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Galinfenner says, "AS you can see, I have several guests tonight." Gangleri winks and says, "Is that why it's 40 minutes late?" "my second time in a few months", says Paladin. "To start off with, I would first like to give a HUGE thanks to Mac and crew for pulling this off so well.", says Galinfenner. Esperanza applauds wildly Paladin exclaims, "yeaaaa Mac!" Blirish says, "was so well done." "This really has to be the best event in the years I've been doing them.", says Galinfenner. Nimat cheers! Phedre gives Mac a standing ovation Violator exclaims, "go mac and brie!" "Let's hope this really isn't the end!", exclaims Galinfenner. Galinfenner winks at Mac Nimat agrees with Galin. Phedre laughs Wolfyn nods. "was a lot of fun.", says Blirish. Galinfenner asks, "well, to start off with, I'd like to ask PHedre, how does it feel?" "Come on", says Phedre with a wink. Phedre laughs Phedre says, "It feels so very unreal" "I alrady told him I'd get a cute little bikini set to wear if he made another FS, he won't bite", says Jordy. Galinfenner clears his throat Galinfenner looks at Phedre "I think I'm still in shock", says Phedre. "yes?", asks Phedre. Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "Did you think at the beginning that you'd be the last one left?" "absolutely not", says Phedre. "I had no idea I would make it this far", says Phedre. "It looked like toward the end of the week, the whole thing was taking a toll on you.", says Galinfenner. Phedre nods slowly "did you consider quitting?", asks Galinfenner. Phedre says, "Everyday it got harder and harder" Galinfenner nods Galinfenner shushes the crowd Phedre says, "I never would have quit but there were times I wished I would be the next to leave" Galinfenner nods Snowlily smiles, "wtg, Phedre!" "Gangleri...", says Galinfenner. Artscrafter says, "Emb voted for you one night, citing you asking him to as the reason, if I remember correctly..." Ford has a hug for all the survivors as soon as they shower. Galinfenner says, "You were the first voted off ... and got to watch pretty much the rest of the week." Snowlily winks at Ford Gangleri says, "That I did" Embrionic nods to Arts Blirish grins at Ford "Do you think you could have done anything different that would have kept you on longer?", asks Galinfenner. Gangleri says, "Not a thing" Galinfenner laughs Embrionic says, "nahh that's not true" "Why is that?", asks Galinfenner. Gangleri says, "Except known the directions I would need" Jazir thinks Gang did an excellent job representing Estate "What directions?", asks Galinfenner. Gangleri says, "That was the immunity challenge that night" "To the camp", says Artscrafter. Jazir grins Galinfenner says, "So if you'd gotten immunity.." Gangleri says, "Three of the final four contestants were in my tribe...i was pegged from the start...me or Pally" Galinfenner nods "Blirish.. we all saw Ford give you a ring.", says Galinfenner. "I think our jaunt across the planet lead by you sealed your fate", says Paladin. Galinfenner asks, "Are you going to be married?" "No one else bothered to do anything, Pally", says Gangleri. Paladin says, "I totally agree, Gang" Blirish smiles, "That is something that is personal" "REally?", asks Galinfenner. Snowlily chuckles "BUt you both stayed on camera...", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "You had to know everyone was watching?" Artscrafter flashes an intrigued look, the color for which he hasn't thought up yet... Phedre grins "Yes.. we did", smiles Blirish. "and you stayed on camera. If it was so personal why didn't you move off somewhere?", asks Galinfenner. "Well, we didn't discuss it anymore did we", smiles Blirish. Galinfenner laughs "This is true", says Galinfenner. Jazir smiles Paladin asks, "a ringing endorsement?" Artscrafter winks and says, "Let's see... Best man, maid of honor... If you ever find yourself in need of a "witness it," you know who to call" Galinfenner says, "Kewlness.. you made a remark about Phedre and Embri being one person." Phedre laughs "Do you still feel they are?", asks Galinfenner. Nimat laughs. Embrionic laughs hard "I have a really nice chapel, if you're in need of one", says Nimat with a wink. Galinfenner asks, "Kewlie? You awake under those glasses?" Embrionic says, "Phedre doesn't rap and I don't write poetry like her or cry as much as she did.. rest assured" Embrionic grins Jordy thinks Kewl fell asleep Phedre gives Embri a look "Ey.. it's true", says Embrionic. Phedre laughs "wha wha?", asks Kewlness. Kewlness winks and says, "just got back" Jazir grins Galinfenner says, "Your statement about Phedre and Embrionic." Galinfenner asks, "Do you still feel they are one person?" "Or Phembrionic, as he calls us", says Embrionic. "no. never really did", says Kewlness. Galinfenner nods "Phedre and EMbrionic,..", says Galinfenner. "don't have to be one person to interact like one though", says Kewlness. Galinfenner grins and gets nearer to the two "Eh?", asks Embrionic. Galinfenner says, "The truth..." Galinfenner asks, "Being siblings..did it help or hurt you?" Embrionic says, "Hurt me in the end" Galinfenner nods "But in the beginning?", asks Galinfenner. "Did you and sis gang up?", asks Galinfenner. Embrionic says, "Well, in the beginning, we bombed a competition to save her" Phedre says, "It really hurt me" Galinfenner grins "How Phedre?", asks Galinfenner. "if winning is hurting, hurt me some", says Tiki with a wink. Galinfenner laughs "you missed an important night Tiki", smiles Blirish. Phedre says, "Everyone assumed that I was in an alliance automatically, didn't give me a chance" "RL more important", smiles Tiki. Embrionic says, "..well, you were, Phedre.." Blirish says, "I know.." Nimat nods at Tiki. "was same for me one night", says Blirish. Galinfenner winks and says, "But you had your revenge in the end." "Blirish, you came in second.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner sits next to BLirish Phedre laughs "IS there something you could have done to change that?", asks Galinfenner. Blirish asks, "could have been voted off first?" Blirish laughs Nimat laughs. "To win?", asks Galinfenner. Blirish says, "oh .." Blirish says, "well, I would think it was a tough thing for everyone." Blirish says, "the final voting" Galinfenner nods "I think everyone played fair..", says Blirish. "There was no lieing .. no betrayals", says Blirish. Blirish says, "so would be hard to vote on that." Galinfenner exclaims, "Spoken diplomatically as always!" Galinfenner moves to Tiki Snowlily coughs softly Galinfenner asks, "What would you have done different if anything?" Embrionic wonders what his question will be.. Tiki says, "I wouldn't have bvoted for Artscrafter, was my downfall" Galinfenner asks, "Why is that?" "Not in my opinion..", says Embrionic with a frown. "changing your vote from Arts would have done what?", asks Galinfenner. "Chaga would have still had more sway, and would have prolly picked them off one by one... I think I would have gotten a money prize", says Tiki. Galinfenner nods "Ok Embri, since you are waiting.", says Galinfenner. "why did Chaga crumble?", asks Paladin. "No, I was wondering.", says Embrionic. "heh.. I have to say?", asks Embrionic. Artscrafter says, "I can answer that one" Galinfenner says, "LOL ok Arts" Embrionic had the answer.... mannnn "It starts that somehow almost all the good friends were put on the same tribe from the start...", says Artscrafter. Galinfenner nods Artscrafter says, "If you recall, my first reaction upon hearing the teams was "we're doomed."" Kewlness says, "i disagree arts" Galinfenner asks, "why Kewl?" "i feel all the good friends minus one being put in one clan and then the remaining one being put on ours was why", says Kewlness. "That's a good point...", says Artscrafter. Galinfenner nods "Ok, to embri...", says Galinfenner. Artscrafter says, "In either case, we got the advantage the first two nights..." "not to say no one else on our tribe was friends with others", says Kewlness. Galinfenner puts his arm around EMbri "You have to know...", says Galinfenner. "There was a lot of talk about you on nine the last few nights.", says Galinfenner. "they combined the tribes after we won 2 days in a row like we already had some advantage, but all those 2 days did was finally even us up", says Kewlness. Embrionic looks surprised Artscrafter says, "But then a few prematurely formed alliances broke up our tribe, casting it into a death sentence for the most part." "Do you think you'd have made it so far without the immunity?", asks Galinfenner. Embrionic has some good inside info for Galin when this offical hoopla is over Galinfenner grins Paladin says, "with a vote every night, the group dynamic never had a chance to fully form, too" "Hmm.. yeah, I'd say so.. our only plan was to make us final four..", says Embrionic. Galinfenner nods Embrionic says, "Losing that one... really did it" Blirish smiles at GW .. and feels the same about him. "I guess since I kind of haad assumed the role as "head honcho" of the alliance", says Embrionic. Galinfenner says, "Ok, questions for all of you." "How many of you would do this again?", asks Galinfenner. "I wouldn't", says Phedre. "I would", says Artscrafter. Embrionic says, "And had been winning the things, they assumed me a threat.." Embrionic says, "I would." "I don't knowe", says Paladin. Darkensi says, "i wouldn't" "I would, prolly", says Gangleri. Tiki doesn't know "If I could get to my goal of lasting beyond the first night", says Gangleri with a wink. Blirish says, "It was a long week." Jazir grins "Yeah Fishsticks, that was the ultimate irony", says Artscrafter. "there were pluses and minuses to it all", says Tiki. Gangleri says, "Ah well" Tiki says, "plusses" Gangleri winks and says, "It let me get to Techie that much faster, though" "Question for Dark...", says Galinfenner. "Dark, you seemed to have this thing going with the host. Did he piss you off in some way?", asks Galinfenner. Nimat chuckles. Darkensi says, "yes" Embrionic laughs Tiki laughs Jordy laughs Artscrafter turns blue (amused) "one regret..not voting against Dark the second night..I think he would have been gone then", says Paladin. Darkensi says, "yeah right Paladin" Galinfenner asks, "HOw is that?" "I mean, What did Mac do?", asks Galinfenner. Paladin says, "it would have been two votes me and two votes Dark" "well...he never shared is list of Porn sites..i was kinda upset over that", says Darkensi. Darkensi says, "other then that" Galinfenner grins Darkensi shrugs Wyldcat chuckles Gangleri is gonna split unless Galin has any questions left for him Galinfenner says, "I have some for all of you Gang." "where is Mac? what would have happened in case of a tie?", asks Paladin. Embrionic says, "Revote" "Mac's watching", says Galinfenner. "For all of you...", says Galinfenner. "What was your favorite challenge?", asks Galinfenner. "Revote, but neither person in question can vote and it's only between the two", says Artscrafter. Gangleri chuckles Gangleri winks and says, "I hafta ask that?" "the poetry one by far, it was fun", smiles Tiki. Phedre says, "I liked the one about knowing the people" "even if mine sucked", says Tiki with a wink. "I liked the poetry one.", says Embrionic. "Poetry contest for me, I'm still amazed that I was able to do a sonnet in 5 mins.", says Artscrafter. Embrionic smiles, "Word." Galinfenner grins Jazir says, "Had I judged, Arts, you probably would have gotten my vote, just for hitting a sonnet correctly in 5 min" Paladin says, "and, if it was tied again, person with the most previous votes would be gone" Galinfenner says, "I"m told that a tie would be broken by determining who had the most overall votes prior to that." Blirish says, "For me .. challenge was staying in the game.. and afraid that people would take things personally" Galinfenner nods Blirish says, "but fortunately .. they didn't" "Who feels like they were betrayed?", asks Galinfenner. Tiki does Artscrafter extends a hand-like pseudopod and raises Galinfenner looks for a bunch of hands to come up Gangleri decidedly doesn't "let me rephrase that", says Gwarrior. "Just two of you?", asks Galinfenner. Embrionic frowns at Tiki Blirish is sorry Tiki feels that way.. Galinfenner is surprised "Eh.. off and on", says Embrionic. "I was the messenger Tiki", says Blirish. Paladin says, "I could see the cards that wer dealt me" Nimat chuckles. Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "OK, if this was to be done again, would any of you like to help? be on staff?" Darkensi says, "yeah" Gangleri says, "I'd help" "Anytime, I would do it", says Embrionic. Galinfenner grins "staff would be a blast", smiles Tiki. Violator says, "we need that joe millionaire thing on Fed" Artscrafter says, "I'd like to be one of the camera people, I guess... Or a judge if needed." "I'd help", smiles Phedre. Galinfenner jots down names Blirish says, "I would" "Oooh Joe Millionaire in Fed!", exclaims Ayanna. Nimat laughs. Galinfenner says, "heh" "would be fun", says Blirish. Jordy still thinks a Temptation Island in Fed would be fun Ayanna exclaims, "I'd like to be on a bachelor type thing. That'd be loads of fun!" Tiki wouldn't want Mac's job though... only Mac can do it so well "lol", says Phedre. Artscrafter would do well at that... Nimat nods at Tiki. Violator drools, temptation islands "Comepete for the hand of a Duke, then discover he's a GH using a temproary account..", says Jazir with a wink. "I already did help outside being a contestant", says Gangleri with a wink. Phedre says, "lo" Snowlily giggles Desertfox has bought you a swamp water! "i liked that other suggestion the other night better", says Violator. Artscrafter asks, "What was that?" "compete for a real person, find out they're an alt", says Violator. "One last thing, I noticed that a couple of you acted surprised when you found out how many were watching. Phedre and Blirish.. did you have any idea how popular this was?", asks Galinfenner. "something along those lines", says Violator. "no ..", says Blirish. "I had NO idea", says Phedre. Galinfenner grins Nimat thinks half the Fed population bought beams just for Survivor. Phedre says, "I mean, I thought it would be popular but not as popular as it was" "how many were watching?", asks Blirish. Phedre laughs "By the last bit the scroll from 9 (all on topic) was getting to be too much.", says Artscrafter. Phedre asks, "what were the ratings?" "I had to tune off for the council.", says Artscrafter. "Ok, now questions from the audience... Please raise your hand.", says Galinfenner. Phedre smiles Jazir nearly skipped a fighting event to watch the concuclsion Nimat chuckles and nods at Arts. Esperanza did too Nimat raises his hand. Galinfenner surveys the crowd Galinfenner says, "Nimat" Jordy raises her hand Serena raises her hand Nimat asks, "my question is for all of you who said that your goals included making new friends.... Did you?" Sirglec gasps at Jazir! Tiki grins, sure did :) Embrionic nods Phedre smiles, "I think so" "or did you make new enemies, or both?", asks Nimat. "i didn't say it, but...", says Embrionic. "I did... I knew about half the people from the other camp and nobody from my own...", says Artscrafter. "I think I met some really cool people that i want to get to know better", says Phedre. "I don't know if I made freinds, but I did meet alot of people", says Paladin. Nimat smilesa. Nimat then smiles, kicking the typo monster. "Ok, Jordy is next", says Galinfenner. Jordy smiles, "My question is for Darkensi" "I met Cruise for the first time", says Blirish. Wyldcat raises his hand Phedre would hug Cruise if he were here Artscrafter hopes Galin is doing a good job noting the order of the hands... "Lots of practice Arts", says Galinfenner with a wink. Jordy asks, "Dating two of the contestants, weren't you worried about them turning on you? or someone watching, turning on you later?" "Arts..this is what Galin does", says Paladin. Snowlily Laughs!!!!! Darkensi asks, "i was dating two of the contestants?" Darkensi says, "man news to me" Blirish looks at Embri Paladin exclaims, "yes...me!" Artscrafter has turned bright blue by this point Jordy says, "Since, we" Galinfenner asks, "You don't know?" Galinfenner asks, "Who's he dating Jordy?" Embrionic smiles and sheds a tear. Embrionic exclaims, "I am in love with you, darkensi!" "wow dark that's one wall you put up lol", says Violator. Embrionic winks Snowlily covers her mouth and giggles softly Blirish wonders too ... "i could have been having freaky threesome jungle loving dangit", says Darkensi. "oh . Embri ?", asks Blirish. Embrionic laughs Jordy smooths her dress and sits back down Embrionic says, "I think Jordy meant Tiki..." Tiki winks and says, "the Latza was a mobile" Galinfenner laughs Embrionic says, "Maybe the camera" Blirish looks at Tiki Paladin says, "hot panther love" "you are full of surprises Tiki !", exclaims Blirish. Phedre wonders for a moment... Tiki smiles, "heh, Dark and I are old friends and duchymates" Darkensi asks, "wait who was i dating on the island?" Artscrafter says, "Another thing I'd never have guessed" "that's all there is to it", says Tiki. Embrionic says, "Ewww.. Animal Necrophilia" Darkensi says, "i know Phedre" Jordy smiles, "If you don't know, I certainly won't tell" Galinfenner looks at Embrionic Galinfenner says, "Ok..." Galinfenner says, "next up is Serena and then Wyldcat" Wolfyn thinks the rumor mill was set up. Embrionic says, "The jaguar was dead and someone suggested it..." Darkensi shrugs Serena says, "I want to know what was with all this groping of the camerapeople, looked like they almost lost their cameras a few times." Galinfenner chuckles Tiki laughs Artscrafter says, "We couldn't resist, I guess" Embrionic says, "Not my fault they looked sexy in their camo and leaves" Galinfenner asks, "Anyone in particular you noticed Serena?" Phedre says, "lol" Blirish says, "If only they would have said if they were male or female" "they had deoderant was trying to make them drop it", says Darkensi. Serena says, "seemed Cruise enjoyed it alot" Galinfenner chuckles at Blirish "I have a phobia about that.. laughs", says Blirish. Embrionic winks and says, "Cruise groped everyone" Serena says, "I also have a question for Darkensi" "have to ask him about that", says Galinfenner with a wink. "Ok, let's go to Wyldcat and then back to you.", says Galinfenner. "Wyldcat?", asks Galinfenner. "yeah Cruise did a lot of groping", says Phedre. Serena says, "Whats this about a pooltable and a date with Wench" Phedre sighs Darkensi chuckles Jordy wants to know that too "sorry", says Serena. Artscrafter actually has a question for the other contestants at some point... "for the money winners... what do you plan to do with the money?", asks Wyldcat. Galinfenner has given Serena a sloppy tickle! Thulium ahhhh... Wench.. ::snaps back from daydreaming and listens::: "... use it on my planet.. yeah.. I'm boring", says Embrionic. Darkensi asks, "i got money?" Jordy thwaps Thul playfully "I don't know yet... probably use it for some builds", smiles Phedre. Paladin asks, "how much did you get Dark?" Blirish grins at Thulium Violator asks, "lots of pizza?" "What about you Blir?", asks Galinfenner. Blirish asks, "what did I win?" Embrionic thinks of Wench... then looks at Dark and winks Jazir rasies a hand "200 meg? I think?", asks Galinfenner. Jazir raises, too ;) Embrionic takes a tablecloth from one of the Tables "I believe 2nd prize is 500 megs...", says Artscrafter. Galinfenner looks at the room Embrionic says, "250" Galinfenner says, "ahh." Embrionic says, "Blir won 500" "prolly give part of it to Tiki", says Blirish. "two hundred megs? I made that much while your planet was closed...oops, did I say that?", says Paladin with a wink. Jazir chuckles "Ok, we have Serena, then Arts and then Jazir.", says Galinfenner. "thanks Blir, but I can't hold it, ah well", smiles Tiki. "yeah i'm givin all my groats to Tiki", says Darkensi. Darkensi pokes Tiki "Serena, ask your question again?", asks Galinfenner. Serena says, "Whats this about a pooltable and a date with Wench" Blirish grins at Tiki Serena says, "thats for Darkensi" Blirish says, "am glad to hear that.." Kewlness asks, "anyone want some dinner?" Kewlness munches. Embrionic wonders why nobody has questions for him then shrugs and goes to sleep "Pooltable was a crude refrence to a past Fed mate...and wench and me have a date...next question", says Darkensi. Gwarrior says, "I could use some" Blirish nods Galinfenner laughs Paladin asks, "you call that a date?" Phedre sighs again "Artscrafter", says Galinfenner. Blirish looks at Kewlness and waits Artscrafter says, "Okay, this is a question for any and/pr all of the rest of you... Did any of you have a reason for your specific luxury items? I know I tried roleplaying with mine a bit..." "... Mac destroyed mine.. Dark's too", says Embrionic. "Soap ? yes.. the obvious.", says Blirish. "mine's duct tape, don't leave home without it", says Tiki. "I just tried to think of something that I would like to have around", says Phedre. Darkensi asks, "umm freaky jungle loving on the couch?" Embrionic says, "Mine was a joke." Galinfenner asks, "What was yours Emb?" Thulium would have gladly sent the monkey over from Thulium smiles, "heh. from Thorus, even" "A foam finger that said "I'm #1!"", says Embrionic. Paladin says, "well, I really didn't miss Indi, so mine was a waste" Galinfenner says, "ahhh." Galinfenner laughs Galinfenner says, "Ok, next question is from Jazir" Jazir loads a fresh power cell into the TL "Survivors, tell me, what did you think of the planet?", smiles Jazir. Galinfenner smiles Jordy laughs Kewlness detonates his self-destruct missile he hid next to jazir's tl. Tiki has a question for Mac Darkensi no comment Phedre laughs "fiendish, Jaz..great job!", exclaims Paladin. Tiki smiles, "I loved it Jaz, which has to do with my Mac question" "It had a few interesting turns... Like going nw, ne, and w and ending up where you started", says Artscrafter. "It was ingenious in that it was completely confusing", says Phedre. "Tiki I think Mac is afk.", says Galinfenner. Kewlness winks and says, "I liked the location for chaga's tribal camp better than the other." Tiki agrees with Kewl! Permanent immunity holder, Macnbc has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Tiki smiles, "Chaga had a much nicer camp" Macnbc smiles, "Yes Tiki?" "there was a direction we could go always ?", asks Blirish. Artscrafter says, "I find it ironic that both tribes had an easier time finding the other camp..." Tiki grins at Mac "lol", says Phedre. Galinfenner asks, "Tiki, your question?" "Yeah.. I like it once I got it in my head", says Embrionic. Tiki says, "I'm wondering if Bimbukwa is going to stay open a while for touring, I'd like to finish touring the big maze" "Other times I hated it trying to get directions memorized", says Embrionic. Paladin won't admit that he never found Chaga's camp Tiki winks and says, "hard to see in a fast run" Macnbc says, "Yes, Jazir will be modding it tomorrow so you won't have to get those objects to get to the mazes" Galinfenner nods "augh, I wrote them down for nothing?", says Tiki with a wink. "Anyone else have a question?", asks Galinfenner. Jazir says, "Also planning to put an exit in, so you don't have to sell the ship to leave" "we were to memorize them Embri?", asks Blirish. Violator raises hand "... I did..", says Embrionic. "Violator.", says Galinfenner. "that's cool. I wanted a chance to tour it, too. Great job, Jazir, from what I saw, by the way.", says Nimat. Violator says, "during the event, there were people on the LP who urged visitors not to go beyond the LP" Violator says, "what happens beyond the LP" "even though you are evil Jazir..", says Blirish. "I love you anyway.", says Blirish. "Is that for Jazir?", asks Galinfenner. Jazir grins Artscrafter says, "The event itself. We apparently had someone get in and they had to be tracked down..." Galinfenner nods "Several someones actually", says Esperanza. "so it was possible for people to breach through?", asks Violator. "the contestants had to get on", says Paladin. "But after the first three days no more problems...lots of buzzing the LP but nobody tried to get past the uards", says Esperanza. "Guards", says Esperanza. Galinfenner nods "Yes, although we hoped folks would follow the spirit of the game, and not break through until the game was over", says Jazir. "There was no way they could have offlined it and modded it to prevent entry without risking a contestant ending up on Earth...", says Artscrafter. "I had no problems getting in after my visit off-planet", says Tiki. "One of you did appear on earth after a reset didn't you?", asks Galinfenner. "Blirish", says Embrionic. Blirish blushes Galinfenner asks, "Any other questions?" "Hmm, how did you wind up on earth?", asks Jazir. Embrionic says, "I know how" "the boogie man", says Violator. "She appeared before Bimbukwa was onlined.", says Galinfenner. "Planet was offlined at mait to remove the intruder", says Embrionic. "Blirish auto-logged (didn't hear the rule, I guess)", says Embrionic. Embrionic says, "And ended up on Earth" "thank you for pointing that out", says Blirish. "no .. didn't auto log", says Blirish. Blirish says, "had that off." "You did it manually?", asks Embrionic. Galinfenner nods "Ah, that was it", says Jazir. Blirish blushes.. "yes.. my timing was bad", says Blirish. Esperanza says, "And I don't think the planet was offlined either" "I just logged on ..", says Blirish. "xt you spelled it wrong, though", says Paladin. "oops", says Paladin. Galinfenner says, "It takes awhile after a reset." "not knowing it was so close to maintance startup", says Blirish. Here for her date Wench has just arrived. Galinfenner asks, "anyone else?" Wench has given Darkensi a friendly snog! Darkensi grins Wench winks and says, "Hiya" Darkensi chuckles Esperanza raises her hand "Dark, your date is here", says Paladin. Thulium chuckles Darkensi says, "So i noticed" "Yes Espery?", asks Galinfenner. Wench smiles as she knows which show gets the most ratings tonight "I don't have a question. But as the 'security officer' or whatever, I do want to say that all the 'intruders' did leave amicably when we caught up with them", says Esperanza. Galinfenner nods "I wonder who they were", says Phedre with a wink. "Thanks", smiles Galinfenner. Esperanza says, "And I want to thank them for that. Nobody was intentionally trying to disrupt the game" Wench has a question Galinfenner says, "Ok Wench" Wench says, "Phedre.." Jordy yawns and lays her head on Thul's shoulder, eyes half closed "Yes?", asks Phedre. Thulium fully confesses that he neither tried to visit the Bummies, nor disrupt the game :) Wench says, "Your alliance with Darkensi seemed pretty strong. Why did you vote against him that one night..Ardon me if it has already been asked.. I arrived late." Wench says, "Err Pardon." Phedre says, "I voted against him because I was confident that he had no votes and I did not want to vote against Artscrafter. It was a random vote to avoid voting against Arts" "Ok, anyone else before I wrap this up?", asks Galinfenner. Wench asks, "Weren't you afraid you would break the alliance that night you and Dark had?" Phedre sighs "I had hoped that Dark would understand", says Phedre. Darkensi nods Phedre says, "but... *shrug*" Wench nods.. Tiki has something to say... Galinfenner says, "yes Tiki" Phedre says, "it is not my place to try to make these things right if they are not" "For Survivor5, if you're an FO... keep in mind you hafta take wages off all your facs... then reset ALL of them... not as easy as typing online or offline", says Tiki with a wink. "One last thing, if I may", smiles Jazir. Galinfenner says, "Yes Jaz" "Bimbukwa has been modified to give it an exit an make the mazes more accessible, it is open to the public as soon as it comes out of the queue", smiles Jazir. "Thanks", smiles Galinfenner. Tiki smiles, "cool, thanks Jaz" Jordy waves Tiki smiles, "I think too, we should all give Mac a hand for such a great job, thanks Mac" "cool, Jazir...", says Nimat. Phedre applaudes Mac once again Blirish says, "Mac is Evil" Galinfenner says, "Yes, definitely" Violator cuts off his hand and throws it at mac Nimat cheers for Mac! Galinfenner stands and applauds Blirish grins and applauds Art says, "Good job, Mac" Permanent immunity holder, Macnbc has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "Good job Mac,", says Embrionic. Wench cheers Nimat says, "Mac must be a massochist... I can't imagine doing what he did." Wyldcat applauds Paladin applauds mac! "Bravo Mac, great show!", smiles Jazir. Macnbc bows briefly, looking rather embarrassed Galinfenner starts a chant SurvivorV survivorV! "Well done Mac", smiles Esperanza. Artscrafter creates the sound of cheering, given that clapping doesn't work too well... Blirish says, "very well done Mac" Macnbc uses Tiki's duct tape on Galinfenner Blirish says, "it was really fun .." Zyphr thinks the next survivor should be staff ;) Galinfenner laughs Tiki laughs Wolfyn cheers Mac, the survivors, Galen, and the rumor mill! Nimat bows to Macnbc. "I'd go for that. But you can't take my spybeam.", says Galinfenner. "yaya Rumor Mill", says Darkensi. "Thank you to all the survivors too!", exclaims Galinfenner. "I'd keep it safe for ya", says Zyphr with a wink. "and thank you all, it was fun", smiles Macnbc. Galinfenner says, "It was great having you as guests tonight." Wyldcat organizes and executes a group hug Wolfyn smiles, "Well done, Mac. Well done." Paladin waves to everyone! Artscrafter stretches out to an impossible extent and hugs EVERYONE in the room at the same time Wench grabs Darkensi's arm, and Embri, and Wyld.. og wait.. not enough arms.. "Next week!!!", exclaims Galinfenner. "We have Zyphr as our guest.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner smiles, "See you all there." Embrionic still has his insider dirt for Galin.. ;) Ayanna watches everyone leave and scans the floor for money, lost jewelry, lost keys... "Insider dirt?", says Zyphr with a wink. Galinfenner waves |