gypsy. "Ok", says Galinfenner with a wink. "I'm not that easy about it anymore.. I didn't like the reaction the game gave it, so now I'm going to make students work for it.", says Embrionic. Embrionic says, "Insomnius in particular was REALLY mad, and I hold him in high regard" Insomnius smiles Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else?" "have you ever been a Duke?", asks Dooeee. "Never.", says Embrionic. Gypsy asks, "So the Insta Duke School is closed?" Embrionic says, "No, it's not." "And you wanted to train others to be Dukes?", asks Dooeee. Embrionic winks and says, "I'm just not broadcasting my work at least... and I'll help you a little bit, but not completely." "The duke part isn;t my job, Dooeee, it's only the puzzle.", says Embrionic. Kblackdragon says, "Ah...so you're a Duke Tease..." Jazir laughs Galinfenner chuckles Nimat laughs. Redspice laughs "But to put it simply, I'm not just blatantly giving it out.", says Embrionic. Gypsy says, "thank you Embri.." Sallyanne laughs! Embrionic nods to Gypsy. Embrionic thinks most of the people know it anyways in some form. ;) Fishsticks asks, "So, since you've already chased around one famous DDer, when're you going to start chasing around Xslaught?" "When she tells me she wants me.", says Embrionic with a wink. "Who have you helped in the puzzle?", asks Galinfenner. "Nimat was my first.. we worked out the kinks we didn;t know.", says Embrionic. Nimat nods. Embrionic says, "Darkensi.. I was present for Captdmg and Kewlness.. and I assisted jamel a little bit." "So now you're a kinky Duke tease...it's all coming together...", says Kblackdragon. Embrionic grins. Wyldcat chuckles Galinfenner grins Sallyanne laughs again! Gypsy asks, "who taught you to do the duke? Just trial and error?" Embrionic included a Duke School joke on Neurotic.. if you can find it. ;) "Who do you think will DD again first? You or me?", asks Fishsticks. "I asked around for some of it, and the rest was a lot of trial and error with Nimat.", says Embrionic. Ripntear hides "both...", says Dragonheart with a wink. Urissa covers a giggle! "You, Fish.", says Embrionic. "The race is on!", says Sallyanne with a wink. Wyldcat chuckles Esperanza glares at Fishsticks and will dd him herself if he even thinks about it Nimat laughs. Fishsticks has no plans to DD again Galinfenner grins Embrionic owes Nimat a lot. "I wonder who would?", asks Galinfenner. Embrionic winks and says, "That's what you said the first two times, Fish." Nimat owes Embrionic a lot, too. Galinfenner asks, "anyone else?" Nimat winks and says, "we stumbled through it together pretty well" Fishsticks says, "It was true both times" Embrionic grins and nods. Fishsticks says, "It's true this time, too" Embrionic waits for Fish's 39th build. "40th, rather.", says Embrionic. Sallyanne closes Hell for him on that night. Nimat laughs. "What is the best advise you would give an actual newbie...not a returning player, but someone absolutely new to the game...a true groundhog?", asks Kblackdragon. Galinfenner winks and says, "I gotta write that one down" Nimat wonders if there is such a thing. Dragonheart asks, "they still have them?" Embrionic says, "Good lord.. and this is inspired but certain people I am not going to name" Embrionic shouts, "SLOW DOWN!" Fishsticks laughs Kblackdragon says, "Occasionally, but they usually wash out before they hit commander." Nimat laughs. Embrionic says, "Relax.. it's not a race to be 'done'." Fishsticks says, "I was one of them, five months ago, Dragon" Dragonheart nods and giggles "too true.", says Nimat. Kblackdragon nods with a smirk on his lips, "Very true" Embrionic says, "have fun, don't just be done then leave us all" "first thing I have ever heard you say that made good since", says Dooeee. Redspice chuckles... Embrionic grins at Dooeee Embrionic winks and says, "I deleted my hug attack, Dooeee." Galinfenner says, "good answer." Kblackdragon says, "As was I 8 or 9 years ago. There are some around, still. I hope to see more in the future." Galinfenner surveys the audience "has been here for ever", says Dooeee. "Very well put, Embri.", says Kblackdragon. "Anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. "Why didn't Phedre show up for your M'n'G?", asks Fishsticks. Embrionic checks the away message. Embrionic says, "She's "busy busy busy :)"" Fishsticks exclaims, "Bokonon!" Galinfenner smiles Fishsticks wonders how many here know who Bokonon is Galinfenner smiles, "Ok, well folks... I want to thank you all for coming" Kblackdragon grumbles that the show was too short... Wyldcat applauds Gypsy says, "Cheers!! Thank you Embri for taking the hot seat tonight.." Galinfenner says, "next week.." Embrionic takes a bow but overdoes it and falls on the floor. Sallyanne applauds Embri! Felina claps Galinfenner exclaims, "We should have Netmndr here!" Galinfenner winks and says, "If he can make it" "Thanks Embri, and as always, Galin", smiles Nimat. Urissa applauds Embrionic and Thanks Galin for hosting! "Thanks Embri for the show", smiles Galinfenner. "That's what I needed to talk to you about, Galin.", says Sallyanne with a wink. Gypsy nods to Galin "You're all welcome, it was a pleasure.", smiles Embrionic. Fishsticks claps for Embri Galinfenner asks, "Oh ok Sally, you gonna take his place?" Galinfenner grins "He's a busy busy work-a-holic!", says Sallyanne with a wink. Sallyanne acks! Dooeee laughs Kblackdragon applauds vivaciously "I noticed.", says Galinfenner. Dragonheart laughs Embrionic winks and says, "Neurotic should be up within 24 hours, I encourage you all to come see it." "Post an ad Embri", says Galinfenner with a wink. Embrionic winks and says, "Thanks for coming." |