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Anseladams bites WOlfyn's nose "my my", says Moonus. Wolfyn says, "ouch" Galinfenner says, "careful, he may be rabid" Moonus is looking at you... Anseladams grins and drools Wolfyn winks and says, "Another round to go, Moonus." Anseladams moons Wolfyn Moonus moons all of us Wolfyn pees on Anseladams' shoe. Anseladams looks down, wipes his shoe on his pant leg Wolfyn's instrument of evil, Rasal has just arrived. Moonus wonders if it is not to late to run away Wolfyn locks the doors. Anseladams pulls out his bowie knife and keeps it handy Galinfenner says, "I don't think so" "HI Rasal", smiles Galinfenner. "Evening.", says Rasal. Wolfyn starts plugging in spotlights. Moonus looks around for Galin's notes so he can get a leg up on the questions Galinfenner asks, "notes?" Wolfyn winds the electric cord around Anseladam's wet pant leg. Galinfenner says, "we don't need no stinkin notes" Moonus says, "i need stinking notes" Anseladams yanks Wolfyn's tail Wolfyn says, "ouch" "Let me borrow that knife to fray this cord a bit.", says Wolfyn. Moonus says, "ut oh" "we'll give it another minute or two", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "Ok I guess we can get started." "ok", says Moonus. "Welcome everyone to another Meet and Greet. Tonight's guest is Moonus.", says Galinfenner. Hook finds a seat near the stage and sharpens his stick Galinfenner turns to face Moonus Moonus hops up on stage and takes a seat Galinfenner asks, "How did you find out about Fed Moonus?" Devor cheers Wolfyn claps and aims the spot on Moonus. "found out back on aol when if first poped up", says Moonus. Moonus says, "back when you had to pay by the hour" Moonus says, "i think it was in 95" "Wow", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner asks, "Really ? Have you played Fed since that time?" "i played untill aol went unlimited, by then i owed AOL and the phone company so much money i couldn't afoord to play any more", says Moonus. Devor grins Galinfenner grins "Oops", says Wolfyn. "Ironic.", says Fancy. Moonus says, "it was long distance to dial in back then too" "ahh", says Devor. Galinfenner asks, "Who are some of the people you remember from back then?" "Ouch", says Jazir. Moonus says, "i think i left a bill between them for a whole lot" "i tried to remember the names, but i deleted all my old files when my puter need more hard drive space", says Moonus. "I bet you did.", says Galinfenner. Moonus says, "i used to hang a lot in the tina back then" Galinfenner nods Galinfenner smiles, "I hear that a lot" Galinfenner asks, "Do you remember any names?" "i may be butchering these names, but the only one i rember is some one named st. flame, or other variations on that", says Moonus. Fancy asks, "Asoftflame, maybe?" "I played when it was on AOL. I just came back this week. I remember a lot more poeple played back then than do now - Do you find the same thing?", asks Captkeebler. Galinfenner nods "i red all the old chronicles for info back then, but it was hard to find anybody", says Moonus. "There was a stFlame back then also, or something similar", says Galinfenner. Moonus says, "yup funny the only thinbg i rember is she wore a toering" Galinfenner grins "Who helped you in Fed?", asks Galinfenner. "other than that i drew a blank", says Moonus. "she did, was about the only one back then", says Moonus. "you were on your own", says Moonus. Galinfenner says, "Ok" "There were a bunch of hosts back then, but then there were more people too", says Galinfenner. "i only made it up to trader back then before my internet was so rudely intruppted", says Moonus. Galinfenner says, "ahh" Galinfenner asks, "So you didn't really go out of Sol much?" "but i was a damn good trader", says Moonus. Hook chuckles Devor grins Wolfyn chuckles. Galinfenner grins "a few planets, but not many", says Moonus. "Did you have any interests outside of trading?", asks Galinfenner. "one of the things that was still set on my old puter was my macro keys to all of sols ex's", says Moonus. Galinfenner nods "not many, that i can remember back then", says Moonus. Moonus says, "i generaly hung out in the bars" "ok, when did you come back?", asks Galinfenner. Devor says, "sounds like the trademark of a good trader to me" "not untill oct 2001", says Moonus. "i found fed by accident", says Moonus. "i had forgotten about it", says Moonus. Galinfenner nods "i was actually looking up info on another MUD and found fed agfain", says Moonus. Galinfenner smiles, "ahh" Moonus says, "and i was back as quickly as i could" Galinfenner asks, "So you've been back for 2 years then?" Galinfenner grins "The second time around any different?", asks Galinfenner. Moonus says, "i took a short break last spring and just came back 2 months ago" Moonus says, "a lot different" "the game looked the same, but there were to many dukes and dukettes looking for PO's that it seemed that i was recruited as soon as i popped back on", says Moonus. Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "HOw long before you made PO?" Hook chuckles Kella snickers. Captkeebler nods Moonus says, "so after i found the GM it was almost no time untill i had my planet" "i think it opened in dec of that year", says Moonus. Galinfenner grins Galinfenner asks, "Have you had any interesting relationships you can share with us?" Kella squirms. Galinfenner looks at Kella Galinfenner grins some more "well i ahve great working realtionsships with all my dukes and dukettes", says Moonus. Kella looks innocent. Moonus says, "although none of them are playing any more" Galinfenner asks, "nothing more interesting than that?" Moonus says, "i think i am bad luck that way" Kella gives Moonus a stern look. "No you're not." "well there have been other happenings, but i try to be discrete", says Moonus. Galinfenner laughs "this is Fed though", says Galinfenner. Kella laughs. Hook muffles a laugh Wolfyn grins. Moonus says, "yes it is, and i have lived the fed life to the fullest, still tring to remain in the background" "ok", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Who do you hang out with now?" "it is hard to say things with out bringing up to many names", says Moonus. "Nah. It's impossible to remain in the background when you associate with me, dear Moonus. I am an extrovert. Sooner or later I'll drag you into the foreground kicking and screaming.", says Kella with a wink. Galinfenner laughs Moonus says, "well kella for one," Galinfenner asks, "Are your friends ashamed of you Moonus?" Kella blushes and toys with her collar. "she is a former slave girl of mine, the best i ever had", says Moonus. "Former? I refuse to give up my pseudo-subservience, thank you very much.", says Kella. Galinfenner grins Kella looks scandalized at the thought. Moonus says, "Shel is someone new that i ahve met since my return to fed this last time, a great lady" "Ok I've been holding off asking. But I"m sure we all want to know.", says Galinfenner. "Where did your name come from?", asks Galinfenner. Wolfyn exclaims, "Yes! Tell!" Kella bites her tongue at the first thing that comes to mind. Devor grins at kella Moonus says, "it was a shortened name from an old D&D player i had in high school moonus Seclunus" Galinfenner grins Peggysue perks "Was that picked out of the air or does it have some meaning?", asks Galinfenner. Moonus says, "but my real life nickname is Moon, and i got that for having a problem keeping my pants up" Wolfyn laughs. "just a play on Moon", says Moonus. Fancy remembers the phrase "roomus seclumus" from a Gilligan's Island episode... Kella chuckles. Galinfenner laughs Moonus says, "it is hard to use Moon in many games" Galinfenner says, "ok" Moonus says, "i think though my AOL name was Moon06442" Galinfenner nods and smiles Moonus says, "at least i think it was" "What would you change about Fed if you could?", asks Galinfenner. Captkeebler pinches Kella's rear end Moonus says, "i don't think you can change this game much any more, unless you knock 3/4 of the people back to GH and bankrupt all the dukes" Galinfenner grins "what quarter would you leave?", asks Galinfenner. "i think there need to be put in the game more challenges to promotions", says Moonus. "completley ramdom", says Moonus. Fancy thinks there will be in the new Fed. "so that the game need the other ranks to promote", says Moonus. Galinfenner nods Hook applaudes that Moonus says, "i remeber one way i made a lot of money back in the AOL days was helping on puzzles" Moonus says, "someone of my rank was need to do something" Galinfenner says, "ahh. yes" "can't remember what ir was", says Moonus. "but i did do something", says Moonus. Galinfenner asks, "What advice would you give a new person?" Fancy thinks he knows which puzzle it must have been. Moonus says, "playing this fed?, suck up to the dukes and dulettes and promote as fast as you can" Jazir suspects he knows exactly what Moonus was doing ;) Galinfenner grins Moonus says, "it seems the only way to play anymore" Galinfenner asks, "Do you have any embarrassing moments to share?" Moonus says, "or cozy up to a wealthy baron or baronette" Moonus says, "i have been tring to think of that one" "and excet of an ocasional item going over comms i really can't think of any", says Moonus. Captkeebler gets up and sits next to Kella, a very attractive and wealthy Baroness. Galinfenner says, "Ok" Moonus says, "and the ones that have been weren't really that bad" "What keeps you in Fed now?", asks Galinfenner. Moonus laughs at keebler Captkeebler winks and says, "she likes to be told shes pretty" "i am meating a lot of new people this time", says Moonus. Galinfenner nods "thats not the part i am laughing at", says Moonus. Moonus says, "i have meet a lot of people that i didn't before i left" "that's good", says Galinfenner. Moonus me thinks i bored them to tears Galinfenner grins Wolfyn waves a hand. Galinfenner says, "Yes Wolfyn" "What does Ivoryton represent?", asks Wolfyn. "Ivoryton is the town where i grew up", says Moonus. "Ah!", exclaims Wolfyn. Moonus says, "it is a real place in CT" Galinfenner asks, "Cool. What part of CT?" "and all of the buildings are or were real and are close to the loactions were they were", says Moonus. Galinfenner nods "ivoryton is a township in a bigger( albeit small town) of essex on the CT river a bit up from the sound", says Moonus. "ahh. ok", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner looks around at the crowd Wolfyn stares back. "Anyone else have a question?", asks Galinfenner. Moonus looks too "if anybody ask a specfic question about anybody i will answer, just not the gerneral ones", says Moonus. Captkeebler says, "I have a question" Galinfenner grins Galinfenner says, "Yes Cap" "k", says Moonus. Captkeebler asks, "I want to buy Kella some flowers. Do you know what her favorite flower is?" "hmmm", says Moonus. Galinfenner grins Moonus says, "honestly i never have her flowers" Moonus says, "she was a slave girl, she got a studded salve collar" Moonus says, "but no flowers" >ex kella Galinfenner smirks "Anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. "Ok well, thank you for coming Moonus", smiles Galinfenner. Moonus says, "be careful where you tread captkeebler" "I want to remind everyone that this Tuesday...", says Galinfenner. "well that was alomst painless", says Moonus. "9pm Eastern we will be ahving an interview with Alan", says Galinfenner. "Make sure to mark your calendar", smiles Galinfenner. "did i set a record for the shortest M&G", says Moonus. "Everytime I see a pretty girl in a bar, I always lay it on thick", says Captkeebler. "Ooooh, an hour before Fedpardy!", exclaims Fancy. Galinfenner smiles, "The next Meet and Greet will be after the new year. Our guest will be Kella" Moonus says, "i think she will tell you her flower preference then" Captkeebler is accepting kindly donations from rich people. "Er, is that like begging?", smiles Wolfyn. "Thanks for coming everyone!", exclaims Galinfenner. Captkeebler turns his head aside, but sticks his hat out. "yes, thanks, sorry i wasn't more entertaining", says Moonus. "You did just fine.", says Galinfenner. "You were great, Moonus, and thanks!", exclaims Wolfyn. Wolfyn applauds! Galinfenner waves "It was good Moonus, bravo", smiles Jazir. Jazir applauds and cheers |