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Padding softly across the floor, Greyspacewolf has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "GSW is gonna be my first guest next season", smiles Galinfenner. Greyspacewolf whimpers and cries, "Jaz...Galin is threatening me again" Zyphr says, "Galin is a mean meanie, GSW" Zyphr consoles GSW Galinfenner says, "I am." Galinfenner says, "I'm gonna make him eat fruit salad too I think" Jazir exclaims, "Horrible!" Greyspacewolf cringes Zyphr drops a bloody steak for the wolf... Greyspacewolf hides behind Jazir Galinfenner nods and grins evilly Felina says, "Galin is mean" Felina is the nice one Netmndr winks and says, "Galin is a pussy cat" Felina smiles sweetly Greyspacewolf sneaks out and grabs the steak before hiding again Zyphr nods, "Felina is the nice one" "Felina is the one with the nasty weapons", says Netmndr with a wink. Felina asks, "weapons? me??" "what weapons?", asks Felina. Netmndr holds up a plastic ziploc containing a newspaper with a brick in it Greyspacewolf fears the newspaper Felina says, "that's not mine" "Sure it is, it has your name etched in the brick", says Netmndr with a wink. Galinfenner says, "Ok folks, let's get started" Netmndr asks, "So, I understand Galin mentioned an award........and.........a Check?" "Right. later Net", says Galinfenner with a wink. Netmndr waits for compensation "Wouldn't be a body check, would it?", says Fancy with a wink. "Welcome to Meet and Greet.. in case you missed it, our guest tonight is Netmndr", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner bangs his microphone "Is this thing on?", asks Galinfenner. Sallyanne winces and glares at Galin. Greyspacewolf howls louder Galinfenner winks at Sally Fishsticks thinks Galin should really do that in private Zyphr winces from the feedback... "Ok thanks eveyrone", says Galinfenner. Netmndr steals Galin's mic and hides it "What?", asks Skyline. Galinfenner says, "Tonight Netmndr is going to tell us his life story" Galinfenner asks, "So Net, first thing.. how did you find Federation?" "he hasn't had caffeine today has he?", asks Felina. Netmndr says, "When I was your age, I walked 20 miles......Uphill......In 6 foot snow........with constant blizzards.......and......oh wait.......wrong life" "or sugar!", exclaims Zyphr. Jazir grins Galinfenner chuckles Sallyanne grins. "I found it, on Ye old AOLdays GamesChannel thingy ma bobber", says Netmndr. Galinfenner nods "Do you mind telling us how old you were?", asks Galinfenner. Netmndr winks and says, "I was Eleventy-One years old" Galinfenner grisn Galinfenner grins even Sallyanne giggles. Greyspacewolf chews on the grisn "Or Eleven in you mortal's tongues", says Netmndr with a wink. Galinfenner asks, "So you have kind of grown up with Fed?" Netmndr winks and says, "You could say that, yes, but does Fed ever really grow up?" Zyphr winks and says, "or do people that play fed ever grow up?" Sallyanne giggles. Galinfenner says, "I was talking about you, but ok." "Do you remember anyone from those early days?", asks Galinfenner. "Hehehe, Yes, I pretty much grew up around Fed", says Netmndr with a wink. "Truly a scary thought, that", says Fishsticks with a wink. Netmndr winks and says, "I remember, Chiefsgirl, Opsan......Now known as Ops.....I knew.....Phiddie......Lets see.....I knew you some Galin......" Galinfenner nods "CewleePoke.......", says Netmndr. Netmndr says, "Pmazikiii" Netmndr grins "Did anyone help you out at first or did you read the manuals?", asks Galinfenner. "Well, I spent one week trying to figure out why the Tourist was mean and wouldn't talk, and also navigating that nasty little Terminus on Earth", says Netmndr with a wink. Jazir chuckles Galinfenner nods and chuckles Sallyanne grins. Greyspacewolf growls and rubs his ankles Galinfenner asks, "and the second week?" Netmndr winks and says, "The second week, I had dd'd on the planet Paradox......or Paradigm.......it was a DD planet back then....." "Whatever it was", says Netmndr. Galinfenner says, "There were a few." Fancy says, "Probably Paradox." Netmndr smiles, "Probably Paradox, yes" "but you came back anyway?", asks Galinfenner. "Well, Yes, Only the second time it didn't take a week to hit commander", says Netmndr with a wink. Zyphr winks and says, "he was 11! What else was he gonna do?? Homework?" Galinfenner laughs "ACK!!!!!", shouts Netmndr. Sallyanne laughs! Netmndr cringes and hides from the H word Galinfenner leans in "you did graduate didn't you?", asks Galinfenner. Redspice laughs Sallyanne laughs and laughs at that. "graduate what?", says Netmndr with a wink. Zyphr winks at Sallyanne ;) "school? High school?", asks Galinfenner. "Highschool or commander", says Esperanza. Greyspacewolf chuckles and peers at Net Fancy asks, "Do we have to say the "S" word, School?" Gwarrior chuckles. Netmndr winks and says, "Yes, I did" Galinfenner looks at Espy and nodsd Galinfenner says, "or commander" Galinfenner grins Netmndr winks and says, "Otherwise I wouldn't be able to get into the police academy like I'll be doing in Fall" "Where did you mostly hang out back then?", asks Galinfenner. Sallyanne grins. Netmndr says, "I hung out completely in Connor, from the time I was a Trader, thru to Baron...." "Were you in Connor all the way til you promoted to duke?", asks Galinfenner. Netmndr says, "Not quite, I took an absence from Fed....about a year into P2P.....When I came back, Connor was empty......Lithium was in SOL.....and I met Pppme who let me join Tetons" Galinfenner nods Sallyanne remembers that. Gwarrior has just vanished. Greyspacewolf wags his tail at the mention of Pppme and Tetons Galinfenner asks, "What were your main interests?" Netmndr grins Fishsticks is looking at you... Netmndr winks and says, "Main interests? Besides having fun and women? Later narrowing that into One woman.....My lovely wife Sallyanne...and irl Fiance" "Fun and women. Those are good interests", says Galinfenner with a wink. Sallyanne grins. "I thought so too", says Netmndr with a wink. Galinfenner asks, "How long have you known Sally?" Netmndr smiles, "Just over a year now" Galinfenner nods Sallyanne winks and says, "More like a year and a half, we've been married for a year." Zyphr winks and says, "men! not good with dates" "Leave it to women to get specific", says Netmndr with a wink. Netmndr ducks Sallyanne shuts up and sits nicely in her husband's lap. "I thought you'd told me that, but wasn't gonna say anything", says Galinfenner. Sallyanne grins. Galinfenner grins Galinfenner asks, "So, who were some of the other women you were involved with?" Fishsticks exclaims, "Bring out the exes!" Fishsticks chuckles "Well, I wasn't ever "involved" with them really, They more fit into the partying category", says Netmndr with a wink. Galinfenner smirks Greyspacewolf howls for the exes Galinfenner says, "ahh. Ok" Greyspacewolf can remember a few of those Zyphr wonders what Net's definition of "partying" is ;) Galinfenner asks, "Where DID you party?" Fishsticks finds it kinda scary that GSW can remember some of them Galinfenner asks, "I mean, was there one place in particular?" Netmndr winks and says, "Anywhere I could find one?" "And if there wasn't one.......I started one often", says Netmndr with a wink. Galinfenner knew you were gonna say that Galinfenner asks, "So, no specific place usually, just whereever?" Netmndr nods "Lithium several times", says Netmndr with a wink. Netmndr says, "hehehe" "ok, do you have an embarrassing moment you can share with us?", asks Galinfenner. "hmm", says Netmndr. Netmndr looks to his wife, "Love, any suggestions?" ;) Galinfenner chuckles "That would require him to be embarassed and when I find that happening I'll let you know.", says Sallyanne with a wink. Sallyanne giggles. Galinfenner asks, "mmm.. anything that embarrassed you Sally?" Sallyanne winks and says, "I dunno, I refused to marry you at first, was that embarassing, Dear?" Galinfenner grins Zyphr thinks she made him blush... once... ;) Sallyanne grins impishly. Galinfenner chuckels Jazir chuckles Esperanza did her best and never got him to blush Galinfenner kickstarts his spellchecker Netmndr winks and says, "No, I just pursued you like the thickheaded alpha male that I am" Sallyanne winks and says, "I have many things that embarassed me, Galin, but this isn't my M'n'G" "No, that Net did that embarrassed you", says Galinfenner with a wink. "Oh, get ready for a long list", says Netmndr with a wink. Sallyanne laughs! Galinfenner asks, "Are the lights getting hot in here?" Galinfenner looks around Wyldcat laughs Galinfenner grins Netmndr turns the light on Sally Esperanza fans galin Galinfenner smirks Sallyanne winks and says, "He gets me blushing all the time, but I don't think I should really tell you all how right now." "Ok, we'll let that one slide.", says Galinfenner with a wink. Netmndr smirks Sallyanne winks and says, "Hang out with us sometime, I'm sure it'll happen." Galinfenner chuckles "Net, what kept you coming back into Fed these last years?", asks Galinfenner. Netmndr winks and says, "Addiction? Insanity? Overwhelming desire to stare at a black screen with teal letters for hours on end? All of the Above?" "Me.", says Sallyanne with a wink. Sallyanne giggles. Galinfenner smiles Netmndr winks and says, "Yes, Sally has kept me here as well" Galinfenner asks, "If you could change any one thing about Federation, what would that be?" Netmndr points to the chain around his neck What? What? WHAT? Galinfenner has just gone north. Sallyanne exclaims, "Hey!" What? What? WHAT? Galinfenner has just arrived. Greyspacewolf laughs at Galin Netmndr whistles innocently Fishsticks blinks "Heh, darn arrow keys", says Galinfenner. "Any One Thing eh?", asks Netmndr. "You have two and I didn't put either of them there, Love.", says Sallyanne with a wink. Galinfenner says, "Yes" "That would be, Tougher gun laws, and harasher punishment for parole violators Stan, errr, Galin!", exclaims Netmndr. Galinfenner chuckles Sallyanne puts her face in her hands and shakes her head. "Dont' forget world peace", says Galinfenner with a wink. Esperanza says, "And abolishment of world hunger" Netmndr winks and says, "No, lets not say world peace" Fancy thinks we've just witnessed Net making Sally blush. "Nope.", says Sallyanne with a wink. "wouldn't it be universal peace?", asks Gwarrior. Galinfenner asks, "What advice would you give a new person coming into Fed?" Sallyanne winks and says, "That was a resigned groan, Fishy." Sallyanne says, "Fancy, even" Wyldcat chuckles Esperanza whispers to Sally that they're easily confused "Oh well, I do that all the time, I tell them to Read the GUIDES!", says Netmndr with a wink. Antonia laughs Galinfenner says, "Ok" Galinfenner looks around the room "anyone got a question for Net?", asks Galinfenner. Redspice makes a note ..."Read Guides" Wyldcat grins evilly Fancy raises a paw and says, "I've got one." "Fancy?", asks Galinfenner. Esperanza will copy off Redspice Fancy asks, "If I heard correctly, your name comes from you being a hockey goalie. What team did (or do) you play for?" "I didn't read the guides when he told me to", says Fishsticks. Sallyanne whispers to Espy that she has them highlighted in the same color and confuses them frequently though that's the first time she let it slip. Redspice raises her hand... Esperanza grins at Sally "I played hockey on a Midget A team, but I was on the Final cut for a Junior Hockey team called the Junior B Bombers....Out of California", smiles Netmndr. Fishsticks asks, "SoCal or NoCal?" Netmndr says, "I never played for them due to a knee injury, however" Netmndr says, "Socal" "Net? On MIDGET Hockey??", asks Zyphr. "Its an age classification", says Netmndr with a wink. Zyphr blinks at Sallyanne Sallyanne bursts out laughing! Fishsticks winks and says, "He mighta been short, at 11, yanno" "How does that relate to your name?", asks Galinfenner. Sallyanne winks and says, "He's so NOT a midget, guys." "NetMinder", says Netmndr with a wink. "It was an old term used for a hockey goalie", says Netmndr with a wink. "ahh", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "Got it." "Redspice has a question?", asks Galinfenner. "You said you use to hang out in Connor...What was your name at that time?", smiles Redspice. Esperanza imagines a midget goalie "Netmndr39", smiles Netmndr. Sallyanne giggles at Espy. Netmndr smiles, "I hung out mostly with Cewleepoke and Pmazikiii in those days" "And of course, Jonathan", smiles Netmndr. Redspice listens... "or Jhitch6 as he was known then", says Netmndr. "Anyone else got a question?", asks Galinfenner. "Cewlee had the planet Arabesque, PM had the planet Cuchulain", smiles Netmndr. Sallyanne exclaims, "Oh!" Fishsticks asks, "Cheese?" Sallyanne gets it now. Galinfenner looks at Sally "Sorry! I was having a brain cramp. Ignore me.", says Sallyanne with a wink. Galinfenner grins Netmndr laughs "Anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. Sallyanne giggles. "Brains can cramp? Who knew?", says Netmndr with a wink. "Don't you need a muscle to cramp?", says Netmndr with a wink. "I do all sorts of weird things, I'd think you'd be used to it by now, Dear.", says Sallyanne with a wink. Skyline says, "Dunno about brain cramps. Sometimes I get brain farts though." Netmndr winks and says, "True" Esperanza whispers to Sally...and he says women are the specific ones? Galinfenner looks between Sally and Net Antonia hands Sally a whip Sallyanne nods to Espy and giggles, "I let him keep thinking it." Sallyanne winks and says, "I'm female, Sky, my brain wouldn't do that." Galinfenner grins Zyphr looks at Sallyanne and burts out giggling... Galinfenner asks, "Women can't brain fart?" Sallyanne grins. Netmndr rolls his eyes Zyphr rolls 'em back ;) Skyline shrugs. "I guess men do have to have special talents", says Galinfenner with a wink. Skyline says, "It's one of those closed-door affairs." Greyspacewolf chases the rolling eyes and slobbers them before handing them back Sallyanne giggles. Zyphr coughs! "Net, anything you'd like to say to us all before we wrap up?", asks Galinfenner. Sallyanne grins. Netmndr winks and says, "Frightening question to ask me" Zyphr listens...!! Galinfenner laughs "Get along.....and Try really really hard NOT to kill eachother", says Netmndr with a wink. Sallyanne cackles like the Witch she is! Zyphr exclaims, "This from the man that killed his teammate in the last fighting event!" Fishsticks asks, "What about during fighting events?" Greyspacewolf wonders about fighting events...isn't that the whole point?? "what about the fighting events?", says Wyldcat with a wink. "I don't do fighting events Z", says Netmndr with a wink. "skip the killing and go for a maiming or two...", says Skyline. Zyphr chuckles Zyphr winks and says, "my bad" Redspice makes another note...."Don't kill anyone" Netmndr winks and says, "During fighting events.......Murder your fellow Fedders like theres no tomorrow" "Maiming is good.", says Sallyanne with a wink. Greyspacewolf howls Sallyanne grins! Wyldcat grins Galinfenner grins Antonia smiles "Words to live by, those last ones Net", says Jazir with a wink. Sallyanne whoops and shoves her fellow fedders into an arena. "heh", says Galinfenner. Netmndr exclaims, "Ah, Live Long, Prosper, Drink LOTS of scotch, and.....Always seek the Road to Enlightenment!" Sallyanne grins! Jazir smiles!! "scotch is good", says Galinfenner with a wink. "What do you know about scotch?", says Fishsticks with a wink. Wyldcat says, "the man that thought up "hell's fury" says not to kill??? LOL" Zyphr chuckles "Scotch + seeking = Road to Enlightenment.", says Skyline. Netmndr winks and says, "More than I should" Antonia says, "that sounds like fun." "Follow the path.. the path is Grey", says Zyphr. Greyspacewolf has bought you a toast of scotch to Netmndr! Netmndr grins and hugs Grey ;) Sallyanne grins at Grey. Galinfenner chuckles Jazir has bought you a glass of excellent Estatan Scotch. The amber liquid swirls of its own accord in the glass, and one sip will get you lost in the world of spirits!! "Scotch can't enlighten you much ,but it will make you think so", says Galinfenner. "Did I mention Greyspacewolf has been one of my bestest buddies practically since I came back to Fed?", says Netmndr with a wink. Netmndr smiles, "Jazir as well" "Oh, it's very enlightening, Galin.", says Sallyanne with a wink. "We seek the Road together", says Netmndr with a wink. Greyspacewolf grins "What about the Cars on the Road?", asks Fishsticks. "In seeking enlightenment, All that matters is what you think you've found.", says Skyline. Galinfenner grins "Drink enough Scotch and you don't care if you're enlightened", says Esperanza. Greyspacewolf thinks that's what TLs are for ;) "Drive around them, don't let them get there first.", says Skyline. Galinfenner says, "My point exactly Espy" Netmndr exclaims, "Oh, in the words of the immortal Netmndr.......KILL KILL KILL!" Galinfenner says, "well, that's the show" Zyphr hOwLs! Sallyanne cackles evilly! Greyspacewolf HOWLS!! Galinfenner smiles, "Thanks everyone for coming" Antonia applauds Esperanza applauds Esperanza says, "Woo hoo" Wyldcat howls! Galinfenner smiles, "Thank you for coming Net" Esperanza emits an earsplitting whistle Jazir applauds and claps "Thanks for listening to an old man's tale", says Netmndr with a wink. Skyline holds his ears... Galinfenner exclaims, "Next week we will have the Navigators here!" Sallyanne looks around and ... HOWLS! Fancy claps. "Everyone have a super week !", exclaims Galinfenner. Netmndr winks and says, "Ah, And I'm 3 games away from my 3,500th game" |