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Galinfenner says, "welcome all" Galinfenner looks for Wolfyn to shine the lights in his eyes "Tonight our guest is Halcyon", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner pulls Hal up on the stage Halcyon stumbles up on stage behind Galin. Galinfenner gives Hal the seat with the heater on it Halcyon sits down and makes herself comfortable, smoothing her skirt demurely. Galinfenner says, "Hal, tell us how you first found Dataspace" "Actually, a very close friend of mine introduced me to Fed ten months ago.", says Halcyon. Halcyon winks and says, "Priscilla." "ahh.", says Galinfenner. "So was he also your teacher?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon nods, "Sort of...he was looking for someone to replace his paying account..." Halcyon smiles, "Since he had just become a Nav." Galinfenner looks confused "you are his replacement?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon winks and says, "I was." "But he really didn't bother to teach me anything.", says Halcyon. "So you were/are the fashion nazi?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins Halcyon chuckles, "Do I look like a fashion Nazi to you?" Galinfenner ponders his response Galinfenner laughs "I guess not", says Galinfenner. Halcyon says, "Now everyone is gonna be lookin at me..." Halcyon blushes >ex halcyon "Anyone else help you out in the beginning?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon ponders, "There was Gangleri... Galinfenner nods "He helped me out a *lot* through the lower ranks.", says Halcyon. Halcyon says, "Once I became an FO, Jojokundi gave me facs on his planet." Halcyon smiles, "And Lordtate." Halcyon says, "And, of course, the ever-helpful Ms. P." Halcyon snorts derisively. "mm.. I didn't help?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon winks and says, "You bit me a lot." "No one ever names me you know.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins Halcyon smirks, "Which I greatly appreciated." Halcyon has given Galinfenner a friendly hug! "ahhhh", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner turns red Galinfenner asks, "You spent a lot of time in CDs at first. When did you decide you needed to branch out?" Halcyon smiles, "I stopped hanging out there when I got my own planet." Galinfenner nods Halcyon says, "That was what drove me...I needed somewhere of my own to hang out." Agustwst says, "does anyone hang at CD anymore" Halcyon winks and says, "Where people couldn't give me TDX and run." "Who do you hang out with?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner says, "not many Agust. not many" Halcyon thinks of all the people she has met... Halcyon says, "Priscilla, Cen, Fishy, Peggy, Antonia..." Galinfenner nods and grins "TJ, met Shel recently, Halia, Hailey...", says Halcyon. "Um...Maleen...I know there are more, and I'll feel so bad if I don't mention them...", says Halcyon. Galinfenner feels like he's at the emmy's Halcyon laughs "Is there a story behind Mandalay>", says Galinfenner. Halcyon smiles, "Not as such...I just designed it to be a place where I could be comfortable." "and what makes you comfortable?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon winks and says, "Of course, the residents of my planet view me as a Goddess, which I am." Galinfenner grins Galinfenner says, "Catholic school girl goddess" Galinfenner looks misty for a moment Halcyon thwaps Galin with her tail. Galinfenner blinks Halcyon says, "Most comfortable? My loft, which I put in the Entertainment district of Mandalay." Halcyon says, "I spend most of my time there." Galinfenner asks, "what sort of entertainment is there?" Peggysue assumes a blank stare and wonders Galinfenner winks at Peggysue Halcyon smiles, "Armitage, the best nightspot in Wolfy." "Why is that?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon winks and says, "Because of all the naughty stuff that goes on in the back alley." Galinfenner looks interested Galinfenner asks, "naughty?" Halcyon chuckles, "You'll have to visit for yourself to see what I mean." Halcyon isn't telling. Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "What's the location?" Fancy says, "I think it got featured in a recent Sightseer's Guide..." Halcyon says, "27." Galinfenner nods "It sounded familiar", says Galinfenner. Halcyon nods. Galinfenner asks, "What are some of your interests besides hanging at Armitage?" "Torturing people in my Den of Sin...", says Halcyon. Halcyon winks and says, "And trying to make it to Baroness." Galinfenner chuckles Paladin shudders Halcyon wishes she thought to bring her whip... Galinfenner says, "Well, I think we are all disappointed" Galinfenner looks innocent Halcyon smirks, "I'll bet." "Can you share with us some of your relationships?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon clears her throat. "Relationships? Um..." "Platonic or otherwise?", asks Halcyon. "otherwise", says Agustwst. Gigawatts seconds "Otherwise" Halcyon winks and says, "Ah, you want the down and dirty stuff, eh?" Agustwst says, "yep" Galinfenner asks, "anywise?" Shel nods "who what where when", says Paladin. Shel giggles Galinfenner likes looking at his guest from all angles "and how", says Agustwst. "Well, my first romantic entanglement was with a squire named Morina.", says Halcyon. Halcyon says, "She and I got engaged at a Bar Crawl." Paladin says, "what a tramp she was" Galinfenner nods Galinfenner chuckles Shel blinks Halcyon says, "She even gave me a studded diamond collar to wear..." Halcyon sniffs sentimentally. Galinfenner says, "I remember that" Galinfenner grins Gigawatts drops his jaw. Malikmalik wakes up at the mention of a tramp Halcyon smiles, "But RL took her away from me, so that went poof." "Later, I got married to Madonnaboi...", says Halcyon. Galinfenner blinks Galinfenner says, "That must've been.... interesting" "And both of us subsequently married Bunytales.", says Halcyon with a wink. Galinfenner chuckes Halcyon asks, "Fed's first three-way marriage, I think?" Galinfenner says, "I doubt it" "um...no way", says Paladin. Galinfenner says, "someone married about 5 people once and the fountain in CDs to boot" Halcyon laughs, "I wish I had been part of that." Galinfenner chuckles Halcyon says, "In any case, MB got jealous because I was giving Buny more attention." "And vice versa...so he divorced both of us.", says Halcyon. "That would do it for Mboi", says Galinfenner. "wonder where the little br.. boy is", says Galinfenner. Halcyon smirks. "Soon after, Bunytales poofed as well, leaving me single once more." Galinfenner nods Halcyon smiles, "And then there's TJ." Halcyon sighs happily. Galinfenner smile "just say the word...with that den of sin...", says Agustwst. Halcyon winks at Agustwst, "I'm taken, thanks. But your offer is very kind." "So Tj is your current squeeze?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon nods and smiles. "TJ and I have been together for about a month now...an absolutely wonderful month." Galinfenner nods and smiles Peggysue thinks tj is feds funniest human Galinfenner asks, "Do you have an embarrassing moment you can share with us?" Halcyon says, "Me? Embarassing? Hahaha..." Galinfenner grins Halcyon says, "Actually, I can't recall having done anything extremely embarassing. Seriously." Galinfenner says, "well, that's no fun" Halcyon smiles, "Other than mixing up xt's and tb's when I was a newbie...that's it." Peggysue must still be a newbie :( Galinfenner asks, "What one thing would you change about Fed if you could?" Galinfenner chuckes "More people!", smiles Halcyon. Galinfenner grins "that would be nice", says Galinfenner. "Lots and *LOTS* more people to play with...", says Halcyon. Paladin says, "hehe" Halcyon smiles, "But, other than that, I really like Fed the way it is. Call me easily pleased." "What would you say is Federation's appeal? Why do you come back?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon says, "I can't speak for anyone else, but I get very easily immersed in this game, especially since I had done other MUD's before this one." Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "Why is that?" Galinfenner asks, "what immerses you?" Halcyon ponders, "There is an actual community feel to this game." Shel mutters TJ Shel giggles Halcyon laughs, "Yeah, and that." Halcyon winks at Shel. Shel has given Halcyon a passionate tickle! Galinfenner chuckles Halcyon giggles "i just started playing this again after many year lay off and must say that i agree, you can get immersed easily", says Agustwst. Galinfenner asks, "What advice would you give to a new person starting out in Fed?" Halcyon says, "I'm sorry, but my exchange alone cannot keep me awake until 3 in the morning..." Shel nods in agreement "My exchange used to help me sleep", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner thought it was better than counting sheep "Advice? Talk to people. Make friends. Because this game is next to nothing without the people in it.", smiles Halcyon. Seaurchin giggles at that Grendell says, "all those numbers turn me on" Peggysue mutters but youre wierd "I dream about stockpiles and demand", says Paladin. Galinfenner laughs at Grendell Peggysue grins at grendell Seaurchin was about to mutter that too Peggysue Grendell says, "heh" Halcyon chuckles. "Halcyon, what is the significance of that name?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon says, "It's meant to be ironic...because I am *not* a calm person by nature." Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner looks at the audience "anyone got a question for Hal?", asks Galinfenner. Seaurchin looks back at Galin Halcyon gulps. Peggysue would like to make a comment Galinfenner nods to Peggy Peggysue says, "when I came back some weeks ago" Peggysue says, "I had been gone for years" Peggysue says, "Hal was positively the best nav you could ask for" "she made me feel welcome", says Peggysue. Galinfenner smiles Shel smiles at Peggy "pretended to be interested in me", says Peggysue. Seaurchin raises a spine for a question Peggysue says, "didnt ignore me" "shes great", says Peggysue. Halcyon blushes and stares down at her feet. "Aw, shucks..." Peggysue says, "shes the reason Im still here" Galinfenner makes sure Hazed sees that Wolfyn grins and applauds. Galinfenner smiles at Peggysue "Seaurchin you had a question?", asks Galinfenner. Peggysue smiles, "oh and she didnt give me the third degree either" Shel grins Seaurchin smiles, "when will you join us in the arena for fun" "I'm a lover, not a fighter.", says Halcyon with a wink. Galinfenner says, "but you have a whip" "thats my kinda girl", says Agustwst. Seaurchin sighs... awww... you'd be terrific. :) Fancy smiles and nods, seconding the sentiment. Halcyon says, "Well, I did try fighting in TJ's event..." Seaurchin knows Fancy is a good fighter.. :) Galinfenner nods "you can shoot daisies instead of missiles", says Paladin. "how'd you do?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon winks and says, "I got blown out of the sky twice by Peggysue." Galinfenner chuckles Peggysue is a lover and a fighter :) Shel giggles Seaurchin agrees with Paladin... is that what you'll be using? Seaurchin is too.. :::puffs up and grins::: "Anyone else have a question?", asks Galinfenner. Paladin winks and says, "you wish" "read any good books lately?", asks Grendell. Halcyon smirks. "You don't want me to answer that, do you?" Galinfenner laughs Halcyon winks and says, "I mean, *really*?" Grendell asks, "sure, why not?" Galinfenner looks over the audience, shielding his eyes from the light Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else?" Seaurchin nods... when will TJ come and fight with us Halcyon smiles, "As soon as I can convince him ." Peggysue needs lots more peeps to shoot at "If you could turn one gross-tasting food into a good-tasting food... what would it be?", asks Gigawatts. Galinfenner asks, "Does he still have the jitters?" Seaurchin will give him a gentle poke with her sharp spine Paladin takes aim at Peggysue Peggysue grins "I'm not sure, Galin.", smiles Halcyon. "ME!", exclaims Seaurchin. Galinfenner wonders if Seaurchin meant to tb that Grendell wonders if you can digest a sea urchin :) Seaurchin giggles at Peggysue's request "Hal, any parting statement?", asks Galinfenner. "very delicately", says Paladin. Seaurchin says, "the ME! was for practice with Peggysue" Galinfenner winks and says, "actually, you crack them open and scoop out the insides" Halcyon ponders, "Fed is what you make it. Hold more parties, people!" Halcyon grins. Grendell says, "demonstration, Galin" Seaurchin wiggles and shakes her spines Galinfenner says, "Well, I'd need a seaurchin I'm not a friend of" Seaurchin is not a delicacy "Well said and vvery true Hal", smiles Chamberlain. Halcyon winks and says, "I want to be a party hound...and I can't be a party hound if nobody is having any parties." Wolfyn chuckles. Galinfenner grins "Er, party kitty.", smiles Halcyon. Grendell says, "do you ever throw parties on Mandalay/" Peggysue checks her datebook Peggysue sighs "I will throw a huge party once I get to Baroness, and once TJ gets to Baron.", smiles Halcyon. Seaurchin knows her way to Mandalay.. well, the exchange anyway.. :) Paladin asks, "why wait?" Galinfenner looks at Hal Galinfenner asks, "Yes, why?" "Good question, Paladin. Answer: because I feel like it.", says Halcyon with a wink. "you keep pretty busy, Seaurchin", says Grendell with a wink. Galinfenner coughs *copout* Halcyon thwaps Galin with her tail. Paladin coughs cheapskate! Wolfyn coughs *excellentanswer* Halcyon has given Wolfyn a friendly hug! "me? SeaUrchins keep very busy looking for shrimpies", says Seaurchin. Galinfenner chuckles and moves clear of the tail "Thanks everyone for coming tonight", says Galinfenner. "Yes, thank you!", exclaims Halcyon. "Thank you Hal for being our guest", says Galinfenner. Halcyon has given you a bewitching hug! Seaurchin tosses shrimpies to all the guests! Fancy applauds for Halcyon. "My pleasure.", smiles Halcyon. Halcyon bows deeply. Galinfenner smiles, "Next week our guest is Cptmartin" Chamberlain cheers and applauds for Hal Seaurchin has given Halcyon a non-pokey hut! "um... hug too!", exclaims Seaurchin. "Hut hut!", exclaims Fancy. Fancy exclaims, "Hike!" Seaurchin giggles at Fancy Galinfenner smiles, "Thanks everybody" Fancy grins. Galinfenner waves Seaurchin smiles, "good job Galin." Wolfyn hands a button on Halcyon that reads, "I did a Meet and Greet and all I got was this damn button." |