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Galinfenner glances at his watch Galinfenner says, "Hi Folks" Galinfenner says, "welcome to Meet and Greet. The first one of the season" Wolfyn dances from paw to paw to paw to paw. Galinfenner says, "Every two weeks we will interview a 'distinguished guest' (re victim)" Devor asks, "and TJ season is open?" Galinfenner says, "We try our best to get the dirt on each one." "not every week?", says Wyldcat with a frown. Thejunior clears his throat and glances around nervously. Art prepares the charcoal for the grilling... Halcyon grins evilly at TJ... "And I will need all your help on that!", exclaims Galinfenner. "I got a question...", says Thejunior. Galinfenner nudges Thejunior "I wont' wind up in jail after this, will I?", asks Thejunior. "I don't think you get to ask questions", says Galinfenner. "No promises.", says Galinfenner. Thejunior grumbles. "Not unless you decide to go there", says Fancy with a wink. Galinfenner asks, "but you do remember how to bang right?" "you wouldn't be so lucky to escape that easily", says Devor. Galinfenner grins Madonnaboi can bang like it's no one's business Galinfenner won't go there Thejunior ponders... prison.... bang.... "Nope, can't say I ever knew." Gergall knew MB was going to say that about 10 minutes ago Halcyon holds up her handcuffs, "I can take care of detaining him..." Wyldcat laughs Madonnaboi laughs "Anyway, tonight, as most of you know, My first guest is Thejunior", says Galinfenner. Thejunior gulps. "Tj thank you for agreeing to come tonight.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "First questions, when did you first come into Fed?" Thejunior says, "Anything in the name of science." Galinfenner grins "Hmm. Back in the AOL days. 95 or 96. It was a while back and a lot has happened since, so I'm not exactly sure on specifics.", says Thejunior. Galinfenner asks, "What do you remember about your first days here?" Thejunior says, "The Cantina." Thejunior says, "That's about all." Galinfenner chuckles Snowlily grins Devor says, "wow, i'm impressed you can remember it" Galinfenner asks, "A wild and wooly place?" Thejunior flashes a roguish, lopsided grin. Thejunior says, "Well things got a little hairy then, yeah... lots of snerts about for target practice and all." "aww, i remember snerts", says Devor. Devor cheers TJ on Thejunior says, "But the drinks flowed. And so I stayed lazy." "Anyone in particular you rememember from that time?", asks Galinfenner. Wolfyn grins. Thejunior says, "Can't say there was.. outside of LikeAFlame" Galinfenner nods "And Valornine.", says Thejunior. Galinfenner says, "V9.. have not heard that name in a long time" Thejunior says, "Earliest clear Fed memory was sittin' with Flamey and feedin' Valor saucers of milk under the table." Galinfenner chuckles "I'm sure he was down there for a reason", says Galinfenner. "So who helped you along the way?", asks Galinfenner. "Nobody. I didn't get far.", says Thejunior. Galinfenner chuckles "I wasn't the overlord of my own planet until very recently.", says Thejunior. "the free drinks huh?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner nod Thejunior says, "Mostly just.." "Hauled for fun.", says Thejunior. "Drank like a fish.", says Thejunior. "Held down barstools?", asks Wolfyn. Thejunior says, "And kept to the shadowy corners of the sol bars." Galinfenner nods "Oh yes. I tried anyway.", says Thejunior. "Had my own with my name on it and everyting.. until I'd go to haul and some Snert would ruin it.", says Thejunior. "And I'd have to engrave another nameplate and find another decent stool.", says Thejunior. Thejunior rolls his eyes. "So you weren't part of a duchy til you came back this time?", asks Galinfenner. "Well.. after my Cantina days.. Flame and Apollogold and that whole clique took me in over in Bourbon.", says Thejunior. "ahh. Ok That was a fun duchy.", says Galinfenner. "I had ome there and after years of being an unknown Cantina rat.. I would spend my days on Sky's LP Cafe.", says Thejunior. "Was a good time for me, too.", says Thejunior. Thejunior says, "Flame had her prized Gorunds on Atra." "gorunds?", asks Galinfenner. Thejunior says, "Apollo had his Skyan Peaches." "Yeah.. I believe it was a typo of grounds... but it wound up being a valuable commodity on Atra. Tasty fruit of some kind.", says Thejunior. Galinfenner laughs Thejunior says, "So.. I'd smuggle peaches from Sky to Atra behind Apollo's back for Flame.." Frogfur smiles Antonia smiles at Fancy Galinfenner asks, "When did you get Kessel?" Thejunior says, "And on the return trip, Flame's Gorunds came with me, smuggled back to Sky for Apollo." "Well that was probably about a year ago.", says Thejunior. Thejunior says, "Trench Coat Enterprises served me well for many many years." Galinfenner nods "So.. I waited patiently to make enough money to buy that Gods forsaken rock.. and when I was able, we snatched it up.", says Thejunior. "TCE runs a lucrative spice mining operation there nowadays. Should have the Holographic Museum open soon if folks want to take a tour and find out more info about the place.", says Thejunior. "sounds interesting", says Galinfenner. Thejunior says, "Or come see me and I'm happy to explain. Always looking for more investors." Thejunior ponders. Roslyn shakes her head and wonders if her ears stopped working. Snowlily listens for the pin to drop Rokyu checks to see if the mic is unplugged Halcyon arches an eyebrow. Thejunior clears his throat. Madonnaboi laughs Galinfenner clears his throat Snowlily giggles Cptmartin asks, "Soo...how 'bout them Cubs?" Wolfyn nudges Galin. Greyspacewolf grabs the cricket and sticks it into his cricket cage "sorry, called away", says Galinfenner. Thejunior chuckles. "What is mined on Kessel?", asks Galinfenner. Snowlily says, "Spices" "Glitterstim.", says Thejunior. Snowlily laughs Galinfenner asks, "Is that something you can talk about?" Thejunior says, "A little. Not something I'm at liberty to share samples of. It's kind of a controlled substance." Devor says, "and just so you know TJ, i'm DEFINATELY NOT wearing a wire" Wolfyn jots that down for use later. Thejunior says, "Glitterstim is a fibrous, spongy spice found only on Kessel.. it's photoreactive, that is it ripens when exposed to light." Thejunior says, "It's been used as a booster of latent psychic powers in most inteligent species." "It also causes a mild sense of euphoria and hallucinegenic visions.", says Thejunior. "You have a history you'd like to share?", asks Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "No groundhog use then." "And it's highly addictive.. and very dangerous.", says Thejunior. Galinfenner ponders if he'll need the censor Thejunior says, "Destructive to the nerves." Galinfenner grins Thejunior says, "Actually.. I do have a little bit of a story for you folks.." Thejunior says, "Happens to be appropriate for the occasion." Galinfenner sips his drink and listens "Been asked why I'm The Junior... WHAT Jr? Who was I named after?", asks Thejunior. Galinfenner nods Roslyn was wondering that herself. Thejunior says, "Well.. that story kinda begins on a planet none of you has ever heard of." Thejunior settles in and makes himself comfortable. Halcyon listens, interested. Galinfenner locates his eject button "You see... somewhere out there in the stars.. there was this planet called Pathos.", says Thejunior. Fancy perks up his ears, listening. Thejunior says, "Was a little backwater world." Thejunior says, "The people on it were kinda like... vulcans if you've ever heard of them." "Except.. they were sorta the anti-vulcans.", says Thejunior. Galinfenner nods Thejunior says, "Vulcans have been known to be ruled by logic.. and supress emotion..." "Well.. the people of Pathos were quite the opposite.. ruled by their emotion, with little regard for logic.", says Thejunior. "It was just their way, hardwired into their brains.", says Thejunior. "must've been a fun place", says Galinfenner. "It could be. Sometimes.", says Thejunior. Wolfyn says, "Drama city." "But it was turbulent.", says Thejunior. Thejunior nods to Wolfyn. Galinfenner laughs "Soap Opera Mania", says Roslyn. Thejunior says, "Not everyone had the same point of view. So of course, conflicts arose. Passionate ones." Thejunior says, "The saving grace was, probably the only reason it was a peaceful planet was the fact that there wasn't very much scientific progress." Galinfenner grins "It was a relatively primative world and war meant a lot of death.. so for the sake of preserving life, which was highly valued... most groups that didn't get along begrudgingly lived and let live.", says Thejunior. "Now.. there WERE some scientists among the people..", says Thejunior. Galinfenner wonders what Wolfyn did with the caddle prod Halcyon crosses and uncrosses her legs idly, still staring at TJ Thejunior says, "And as a matter of fact, those who loved their sciences felt very passionately about it...." Cptmartin asks, "Caddle prod? Is that like a cattle prod for members of caddo?" Thejunior says, "And thusly they made greater strides in shorter time in different scientific fields than other cultures would." Galinfenner nods "Travel and weapons were two areas where little progress was made though.", says Thejunior. Wolfyn refrains from cattle prod comment and listens to TJ. Galinfenner smirks "The people of Pathos never cared much for what was outside their world and never thought too much about destroying it.", says Thejunior. "Pathos' fate was sealed though...", says Thejunior. ".. when space merchants discovered the backwater world..", says Thejunior. Thejunior says, "And saw profit in it." Wolfyn says, "Ut oh." "cool", says Galinfenner. "They landed. They saught what they could of value..", says Thejunior. "And they sold their wares.", says Thejunior. Thejunior says, "These merchants were arms dealers." Thejunior says, "Weapons brokers." Wolfyn exclaims, "Gun runners!" Thejunior nods solemnly. Fancy whistles as if to say, "Uh oh..." "Well, as you can imagine.. weapon fever spread like wildfire over the entire plat.", says Thejunior. Thejunior says, "Everybody bought up arms in droves thinking they had an edge." Thejunior says, "With everyone thinking they were invincible... and they had the ultimate weapon.." Galinfenner says, "that could be bad" "The entire planet divided into factions.. and war erupted.", says Thejunior. Roslyn blinks and looks around. "The whole planet was consumed by bloodlust, greed, revenge.... it was a vicious cycle.", says Thejunior. Thejunior says, "By then the arms dealers were long gone with anything of value Pathos had to offer." Thejunior says, "The whole planet degenerated.. slowly turned to a wartorn wasteland." "There was this particular scientist though...", says Thejunior. "He'd been working on this rocket idea.. the arms dealers spacecraft of course helped him along in his theories and his research.", says Thejunior. "After months of work, he actually had produced a small scale model of a rocket that could enter space and return safely.", says Thejunior. Galinfenner nods Thejunior says, "With the wars spreading, he worked fast...." Thejunior says, "But not fast enough." "This man had a wife who assisted him in their remote home and lab..", says Thejunior. "And the couple had a small baby.", says Thejunior. Roslyn thinks this sounds awfully famaliar. Thejunior says, "While he was recalibrating the rocket from it's test flight.. this scientist was unknowingly spied by a local warlord's scout." Wolfyn waits for the part about sex. Halcyon perks Victoria laughs "The scout peeking the skylight... saw the rocket and assumed it was some sort of weapon.", says Thejunior. Galinfenner asks, "sex?" Roslyn says, "Scientist don't have sex." "Took a few shots...", says Thejunior. Shel smiles Wolfyn says, "Darn" Thejunior says, "Hit the scientist and his wife and left them for dead." "Yeah", says Roslyn. Shel giggles "The scientist was spared.. for a little while. but his wife was dead and he had but hours to live.", says Thejunior. Roslyn thinks scientist like their testtubes to much. Thejunior says, "So this scientist... without the time to prepare a larger rocket... prepared the smaller one." Wolfyn exclaims, "A quickie!" "He created a holodisk message for his infant son...", says Thejunior. "Wrapped his baby boy up in his own trench coat, and put the baby and the disk into the rocket.", says Thejunior. "The rocket left orbit and the scientist died watching it shoot into the sky.", says Thejunior. Victoria clears her throat... "Did I miss the part about how this pertains to your name?" Thejunior nods. Thejunior says, "er.. not ye" Thejunior says, "It's comin'." "we are getting closer!", exclaims Devor. Roslyn grins. Halcyon chuckles Wolfyn says, "Right after the sex." "Ya see.. that rocket made it to Earth.", says Thejunior. Galinfenner smirks "You gotta have the name before sex?", asks Roslyn. Thejunior says, "And that baby.. he grew up on the streets." "By the time I was a young boy... I rediscovered the holodisk.. and I watched it.", says Thejunior. Fancy wonders who took care of and fed the kid all that time. Galinfenner says, "thought sex came before the name." "I think he ate the rocket.", says Galinfenner. "Was it a porn holodisk?", asks Wolfyn. Roslyn thinks sex creates the name. Roslyn grins. Halcyon says, "Sex can come before, after, wherever..." Thejunior says, "No, Wolfyn. It wasn't a porn. it was the message from my father." "Darn", says Wolfyn. "Which started 'Junior..... I don't have long.'", says Thejunior. Cptmartin winks and says, "One track mind tonight, Wolfyn?" Thejunior says, "Unfortunately, my father didn't ever get to telling me what HIS name was.." Halcyon feels tears spring to her eyes... Thejunior says, "Just that I was Jr." Galinfenner nods "Maybe he was Thesenior?", asks Gergall. Galinfenner rolls Roslyn takes a tissue from thebox and hands it to Halcyon. Wolfyn asks, "So how did you keep from getting run over growing up in the street like that?" Roslyn laughs. Halcyon takes the tissue from Roslyn and dabs at her eyes "Did you save any of the ship or did you eat it all?", asks Galinfenner. Thejunior says, "Well there was a.. street family." Thejunior says, "They found me and took care of me." "I buried them when I was but a young teen.", says Thejunior. "Taught you to look both ways, eh.", says Wolfyn. "Say that three times fast Ros", says Galinfenner with a wink. "In the sand?", asks Roslyn. Thejunior says, "And I made my way myself from that point until I was old enough toran how to fly." Ncsnwboard has just gone north. "cool", says Galinfenner. "To learn", says Thejunior. Roslyn has enough problems and laughs. "My keyboard keeps eating my text.", says Thejunior. "And then you had sex!", exclaims Wolfyn. Galinfenner chucklers Halcyon chokes on her vodka "Yeah, somewhere in there, there was sex involved. Happy Wolfyn?", asks Thejunior. Halcyon smirks Galinfenner says, "So, Wolfyn wants to know who" Wolfyn loves a good rounded story! Thejunior says, "Just gone by TJ since then.. The Jr." Roslyn says, "Now no logic is okay but sex with a keyboard...I never" "I like nice rounded... oh nevermind", says Galinfenner. "That was, until I married Maggie Ender..", says Thejunior. Thejunior says, "I got myself a last name then... took hers." Galinfenner says, "Maggie ender. Mmm" Roslyn ponders "She's gone now...", says Thejunior. Thejunior furrows his brow. Galinfenner nods Wyldcat winks and says, "so TJ is inherently illogical?" "But you may know her much more... tempermental... reincarnation.", says Thejunior. Thejunior says, "Xyli" Thejunior bites his tongue. Roslyn gasps Galinfenner asks, "what about Xyli?" Halcyon dabs at her eyes some more, then blows her nose with a resounding HONK! Wolfyn jumps. Roslyn ducks. Galinfenner gives Hal a comforting bite Thejunior says, "Xyli is my late Maggie reborn." Thejunior nods. Galinfenner smiles, "ahh" "NOw my favorite question", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn dances from paw to paw to paw to paw. Fancy raises his eyebrows in surprise. Galinfenner asks, "Tell us your most embarrasing moment?" Wolfyn exclaims, "Yes!" Thejunior ponders. Roslyn sits up and grins. Halcyon perks up and stares at TJ, immensely interested. Thejunior says, "Well.." "falls off his barstool after leaning forward to far", says Devor. Thejunior says, "it's not terribly fun as far as embarrassing moments goes." Galinfenner says, "Devor needs another drink" Galinfenner nods "But I don't think I've been embarrassed in a harmless laugh about it later kidn of way.", says Thejunior. Devor acknowledges from the floor he does Roslyn laughs and tosses Devor a bottle. Halcyon bellows for the waitdroid "Not any worth rembering anyway.", says Thejunior. "Ok, but you DO have one?", asks Galinfenner. Victoria shudders Thejunior says, "Yes..." Devor sucks on his bottle like a baby "The first time I bought a spybeam.", says Thejunior. "Just because you don't want to remember....", says Wolfyn with a wink. Cptmartin says, "This'll be good" Rokyu Shhhhs Wolfy "To check on my wife, whom I was worrying by running off to be alone to sulk.", says Thejunior. "Got myselfa beam and took a look.. to find her with another man.", says Thejunior. "Hmmm...", says Roslyn. Halcyon winces Thejunior says, "Who in turn got paranoid and spied me." "And realized I'd seen.", says Thejunior. Galinfenner chuckles "textually permiscuis eh?", asks Devor. Victoria laughs Rokyu groans "Oh my.", says Wolfyn. Cptmartin says, "That's classic" Thejunior scratches idly at the back of his neck. "Wow.", says Halcyon. "So what happened?", asks Galinfenner. "I bet that ended that.", says Fancy. Thejunior snort. "No. I loved her. And we worked through things..", says Thejunior. Wolfyn asks, "Any current love interests?" Galinfenner opens his mouth and closes it Thejunior ponders. Devor smirks Halcyon arches an eyebrow. Wolfyn points the spotlight in Galin's mouth and checks for cavities. Galinfenner says ahh Roslyn watches to see the bug fly out. "So you running down the list Tj?", asks Galinfenner. "The ones with four stars - tell us those", says Cptmartin. Wolfyn peeks. Long list. Galinfenner chuckles Thejunior says, "Well.. let me just say that i'm coming to find the company of some of my dear friends quite enjoyable..." "of some of your dear friends?", asks Devor. Thejunior says, "But I'm gonna be careful before I settle down." "Boy that was a dodge.", says Wolfyn. "names Tj, we want names", says Galinfenner with a wink. Wolfyn writes it down to use later. Roslyn thinks she remembers seeing TJ with someone and hasn't seen her since. Devor thinks he has seen TJ with someone too Thejunior chuckles. Galinfenner grins Wolfyn sees Galinfenner squirm on his barstool and remembers where the cattle prod is. "Well most notably I'm finding my friendship with Hailey of Celestial to be getting quite close.", says Thejunior. Roslyn grins. Galinfenner laughs "I've also been enjoying lots of time with Halcyon here as of late.", says Thejunior. Devor chuckles Wolfyn exclaims, "Cool!" Devor exclaims, "catfight!" Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "Tj, what would you change about Fed if you could?" "Bring back Bourbon!", exclaims Thejunior. Galinfenner chuckles Roslyn bets the spybeam Thejunior shakes his fist in the air defiantly. Rokyu laughs and cheers Galinfenner asks, "What would you advise a new person to Fed?" Roslyn looks for a bottle of bourbon Devor clutches his bottle defensively Rokyu realizes everyone is looking and sits back down "um...", says Thejunior. Thejunior says, "Find your own style." Victoria asks, "ok, I'll be the one to continue this M&G tradition.... boxers or briefs?" Wolfyn chuckles. Galinfenner grins Roslyn grins and pats her barseat, "I got mine" Devor says, "and it had better be one or the other or i'm out of here" Galinfenner chuckles Thejunior says, "I show the newbods around to the clothes shops, teach 'em to paint their ships and set their moods, still to this day." "Boxers or briefs? Boxers. Redspice has a few pairs of mine on display I believe.", says Thejunior. "Do you buy them underwear?", asks Wolfyn. Galinfenner grins "I don't buy 'em clothes I just show 'em where to get 'em.", says Thejunior. "Anyone else have a question for Tj?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon tosses back another shot of vodka, now officially smashed. "now that we know Halc is smashed, do you plan to take advantage of that TJ?", asks Devor. "She shouldn't have stayed out in the street like that.", says Wolfyn with a frown. "What makes you think she'd have to be smashed for me to take advantage?", says Thejunior with a wink. Halcyon coughs Galinfenner laughs Roslyn laughs. Thejunior flashes a roguish, lopsided grin. "oooh, what a comment.", says Antonia. Galinfenner asks, "If no one else has a question..?" Roslyn raises her hand. Galinfenner says, "Thanks for coming out Tj" "Fantastic stories, TJ. Thanks for being the roast tonight!", exclaims Wolfyn. Galinfenner says, "Hope it was not as painful as you'd expected" Thejunior grins sheepishly. "And didn't even use all my ammo. Galinfenner turns to the audience Thejunior points at Roslyn Galinfenner says, "THank you all for coming" Halcyon waves her hand madly. "Question!" Galinfenner says, "We'll be back in two weeks" Wolfyn turns the spotlight in everyone's eyes. Thejunior winces. "I knew it wasn't gonna be that easy. Galinfenner winks and says, "I think our guest will be Jazir" Roslyn closes her eyes. Jazir smiles "Oh!", exclaims Roslyn. Roslyn grins at Jazir. Shel smiles Halcyon snorts and wonders where the waitdroid is... "Hal, you have a question?", asks Galinfenner. Halcyon smiles sweetly. Devor is seen arguing with the waitdroid over the bill "TJ, how'd you get your lightsaber?", asks Halcyon. Thejunior says, "er..." Thejunior asks, "I built it. How else?" Halcyon arches an eyebrow. "I used to train under a Jedi master, ya know.", says Thejunior. "Is that what it is? I thought he was just happy to see Halcyon.", says Wolfyn. "The short one?", asks Roslyn. Galinfenner laughs "no, not the short one.. he's requested I not reveal his name publicly.", says Thejunior. Halcyon whispers to Wolfyn, "don't worry...he is." Wolfyn grins. Thejunior says, "I was kinda an embarrassment as a student." Thejunior says, "I got bored and left before my training was complete." Wolfyn unplugs the lights and leaves the cords laying everywhere. "Night folks." "don't let him finish his answer or anything", says Devor. Thejunior shrugs. "It ran over.. folks have been waiting around for like an hour before it even started." Fancy says, "Well, Anseladams is still here, and presumably recording." Halcyon slowly rises from her barstool, "Well, that went well." "I s'pose I can run and hide now...", says Thejunior. Fancy winks and says, "I think now you can get away with that." |