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Galinfenner says, "err now" Wolfyn adjusts the lighting. Galinfenner exclaims, "Welcome to Meet and Greet!" Galinfenner says, "Tonight our guest is Haeger." Haeger says, "Stop the scroll all ..heheh" Galinfenner says, "Oh good Rick's here with the beer" Galinfenner grabs a beer "now now Haeger, try to keep up and stop looking at your beers", says Chiefsgirl. Rick Throws the host a beer and throws Haeger a bottle of Tequilla "Ok.. Haeger, first question is always the same...", says Galinfenner. Haeger says, "lol" Galinfenner asks, "How did you find Federation?" Galinfenner waves his hand over Haeger's eyes "Did you go to asleep?", asks Galinfenner. Chiefsgirl says, "believe me Galin, he's formulating his response as we wait" Haeger says, "I found fed just befoere aol went unlimited" Galinfenner winks and says, "Ok" Galinfenner nods Rick grabs back his Tequilla Haeger says, "lol, before" Galinfenner winks and says, "So you were there for all the fun?" "I do have a good story about then", says Haeger. Galinfenner smiles, "What's that?" Galinfenner likes good stories Chiefsgirl bounces Haeger says, "I was a PO in Eod's duchy.. I had a planet there" Galinfenner nods Haeger says, "I think it was necis.. 1995 - 96 I think" Racingnut remembers it Galinfenner nods Haeger says, "I had two FOs... I thought they wer kinda young" "16 as it turned out.. but the were alawys with me", says Haeger. Galinfenner asks, "Followed you around?" "Yes, the came to my planet every day", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods and smiles "err they", says Haeger. Haeger says, "I had this hot tub on Aisa" Wyldcat perks Wyldcat chuckles "oh lord", says Chiefsgirl. Galinfenner grins Haeger says, "We started playing "footsies" in it" Galinfenner asks, "you and the FO's?" Haeger says, "Yes" Galinfenner nods Heatherjn giggles. Haeger says, "One Saturday mornining I I was in IMs with one" Zyphr giggles as she knows where this is going... Haeger shouts, "I I?" Esperanza plucks out an I Zyphr slaps Haeger on the back ;) Galinfenner smirks Haeger says, "lol" Wyldcat wonders who lost an eye "I mentioned that I must give a call to my RL daughter", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods "ill see your I and raise you an I", says Racingnut. Chiefsgirl knows this can't be leading to any good place Tiki rolls her I Galinfenner hands Rn some cough medicine "She said don't bother... she is here", says Haeger. Galinfenner asks, "err. huh?" Chiefsgirl giggles Galinfenner asks, "Your daughter was with your FO?" Wyldcat exclaims, "yikes!!" "That had to be a shock!", exclaims Jazir. Haeger says, "It seems I was playing "footsies" with the daughter of my ex-wife.. lol" Wyldcat got his story topped. ;) "oh wow", says Galinfenner. Tiki giggles Galinfenner laughs "That must've been a shock.", says Galinfenner. Heatherjn laughs. "It was a stunning discovery", smiles Haeger. Galinfenner asks, "Does she still play?" Haeger says, "No.. they all gone now" Galinfenner nods Esperanza mutters "so far as you know" Galinfenner asks, "Were you always Haeger? Did you use other names?" Haeger smiles, "True Espy" Zyphr has something to tell Haeger.. Haeger says, "No.. I've been Duke 3 times" Galinfenner looks at Zyphr "I'm kidding", says Zyphr. Galinfenner laughs Zyphr giggles Wyldcat chuckles Galinfenner asks, "What other names were you? Can you share?" "First time I duked was Redrhino", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods "That was fun", says Haeger. Galinfenner grins Haeger says, "I had a good size duchy" Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "Who was in it?" "But, because of my nature.. lol.. I DDed fighting", says Haeger. Galinfenner grins Galinfenner asks, "Who was the other character?" Zyphr throws up an "s" - Characters! "I got back in and became another duke", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods "I was Zara.. Apollo.. and many more", says Haeger. Galinfenner smiles, "Wow. Lotsa names" "Any particular group of people you hung out with?", asks Galinfenner. "Too many", smiles Haeger. Zyphr mutters, "dang Onyxians" ;) Tiki chuckles Galinfenner laughs Jordy smiles, "What about Onyxians?" Haeger smiles at Zypher Zyphr is harassing Haeger... she married OG so she can't talk ;) Galinfenner asks, "You were in the Onyx group?" Jordy asks, "You married OG?" Haeger says, "err Zyphr" Heatherjn laughs! "Yes I was", says Haeger. Zyphr winks at Jordy... Galinfenner asks, "Did you take a role in the wars back then?" "who didn't ?", asks Rick. Galinfenner winks and says, "Well, me" Galinfenner grins "I did... but as you know the it came to nought", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods "Who were some of the influential people in your Fed life?", asks Galinfenner. Haeger says, "OG of course" Galinfenner nods Heatherjn didn't take a role in them. Galinfenner has given Heatherjn a hot tickle! Haeger smiles, "But I've been a good boy" Galinfenner grins Zyphr coughs Heatherjn grins. Galinfenner asks, "No one else?" "Since then.. after the demise of friends.. I've been good", says Haeger. Gwarrior asks, "have I missed anything?" Galinfenner says, "yeah, the juicy stuff" "But you can read it in next week's news", says Galinfenner. Racingnut bites his tongue to keep from saying what hes thinking "Haeger, anyone else you remember being helpful or influential?", asks Galinfenner. "It took me a bit to get back to duke", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods "Want to know the truth Galin?", asks Haeger. Galinfenner winks and says, "of course" Heatherjn hides behind a margarita. Haeger says, "I work and do all for me.. so, I guess you can call me self-centered" Galinfenner nods Heatherjn laughs. Jazir smiles Galinfenner says, "Can you tell us about your loves in Fed? If there are any." Haeger says, "It's a pholosphy of love of self" Galinfenner nods "You aren't blind yet are you?", says Galinfenner with a wink. Heatherjn laughs! Rick chuckles Wyldcat laughs Haeger asks, "Hmm my loves?" Galinfenner nods Rick looks at Haegers hairy palms. Galinfenner laughs Haeger says, "There are .. only one" Gwarrior chuckles. Tiki smiles Galinfenner asks, "ok Who is she?" Haeger looks at Tiki Tiki beams Galinfenner looks at Tiki Heatherjn smiles. Galinfenner grins "I did have a couple though", says Haeger. "What were their names?", asks Galinfenner. Rick looks at Tiki and crosses her off the todo list Wyldcat chuckles Zyphr grins at Rick Heatherjn laughs again! Haeger says, "I married Lady.. something or other" Galinfenner nods "lol", says Haeger. Zyphr whispers to Esperanza, "She sounds memorable!" Galinfenner asks, "Ladybird?" Esperanza winks at Zyphr and nods Esperanza smiles, "It's always such an ego booster when they remember your name" "That was my first in soo many years", says Haeger. Galinfenner grins at Espy and zyph Zyphr nods... "Believe me, I know!" "er. I mean.. I've HEARD!", says Zyphr with a wink. Racingnut snickers "Then there was Neka", says Haeger. Gwarrior starts humming loudly as too block out Esperanza "fraid thats an exercise in futility gw", says Racingnut. Galinfenner nods Galinfenner says, "Neka" "I remember that name", says Galinfenner. Racingnut nods "I was enthrawlled with her", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods Haeger says, "But, she didn't like my ways.. lol" "ahh", smiles Galinfenner. "So, now.. I know my true love", says Haeger. "You've shared the incident with your step (?) daughter.. do you have any other embarrasing moments?", asks Galinfenner. Haeger asks, "Embarrasing?" "Yes, embarrasing.", says Galinfenner with a wink. "I do know a few things that ticked me off", says Haeger. Galinfenner winks and says, "Ok" Heatherjn looks up from her paper. "it was when I first entered fed", says Haeger. "As I told you.. Necis was my first duchy", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods Haeger says, "Eod was in the navy I believe and hoe rad the duchy as such" "Hoe?", asks Galinfenner. "err eod", says Haeger. Zyphr asks, "Hoe?" Tiki winks and says, "he ran" "Hoe down?", asks Esperanza. Tiki speaks Haeger-ese Gwarrior looks around confused. Galinfenner chuckles "lol", says Haeger. Heatherjn giggles. "Hoe ran the duchy. That was the name Hoe?", asks Galinfenner. Zyphr laughs and is glad for the translations... "EOD was in the navey I believe and HE RAN the duchy as such", says Zyphr. "no.. eod", says Haeger. "ahh", says Galinfenner. "er, Navy", says Zyphr. Galinfenner winks and says, "Ok got it" Galinfenner asks, "That must've been tough while on active duty?" "Anyway... the POs were given ranks..", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods Haeger says, "I was given captain of combat" Galinfenner smiles, "Sounds like a fun job" "long as you didnt have to serve on a ship for 6 months", says Racingnut with a wink. Haeger says, "I was to teach all POs how to fight" Heatherjn asks, "Did all PO's have to learn how to fight?" Haeger says, "Then all hell brock loose" "brock?.. lol broke", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods Zyphr winks and says, "all hell BROKE loose" Galinfenner asks, "How so?" Rick is starting to get the hang of this Haegeresian language Galinfenner thinks it's close to Rick's lingo ;) Rick nods Galinfenner says, "So all hell broke loose..." Haeger says, "I went away on a business trip and came back to find someone was trying to teach fighting.. a po.. but DDed" Gwarrior laughs. "mmm", says Galinfenner. "That's it?", asks Roslyn. Galinfenner is wondering that Haeger says, "No" Galinfenner grins Roslyn says, "So on with the story" Roslyn grins. "She was the "economic advisor" for the duchy", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods Roslyn was trying to figure out why the po would dd. "When she came back .. she was demoted by Eod", says Haeger. "ahh", says Galinfenner. Haeger says, "I got pissed" Galinfenner nods "That was my first expel.. lol", says Haeger. "Eod?", asks Galinfenner. "Or you?", asks Galinfenner. "Yes, the duke of Necis", says Haeger. Galinfenner nods Roslyn thinks Haeger or whoever he was then was expelled. "I joined Mash then", says Haeger. Roslyn shuts up now. "ahh.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Does anyone have a question for Haeger?" Zyphr does... "Then Fed told us that they were going to charge", says Haeger. Galinfenner waits for Haeger to finish his thought "I forgot the name of the duke of mash", says Haeger. "umm..", says Galinfenner. Roslyn asks, "Hawkeye?" "Cougar", says Esperanza. Roslyn grins. "no", says Galinfenner. "Was an animal name I think", says Galinfenner. "Trapper John?", asks Roslyn. Roslyn giggles. Galinfenner says, "Wasn't anything to do with Mash" "But we had a fight and it was my second expel.. lol", says Haeger. "It was Cougar", smiles Esperanza. Galinfenner laughs "oh no..Caribou", says Esperanza. Haeger says, "Then I finally duked" Galinfenner says, "yes! That's it" Galinfenner nods "What name did you use when you first duked?", asks Roslyn. "Eod", says Galinfenner with a wink. Roslyn grins. Haeger says, "I had a good Duchy.. but.. stupid me" Galinfenner nods Haeger says, "I DDed fighting" Roslyn giggles and hands Haeger The Sign. Galinfenner laughs "Ok Zyph you had a question?", asks Galinfenner. Zyphr asks, "What's the philosophy of Ramparts the duchy?" Haeger says, "Free trade.. period" "That was quick and easy", says Galinfenner. "Anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. "Ramparts is open and will always be", says Haeger. Roslyn ponders the name Ladybird...Ladybug. Galinfenner asks, "Haeger, is there anything you'd like to tell us? A statement maybe?" Haeger says, "No, it was Ladybird" "Good show.", smiles Wolfyn. With a new wagon load of beer Rick has just disappeared. "Bravo Haeger!", smiles Jazir. Jazir applauds Galinfenner grins Haeger smiles, "I've said what I needed Galin" Galinfenner nods "Get it out of him Galin", says Roslyn with a wink. "Ok thanks much for joining me tonight", smiles Galinfenner. Galinfenner exclaims, "That's it for tonight then!" Esperanza applauds Zyphr claps and claps Galinfenner smiles, "Next week my guest will be Esperanza" Rick throws Galin his last beer Netmndr applauds "Thanks Galin", smiles Haeger. "Ohhh...", says Zyphr. Galinfenner winks and says, "Please be sure to join us" Esperanza starts handing out the bribes to get people to show up Nimat wonders why he always drops in at the end of these things, then claps anyway. Galinfenner tosses back the beer Galinfenner says, "THanks" Galinfenner stifles a burp. Tiki takes a picture of Rick's EMPTY wagon Rick says, "I have more -- It's your last one" "One for the Road so to speak", says Rick. Rick tosses it back |