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Rick gets comfortable Anseladams grumbles something about twits in skirts and sets his camera up "where's Rick ? and who is he Isn't he supposed to be here ?", asks Rick. Galinfenner pokes Rick Rick asks, "Oh That's me ?" "Sorry for the delay, my co-host is at the fighting event", says Galinfenner with a wink. "this is a Meet and Beat for Rick, isn't it?", asks Pooey. "I hope no one minds?", asks Galinfenner. "They should be in the finals now", says Esperanza. "I could shive a git -- is fine", smiles Rick. Galinfenner says, "Yes they are." Galinfenner says, "Ok folks, I"m going to get started." Rick puts the recliner on vibrate mode Galinfenner stands up and falls down "OOOooooooOOOooookkkKKKkkkkkkkk", says Rick. Galinfenner says, "Oops, good beer" Rick turns it off Galinfenner grins Galinfenner exclaims, "WElcome to Meet and Greet tonight. Our guest is Rick and he has beer!" Rick waves Galinfenner covers another burp Pantara applauds and smiles Tiki applauds the beer... errr, Rick Redspice applauds Esperanza emits an earsplitting whistle Galinfenner asks, "Rick, when did you first start in Fed and how did you find us?" "Short Story actually", says Rick. Galinfenner nods "I was in Public office and Meetings would run to 1 and 2 am in the morning", says Rick. Rick says, "so when I came home I had to unwind" "It was 1995 and I found it on aol", says Rick. Galinfenner nods "How?", asks Galinfenner. "I Joined in January of 96", says Rick. "Rick... those are called bars... and they close at that time", says Uniquette. "Depends where you are doesn't it?", asks Galinfenner. Thulium covers mouth and chuckles :) Roslyn laughs. Galinfenner grins Tiki giggles Rick says, "Nah Bars closed at 2" Rick says, "I wasn't getting in till 2 or 3" "so anyway -- aol was pay per hour", says Rick. "Right", says Galinfenner. Rick says, "and it was a bit of a stain" Galinfenner hands you an r Roslyn thinks stain could be right. Galinfenner smirks "Well, wasn't sure", says Galinfenner. "First person I met was a girl in the pub who did three backflips and light my cigerette with her -- um well she lit it", says Rick. "I said This is OK", says Rick. Galinfenner chuckles Redspice laughs Gwarrior laughs. Galinfenner says, "The Cantina used to rock a lot back then" "My name was Snotface at the time -- aol screen name", says Rick. Haeger laughs Galinfenner nods Rick says, "Caused some problems" Galinfenner asks, "With who?" Esperanza can imagine "Anybody who looked at him", says Roslyn. "I mean -- I had a run in with Barb who --- Like just thought it was the most disgusting thing", says Rick. "she locked me", says Rick. Galinfenner says, "ahh" "Hazed said -- Geesh", says Rick. "so I was back in", says Rick. Rick says, "and working my way through the ranks" "Do you remember anyone in particular helping you out?", asks Galinfenner. Rick says, "The first was CM susan" Galinfenner remembers that name Rick says, "she got me my first jobs and my first ship to work with" "and she didn't help she just said MOVE", says Rick. Galinfenner says, "heh" Galinfenner asks, "A pushy broad huh?" Rick says, "It was before zmud and any help programs" Galinfenner nods Roslyn laughs. Racingnut says, "yup lots of ojt back then" "Type my lil fingers off till my eyes fell out", says Rick. Tiki giggles Galinfenner ponders the connection between fingers and eyes Redspice chuckles.. Rick says, "Then I started to venture out" Galinfenner nods "Where did you like to hang out?", asks Galinfenner. Pantara slips her hand in her pocket, finds two old eyes.. wipes the dust off and hands them to Rick Rick says, "Most of the people I met were friendly and eager to help someone promote -- the old fashion way" Rick says, "work" Galinfenner nods and grins Galinfenner says, "Hauling hauling hauling" Rick says, "well No place in particular -- I was wandering the back streets of Fed" Haeger nods to Rick "I met this one That one -- This orgy That orgy -- this place and her too", says Rick. Galinfenner laughs Rick says, "Best time back then was -- even with the lag" "doing the puzzles", says Rick. Redspice chuckles.. "Not knowing what to do", says Rick. Tiki smiles "player puzzles or stat or what?", asks Galinfenner. relaxing by the fire... Ripntear has just arrived. Rick says, "Following others who had just started them or were doing them" Galinfenner nods Rick says, "Player Puz" Tiki says, "good ol beaker room" "I remember many a party start up in those closets", says Rick. "Those were the days huh?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner gets all dewey eyed Rick says, "Yeah My First Orgy Tiki" Rick laughs Galinfenner asks, "Did you stay at a CO rank for long?" Tiki winks at Rick Galinfenner grins "Well working was great -- Loved to hauls -- took my mind off what had transpired at the meetings", says Rick. "Kind of a zen to it huh?", asks Galinfenner. "It took six months I think to get up in Ranks", says Rick. Galinfenner nods "Then as I was just finishing", says Rick. "My Factories", says Rick. "Boom", says Rick. "Slacker you Rick", says Haeger with a wink. "One of Shavers planets", says Rick. "What happened?", asks Galinfenner. "Died walking out of the ship", says Rick. Galinfenner says, "ahh" Rick says, "Died going to the Hospital" Rick says, "So" Gwarrior asks, "how come?" "I was Miffed", says Rick. Galinfenner exclaims, "I bet!" Galinfenner asks, "What'd you do?" "I came back as Commander and was in the Cantina", says Rick. Rick says, "and someone said get in touch with Zorra" Rick says, "It was Smok" Galinfenner nods Tiki chuckles "Did you get in touch with her?", asks Galinfenner. Rick says, "She said she would help BUT -- I had to cjhnage my name" Galinfenner laughs Roslyn ponders talking smok "I said Geesh", says Rick. Galinfenner tries to say Geesh and messes it up "so I talked to alot of people -- and they said -- yeah -- Time to stop thst", says Rick. Galinfenner nods "Did it improve your love life?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins Esperanza ponders dating somebody named Snotface Rick says, "so Rick started -- CM susan had a Beautiful ceremony for him" Gwarrior laughs. Pantara wrinkles her nose "Actually -- people told me they would never have talked to me if I hadn't changed the name", says Rick. "hmm, Snotface to Rick... who'da thunk?", asks Tiki. "Some people huh?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner waits for Rick to say Geesh Rick says, "yeah -- hard to take a joke sometime" Galinfenner nods "Can I have another beer?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins "so -- Love life started", says Rick. Galinfenner asks, "When did you first start wearing those slippers?" Rick laughs Rick says, "These were given to me by some Gypsy lady" Racingnut tosses galin another beer Galinfenner pulls the top of the beer and foam pours out which he sucks out noisily Galinfenner asks, "Gypsy? The Gypsy we know?" "The first one that actually touched my soul across the internet", says Rick. "Nah --", says Rick. "What was her name?", asks Galinfenner. Rick says, "Names don't matter" Galinfenner asks, "Really?" Rick says, "she's gone -- we are gone -- and Life goes on" Galinfenner nods Roslyn nods and smiles. "amen", says Tiki. Rick says, "But The ELMO"S STAY" "So, why DID you choose Snotface as a name?", asks Galinfenner. Rick says, "My Daughter did -- she said it was me" Galinfenner says, "Inquiring minds have to know." Galinfenner grins Thulium chuckles Racingnut laughs Rick says, "and those that know me now -- figure it fit" Roslyn laughs. "sounds like a daughter thing", says Thulium with a wink. Roslyn says, "Smart kid" Galinfenner asks, "Heh, that's good. What other loves do you remember?" Rick says, "' So I Got a planet at the urging of Zorra Smok Moki and a few others" Galinfenner nods Rick says, "No Loves -- Just " Special " people" "The First was the last", says Rick. "was the best", says Rick. "and no need for more", says Rick. "Why not?", asks Galinfenner. "Old man Finds no need to be wrapt in relations Cyber or RL other than what he faces daily", says Rick. Thulium nods Galinfenner peers at Rick and thinks the beer is helping him translate Rick says, "Yeah The beer helps" "Ok, so let's come up to the present. Is there a special someone today?", asks Galinfenner. "I Love the Friends I've meet here -- some dating back to the beginning -- others I just met", says Rick. "My wife ?", asks Rick. Rick laughs Galinfenner grins Tiki chuckles Galinfenner asks, "What is this about Pooie? Why did you tie her up?" Rick says, "I have a SPECIAL' Relationship with my Duchess that no one knows" Galinfenner asks, "But you are going to tell us?" Thulium perks... Roslyn gasps Galinfenner grins "Poo Came into my life by accident", says Rick. Galinfenner makes a note to get back to Von "she was This person who -- was -- real", says Rick. "Ok...", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "someone you know RL?" "What you saw was her what she told was truth", says Rick. "That is realy hard to find on a keyboard and a monitor", says Rick. "Do your best. We're patient", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner hands everyone another beer to help Rick says, "I met her after we were playing here for two years" Galinfenner nods Rick says, "she's " Special "" Roslyn smiles. Galinfenner asks, "Ok. how so?" Rick says, "and the only one that can keep me under wraps" Rick says, "I mean In line" Von takes advice from her "Looks like she's the one under wraps", says Galinfenner with a wink. Rick says, "I mean ; Keep me from going over the line" Redspice chuckles... Tiki says, "lol" "I see.", says Galinfenner. "do you think its time for a colorful metaphor", says Racingnut. Rick says, "Red has tried -- Von Gave up" Pooey hides her sledgehammer Galinfenner chuckles Pooey blushes Redspice looks at Von... Roslyn nods her poor duches is so tired "Anything else you wish to tell us about Pooey?", asks Galinfenner. "little does he know...", says Redspice with a wink. "Or maybe that Pooey wants to share with us?", asks Galinfenner. "She's sweet Nice and what you see is what you get", says Rick. Von looks at Red and shrugs hiding a wink. Pooey stays quiet....it's Rick's night :) Rick says, "Over the years here ya meet alot of people" Galinfenner smiles, "Ok" Galinfenner nods "some are just strange -- some are so phoney -- some are fun and some are just pain in the asses", says Rick. Von giggles. "I think I have stayed friends with the most pain in the asses", smiles Rick. Jazir grins Galinfenner asks, "Who for instance?" Tiki laughs Rick laughs Pooey peers Wyldcat laughs Redspice blinks... Roslyn stands then sits down quickly. "Well lets see -- The best was Arbor and Chas's Duchy", says Rick. Galinfenner winks and says, "ahh." "I still talk online to alot of them", says Rick. Galinfenner asks, "Bourbon?" "yes", says Rick. Galinfenner nods "I was in Shavers alt Duchy during the wars", says Rick. Galinfenner asks, "Freedom?" Rick says, "Yep" "and when he DD's", says Rick. "That kind of killed that " Family", says Rick. Galinfenner nods Thulium was hoping Shav would have duked before nuked.. but ::sigh::: "I never will understand why a Duke would put himself in harms way like he did", says Rick. "What do you mean?", asks Galinfenner. "We weer having Trading wars with a few other Duchies -- It was nasty -- I would have to take my Agri off line when I left to save what I could of it", says Rick. "He decided to go after them and used his Duke Character to trade", says Rick. Rick says, "and Poof" "Aww gee I'm sorry", says Rick. Galinfenner chuckles "well in those days -- we had what 25 Duchies ?", asks Rick. "if that", says Racingnut. Rick says, "No place for any of us to go" "Could be.", says Galinfenner. Rick says, "and SOL sucked" Galinfenner grins Roslyn is still counting duchies "an Agri in sol with a bad spin", says Rick. "Death", says Rick. Roslyn giggles Dizzyana says, "That is right Rick and sol had about 100 or so plantes also" Galinfenner nods Rick says, "so I had to find a home" Rick says, "and Arbor took me in" Rick says, "It got REAL comfy" Rick says, "Then well -- Love enters" Rick says, "The Stand in Duchess and a Breakup strt the downfall" Rick says, "so Most of my time was in Bourbon" "Love enters...", says Galinfenner. Rick says, "I'll tell you this though -- There weer some GREAT duchies back then" "Families that stayed and played", says Rick. Tiki nods at Rick Rick says, "I guess That's it -- I'm Happy to be in Archology -- == My Duchess is a sweet lady and the other characters are just that" Galinfenner asks, "What about your secret relationship with Von?" "I fit like a glove over there", says Rick. "Yeah what about that?", asks Roslyn. Galinfenner looks at Ros and hope he hasn't started a fight "Well Von and I are -- well Ya know -- I shouldn't say this -- But -- You know she's Married", says Rick. Galinfenner nods Redspice smiles, "a strong friendship..." Rick says, "so well It's very descrete" Von nods Galinfenner thinks we won't tell ;) "No, wait!", exclaims Von. Galinfenner grins Rick laughs Von says, "We're just friends" Redspice laughs Tiki laughs "yeah Ok Honey -- That we are", says Rick. Galinfenner smiles and leaves it at that. Esperanza giggles Von nods, "Yes good friends" "Do you have a most embarrasing moment?", asks Galinfenner. Von gets ready to do some thwarping. "I do hold one record though I don't think anyone will break", says Rick. Redspice chuckles.. Galinfenner looks and takes out an r and puts in an s "what's that?", asks Galinfenner. Esperanza hands Von the butterfly net Rick says, "I have made Redspice wet herself laughing more than anyone else" Von takes the net and nods a thankyou Roslyn laughs. Rick winks at Red Redspice chuckles and grabs the net... Galinfenner chuckles Roslyn laughs. Racingnut says, "fight fight fight" Tiki giggles Galinfenner asks, "Do you have a most embarassing moment?" Von hands Red her whip too. Rick says, "Embarrasing Moment ?? me ? No" Rick says, "would be awfully hard to embarras me" Wyldcat laughs at the butterfly holding the butterfly net Galinfenner thought so Redspice says, "when he made me laugh THAT much..we were all embarrassede" "Nothing embarresses Rick", says Roslyn. Galinfenner asks, "What would you like to see changed in Fed?" Roslyn laughs Redspice nudges Wyld Rick says, "Fed did wrong when it Opened up the Duke Puzz to Anyone -- It opened up the Puz without conditions --" "Commander to Duke in just under 45 days is outragous", says Rick. Thulium coughs behind hand :::36::: Galinfenner says, "So, you think people promote too fast." Rick says, "Top levels are for people who can move the GAME forward" "This is a great game -- Learning and doing is the best part", says Rick. "right on, Rick", smiles Tiki. Galinfenner nods "But when you get handed all the Puzzle answers -- handed money -- etc", says Rick. Thulium thinks he's moving the game forward.. one GH at a time :) Galinfenner asks, "Almost everyone says pretty much the same thing. Yet people continue to hand out the groats to help new people bypass work. Why do you think that is?" Roslyn hasn't seen a real groundhog in ages. Rick says, "The game is lost-- you have a chat room with some background noise" "yeah -- It's the DUKES responsibility to reign in his or her subjects", says Rick. Rick says, "But with anyone able to become Duke --" Racingnut disagrees in part with rick "First time It would Happen -- Duke should be gone", says Rick. "what?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "Maybe I need another beer, didn't understand that one." Rick says, "Any one can disagree with me -- Really don't care --" Rick says, "Dukes should be responsible for his players" "all his PO's", says Rick. Galinfenner says, "ahh. Keep the PO's reigned in." "You can't control your pos", says Von. Galinfenner nods Thulium frowns.. hummm... might get an arguement with me on that one.. but... Galinfenner says, "Too many duchies, not enough planets" "regardless of how much money you give the person still has to make the effort to promote", says Racingnut. "you can if they know you would be gone -- you would Boot their butts in a second", says Rick. "a lot of duchies used to be like that", says Tiki. Rick says, "absolutly" "when there were so few duchies", says Tiki. Von shakes her head, "I've tried. New ones don't hang around when I don't give them handouts." "So... you are saying if a Duke/Duchess doesn't take responsibility they should be lowered in rank?", asks Galinfenner. Rick says, "There is the problem -- They can go anywhere and get what they want" Galinfenner nods Von nods Galinfenner winks and says, "Maybe we should have a lottery" Tiki grins Rick says, "Yes -- weed out the ones that could give two cents about the game" "Winning duchy gets burned", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner nods Esperanza makes a point to have her fire extinguishers re-tagged "every GMT the winning planets treasury gets wiped", says Ddking with a wink. "Well -- you see -- The fix is there -- It would take a concerted effort of IB games to do something", says Rick. "Interesting concept. Wonder if we could get anyone to buy into it.", says Galinfenner. Rick says, "and IB doesn't care that much -- Money keeps coming in" Galinfenner asks, "anyone have a question for Rick?" Von raises her hand. Galinfenner asks, "Yes Von?" "Von Honey Baby ?", asks Rick. Von asks, "Rick are you going to be good?" "No", says Rick. Rick says, "Next" Redspice raises her hand... Racingnut laughs Tiki laughs Von laughs, "I knew it!" Galinfenner asks, "Red?" Dizzyana puts hey hand up in the air Wyldcat raises his hand Von looks aorund for her whip and the butterfly net "could you describe your wagon and all it that is in it?", asks Redspice. Rick says, "It's a Custom Built Red Flyer" "Given to me by Juel", says Rick. "I had a trycycle that used to pull it", says Rick. Thulium raises hand Rick says, "But She didn't like me running over everyones toes and stole it" Galinfenner says, "ahh" "It has a full sound system Hot Tub Saunna and an outhouse", says Rick. Galinfenner grins "outhouse is a necessity", says Tiki with a wink. "Absolutly", says Rick. Galinfenner says, "I have Dizzyana, then Wyldcat, and then Thul." "Dizzy?", asks Galinfenner. "Rick you want to run away and get married??? Giggles", says Dizzyana. Rick asks, "you know how many times on earth I had to run to the Only one on that planet ?" Rick says, "No Diz I'm Taken" Galinfenner asks, "Wyldcat?" Dizzyana says, "Dang me too...hehehehe" Tiki says, "lol Rick, on earth guess it wasn't Red who was wet" Rick nods at Tiki Redspice chuckles "why don't you own a ship?", asks Wyldcat. "I don't work anymore", says Rick. Rick says, "I gave it up in 98" Rick says, "No need" "Heh, ok Thulium?", asks Galinfenner. "My Planet makes money and I Just come to be with the people I care about", says Rick. Rick says, "I won't promote anymore" Rick says, "No reason to" Thulium winks and says, "Oh.. sorry.. was in TB conv.. tis ok.. my ques was answered" Tiki asks, "you want to marry Rick, Thul?" Jazir laughs Rick laughs Thulium Laughs.. how'd u guess ::::tikkles tiki:: ;) Rick says, "My heart belongs to DJKAT" Redspice chuckles.. Rick snickers "I'll be sure to tell him", says Roslyn. Roslyn grins. Roslyn says, "Silver will be so jealous" "this week anyway", says Rick. "anyone else have a question?", asks Galinfenner. Tiki raises her hand Galinfenner asks, "Tiki?" "ever forgotten where ya parked your wagon?", asks Tiki. Esperanza raises her hand Galinfenner chuckles Rick says, "No I have a masterlock on my wrist" Rick holds up the chain and lock "Esperanza?", asks Galinfenner. Esperanza says, "I hadn't seen Rick in years and years until I returned to Fed last year" Esperanza asks, "But the first time I met him, he caught my eye doing an ummmm table dance?" "Just wondered if he still did that?", asks Esperanza. Rick laughs -- Yeah On occasion I do it Roslyn laughs. Redspice chuckles.. Galinfenner grins Esperanza nods and makes a note in her notebook Rick smiles and remembers that LONG time ago he did that "how long have you been wearing the same clothes? LOL", says Wyldcat. Roslyn thinks to long Rick says, "Poo gave me these when she left Fed to keep me from being naked all the time" Dizzyana giggles Wyldcat giggles and takes up a collection for new clothes for rick "I used to wear a tux -- with the zipper down", says Rick. Von smiles, "We are thankful to her" Galinfenner nods Tiki winks and says, "very" "Mmmmmmmmmmmm", says Dizzyana. Galinfenner asks, "OK, anyone else?" Rick laughs "Ok, we seem to be finishing up.", says Galinfenner. "Ok I've had my day in the sun and I want to thank Ya'll", says Rick. "Rick, anything you'd like to say for posterity?", asks Galinfenner. Thulium smiles, "thanks Rick.. was most interesting" Von lets out a long breath thankful Rick was behaving tonight. Galinfenner wonders if Rikc is thinking Von has given Rick a passionate hug! Redspice applauds Rick, and grabs another beer from the wagon before leaves.... Jazir applauds Rick :) Esperanza applauds Rick says, "Fed Has a hell of alot of potential to be what it was -- But without IB Interferance and pissing some off -- will be a chat room and a background game -- BUT I love the people and the friends I have made and will make" Thulium bows to Galin.. thank you, Kind Host for another fine episode of M&G :) Galinfenner nods Galinfenner smiles, "Thanks Thul" Tiki stands and applauds Rick Rick rools out of his Recliner and stands up Galinfenner goes to check his calendar Galinfenner says, "Thanks everyone for coming tonight." Galinfenner says, "If anyone wants their own M&G write to me! galinfenner@ibgames.com" "who's here next week?", asks Wyldcat. "Next week's guest is...", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner looks at Wyldcat and points "you!", exclaims Galinfenner. Redspice applauds Galin also..."next time he brings the beer" |