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Anseladams says, "Beans." Wolfyn opens the windows and the atmosphere clears. Galinfenner moves on to the stage Galinfenner says, "Ok, thanks everyone for coming out tonight." "Tonight is the last Meet and Greet for this season. We'll start again in the fall.", says Galinfenner. Gwarrior jumps down, runs over to Urissa, and gives her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before hopping back onto the stage. Wolfyn claps! Sirglec thinks Galin is chickening out for the season. ;) "Tonight we are privilged to have with us Gwarrior.", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn claps again! Galinfenner claps and smils Sirglec cleans up Galin's smil. Wolfyn opens the window so the smil goes away again. Gwarrior tries to look serious then bursts out laughing. Galinfenner provides everyone with the missing e Art wonders what to do with her extra e "Gw, first question, How did you find Fed?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner whispers to Art put it in my smile Esperanza recommends the Dan Quayle school of spelling to Art Dooeee sticks his extra e at the end of his name. just to confuse you! "I first found Fed when it was a banner on aol", smiles Gwarrior. Galinfenner nods "explain banner", says Jamel. Gwarrior says, "advertisement" "Like a tractor beam.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner laughs Gwarrior chuckles at WOlfyn. Art thought it was a game, not a banner. "They'd put it on the first screen you saw when you came into AOL", says Galinfenner. "What year was that?", asks Galinfenner. Gwarrior says, "um.. 96 I think" Jamel says, "u mean the whole universe on a banner" "after aol went flat rate, but before the web transfer", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "So during the time when there were hundreds of players then?" "I thought it was the coolest thing", says Gwarrior. Wolfyn asks, "Oooo who were you?" "of course, I was only 11", says Gwarrior. Gwarrior chuckles. Galinfenner chuckles Wolfyn laughs. Dooeee grins "You and 10 million other fedders at that time", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "never mind." Gwarrior says, "there were a ton of players" Galinfenner nods Jamel says, "hmmm" Art grins "I spent ALOT of tiem in the Cantina back then", says Gwarrior. Chamberlain starts counting the years on his fingers. "At eleven, did it have an effect on you?", asks Galinfenner. Gwarrior winks and says, "never made it past trader" Jamel only had well not many toys at 11 Galinfenner wonders if Gw had to have therapy "it stuck with me", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner nods "I was sad went it went to the web and I couldn't play anymore", says Gwarrior. "ahh.", says Galinfenner. "highly upset", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner says, "Just to back track a bit" Jamel asks, "i take it 11 year olds didnt have income ?" Galinfenner asks, "Do you remember anyone helping you your first time around?" Gwarrior nods. Gwarrior says, "I had alot of friends back then" "Do you remember any names/", says Galinfenner. "especially when I had to be brought back from dd", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner grins Gwarrior says, "and I'll be danged if I could remember any of them" Dooeee laughs Galinfenner laughs Chamberlain asks, "What was your name back then Gw? Or did I miss that?" "I don't remember many of them either.", says Galinfenner. "What was your name?", asks Galinfenner. "I can't remember that either", says Gwarrior. Gwarrior chuckles. Galinfenner grins Chamberlain laughs Dooeee grins Galinfenner asks, "Do you remember how you d'd?" "I tried going back through the archives, but it didn't help", says Gwarrior. Gwarrior says, "oh boy do I remember how I dd'ed, lots and lots of fighting in all of that lag" "Darn 11 year olds don't take notes!", exclaims Wolfyn. Galinfenner smirks at Wolfyn Galinfenner asks, "Fighting against mobiles or people?" Gwarrior says, "people, in the arena" "how many times?", asks Galinfenner. Dooeee grins "um... I lost count", says Gwarrior. "like I said, I never made it past trader", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner exclaims, "Really? No wonder you never made it past trader!" Dooeee says, "only takes two, when you forget to insure" Art is just glad he came back. "So, you just forget to insure or do this on purpose?", asks Galinfenner. Esperanza smiles at art "forgot to insure", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner says, "gee, I may have found the only person in fed who d'd more than I did." "attempted to get out without doing it", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner grins Gwarrior chuckles. Galinfenner nods Dooeee grins Galinfenner asks, "So, when did you come back then?" Krystal has just left. Gwarrior says, "December 25th of 2002" Galinfenner asks, "As a Christmas present?" "had been searching for it for awhile before I found it", says Gwarrior. Art grins "christmas present ?", asks Jamel. Galinfenner nods "now that I'm old enough to have a job, I could pay for it", says Gwarrior with a wink. "and boy was I glad to see it was flat rate", says Gwarrior. Art nods. "instead of pay by the minute", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner asks, "So you found us again on Christmas just passed. Is there anyone you remember helping you out this time?" "well Blirish of course", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner nods and smiles Gwarrior smiles, "and Espie" Galinfenner nods again Gwarrior says, "and Wyld gave me jobs, if I remember correctly" Dooeee laughs "I made alot of friends, really fast", says Gwarrior. Art thinks that the people are the only reason to go or stay. "So if you don't remember friends from AOL, I doubt you recall anyone who you know now, and knew then?", asks Galinfenner. Gwarrior says, "nope, not a one" Gwarrior chuckles. Gwarrior says, "like I said, I didn't get out of the Cantina much besides to fight" Art chuckles. "was you the only one in your family played on aol ?", asks Jamel. Gwarrior nods. Galinfenner asks, "You've had a few relationships this time around. Can you tell us who with?" "I'm the only computer geek", says Gwarrior with a wink. Galinfenner grins "lets see... where to begin", says Gwarrior. Art likes computer geeks. Jamel remembers psimyst had an 11 year old son played "Ladylynn for a short time", says Gwarrior. "Antonia", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner nods Gwarrior says, "Tempest was in there somewhere" "Gypsy of course", smiles Gwarrior. Gwarrior smiles, "and now, Art" "Do you have any embarrassing moments you can share with us?", asks Galinfenner. Gwarrior says, "let me think..." Galinfenner smirks Racingnut asks, "how much time ya got?" Chamberlain chuckles "I dont' get embarressed easily", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner laughs Esperanza stares at something far off in the corner Gwarrior says, "I'm so used to making a fool of myself that it doesn't bother me" Gypsy passes around pics of GW doing lap dances.. Galinfenner asks, "Something that maybe would have embarrassed someone else then?" "but I love to make people laugh, so its all good", smiles Gwarrior. Sirglec counts on his fingers... "All those women in 6 months time? I'm sure there are some embarrassing moments. ;) Redspice chuckles.. Galinfenner asks, "You'd think so huh Sir?" Galinfenner grins Gwarrior says, "oh, I have a good moment" Galinfenner says, "ok" Gwarrior says, "my first attempt at fighting after I came back" Galinfenner nods Gwarrior says, "that was a disaster" Jamel wonders how many gw boxers red has Art won't mention that time that... Gwarrior says, "didn't know a thing" Gwarrior says, "and was flung into the middle of Bloodzone" Art winces. Gwarrior says, "Espie was frantically telling me what kind of ship to buy" Galinfenner grins Gwarrior chuckles. Racingnut mutters something to himself "though I did last the longest in each round", says Gwarrior. "mostly cause I just sat there", says Gwarrior. Gwarrior chuckles. Galinfenner laughs "So you got the right ship anyway?", asks Galinfenner. "the second round, I had my computer set on automatic", says Gwarrior. Art makes a note to try not doing anything if she ever fights. Racingnut says, "dont do that if u fight kewlness gw..you will have 20-30 minute fights" Galinfenner chuckles "so I was flung out of the arena", says Gwarrior. "we had to put a hold on until I figured my way back in", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner says, "oops" Gwarrior says, "it was good for a laugh, though" Galinfenner nods and chuckles Esperanza thinks we've all had our first fights "once I had time to prepare and get everythign situated, it became alot easier", says Gwarrior. Racingnut remembers the months of frustration before finally winning his first last month Gwarrior says, "my next tournament was Hell's Fury, I got 2nd out of 3" Galinfenner asks, "In your second time out?" Gwarrior nods. "Wow, that's great.", says Galinfenner. Gwarrior says, "I practiced with the Wolfpack alot" Art beams at Gw. Galinfenner grins "That's a good way to hone your skills", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "If you could change something about Fed, what would that be?" "oh, I know this one", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner smiles "get WAAAAAAAAAY more people", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner nods "we dont have enough lag now?", smiles Racingnut. "anything else?", asks Galinfenner. Gwarrior says, "alts are nice, but a whole nother person is different" Galinfenner says, "It sure is" "I'd also like to see the ranks get harder", says Gwarrior. Dooeee nods Racingnut nods "Well, now that you are over that D'd disease anyway huh?", asks Galinfenner. "all of the social stuff is at the PO level or above, so when someone new comes in, they are ruched to the top", says Gwarrior. Dooeee whispers take out the give groat command ;) Galinfenner asks, "Or have you d'd since you came back?" "luckily, *I*, haven't", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner nods Art nods. Gwarrior says, "alts don't count in that" Galinfenner asks, "Do you have any advice for a new person just coming into Fed?" "take their time and enjoy the lower ranks as long as they can", says Gwarrior. "we need to get a group together that will just sit in the Cnatina", says Gwarrior. Chamberlain thinks thats good advice Galinfenner grins Wolfyn cringes. "besides Nav's", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner asks, "bring back old times?" Gwarrior says, "not so much as to bring back old times" Gwarrior says, "but, if a new player comes in, if they see a bunch of people there ready to greet them or what not, they would be more inclined to stay" Galinfenner nods "Good point", says Galinfenner. Jamel would bring back kao`s partys "Does anyone have a question for Gwarrior?", asks Galinfenner. Wolfyn raises a paw Gwarrior winks and says, "Cantina parties would be a good idea" "wolfyn?", asks Galinfenner. "Yes?", asks Wolfyn. "YOu have a question?", asks Galinfenner. "Yes.", says Wolfyn. "What does Gwarrior mean?", asks Wolfyn. Art giggles Gwarrior says, "well, many things have been suggested" Jamel asks, "girly warrior ?" Gwarrior winks and says, "especially during the lap dance phase" Galinfenner stifles a laugh "But what is the correct one?", smiles Wolfyn. Galinfenner chuckles Art muffles a laugh Esperanza finds that spot on the wall again "originally, it was meant as Galactic Warrior", says Gwarrior. "Ah!", exclaims Wolfyn. Redspice watches Espe watching the spot on the wall.. Gwarrior says, "since I remembered the fighting aspect of the game" "That would have been a cool name. Galacticwarrior", says Wolfyn. Art says, "But think of the tb's..." Jamel says, "aint nothing but a g thing" Wolfyn raises a paw again. Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else have a question?" Gwarrior says, "I think its 1 character too long" Galinfenner smiles, "Go ahead Wolfyn" Wolfyn says, "Darn. okay." "Are you going to do the dukely thing?", asks Wolfyn. Gwarrior says, "I planned on it" "Cool.", smiles Wolfyn. Gwarrior says, "30 days and counting" Art can't wait. Wolfyn raises a paw again. Sirglec winks and says, "Rats! I can't spy on him and Art, then." "Duke Gw mmm", says Galinfenner. "Anyone else have a question?", asks Galinfenner. Wolfyn raises a paw again. Galinfenner chuckles "Yes Wolfyn", says Galinfenner. Redspice chuckles.. Art giggles. "Why the name domestic? Are you a Galactic Warrior that irons and does windows?", asks Wolfyn. Galinfenner always wondered that too "I'm very patriotic", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner nods Art puts her hand over her mouth. "And?", asks Galinfenner. Gwarrior says, "everything on my planet has to do with the U.S." "Or maybe he was a Domesticated Warrior...", says Dragonheart. Wolfyn listens. Galinfenner nods "plus I'm big on american made cars", says Gwarrior. Wolfyn asks, "Has to do with the US? Like how?" Racingnut sells it for a profit and buys a porsche Gwarrior says, "hence the drag strip with a Corvette" Galinfenner grins Wolfyn imagines Walmarts everywhere. "So.. domestic refers to the US.", says Galinfenner. "they already are wolfyn", says Racingnut with a wink. Gwarrior says, "well, my bar is the Hard Rock Cafe" Galinfenner nods "everywhere is decorated with pictures of American cars", says Gwarrior. "and you can even rent one", smiles Gwarrior. Art had noticed that. "Really? on your planet?", asks Galinfenner. Gwarrior nods. Galinfenner asks, "You've got a race track also?" "Rent a picture?", asks Chamberlain. Gwarrior says, "I have a drag strip, yes" Art says, "Rent a corvette" Galinfenner whispers to Chamberlain 'corvette' Gwarrior says, "it even has a mini-puzzle in it" Galinfenner nods Chamberlain grins in understandment. Galinfenner looks around the room "in order to win, you have to buy the right kind of upgrades for your car", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner asks, "Anyone have a question?" Shaynah raises her hand "Shaynah?", asks Galinfenner. Shaynah says, "Tell us GW...." Shaynah asks, "how much do you like dial up?" Insomnius smirks "I despise it!", exclaims Gwarrior. Chamberlain is impressed that someone so young would be so loyal to Detroit. :) Art laughs! Racingnut chuckles Insomnius squeezes Espy's hand "oh.. thank you .. I didn't know .. you never say", smiles Shaynah. Galinfenner chuckles Art isn't too fond of dialup either. "I'm so jealous of everyone who had cable or DSL", says Gwarrior. "didnt you see all the computers outside his window shay?", asks Racingnut. Gwarrior says, "or has rather" Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else with a question?" Racingnut raises his hand "Yes Rnut", smiles Galinfenner. Shaynah laughs Racingnut says, "well mine is more of a comment...cable is not always better GW..i was fighting tonite with 6-10 second lag" Racingnut says, "and thats with cable" Gwarrior says, "ack..." Galinfenner nods Galinfenner says, "It has it's moments" Gwarrior says, "I've completely frozen up before" "never got a shot off in the round", says Gwarrior. Jamel still has dial up Gwarrior says, "I don't think its so much dial up, just the lines where I live" Galinfenner nods "they are really old", says Gwarrior. "maybe also what isp u have", says Racingnut. Chamberlain 's cable has never let him down Art doesn't like Gw's dialup at all. Gwarrior coughs, says AOL, and coughs again. "Do you have anything you'd like to say Gw?", asks Galinfenner. Dooeee raises a hand. Galinfenner smiles, "Ok, Dooeee" Jamel says, "i cant even get a local number for aol" "How much wood, could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood? in a day?", asks Dooeee. Galinfenner says, "Heh" Jamel says, "how much do he chuck" Wolfyn thinks that would depend on the cycles. Galinfenner says, "and how much time online" Galinfenner smirks Dooeee laughs "Depends on the Workthings", says Dragonheart. "And wood production.", says Chamberlain with a wink. Racingnut thinks that would depend on workers wages, expenditures, infrastructure and factory inputs "how much would you pay them?", asks Gwarrior. "I a poor Baron", says Dooeee. Galinfenner asks, "Before I close, do you have any parting comments Gw?" Redspice chuckles... "I would just like to say.....", says Gwarrior. Gwarrior exclaims, "I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Galinfenner grins Urissa laughs Wolfyn gets all gushy. Chamberlain grins Galinfenner has another beer "and everyong needs to come to my new event tomorrow", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner nods "Sounds like fun.", smiles Wolfyn. "Tell us about it", says Galinfenner with a wink. "Death and Desruction, the only event where the arena is as dangerous as your opponents.", says Gwarrior. Galinfenner grins evilly Dragonheart smiles "good job my evil underling", says Galinfenner with a wink. "Thanks for sitting in the hotseat Gwarrior", says Galinfenner. "Thanks to all of you for coming out.", says Galinfenner. "Death locations in the arena, or fighting mobiles?", asks Chamberlain. Jamel claps Wolfyn applauds! Chamberlain applauds "death locs off the arena", says Gwarrior. Chamberlain nods "Meet and Greet will be back in the fall.", smiles Galinfenner. Urissa applauds "check out the rules on the site", says Gwarrior. Dragonheart applauds "Yay!", exclaims Urissa. Galinfenner stands and applauds Stgarb asks, "no reruns??" "none this summer ?", asks Jamel. Redspice applauds ... Esperanza applauds enthusiastically Galinfenner smiles, "No, not this summer" Chamberlain frowns and says, "Boo!" Racingnut understands Insomnius claps loudly for Gw Gwarrior gives everyone a BIG hug, and all of the ladies a kiss on the cheek. Wolfyn fans herself. "It's just been too much work for me." Racingnut says, "summers a bad time anyway" Art applauds Gw. "You have worked so hard.", says Galinfenner. Esperanza grins at Wolfyn :) Wolfyn grins. "Thank you Gw, and thanks Galin for hosting this season.", says Wolfyn. |