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>ex fancy Galinfenner says, "Anyway.. WELCOME ! Meet and Greet welcomes you all , and especially my guest Fancy." Gwarrior claps for Fancy. Gypsy whistles and cheers Fancy Galinfenner says, "Fancy, you gave a Meet and Greet back in 1999." Uniquette applauds for Fancy Wolfyn says, "He's old." Galinfenner says, "At that time..." "Yes, that's true. It's also when I happened to make Duke.", says Fancy. Racingnut says, "hmm an old faht" Galinfenner asks, "you mentioned you started in Fed during the time of the AOL flat rate?" Fancy says, "Yes. I can even remember the specific date I started - November 3, 1996." Galinfenner chuckles Fancy says, "AOL went flat rate effective December 1 that year." Racingnut nods Galinfenner asks, "Do you recall how many people were here on a nightly basis?" Wolfyn asks, "What name did you use then?" "So I played sparingly within the hours that came with the subscription, then found out that with the arrival of December that year, they were no longer keeping track of how much time I had used, so I started playing much more heavily.", says Fancy. Galinfenner nods Fancy says, "There were often 700 people on at the same time during free Fed." Galinfenner asks, "Were you always Fancy or did you use another name?" "My name on AOL was FancyX2 - Fancy times 2 as a shortcut for Fancy-Fancy, the cat-sanova character in the Top Cat gang.", says Fancy. Wolfyn grins. Galinfenner nods Racingnut remembers fancyx2 "Do you recall anyone who helped you in those early months?", asks Galinfenner. "I read the manual first, before starting, so I'd have an idea what I was doing once I entered.", says Fancy. Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "So.. there wasn't anyone that you remember who helped you?" Fancy says, "I do remember that when I got to the rank of Trader, there was this one time I was 800,000 groats short of being able to do one of the stat puzzles, and someone graciously agreed to hold the piece for me while I borrowed the money, then did the puzzle." Galinfenner grins Fancy says, "I wish I could remember specific names there, but there have been so many names in my playing career, and that was also long ago." "I know how you feel.", says Galinfenner with a wink. "I then promptly traded to earn that 800,000 groats and repaid the lender within about an hour.", says Fancy. Galinfenner asks, "Do you remember any particular group or duchy that you hung out with/in?" "I didn't really hang out in any particular group or duchy. I believe I traded rather heavily with Haunt, though.", says Fancy. Fancy says, "When I made merchant, my first factories were gained on the planet of Mercy." "barbnurse? I remember her.", says Galinfenner. Racingnut chuckles "Did you stay FO very long?", asks Galinfenner. "I see that the planet still exists - Barbnurse was the overlord, and still is, though she's apparently inactive.", says Fancy. Galinfenner nods "Back in those days, I had to earn my company profit within 10 days. I believe my first 10-day cycle was spent accumulating my factories, then I was able to promote on my second 10-day cycle.", says Fancy. "Nice work", smiles Jazir. Galinfenner asks, "Those cycles were killer weren't they?" Racingnut agrees Jazir couldn't have done it without factory balances ;) Fancy smiles, "It was late in 1996, I believe while I was still either trader or merchant when I came across one of my earliest friends in Fed at the exchange on Mars, just a bit east of here. Phiddie was her name." Racingnut says, "i always wondered why noone was able to call me on my phone most of the time" Silverkat smiles "It took a lot of heavy playing on my part to make enough company profit within the allotted time, so it was tough.", says Fancy. Galinfenner nods "So you and Phids were tight?", asks Galinfenner. Fancy smiles, "We were good friends, all right" Galinfenner asks, "when did you make it to PO?" Fancy says, "We might have even been more than that. Except that she was already married, even then. Seems that that has been the story of many of the lovely ladies I've found in Fed through the years - already spoken for." "Really? What's their names?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins Fancy laughs, "Oh boy, let's see who I can remember... As Top Cat once said about me, most guys have a little black book. You have the entire yellow pages!" Galinfenner laughs Jazir grins Redspice chuckles.. Silverkat chuckles .. lets see .. ah here it is .. Redspice, listed in the yellow pages under Boxers Fancy says, "Phiddie is the first I remember. There were so many other lovely ladies who captured my heart through the years. Some are still around, others aren't." Galinfenner nods "It was in late 1997 that I finally found one who my heart fell for and was available - Catspaws was her name, overlord of Litterbox.", says Fancy. Galinfenner asks, "Is she still around?" Wolfyn grins. Roslyn remembers Catspaws. "I proposed to her and Fed married her in early 1998 in the church on Toontown.", says Fancy. Galinfenner grins "She doesn't seem to be around anymore. And it wasn't long after the Fed marriage that she also disappeared from Fed for a long, long stretch.", says Fancy. "I do see that her planet still exists, though.", says Fancy. Galinfenner asks, "That must've left you a little heart broken?" Fancy says, "It sure was tough on me being Fed married without the spouse ever being around, yes." "do you remember when you became a PO?", asks Galinfenner. Fancy says, "But, as I vowed in the marriage vows, I stayed loyal, "until uninsured death do us part."" "I became a planet owner on February 2, 1997.", says Fancy. Galinfenner chuckles Fancy says, "Groundhog Day" Galinfenner nods Gigilo laughs. "so I take that technically you are still married?", asks Galinfenner. Fancy says, "I looked around for the duchies that didn't impose any import duties and wrote to some of the Dukes where I hoped I would be admitted." Fancy shakes his head. "Ok, yes you are married? or No you are not?", asks Galinfenner. Fancy says, "That part got taken care of, albeit definitely very accidentally in October of 1998. Someone had made a deathtrap planet and joined it into the duchy I was in at the time. I went to it unaware of what it was (it was the 1st time I had seen it)..." Galinfenner nods Fancy says, "I tried to land and exit my ship, but what was deliberately described as link and orbit was only the link, and out from there was a death location in space, with a description of the access corridor, and out from the hospital was also death." Gigilo cringes. Gypsy says, "ouch" Fancy says, "I think it was two Chronicles after that that Hazed announced such planets were now outlawed." Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "What duchy did you join?" "The first duchy I was admitted to was Socal, with Duke JRuffalo, now Ruff.", says Fancy. Galinfenner says, "ahh. Ruff! I remember him." Racingnut says, "he was also my duke though back then it was Buffalo duchy" "There were several active duchy mates in Socal. I can think of several planets that were in there with me.", says Fancy. Fancy says, "There was Snugglepus, Fastpitch, Local, Tartan..." Galinfenner nods "And Sweetums...", says Fancy. "Looks like at least one is still active.", says Galinfenner. "I think duchy's got expanded to 20 planets while I was still in there, and we got even more planets in, of which I remember Arizona.", says Fancy. Racingnut remembers arizona and azwirble "I was around May of 1997 that I was finally able to promote my first planet to Thane.", says Fancy. Galinfenner asks, "Toontown?" Fancy nods. Galinfenner says, "What other duchies have you been in" Fancy says, "It was around June of that year that AOL announced it would start charging for its games. It was also that day that the Duke needed to make a space in Socal for a character of his mate. I was the odd one out. I then got into Biotek, with Cometeer." Galinfenner nods Fancy says, "Once I got the first promotion, the rest came quicker." Galinfenner asks, "Do you have any embarrasing moments you can share with us?" Fancy says, "I think it was also around there that I got involved with the official Federation events. Fedpardy was my first." Galinfenner remembers Galinfenner grins Fancy says, "I also got to be good at other events, like Word Scramble, Hide and Seek, Hide or Seek, Scavenger Hunt..." Galinfenner winks and says, "I think I made you host of FEDPARDY so someone else would have a shot at winning" Silverkat laughs Redspice chuckles and nods... Fancy winks and says, "Being good at those really helped me play Fed on the cheap when Fed started charging by the minute in 1998" Galinfenner nods Racingnut is glad he missed that Fancy laughs, nods, and says, "Yes, that's true. I became very good at Fedpardy, and was winning most weeks, though occasionally someone would knock me off. There were several other good players who could give me a run for my money. Felina not being one of them! "I can remember Almandot, Jaime, Audrey, Carole...", says Fancy. "I remember a few of you.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner nods Jazir would love a shot at Fancy ;) Galinfenner winks and whispers to Fancy "Embarassing moments" Redspice says, "still very good at the games..." "OK, embarrassing moments, huh?", asks Fancy. Galinfenner grins Uniquette loves this port Uniquette loves this part too "There was one incident on a Wednesday night when shortly after I had logged on, and was basically watching, someone asked a question, and Vrmeyers and someone else whose name started with an A helped out...", says Fancy. Fancy says, "The one helped said, 'Thanks, V & A' over the channel." Galinfenner nods Fancy says, "Trying to be witty and funny, I wondered aloud on the channel if the one helped would have phrased his gratitude in the same way if Vrmeyers' name had instead been Trmeyers..." Jazir chuckles Wolfyn grins. Serena laughs Galinfenner says, "heh" "Well, boy what a reaction that drew over the channel!", exclaims Fancy. Gwarrior laughs. Uniquette grins Redspice chuckles... "Ok, does anyone have a question for Fancy?", asks Galinfenner. Fancy says, "Vrmeyers shortly after XT'ed back, ::spank Fancy::, and someone else then commented, "Ah ha! There's your sinner!"" Silverkat asks, "but .. why were you embarassed about that?" Galinfenner laughs Fancy says, "A few minutes later I thought of a clever comeback I could have used had I just come up with it promptly." Galinfenner asks, "Did you see Silverkat's question Fancy?" Fancy says, "I realized I could have come up with a comeback like, "I'm afraid you can't do that by remote control, you little Vixen [she was overlord of the planet Vixen, I believe]" Galinfenner nods Fancy says, "I was embarrased by the comments I got back in reaction to my wonderings aloud" Wolfyn has a question. Galinfenner smiles, "Wolfyn" Wolfyn smiles, "Fancy, which one is your very very favorite tie?" Wolfyn has admired several of them! Fancy smiles, "I've only had the one white silk tie" Wolfyn exclaims, "Aw!" Fancy says, "But further with that comeback I wish I could have come up with on a timely basis..." "And I would have challenged her to a little bet - The following night would have Seek or Hide. If she could catch me, first before time was up in a round where I was hiding, then she could turn me over her knee right at Events Central...", says Fancy. Fancy winks and says, "But if she were to take the bet, and I won the overall event, she would have had to bend over my knee at Events Central at the end." Fancy winks and says, "Boy, would THAT bet have perked up some interest had I thought of it?" Wolfyn grins. Redspice chuckles... Jazir smiles Fancy asks, "OK, other questions?" "Mmm, wait, one other thing...", says Fancy. Galinfenner looks out over the audience "yes?", asks Galinfenner. Fancy winks and says, "Just so you all know, the Hide or Seek planet being used at the time was the one with the Feddietubbies theme, and I had found a path through a maze that only I seemed to know about for another month or so" "OK, anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. Zyphr raises her hand... Fancy winks and says, "I doubt that if I had thought about the bet in time, made it, and it had been taken, that I would have had to do any paying off" Galinfenner asks, "Zyphr?" Fancy looks to Zyphr. Zyphr smiles sweetly, "Fancy..." "I understand that you are going to organize another LA Fed meet? Is that truth or rumor?", smiles Zyphr. Zyphr heard that the last one was OUTSTANDING! "Yes, there is truth to that rumor", smiles Fancy. "I helped organize one in 1999.", says Fancy. Urissa asks, "who helped?" Kewlness asks, "A lot of people show up?" Fancy says, "I got some help from others in planning the Meet. Snuggs was one of them." "I think we must have gotten about 25 people to come to that.", says Fancy. Fancy says, "I found out when Mitters was going to be in the area anyway, along with Teenangel, and planned it around that weekend." "So when is this next going to be?", asks Galinfenner. Fancy says, "Disneyland seemed to be a big draw for many at that one. I'm looking at August for this year's." Zyphr asks, "And where is it going to be... in LA again?" "Why not a Vegas fed meet?", says Devilish with a wink. Galinfenner thinks that's a good place for an LA fedmeet Fancy says, "Around L.A. and Orange County most likely. Probably more around Orange County - that's where the big theme parks are." "make it one that I can go to", says Serena. Gwarrior asks, "what about an East Coast meet?" "Any weekends in August that are good for you, Serena, or that I should avoid?", asks Fancy. Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else have a questoin?" Devilish asks, "What are your thoughts on the Industrial Revolution?" Serena says, "not at the moment" Jazir raises a hand "what keeps you in fed still fancy?", asks Kewlness. "I think the Industrial Revolution was a very positive advance in the history of mankind", says Fancy with a wink. Galinfenner looks at Jaz "Which cerebral events do you like the most, Fancy?", smiles Jazir. Devilish winks and says, "Ok, Thanks Fancy" "My main attractions to Fed are all the friends I've made, and the events. I've stayed an event animal the whole time.", says Fancy. Galinfenner says, "Jazir's question." Galinfenner asks, "Your favorite cerebral event?" Fancy says, "I like all the cerebral events. I'm of course partial to Fedpardy. But as for those I am eligible to play, I'd say I like the Phrase Game and Word Scramble the most." "Ok, before we end the show, would you care to say anything Fancy?", asks Galinfenner. "Going to duke again fancy?", says Kewlness with a wink. "If I get the desire to learn how to fight other players well, Jazir, I just might end up being able to dominate that league, too. You SURE you'd want that?", says Fancy with a wink. "I love ALL competition!", smiles Jazir. Fancy says, "I'm already a Duke, Kewlness." Kewlness smiles, "Yes but clearly you don't get my reference" "So it's okay you can think about it for a while", smiles Kewlness. Zyphr thinks Jazir is unbeatable ;) Wyldcat knows jazir isn't. ;) Galinfenner says, "Ok..." Jazir grins Galinfenner wonders if Fancy is pondering a statement Zyphr thinks Jazir is unbeatable... in her mind... and that's what's important to her ;) "Perception IS reality", says Zyphr with a wink. "What question did I miss?", asks Fancy. "You didn't miss any.", says Kewlness. Fancy says, "I'm sure it would be quite interesting if someone wanted to prepare and host a Fedpardy for which I didn't write any of the questions so that both Jazir and I could compete." "Just a closing statement is what he was referring to.", says Kewlness. "Mmm I think that could be arranged.", says Galinfenner. Jazir smiles, "Indeed it would" "I've already done that and would be happy to again", says Kewlness with a wink. Zyphr could help you out, Galin ;) Serena knows why she doesn't play most events "And all it ended up involving was no one being able to answer anything for long periods of time, no one getting the final, and you winning because no one else thought to start looking things up", says Kewlness with a wink. "Now this is sounding interesting, Kewlness!", smiles Jazir. Roslyn smiles and waves. "If the write-up of the most recent Dating Game made the Chronicle, you probably also know by know that I was one of the mystery dates for Antonia", smiles Fancy. "and it happened twice at that", says Kewlness with a wink. "Shall we set a date?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Say the 15th?" Fancy says, "April 15th? Sure, I should be able to do that." "I think I'll have my taxes done and sent in by then", smiles Fancy. Jazir smiles, "I could do that" Galinfenner smiles, "Great! I'll handle the q/a's then" Kewlness asks, "Aww why you?" Galinfenner asks, "cuz no one else will want to?" Galinfenner grins "I would, but i'd want to play more i think", says Kewlness. Zyphr will be the card broad ;) "Fancy, thanks so much for being a great sport and sitting in last minute", smiles Galinfenner. "I just hope I'm not too rusty after all this time of not playing Fedpardy because I've been hosting it", says Fancy with a wink. Kewlness says, "I have a few stipulations for that matchup though btw." Fancy smiles, "You're welcome, Galin." Jazir hopes he hasn't set himself up for the worst rear end kicking in fedpardy history ;) Wyldcat chuckles Redspice chuckles.... Galinfenner exclaims, "Thanks to everyone for coming tonight!" "next week...", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner runs to look at his calendar Kewlness frowns and says, "No one wants to hear my stipulations?" Redspice applauds Fancy and Galin.... Wyldcat applauds "Go ahead and say them, Kewlness.", says Fancy. Gwarrior applauds. Kewlness smiles, "1) None of this meet'n'greet and fed news for category crap they deal with every week" "oh hey...", says Galinfenner. "next week is MY Meet and greet", smiles Galinfenner. Kewlness says, "2) Formatting is strictly enforced." Gwarrior says, "oh that should be interesting" Zyphr claps wildly!! "Finally!!" Jazir grins "thansk everyone!!!", exclaims Galinfenner. "3) Challenges are actually taken into consideration if there's solid ground.", says Kewlness. |