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"heyyyy, only 8 minutes late", smiles Paladin. "Thanks for coming everyone.", says Galinfenner. "there are as many people on stage as down here!", exclaims Paladin. "Tonight, we have all the event hosts... or most of them anyway.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "What I'd like to do is start by introducing them all." Galinfenner says, "To do that, I'll go through the days of the week and ask that those hosts raise their hands." "a staff infection", says Jamel. Embrionic says, "Staph." Galinfenner says, "SO, Starting with tonight... The SUnday event hosts" Embrionic does not like the idea of an infected Staff! Galinfenner waves his hand Insatiable thinks Galin has a question Galinfenner says, "Ok" "To introduce, I'll go by the day of the week.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "Sundays..." Galinfenner says, "We have Sirglec" Sirglec stands and waves to the crowd. Galinfenner smiles, "And Wolfyn who couldn't make it" "Monday's...", says Galinfenner. "WE have DItzy...", says Galinfenner. Ditzy stands on her stool so everyone can see her and waves like a maniac. "And Esperanza", says Galinfenner. "Well, soon to be Esperanza", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner grins Esperanza stands and waves and blows kisses "Tuesdays...", says Galinfenner. "We have Fancy", says Galinfenner. Fancy raises his right paw and waves to everyone. "Wyldcat", says Galinfenner. Wyldcat waves Galinfenner says, "Wednesday night." "Nomad", says Galinfenner. "err.. Nomad?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins Esperanza nudges Nomad Sirglec lights a match under Nomad. Galinfenner says, "Ok, Nomad is kinda here." Esperanza puts a sign around Nomad's neck that says "NOMAD" "Okay he's here", says Esperanza. Sirglec chuckles. Galinfenner says, "I 'll talk about which event each host does after this." "Also on Wednesday, we Paul", says Galinfenner. "COF..", shouts Galinfenner. Paul stands and bows slightly "you are paul too Galin?", asks Shaynah. Galinfenner asks, "I am?" Galinfenner blinks Galinfenner smiles, "DOn't think so" "you said .. "we Paul", says Shaynah. Insatiable asks, "We Paul?" Shaynah giggles "I wasn't aware of that", says Paul. Racingnut laughs Racingnut says, "duel personalities are dangerous" "We HAVE Paul.", says Fancy. Galinfenner says, "THursdays.. we have Mashimaro" Insatiable claps for the not here bunny Galinfenner puts a battery in the bunny "Mashi?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins "Ok, also on Thursday is Heatherjn", says Galinfenner. Insatiable winks and says, "His name is Mashi, not Energizer" Esperanza says, "He's logged in but must be afk" Galinfenner says, "Ok on Friday..." Flair clears her throat Galinfenner says, "We have Netmndr and Sallyanne" Sallyanne blames her sister's absense on the baby sickness. ;) "Gypsy and Gwarrior", says Galinfenner. Flair taps her foot and glares at Galin Gwarrior stands up and waves. Galinfenner says, "Oh shoot" Galinfenner turns red "I'm sorry", says Galinfenner. Flair chuckles "we are on Saturday though", says Gwarrior. Paladin glares at Galin Galinfenner winks and says, "Sharing Thursday nights is Flair" Flair shakes her butt as you hear blaring music start up from some overhead speakers "Damn I almost made it too!", exclaims Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Ok where was I? Friday?" "hell night", says Jamel. "You introduced Net and Sally...", says Fancy. Racingnut asks, "dunno where were u on friday?" Sallyanne grins. "Hell.", says Sallyanne. "WE have Felina, Uniquette, and myself with the Barcrawl", says Galinfenner. Felina grins Sallyanne thinks everyone should go to Hell and then the bar. ;) "Saturdays... GYpsy and Gwarrior", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner grins "Also Saturday will be Fishsticks", says Galinfenner. "bar did i hear bar where", says Nomad. Jamel says, "monday night dating game" THE Adorable Samurai Bunny Mashimaro has just arrived. Galinfenner winks and says, "Bar crawl.. every other Friday night Nomad" "Bunny!", exclaims Fancy. "Ahh here's the blood zone bunny", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner has given Mashimaro a warm tickle! Mashimaro wiggles and falls off the bar... Mashimaro stands brushing himself off and glaring at Galinfenner... Insatiable doesn't think he's THAT adorable Mashimaro leaps suddenly tackling Galinfenner and sending them head first over the other side of the bar. Mashimaro winks and says, "i was thinking 10 central" Galinfenner dusts himself off and kicks Mashi on the way back Galinfenner coughs "Ok", says Galinfenner. Mashimaro flicks off all triggers for the evening Galinfenner says, "last..." Nomad looks at Redspice , Holds up his 1 year old Son Matthew, Dress up as a Little Angel :} "Esperanza is also my assistant. She handles a lot of things for me when I forget.", says Galinfenner with a wink. Esperanza shows her "Galin's No. 1 gopher button" Galinfenner exclaims, "Oh I've forgotten one other important job!" Flair twirls "We have planet designers...", says Galinfenner. Embrionic is a planet designer! Woohoo! Galinfenner says, "Ditzy, Krimhurg..." Ditzy stands back up on her stool and waves again. "And soon to be Embrionic", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner grins Insatiable cheers! Embrionic waves. Zyphr claps for the planet peeps! Gwarrior goes to his own little part of the stage. Jazir claps for the designers Shaynah thinks the designers are awesome! Flair does a handstand "OK, starting with Sirglec, by day, can you please tell us what event you run and how long you have been running it?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner hands the mike to Sirglec Sirglec says, "I run Deuces Wild and Guts and Glory on alternating Sundays." Galinfenner asks, "How long you been doing it Sir?" Sirglec says, "I've been an event host for about a year and a half. These two events have only been runing for about a year." Emcee applauds sirglec Galinfenner nods "Both those are fighting events for those of you who are wondering", says Galinfenner. "Before that, it was Capture the Flag.", says Sirglec. Insatiable smiles, "Methinks Sirglec likes to fight" Galinfenner says, "Ok.. me .." Sirglec nods to Insatiable. ;) "I run the Meet and Greet.. have for less than a year", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "Monday nights..." Galinfenner looks at Ditzy first "I host Scramble because I'm good at mixing things up.", smiles Ditzy. Ditzy grins. "I've been hosting it for several months now.", says Ditzy. Galinfenner says, "Ok .. Esperanza.." Ditzy says, "And Also designing a few little puzzle planets." "little?", asks Gwarrior. Gwarrior asks, "since when are they little?" Shaynah asks, "a few?" Galinfenner asks, "April fools was yours wasn't it?" Shaynah asks, "like. a zillion?" "April Fools, Christmas, and Halloween last year.", says Ditzy. Galinfenner nods "And Halloween this year too", says Ditzy. "Ok good. Esperanza?", asks Galinfenner. Flair makes a big dramatic show of eating Strawberry shortcake with extra strawberries. Flair winks and says, "All for me, none for you" Galinfenner takes the mike away from Flair "Espy must be AFk", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "Let's go to Tuesdays..." "Fancy?", asks Galinfenner. Fancy steps up to the microphone and says, "I've been running Fedpardy every week since sometime in 1999." Galinfenner nods and grins Galinfenner asks, "Longest event we have isn't it?" "longest running that is", says Galinfenner. "The longest running game show in Federation", smiles Fancy. Esperanza thinks that's pretty darn impressive Sirglec mumbles something about getting ready to lose that position for a week here shortly. ;) "very impressive", says Shaynah. Galinfenner asks, "Espy, you want to talk about what you will be doing in Monday night?" Esperanza says, "Oh sorry" Esperanza says, "Well it's not completely put together yet...but will be sort of a Monday night fighting event" "loosely", says Esperanza. Esperanza says, "The contestant don't have to be loose" Sirglec exclaims, "Rats!" Galinfenner grins Esperanza says, "The concept is teams...who have to run a gauntlet stocked with fighters from all the other teams" Galinfenner nods Esperanza says, "You get to run the gauntlet until you are finally shot down" Esperanza says, "in turn" "Yikes.", says Sirglec with a frown. Galinfenner asks, "Ok, Tuesday.. Paul?" Paul says, "I do" "I do wednesdays", says Paul with a wink. Galinfenner says, "oops" Esperanza grins "Wednesday ... Paul?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins Snuggs grins Paul says, "Hello! I run Cup of Fearlessness. If you count my past lives, Ruy and Ruylupez, I've been running it for a little over a year and a half now... I think" Shaynah laughs Galinfenner nods and grins "COF is another old event.", says Galinfenner. "from AOL days actually.", says Galinfenner. Paul says, "but still popular" "I can't imagine trying to do that back then", says Gwarrior. "DEsertfox isn't here, but he runs one on Tuesday.", says Galinfenner. Jamel fought on aol cof "yeah its a lot of fun", says Racingnut. Galinfenner says, "Magellan Cup runs on Tuesdays." Racingnut has only started fighting recently in comparison Shaynah nods to RN "I somehow mixed up Desert with WYldcat", says Galinfenner with a wink. Paladin winks and says, "just super, RN" Jamel says, "easy mistake" "also on WEdnesday nights we have Nomad...", says Galinfenner. Sirglec says, "One cat is as bad as another" Sirglec ducks away from Felina. Galinfenner says, "Nomad got called away, but he runs Fed Libs with Fishsticks" Jamel says, "all just whitemeat glec" Galinfenner asks, "Thursdays...Heather?" Sallyanne says, "She runs Phrase at 10 ..." "woh isn't here", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner laughs Galinfenner nods "Used to be on Saturday, but was recently switched", says Galinfenner. Sallyanne winks and says, "It just moved to thusdays, but she's been doing it for a few months now." Galinfenner says, "Also on Thursday... we have Flair..." Galinfenner wipes the strawberrry of Flair's mouth "That's me. Hi I'm Flair, and I'm an event host.", says Flair with a wink. "What do you host Flair?", asks Galinfenner. "I did Hide and Seek for about oh, 8 months, till it got canceled.", says Flair. >ex flair Galinfenner nods "And during that time I also did Warrior's Revenge, which is still going on.", says Flair. Galinfenner says, "also on Thursday nights.. Mashimaro" Mashimaro says, "i run Bloodzone and have been for about ummmm 3 months or so...." Galinfenner nods and grins "Friday nights.. .Sally", says Galinfenner. "If Heather answers, I'll choke.", says Sirglec with a wink. Galinfenner laughs Sallyanne winks and says, "Net and I run Hell's fury." Sallyanne laughs! Wyldcat chuckles Sallyanne winks and says, "That is, I run it when he's working and he runs it when he isn't. We've only been doing it for about 5 weeks, since it started." Tis smiles at her beloved... "Also on Friday nights... every other Friday... Felina", says Galinfenner. "or Uniquette", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner winks and says, "Ok The three of us do a bar crawl." "Which doesn't count for points but does for fun", says Galinfenner. Paladin groans "Saturdays.. Gypsy and Gwarrior", says Galinfenner. Esperanza hates missing the bar crawls "Hi. Gypsy and I have teamed up to present Fed Tunes.", says Gwarrior. "we've been running it for about..... 24 hours", smiles Gwarrior. Galinfenner grins Shaynah asks, "straight?" "ahh.. Desertfox.", says Galinfenner. "And the debut was a success I would say", says Esperanza. Gwarrior nods. "Equal to the number of points Kewlness racked up to dominate it", says Fancy with a wink. "we had a very good debut", says Gwarrior. "Kewlness did very well.", says Galinfenner. Gwarrior says, "24" Galinfenner says, "Desertfox, tell us about your event and how long you've been doing it." Gwarrior says, "she did very well" "Yes, sir. My event is the Magellan Cup, which requires intellect, knowledge, and fast typing skills", says Desertfox. Desertfox says, "I've been running the even for about 2 months now." Galinfenner nods and smiles Desertfox says, "the event even" "Ok, that's the team!", exclaims Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "Some history of events..." "Way back when, on AOL Hazed had the grand idea to formalize some of the things that were going on", says Galinfenner. Shaynah applauds again for all the work done by team Galinfenner says, "To peak player interest." Tis grins. Galinfenner says, "SO events have been a part of Fed for about 7 or 8 years now." Galinfenner grins "Do any of you have a question ?", asks Galinfenner. Desertfox says, "Whoa..." Galinfenner asks, "For any host or me or about events in general?" Insatiable raises a hand, decides against it and takes it back down Galinfenner listens to the crickets "Ok, I have a question.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Who likes Fighting events more than cerebral ones?" Galinfenner winks and says, "show of hands" "me", says Jamel. Sirglec raises his hand. Gwarrior raises his hand. Insatiable raises her hands Paul raises his hand Sallyanne raises a hand. Jamel jumps Mashimaro raises a furry foot "This may or may not be a show of the responder's intelligence.", says Embrionic with a wink. Galinfenner counts six hands.. seven Galinfenner says, "No this is no IQ test" Jamel raises both hands Esperanza raises her hands for fighting Sallyanne pokes Embri. Insatiable pfffts at Embrp Esperanza raises the other hand for cerebral "I was joking, of course. Don't feel harassed or anything.", says Embrionic. Galinfenner says, "OK 8 for fighting" Insatiable pffts at Embri too Galinfenner asks, "Who enjoys the cerebral ones more?" Fancy raises his paw. "again show of hands", says Galinfenner. Insatiable raises her hands Paladin raises his hand Desertfox raises both hands! Racingnut prefers the bloodshed Flair raises a hand Galinfenner says, "I see 5 hands... six" Krimhurg raises Galin's hand.. Ditzy raises her hands "Ok about even then", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Anyone have a favorite event?" Shaynah forgot to raise her hand "Fedlibs", says Shaynah. "One you never want to miss?", asks Galinfenner. "Fedlibs and Fedpardy", says Flair. Galinfenner says, "Fedlibs, ok" Racingnut says, "cup of fearlessness" Sirglec exclaims, "Cup!" "Datinggame", says Shaynah. "But I miss them a lot", says Flair with a wink. "Bloodzone!", exclaims Mashimaro. "I'm partial to Fedpardy", says Fancy with a wink. Galinfenner grins "celebral involves typing skills no fkeys", says Jamel. "CoF", says Gwarrior. "I like the puzzle planets.", says Ditzy. Insatiable raises her hands Jazir smiles, "Fedpardy" Galinfenner says, "Ok, I see a lot of Fedpardy and Fedlibs.. COF... Pretyt even." "i dunno we cleaned most of the house in deuces wild tonite", says Racingnut. Galinfenner asks, "Yes Insatiable?" "eh gw?", asks Racingnut. Desertfox says, "I think I like the Magellan Cup because I enjoy player planet puzzles so much..." Galinfenner nods Shaynah says, "they are all good actually" "I have a question for one of the planet designers", smiles Insatiable. "even the ones I don't get to", says Shaynah. "yes Rn?", asks Gwarrior. "but hear about", says Shaynah. Galinfenner asks, "OK, Ditzy or Krimhurg?" Insatiable says, "Embri" Galinfenner winks and says, "Ok Embri" Insatiable pouts at Galin Embrionic frowns at Galin. Ditzy will take it "Well, He's the new one. Sorry. No disrespectd", says Galinfenner. Insatiable looks at Embri, Want to run off and get married?" Embrionic ponders. Emcee Emcee will deliver it :) Galinfenner is worried about horses in his bed now Insatiable waits "i dunno we cleaned most of the house in deuces wild tonite didnt we gw? ::corrected sentence::", says Racingnut. Embrionic says, "A resounding yes." Gwarrior says, "yeah really" Easily satisfied... Insatiable has just disappeared. "Noooooo", says Embrionic. Galinfenner says, "Ok that was good." Galinfenner laughs "I said yes and poof.", says Embrionic with a frown. "Wonder what that means", says Galinfenner. "Magical word, that Yes...", says Fancy. "Just think of the power you hold.", says Sirglec with a wink. Embrionic makes a cackle of INFINITE POWER! Embrionic glows a dull shade of blue as his eyes flare an intense red. Ditzy giggles and wiggles... Embrionic says, "Your time's coming" Ditzy waits for the question... Easily satisfied... Insatiable has just appeared. "Mahahahahahaha!", exclaims Embrionic. Insatiable got so happy, must've fainted "have those often embri?", asks Racingnut. "Insatiable asked it Ditzy", says Galinfenner. Embrionic winks and says, "Welcome back." "OK welcome back Insati", says Galinfenner. "sati.. tiable.. mmm", says Galinfenner. Insatiable looks at Zyphr, "Did he say yes?" Zyphr nods, "Resounding" ;) Ditzy IS blonde... "Ok ...", says Galinfenner. "I've been given some ideas for events, but I'd like to hear from you all, hosts included, what you'd like to see.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Anyone got an idea they wanna share?" "tb me if you want to be anonymous", says Galinfenner. Racingnut raises hand "I had one, but heh.", says Embrionic. Galinfenner asks, "Rn?" Racingnut says, "id like to see CTF resurrected that was popular in aolfed as i recall" "Ok", smiles Galinfenner. Flair doesn't know what CTF is "Capture the flag", says Embrionic. "capture the flag", says Racingnut. "It was about a year and a half ago.", says Sirglec. Flair says, "Ahh" "Capture the F..", says Galinfenner. "Yeah", says Galinfenner. Racingnut sniggers "Did it not do well Sir?", asks Galinfenner. Flair bops RN on the head "Capture the Flag - shoot down the opposing team's flag before they shoot down yours.", says Fancy. "It was hard to get people there and make the teams.", says Sirglec. Jazir loved CTF Galinfenner nods "Team events don't seem to do quite as well.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "Although tonight's was pretty packed so maybe that is changing" Racingnut says, "gee i wonder why..difficult keeping 5 fkeys straight" "They call that a 'challenge'", says Sallyanne with a wink. Fancy says, "Looks like Sunday night gets a lot of players, though." Galinfenner says, "I have a suggestion for a time based fighting event." "Time based?", asks Sirglec. Racingnut says, "no the challenge seems to be acheiving ultimate victory sally ::pokes::" "So you'd have so many seconds to defeat your opponent", says Galinfenner. Shaynah raises her hand Galinfenner says, "And so change the current strategy" "Shaynah?", asks Galinfenner. Emcee asks Ditzy "what is the hardest thing about being an event host ?" "Ponders who to ask...", says Shaynah. Gwarrior chuckles. Galinfenner kinda likes a time based idea. "oh .. was going to be my question", smiles Shaynah. Galinfenner says, "Ask it and they will come" "Goodness! And if one of you doesn't die, you go with the person with the lowest hull?", asks Sallyanne. Galinfenner grins Shaynah says, "asks same to Ditzy then .." Ditzy says, "I'd say it was the way it affects the rest of the way you have to play. So many additional rules." "Restrictions on what you can and can't do.", says Ditzy. Shaynah listens "darnit ...", says Emcee. Mashimaro chuckles Galinfenner asks, "Like what Ditzy?" Embrionic winks and says, "The time-based is my idea.. I have no clue why I TBed it." "If I make event host, it will become a reality.", says Embrionic with a wink. Galinfenner smirks at Embri Ditzy says, "Well, like not getting involved in duchy wars unless all sides agree and no shooting at dumpers." Galinfenner nods Embrionic cackles and point at Galin, putting that horse image back in his head. Galinfenner says, "Heh" Shaynah nods "no shooting at dumpers? we cant leave that unchecked", says Racingnut. "Making sure that you don't go out of your way to make dataspace unpleasant for other players.", says Ditzy. Galinfenner nods "no shooting at dumpers? what kind of war is that?", asks Paladin. "whats wrong with shooting dumpers", says Jamel. Galinfenner asks, "Do any of you other hosts have anything to say about what's hard about doing an event?" Ditzy says, "Just one of those things that Hazed told me event hosts can't do." "she means hosts.. staff I think", says Shaynah. "are we supposed to just ask nicely to play by the rules and nobody gets hurt? lol", says Racingnut. Ditzy says, "No, I mean event hosts." "For some of us Rn", says Galinfenner. "For me, it's coming up with a new category that I haven't already used before.", says Fancy. Galinfenner grins Galinfenner nods Sirglec says, "I think she means.... We represent FED and can't tarnish Fed's image in a negative way." "my unerstanding is hosts make fed as pleasant as possible for others.", says Shaynah. Ditzy says, "Only shooting during events or in agreed on fights." Galinfenner says, "After 5 years of Fedpardy that's not easy." "is why they get a free account", says Shaynah. Paladin asks, "I would hope they wouldn't be involved in any kind of war, shooting or not?" Shaynah asks, "to encourage people to stay and have fun.. not?" "And of course there are those articles...", says Ditzy. Embrionic ponders the pertinince of this question. Galinfenner asks, "What articles?" "Whoops meant to say that", says Esperanza. "For the chronicle", says Ditzy. Fancy says, "I think I've come up with nearly every conceivably possible category I can think of. Someone will probably think of something new, though." Shaynah says, "people certainly don't need stress in a game.. especially from a host" Esperanza smiles, "If it really works, let's make everybody a host of something" Shaynah says, "not me" "Well, we all can do with a little less stress for everyone", says Galinfenner. Jamel says, "ill be host of groping contest" Shaynah says, "couldnt' stand the stress.. laughs" Galinfenner coughs Shaynah grins "Coming up with ideas for your events, for some of you that's harder than for others.", says Galinfenner. "LIke Fedpardy... FedLibs...", says Galinfenner. "formalize things happpen anywat", says Jamel. Racingnut would love to create a racing type event that expands on what the magellan cup does "Scramble...", says Ditzy. Krimhurg coughs politely "or scramble", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins at Krimmy Shaynah slips Krim a cough drop Paul is glad he dosn't have to keep coming up with questions every week Krimhurg grinz mischeviously Esperanza says, "Gauntlet will be sort of a racing event Rnut" "Yeah, comign up with an entire planet twice a month is not easy.", says Galinfenner. "fed survivor was real popular", says Jamel. Sirglec agrees with Paul. Redspice asks, "what happened to the Scavenger hunt?" Shaynah coughs "nobody showed up Red.", says Galinfenner. "We'd host it, and no one would come.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "Same with Hideandseek." Fancy winks and says, "Nobody but me, it seemed showed up, that is" Insatiable whispers to Embri, "How about tonight?" Galinfenner nods "real life really does get in the way sometimes..doesnt it..", says Redspice. Galinfenner says, "True" Ditzy says, "I sometimes feel like that about the puzzle planets." Galinfenner nods Jazir always had trouble with the early timeslots Esperanza nods to jazir "That's it for me too...usually just getting home when the first events start", says Esperanza. Galinfenner says, "Me too. West coast I'm usually barely home from work at that time" "We've started something new also, a roving event. This was Gypsy's idea", says Galinfenner. Sirglec says, "It makes it rough with all the timezones. Can'st start too early nor can we start too late." Zyphr smiles, "I have a question" "gypsy has the greatest ideas", smiles Shaynah. "Yes, Zyph?", asks Galinfenner. Zyphr exclaims, "I thought the dating game was a smash!" Zyphr asks, "Any thing else going to come of that?" "To make it offical?", asks Zyphr. Zyphr thought Gypsy did a good job with that... Racingnut says, "yeah the dating game was excellent" Gwarrior says, "We aren't sure yet" Galinfenner says, "Well, Gypsy has had trouble getting people to fill it" Gwarrior says, "act nods." "Only so many were willing to go onto the program", says Esperanza. "So she might do it on a quarterly basis or something.", says Galinfenner. Zyphr nods, "Maybe if it was a once a month or something? Sirglec winks and says, "Heck. Anymore... everyone is married." Gwarrior says, "its hard getting 4 people, in the same place, at the same time" Galinfenner smiles, "But it won't be weekly" Galinfenner nods Zyphr nods, "Cool" :) Tis is happily married :) "I will certainly work with her to fit it in somewhere.", says Galinfenner. Gwarrior says, "I will tell her that Galin" Galinfenner smiles, "It is a great event." Shaynah nods "we had alot of fun doing it", says Gwarrior. Zyphr says, "I thought so too... and she had a lot of turnout for it to be "unoffical"" Galinfenner asks, "Any other questions?" Gwarrior says, "though it was very stressful" Shaynah says, "lots of hook ups came from that" Galinfenner nods Gwarrior chuckles. "we've had 1 marriage so far", says Gwarrior. Gwarrior says, "and 1 coming" Shaynah smiles Jamel says, "hosts" Fancy smiles. "oh?", asks Paladin. "though the marriage was unexpected", says Gwarrior. Shaynah says, "it always is .. laughs" Galinfenner smiles Emcee says, "darnit" "Any other questions?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Ok, any of the event hosts want to make a comment?" "I do...", says Ditzy. Galinfenner says, "Yes Ditzy" Ditzy smiles, "My favorite thing to do is design planets. It's what keeps me here... So get ready for Halloween" Ditzy says, "I've already started it..." Embrionic grins. Galinfenner grins Embrionic says, "I have a comment." Ditzy gets in a shameless plug. Galinfenner says, "OK!!! Anyone else before I .." Galinfenner smiles, "Yes Embri" Esperanza has a commen Embrionic says, "Okay, I've been trying to come up with one of these crazy ideas." Galinfenner nods Esperanza sticks a 't' on the end of commen Embrionic says, "One crazy idea that'll be the new addicting game in Fed." Galinfenner nods to Espy Racingnut thinks embris thoughts are a bunch of crazy ideas "But that is quite the challenge, if you think about it.", says Embrionic. Galinfenner listens "I've been told some don't participate in an event because they 'don't know how'", says Esperanza. "You wonder how someone thought of Football! Or Baseball!", exclaims Embrionic. Esperanza says, "And don't want to be an idiot" Galinfenner looks back and forth "some of cant type fast esper", says Jamel. "Well -- Maybe it's not a need for new games.", says Embrionic. Esperanza asks, "Maybe we could have some little mini teaching sessions...like they teach you how to play blackjack at Vegas before you actually go to the table?" "Maybe we need to mix up what we've got.", says Embrionic with a wink. Mashimaro says, "bring back fighter school" Galinfenner asks, "Mix it up?" "Yes.", says Embrionic. Esperanza says, "Yes...a fighter school would be a good thing" Fancy says, "There used to be schools..." Ditzy is good at mixing things up. Racingnut says, "yeah" "they teach you how to play at vegas, very little strategy", says Paladin with a wink. "we need a top gun of sorts", says Racingnut. "Like this new Arena Football crap.", says Embrionic with a wink. Mashimaro says, "i remember fighter school on AOL" Jazir says, "Aye, there was a fighting school a way back" Galinfenner nods "Most luck I ever had at a black jack table was at one of those practice tables where it didn't count", says Paul with a frown. Embrionic says, "It may have failed technically." Embrionic says, "But not all of them do." "i remember kari and njrudeboy teaching ecomnics school", says Jamel. "Schools were discontinued a few years ago due to lack of interest.", says Galinfenner. "Thulium has the best", says Paladin. "But we can bring them back", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner makes a note "Greyspacewolf did", says Shaynah. Shaynah says, "in Aries.." Galinfenner nods Embrionic says, "Well." "Useagle too", says Shaynah. Galinfenner asks, "Embri?" Paul says, "If you do they should be monthly at most I'd think, maybe rotating subjects at one time" Sirglec pushes Jazir to the fighting school. Embrionic says, "Until I think of a new groundbreaking game.." Shaynah hushes Galinfenner agrees with Paul "I'm stuck on fighting events with awesome sets of rules.", says Embrionic. Jazir smiles Shaynah smirks Galinfenner grins "I think they should be in the half hour before the event...maybe once a month for each event that needs some training", says Esperanza. "Just simply put to say --", says Embrionic. Racingnut says, "i love hells fury its a free for all with almost no rules" Jamel says, "i remember slave auctions .....maybe a slave auction event" Esperanza says, "Give them instruction and then let em go try it out" Galinfenner shushes eveyrone Zyphr exclaims, "OH! that's like dance lessons before the club opens!" "Embri has the floor", says Galinfenner with a wink. "Exactly", says Esperanza. Cartman whispers this might be a good thing to post in the Fednews, see what interest there may be Embrionic winks and says, "Those who made these games are GENIUSES. And I think they all deserve our commendations." Ditzy wonders if Embri will take the floor when he leaves... Galinfenner ponders his gag command Galinfenner nods Embrionic will take the floor, among other things. Felina raises her hand "ou done Embri?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "err.. you done?" Jamel thinks whoever invented fkeys was genius Racingnut loves his gag command..::waves duct tape threateningly:: Embrionic winks and says, "Yeah, enough rambling for me." Galinfenner grins "Felina?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner chuckles "I think before the fights is great for the fights, the classes weren't just for events though it was economics, events, planet design", says Felina. Galinfenner nods "that would be a first insatiable ::ducks::", says Racingnut. Esperanza nods to Felina Jazir nods "We could have a school, and switch out the subject as Paul suggested", says Galinfenner. Esperanza raises her hand Galinfenner asks, "Espy?" Jamel says, "ditzy teach planet design" Ditzy chuckles wickedly... "The idea is to get people confident they won't look like an idiot doing the event", says Esperanza. Emcee applauds that thought :) Galinfenner nods "So maybe a half hour before Fedpardy...have a little mini Fedpardy to show people how it's done", says Esperanza. Embrionic notes that the Racing one is damned jealous and he kisses his fiancee. "Before a fighting event, have a half hour to show somebody how to configure a fighting ship and how it works", says Esperanza. Fancy says, "Well, a half hour before Fedpardy will be during the Magellan Cup." Shaynah blinks Racingnut says, "jealous...of you? not likely" Shaynah smirks a bit Gwarrior looks for his wife, sighs, and gives up. Galinfenner nods Redspice raises her hand... "how to best use magguns", says Jamel. "Well, timing would have to be figured out but that might be a good idea.", says Galinfenner. "ReD?", asks Galinfenner. "Everybody wouldn't participate", says Esperanza. Redspice says, "also part of the problem, I think...is everyone is looking for numbers compared to what it was when Fed was packed....85 players on now...= approx 28 that are able to participate....and that means approx 9 of those will attend an event...." Esperanza says, "You'd probably have three or four at a class" Galinfenner nods "I don't think we expect huge numbers.", says Galinfenner. Redspice nods.... "but we do need 5 or so to run an event.", says Galinfenner. Redspice says, "just a thought..." Galinfenner asks, "I think most Mc's look for 5 people is that right?" Galinfenner asks the experts "I look for at least 4 players.", says Fancy. Gwarrior shrugs. Galinfenner nods "depends on event", says Jamel. Tis is an Expert on MC... Emcee... "At least one more player than there are prizes.", says Fancy. "oh...", says Tis. "Somethin gwe should all agree on I think.", says Galinfenner. Mashimaro says, "at least 4" Paul says, "I have been told to go with as few as 3" Esperanza says, "Four for a fighting event works" Galinfenner makes another note "4 for bz ?", asks Jamel. Zyphr thought Galin was THE expert!! "team based events you need 4", says Mashimaro with a wink. Ditzy says, "I want at least 2 for scramble." Fancy winks and says, "That's me and one other" Ditzy says, "And the more the merier." "I just do what Im told", smiles Galinfenner. "i want at leastt 8 women for my groping contest", says Jamel. Insatiable laughs Redspice laughs Galinfenner says, "Thre used to be a kissing contest." Galinfenner says, "Back on AoL" Esperanza smiles "can't remember if it was official or not though.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins "Anyone else have a comment?", asks Galinfenner. Jamel says, "i remember slave auctions on aol" Galinfenner nods "I think there may have once been a prize for the best kiss at a Valentine's Day bash one year.", says Fancy. Shaynah says, "Great Meet and Greet Galin" "THose weren't official either.", says Galinfenner. "my favorite event at tttt partys", says Jamel. "That was last week Shaynah", says Galinfenner with a wink. Shaynah laughs "that one was too", smiles Shaynah. Galinfenner says, "Ok.. Well, thank you all for coming" Galinfenner looks at the event hosts "thank you for having it", says Shaynah. Esperanza applauds the host Fancy bows to everyone. Insatiable applauds too Jazir smiles, "Bravo hosts and Designers, keep up the great work" Galinfenner exclaims, "and especially thank all of you for the great job you do week in and week out!" Redspice applauds and gives everyone a hug... Jazir applauds Zyphr claps wildly! "Next week.. my guest is going to be Jerden!", exclaims Galinfenner. "marriages seem to draw a lot maybe someone can get hitched every week", says Jamel. Shaynah gives you a hot hug "And April 22, I'll be making like Ben Stein and becoming a contestant on my show.", says Fancy with a wink. Galinfenner grins at Fancy Racingnut looks in his pocket for a quarter Ditzy looks around... "Thanks everyone!", exclaims Galinfenner. |