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"what do i have to do /??", asks Ibunyc. "we'll get started as soon as the fighting event is over", says Galinfenner. Ibunyc says, "okies" Ibunyc dances Ibunyc asks, "can i advertize myself /?" Ibunyc says, "k i am going to do it" Wolfyn starts checking out the power supplies for the spotlights. She pokes a paw in each outlet. Esperanza sits and behaves herself now Galinfenner looks at his watch "Ok, I think we can get started", says Galinfenner. Ibunyc smiles Wolfyn plugs in the spotlight and shimmers. Galinfenner says, "WElcome to Meet and Greet with tonight's Guest Ibunyc" Galinfenner blinks in the light Galinfenner asks, "Ibu, How'd you first find Federation?" Wolfyn turns the spot to Ibu! "oh you know ... AOL", says Ibunyc. Ibunyc says, "in 96" "uh huh.. on a banner?", asks Galinfenner. "yeah on the main page .. there was a link .. back then fed was (gasp) on AOL", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner nods and smiles Racingnut knows that banner "Do you remember that first time you came into Fed?", asks Galinfenner. Gwarrior knows that banner too. "well basicly", says Ibunyc. Armani thought he was the banner once "it was hard ...", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner asks, "You mean the hauling and other requirements?" "to understand the differnece between say and XT", says Ibunyc. "oh ok.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner nods "lol i made a map ...", says Ibunyc. Ibunyc says, "on graph paper" Galinfenner nods Wolfyn grins. Galinfenner asks, "'Do you remember anyone helping you?" "when i rand outta space on one page i would tape another to it .. yes ... i remember longstrider and jopejope helpping me", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner chuckles Ibunyc says, "lol jopejope gave me a whole meg to buy a ship" "i was floored", says Ibunyc. Esperanza says, "Woo" Esperanza grins Galinfenner nods "DO you still have the maps?", asks Galinfenner. Esperanza says, "He still has the meg" Ibunyc says, "you know i wish i did ..." "and insterest espie", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner grins Galinfenner asks, "So, you stuck around then? Or did you come back later?" "i still have ALL the SOL locs on my bedroom wall", says Ibunyc. "been here since then", says Ibunyc. "No way. Seriously?", asks Galinfenner. "yep", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner chuckles Racingnut says, "man what an addict lol" "what a nerd huh", says Ibunyc. "Who are some of the people you hung out with?", asks Galinfenner. Ibunyc says, "so true ... it mirrors my real life .. big addict" Ibunyc says, "well lucy longstrider ,,, grace ...the guy from haunt ... ' wait ...theres more" Galinfenner waits "just say lothlorien", says Kewlness with a wink. Ibunyc says, "jamsg" Ibunyc says, "alwods" Ibunyc says, "phiddie" Ibunyc says, "so many names" "ok", smiles Galinfenner. Kewlness lets out a chuckle. Galinfenner asks, "What were some of your favorite pastimes back then?" Racingnut remembers when maine was a agri planet "well i just loved to hang out and help the newbies", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner asks, "So you hung out in the Cantina a lot?" "i would wait and help the learn how to talk and stuff", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner nods Gwarrior remembers when the Cantina was full 24/7. Ibunyc exclaims, "no in the greetin place !" "waiting for them to be "born"", says Ibunyc. "you hung out in the greeting place?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner laughs "yeah .. i LOVE helping people", says Ibunyc. Ibunyc <tear> Esperanza can vouch for that Galinfenner asks, "Wow. How many people did you help? Are any still around?" Racingnut raises his glass to ibu in a salute "oh i dont have enough brain cells to remember that", says Ibunyc. Ibunyc says, "thanks race" Galinfenner grins "Have had any love relationships in Fed?", asks Galinfenner. "i also had other characters ... unisgod .. and altofibu ,,, and my most famous alt ...BOOBOY !", exclaims Ibunyc. Ibunyc says, "lol .. i have a story about that ..." Galinfenner smiles, "Ok" Galinfenner listens "i was fooling around with somone ... dont remember her name now ....", says Ibunyc. Ibunyc says, "somewhere in the old mansion on earth ...." Galinfenner grins Ibunyc says, "she was getting hot .. i put her on the kitchen table .. she liked that" "then ...", says Ibunyc. Gypsy blushes. Galinfenner coughs Ibunyc says, "krstal the gossip droid shows up" Gwarrior giggles. Silverkat asks, "someone walked in and asked for milk and cookies?" Galinfenner chuckles Gypsy covers GW's ears Ibunyc says, "and i started theorizeing about ..." "the gossip droid is drawn to sex words ...", says Ibunyc. Racingnut gets a fire bottle to put out the flames Galinfenner rolls "Kinda lost the mood or did that do it for you?", asks Galinfenner. Esperanza allows herself to exchale Galinfenner grins "oh CHRIST this girl was so pissed that i had ruined the MOOD by talking about that !", exclaims Ibunyc. Ibunyc smiles Galinfenner laughs Wolfyn rolls. Jazir chuckles Ibunyc says, "she went off in a huff" Gwarrior falls off his stool. Esperanza smiles, "Well I knew it was true love when you couldn't remember her name" Galinfenner chuckles Ibunyc says, "thats really the only sex i had ...with a fed player ... IN THE GAME ...." Galinfenner nods Ibunyc winks Gypsy asks, "that was you IBU??" Gwarrior says, "thats not talking about outside of the game" "mustta been !", exclaims Ibunyc. Esperanza laughs Gypsy is kidding.. Ibunyc says, "there was a girl at a meet once" "Krystal just ruined the whole experience for you huh?", asks Galinfenner. Ibunyc says, "yeah well for her ..." Ibunyc says, "i was fasinated about how the droid would follow words" Gwarrior remembers sex in the Cantina. "Do you remember any embarrasing moments?", asks Galinfenner. "Other than Krystalus interruptus?", asks Galinfenner. Ibunyc asks, "sexualy ?" "no, anything", says Galinfenner. Ibunyc says, "um ... yes .." Galinfenner chuckles Esperanza grins Racingnut remembers 40-60 people in the cantina with another 20-30 in CD's "i was really embaressed that sstern5555 tricked me into DDing by offering 10 meg on his LP .....", says Ibunyc. Gwarrior cringes. Galinfenner asks, "How did he do that?" Ibunyc says, "the link said E ,E to planet ...." "East Killed you,...", says Ibunyc. "so did the next", says Ibunyc. "ahh. E from the hospital was a death loc?", asks Galinfenner. "yep", says Ibunyc with a frown. Galinfenner says, "ouch." "he was a bastard", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner says, "I guess so." Silverkat nods in agreement "he loved being a snert", says Ibunyc. "You probably weren't the only one who got it though?", asks Galinfenner. "yeah true", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner asks, "Any other embarrassing moments?" >ex ibunyc Ibunyc says, "well ..." "cant really think of anything ..", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner smiles, "Ok" Ibunyc says, "can i dance ?>" Galinfenner asks, "I don't know, can you?" Ibunyc dances Galinfenner grins Ibunyc says, "i love to dance .. at least in the game" "Ibu always dances", says Esperanza. Galinfenner asks, "If you could change something about the game, what would that be?" Racingnut says, "he and bli should really form a dance team lol" "its like i shake my butt ...", says Ibunyc. Ibunyc says, "i would like to say ..." "my proudest accomplishment is BOOBOY and BOOLAND", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner smiles, "and why is that" "i love helping people and ... booland has 50 infra builds ....", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner grins Gypsy says, "Booland rocks." "the planet doesnt make any money .. but i has kick ass facs", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner chuckles "some people coulndt understand why i would do that ...", says Ibunyc. "kick ass is an understatement", says Gwarrior. "but for me its fundamental", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner asks, "fundamental?" Insatiable looks up fundamental in her dictionary Ibunyc says, "its like in RL i go up to strangers and give them directions" Insatiable shows it to Galin Racingnut says, "hmmm ibus a funny mentalist" "its a core part of my character", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner nods "So, if you could change anything in the game. What would that be?", asks Galinfenner. Ibunyc poses Ibunyc says, "how about a picture of ibu .. hold on" Galinfenner laughs Esperanza grins Galinfenner asks, "You'd put a picture of Ibu in the game?" Racingnut laughs "yep", says Ibunyc. Ibunyc says, "http://www.geocities.com/nicholsnyc/ibu.jpg" "Ok.. thanks", smiles Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "err.. Anyone have a question for Ibu?" "i do", says Racingnut. Ibunyc listens "Rnut?", asks Galinfenner. Racingnut asks, "ibu you apparently do enjoy helping people a lot..have you ever considered being a nav or were u one in aolfed?" Ibunyc asks, "well no .. thats interesting .. are there newbies still ?" "once in awhile", says Galinfenner with a wink. "Why did you not apply to be a Nav?", asks Galinfenner. Ibunyc says, "i think i swear too much to be a nav" Galinfenner rolls Jazir chuckles "Umm.. ok", says Galinfenner. Insatiable giggles Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else have a question?" "barb used to get mad that i talked about drugs on 9", says Ibunyc. Esperanza laughs Silverkat says, "question, yes" Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "Silver?" Silverkat says, "IBU .. please tell us what your name means, I have always thought it was an acronym" Ibunyc says, "m ok ..." Galinfenner smirks "my name is ian and my first girlfriend started calling me e or e- boo .. ibu is pronouced E-boo ..... then i am from NYC so ... IBU from NYC", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner smiles, "ahh" Silverkat grins Ibunyc dances "I always wondered that myself.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else have a question?" Silverkat says, "thanks, IBU" Ibunyc says, "sure !@" "wait ...", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner asks, "THere's more ?" Ibunyc says, "i want everyone to dance" Zyphr wonders where Ibu got those beautiful blue eyes ;) "everyone dance NOW", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner dances Ibunyc dances Galinfenner grins Gwarrior dances. Esperanza dances Jazir dances NOW Skyline breakdances. Gypsy dances Frenchie dances Wyldcat dances Solitaire dances a jig Ibunyc says, "this is great" Silverkat prances with Kat-like grace Anseladams camera dances Insomnius dances Greyspacewolf sits and watches everyone make fools of themselves with quiet amusement Ibunyc says, "lol" Galinfenner winks and says, "Ok that was fun" Gypsy accidently steps on GW's foot and sits down.. Ibunyc says, "so cool .. thanks everyone" Insatiable keeps hidden behind Zyphr and Jaz, without dancing Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else have a question?" Gwarrior jumps up and down, nursing his foot. "galin i forgot to say how helpful you were at the begining", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner asks, "Ibu, what keeps you coming back into Fed?" Galinfenner asks, "I was?" Galinfenner grins "First time anyone has ever told me that.", says Galinfenner. "the people .. i love the people", says Ibunyc. "What type of Doritos do you like?", asks Skyline. Galinfenner sniffs Galinfenner nods Galinfenner grins Ibunyc says, "i actually DONT like doritos" Galinfenner grins Skyline asks, "Do you like Cheesy poofs?" "not even with salsa?", asks Galinfenner. "mmmm no .. chips are good", says Ibunyc. Esperanza thinks Ibu has never had her green chili salsa Zyphr ponders doritos with salsa and turns up her nose... "Ibu, what advice would you give a new person coming into Federation?", asks Galinfenner. Silverkat mutters ... Don't eat yellow snow Ibunyc exclaims, "um bribe people .. get money so you dont have to haul !" Ibunyc says, "lol" Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else? Gotta question for Ibu?" Ibunyc says, "oh .." Esperanza thinks Ibu has the concept of modern Fed down :) Ibunyc says, "and ALWAYS INSURE" Galinfenner says, "that is a good one." "Ibu .. tell us about the duchies you have lived in", says Silverkat. "ok ....", says Ibunyc. "lothlorien .. like forever .. then ...", says Ibunyc. "chirst .. RC i think ... ... wait", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner grins "well .pantaras dutchy for awile", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner asks, "What else?" Ibunyc says, "then... what was the name of that character ...the wild kid" Ibunyc says, "help espie" "which one? LOL", says Galinfenner. "Ah Madonnaboi?", asks Esperanza. "yeah !", exclaims Ibunyc. Galinfenner asks, "he was a duke?" "Briefly", says Esperanza. Galinfenner nods Ibunyc says, "i went to his dutchy for a bit .. yeah he was" "i want to say ... he wasnt a bad guy ... just alittle wild", says Ibunyc. Galinfenner nods Jazir says, "I agree Ibu" Ibunyc says, "kidda like me when i was younger" Esperanza think the game was more fun with Mb in it "then i moved to ::::drum roll::::::", says Ibunyc. Ibunyc shouts, "ESPERANZA"S DUTCHY !!!!" Silverkat grins "milagro !", exclaims Ibunyc. Esperanza releases the red, white, and blue balloons Ibunyc says, "lol" Galinfenner laughs Jazir grins Ibunyc says, "esperanza is the coolest" Gwarrior exclaims, "go Milagro!" Galinfenner asks, "You've been there for how long now?" Insomnius totally agrees "um 6 months ?", asks Ibunyc. Racingnut almost plays stars and stripes forever Esperanza says, "Ibu was one of the first planets in Milagro" Ibunyc blushes Galinfenner asks, "Do you have anything else you'd like to add before I close Ibu?" Silverkat looks startled .. we are closing IBU? Silverkat grins Ibunyc exclaims, "i love fed ... you guys are my buddies ... lets have another FED MEET!" Galinfenner grins "Anyone else before we end?", asks Galinfenner. Ibunyc smiles "Ok, well thank you all for coming!", exclaims Galinfenner. Ibunyc says, "t hanks" "Thank you Ibu for joining us.", says Galinfenner. Jazir applauds and cheers for Ibu :) Esperanza will not allow Ibu to close and will defend it to her last butterfly net "thank you for hosting Galin", smiles Gwarrior. Ibunyc says, "sure ... thjanks for having me" Ibunyc says, "here here" Galinfenner smiles, "Next week... I'm not sure!! I've got Netmndr scheduled, but hope to have something special planned." Esperanza dances with Ibu Galinfenner smiles, "thank you all" |