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"but apparently he's having difficulties", says Galinfenner. "Braised and Broiled.", says Wolfyn. "So, because she loves to save the day...", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner smiles, "WOlfyn has agreed to be our guest" Felina sighs loudly Jamel says, "yaaaaaaaaaa" Gwarrior claps and whistles. "As many of you know she's also helping me with Meet and Greet.", smiles Galinfenner. Esperanza nods Wolfyn pokes a paw in Felina's open maw. Felina pokes back "And she's in charge of flea spray", says Esperanza. "WOlfyn, when did you start in Federation and how did you find it?", asks Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "Er... long time ago." "uh huh.", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "Sometime. AOL was still pay by the hour but I was cheap." Galinfenner asks, "that being like ... what?" Galinfenner nods "So Puppydogz made several appearances.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "It looked like an Adventure game I used to play.. you walk into a dark cave..." "puupy is older then wolfyn ?", asks Jamel. Wolfyn says, "Oh yes." Galinfenner nods and grins Wolfyn says, "But try to get factories in that era with a name like Puppydogz." Wolfyn needed something with more..authority? Esperanza asks, "Have you ever seen a puppy in the rain?" Felina says, "people know better than to trust dogs..." "I've smelled em", says Galinfenner. Esperanza sniffles and wipes a tear "Who could resist that?", asks Esperanza. Galinfenner grins "Of course, when I started, I didn't realize there were things like Cybersex, Cybercats, or Cyberhostility.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner chuckles Nimat laughs. Wolfyn was just a wee innocent pup. Jamel thinks cats the other white meat "What in hell have I walked into?", asks Fishsticks. Fishsticks chuckles "Have you been in Fed all this time?", asks Galinfenner. Felina puts her hand on her whip and looks at Jamel Wolfyn absently scratches at an ear. Wolfyn says, "Yessir. All this time. No leaves." Galinfenner asks, "Who were some of the people you remember from the early years?" Wyldcat says, "affed" Wolfyn says, "Wolfyn had factories in Trout, Aaargh, Rainbow, Onyx, and other places I can't remember." "Most of the people I knew then are long gone now.", says Wolfyn. Jamel jumps and down Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "Anyone you remember helping you out to get started?" Wolfyn says, "But many are coming back... I stayed in Trout mostly, and we pretty much kept to our family" "Who was that? Trout...", says Galinfenner. Esperanza had facs on Trout once "Bigshell was my teacher and friend. Jam was there. That was MJMirick.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner nods "chelle", says Jamel. Wolfyn says, "Felina was er.. around." Felina remembers Bigshell fondly Wolfyn says, "Yes, Chelledear of Bluebell. Pachy." Jamel says, "psst dont ferget doc" Galinfenner grins Wolfyn says, "Of course not. Docrk was my Snark mentor." Galinfenner nods "The great Snark adventure.", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn snarked so many times she has maps of it. Wolfyn says, "We did it differently, though. We snarked according to the poem." "really? That must have been interesting.", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "Each person had a role - Dockrk was the banker, DrSaxx was the beaver I think." Galinfenner chuckles Esperanza asks, "Beaver?" "And we really role-played all the parts. It was great. Saxx was some small animal he didn't like.", smiles Wolfyn. "doc used to make me do the captain thing not a clue why", says Jamel. Galinfenner says, "Were you a captain Jamel? LOL" "at the time of snark", says Jamel. "In Trout we got to know each other very well, and were all pretty close.", says Wolfyn. Uniquette thinks that would make sense Galinfenner nods Wolfyn says, "MrKyushu was also a great friend at that time, and my inspiration for Kyushusan." "i was in mash but we had favored status with trout", says Jamel. Wolfyn says, "Just before webfed Kyushusan was .. er.. born." Galinfenner grins "didnt he have a big wedding there", says Jamel. Wolfyn says, "He was my second dukal character." "Kyushu is a great place", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Puppy was first?" Wolfyn smiles, "Er, no. But we don't remember the name." Esperanza notes Kyushusan isn't a duke Wolfyn absently scratches at an ear. Galinfenner says, "Was gonna say that. LOL" "Well, the family reorganized.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner says, "I thoguht maybe he d'd or something" Jamel remembers a wolf getting married in trout Satine grins... "I wanted power, so I lopped off his head and sent him back to Groundhog.", says Wolfyn. "ahh", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "And yes, Jam is right. My first marriage was in Trout." Sirglec begins hiding all the loping tools. Galinfenner asks, "So, you did discover cyber relationships?" Roslyn chuckles. "Er... Ah.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner grins Jamel says, "olias the scoundrel" Galinfenner asks, "Yes?" Sirglec listens closely. Wolfyn goes on to the next subject. "Then I got lazy!", exclaims Wolfyn. "Ok, who were some of your lovers?", asks Galinfenner. Esperanza frowns and snaps the recorder off to save the batteries Satine grins, "This should be good" Wolfyn says, "Well, er... ah... eh..." Esperanza snaps the recorder back on Satine snaps Espy's recorder back on! Sirglec listens even closer! Galinfenner waits for answer Wolfyn is really not too..er.. Wolfyn says, "Well, I kissed a guy name Jckwrner on AOL fed." Galinfenner asks, "Uh huh. Was there tongue involved?" Esperanza says, "Woo" Wolfyn gasps, absolutely not! Galinfenner grins "There have been many people in Fed I've dearly loved, but few lovers.", smiles Wolfyn. "So who helped you 'discover' the wonders of cyber relationships?", asks Galinfenner. Jamel pulls out the secuity tapes from caddo Wolfyn grins. "u want to show these ?", asks Jamel. Satine snickers... "Olias was my first husband, and he is gladly departed this world now.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner laughs and calls for a projectorDroid Wolfyn says, "Then one day I decided I should remarry, and started picking names at random." "Oh? Were there problems?", asks Galinfenner. "With Olias I mean", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn starts to shake. Jamel says, "it was a beatiful ceremony" Wolfyn exclaims, "He was a dolt!" Galinfenner nods Galinfenner grins "Ok, when did you decide to remarry?", asks Galinfenner. "kyshusan went all out decorating", says Jamel. "Couple years ago. Year and a half?", asks Wolfyn. "I asked a couple people and they said no.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner says, "ahh. Ok" "Who'd you ask?", asks Galinfenner. "Thank goodness, they were smart.", says Wolfyn. Sirglec glares at Wolfyn. "Dgallagher was one, I don't even remember the other.", says Wolfyn. Jamel gasps in shock Satine whispers to Capt, "I'll never call you a dolt, sweetie" Galinfenner chuckles "Thought Dg was female", says Galinfenner. "Shaman?", asks Sirglec. Wolfyn whispers to Satine, "Wait till he acts like Olias." "That's right - Shaman.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner asks, "Shaman, that was the guy with the naked doll dragging along?" Wolfyn didn't look a him that close. Sirglec chuckles. Galinfenner grins "I was looking for marriage, not a relationship!", exclaims Wolfyn. Nimat laughs. "I may be thinking of an older version", says Galinfenner. Silverkat chuckles "Why?", asks Galinfenner. Satine winks and says, "What's marriage without a relationship?" Esperanza grins Wyldcat blinks "Safe fun.", smiles Wolfyn. Galinfenner says, "safe fun. mmm" "Uncomplicated Satine, uncomplicated", says Esperanza. Fishsticks grins as he hits JP "I got on 22 one night and took a look at the qw, and there was someone I didn't know.", says Wolfyn. Jamel says, "hmmm" Galinfenner says, "Ok, so after Shaman turned you down, what did you do" Captdmg smiles, "Congrats Fishsticks" Satine winks at Roslyn... Galinfenner nods Satine has given Esperanza a nice tickle! Wolfyn says, "Sirglec." Roslyn grins. "complications can be fun...", says Satine with a wink. Galinfenner smirks Wolfyn says, "So I asked him on the channel to marry me." "and?", asks Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "He didn't know what to say. I held up my paws.. one marked yes and one marked no." Wolfyn exclaims, "And told him to quit stumbling around and pick!" Wolfyn says, "So he said yes. Then I was presented with a problem." Galinfenner nods Wolfyn asks, "What would I do with him now?" Wolfyn was clueless. "make him clean the LP?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "buy you gifts?" "massage your paws?", asks Galinfenner. Jamel says, "too much mud on caddo" "I thought he was probably some 16 year old kid, and sort of hoped he'd forget about it.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner is rolling "But.. but.. he became... charming!", exclaims Wolfyn. Galinfenner grins Sirglec smiles. Nimat laughs. Esperanza gets all mushy Fishsticks looks at Glec and tries to picture him as a 16 y/o Galinfenner says, "How cool." "We met at a KC fed meet a couple months after that, then last month we became RL engaged.", smiles Wolfyn. "I did not know that story.", says Galinfenner. Sirglec doesn't remember being 16. ;) Wolfyn has given Sirglec a sloppy kiss! Galinfenner nods Sirglec has given Wolfyn a warm kiss! "really, how cool", smiles Nimat. "Wow! That's very cool", smiles Satine. Wolfyn smiles, "That was truly one fortunate random pick." Antonia says, "Congrats to you both" Nimat laughs. Wolfyn grins and thanks you. Jamel smiles Galinfenner asks, "I guess. Have you set a date yet?" Wolfyn says, "We only make one decision a year." Nimat chuckles. "So we hafta wait until next February for a date?", asks Fishsticks. Galinfenner says, "Ok... so we have to wait.." Satine grins... Silverkat asks, "have you thanked Rasal for rigging the original paw ballot?" "May times!", exclaims Wolfyn. Galinfenner laughs Jamel wonders if frequent sex changes interfere with her fed marraige Wolfyn says, "er, Many." "I only change sex when I go to Horsell.", says Wolfyn. Roslyn smiles, "Congrats you two" Sirglec winks and says, "Not at all. I just reverse myself." "Why would you change sex to go to Horsell?", asks Galinfenner. Nimat chuckles. Wolfyn says, "I went with Rasal, I came back as a Duke and he didn't." Galinfenner says, "ok.." Wolfyn says, "It just seems to happen." Galinfenner grins Galinfenner asks, "Something in your timewarp thingie huh?" "Kind of like those transporter accidents.", says Wolfyn. Fishsticks says, "She's a vicious fighter when she's a man" Galinfenner nosd Galinfenner nods even Wolfyn has been a Woolfyn, Piglyn, Owlfyn after transporter accidents. Wolfyn says, "Kind of like a living version of The Fly." Satine says, "Piglyn? wow... that's tough..." Galinfenner says, "eek" Jamel asks, "what are your plans for caddo ?" Wolfyn says, "I kept chewing my ears." "Caddo is sort of a resting spot for very good friends. There are planets there that will always be closed, but I love to see them there every day.", smiles Wolfyn. Satine winks at Capt... Galinfenner nods Galinfenner says, "A few that are open." "And friends there now that will always be friends.", smiles Wolfyn. Captdmg winks back "And misfits, and fleas.", says Wolfyn. Jamel says, "more then one catscradle skaworld jamland" Wolfyn says, "Lots of misfits." Wolfyn says, "And Kyushu of course. I'll keep him here for as long as I can." "Ok, anyone have a question for WOlfyn?", asks Galinfenner. "Kyushu used up my design talents for years to come.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Galinfenner laughs Galinfenner says, "I doubt that." "Honshu, rather!", exclaims Wolfyn. Satine exclaims, "Bless you!" Wolfyn can't remember her own planets. "hee hee", says Galinfenner. Satine looks for a kleenex for Wolfyn... Galinfenner asks, "No one has a question?" Galinfenner asks, "YOu got them all intimidated Wolfyn?" Esperanza raises her hand Wolfyn says, "They know you'll have to answer it." Galinfenner asks, "espy?" "me?", asks Galinfenner. Uniquette has just enjoyed listening Wolfyn grins. "This could be fun", says Galinfenner. Esperanza says, "I was just wondering what Wolfyn does all day there on Caddo..." Satine giggles Wolfyn says, "Naps, Esperanza. The stuff of life - naps." Esperanza nods solemnly Galinfenner smiles Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else?" "have you ever banned anyone from Caddo ?", asks Jamel. "This year has been especially nap-filled.", smiles Wolfyn. Galinfenner winks and says, "Actually, I could of answserd that one" Wolfyn exclaims, "Oh yes, Jamel!" Galinfenner grins Esperanza whispers to Jamel Kewlness smiles, "I wanna be banned from Caddo!" "We're all banned", says Esperanza. "who ?", asks Jamel. "Many people! I haven't banned anyone for months, though, and I'm getting edgy to do it again.", says Wolfyn. "You've been saying that for months", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner grins Sirglec winks and says, "I think Jamdroid is next to be banned." Galinfenner grins Kewlness says, "mememememe" "I think the first was Ddking. Then Apollo, Sholuvr, etc etc. I even banned one of my alts at one time.", says Wolfyn. "but he lives there", says Jamel. Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "That matters?" "you banned one of your alts?", asks Nimat. Galinfenner says, "Poor PO couldn't go to his own planet." Wolfyn says, "Now that was an interesting character... Jackal." "cant ban from his own planet", says Jamel. Wolfyn says, "Jackal was in Sol for a long time, with a maze from the IL to the orbit." Galinfenner nods "Barb declared him a DD planet at one time.", says Wolfyn. "Interesting", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "He had no hospital on the planet, so that was a difficult call." Galinfenner asks, "Was there death in the maze?" Galinfenner nods "dd planets arent illegal are they ?", asks Jamel. "No, but many people ended up suiciding to get out of the maze.", says Wolfyn. "ahh.", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "The planet was Carrion, he smelled, that's why I banned him." Esperanza has suicided to get out of her own planet Satine asks, "he smelled?" Kewlness says, "they're illegal jamel" "He smelled awful.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner chuckles "when did that take effect", says Jamel. Nimat says, "I didn't think true DD planets were possible anymore." Wolfyn says, "The maze was only a 5 move maze, Kup finally figured it out I think." "i remember odyseyy", says Jamel. Galinfenner nods Wolfyn says, "But I ban for unique reasons." Galinfenner misses Jasana "Like what? Smelling bad?", asks Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "Yes. Attitude. Hair color." Galinfenner chuckles "You ban for hair color?", asks Esperanza. Sirglec asks Galin if he's ever smelled a wet dog. Nimat laughs. Galinfenner says, "Oh yeah. Just this morning actually" Satine twirls her hair around her finger... "hair?" Wolfyn exclaims, "That's what I'm going to get Kewlness on!" Wolfyn says, "I figure the ban rule is part of the game now, so I play with it." Galinfenner nods "Might as well have fun with it.", says Galinfenner. "Now, I am a broadminded person..", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner nods Wolfyn says, "There are cats in the duchy." Galinfenner bites his tongue "what happens when u teleport caddo 10", says Jamel. Satine asks, "food?" "Food? Companionship? Recreation?", asks Esperanza. Jamel says, "kariskitty" Satine grins... "Um, Caddo 10 is a public service announcement. You need to make sure to read the description. Honshu 10 is the ladies room.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner grins "Insomnius spends a lot of time there.", says Wolfyn. Insomnius grins "Not anymore!", exclaims Insomnius. "In the ladies room??", asks Satine. Jamel thinks she would be food if not married to njrudeboy Wolfyn nods. Satine looks at Insomnius... "The LADIES room??", asks Satine. Insomnius tries to look innocent "He kept saying it was a mistake.", says Wolfyn. Jamel asks, "so do you take all cats ?" "So, back on track here. Why do you think people keep coming back to Fed?", asks Galinfenner. Insomnius mumbles about it being cleaner then the men's room Satine thinks Insom should be interrogated further! Wolfyn says, "Coming back? At some point we need to be with the people we know, in an easy environment." Galinfenner asks, "What do you mean by easy?" Wolfyn says, "After a while, we've paid the promotion dues and it's a comfortable place." "She got me to marry her easily.", says Sirglec with a wink. Galinfenner nods Esperanza groms "I did all the hauling by hand, made dozens and dozens of trips to Horsell, and now it's just home here.", says Wolfyn. Jamel says, "as for me when i came back after 2 years and found my planets intact" Galinfenner nods Wolfyn says, "Home has become a little smaller though, and sometimes that means we don't get to avoid those things we don't like about Fed as much." Satine wonders if Espy is in trouble and finds water... Satine has bought you a water! "But they're still avoidable.", says Wolfyn. Esperanza looks at Satine "Trouble?", asks Esperanza. "Is there anything about Fed that you'd change if you could?", asks Galinfenner. "you gromed", says Satine. "I did", says Esperanza. "Oh yes.", says Wolfyn. Esperanza worries "when i came back just to l;ook around wolfyn met me on earth lp", says Jamel. Felina thinks she secretly wishes she were a cat Galinfenner asks, "what wold that be?" The cat has just arrived. Wolfyn says, "I'd start with staff. Probably you first." Galinfenner looks around "Who?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Felina?" Wolfyn says, "I think people doing staff stuff should have characters to do that with. Er.. sort of like you do Galin." "Even Navs and event hosts.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner asks, "So official characters? like hosts?" Esperanza nods to Wolfyn Wolfyn says, "And those characters should act like professionals, within the context of whatever role they are in." Fishsticks winks and says, "All event staff should be Senators" Fishsticks chuckles "Not necessarily hosts..or Senators. Just different characters.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner nods and ponders Jamel ponders senator sirglec at gutsand glory ] Fishsticks winks and says, "Nah, they should be Senators" Felina needs to act professional? Wolfyn says, "So whenever you see ABC logged on, you know that person is a host or staff or event host or Nav." Felina looks at Uni "And when it's XYZ it's a player.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner tried that once "What?? What did I do?", asks Uniquette. "Thunderess was supposed to do that.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner winks and says, "heh, Uni must've been having a bad dream" Wolfyn says, "It's hard to seperate roles sometime." Galinfenner nods "And I think Felina and Uni and you are wonderful.", smiles Wolfyn. Nimat says, "that's actually a good point, Wolfyn." "savior another one", says Jamel. Galinfenner grins Uniquette whispers to Felina "We're suppose to be professional? I don't remember seeing that in the contract" Wolfyn says, "But there's been times when professionalism was quite lacking." Galinfenner nods Uniquette blushes "awww.... shucks" "let's hope that is in the past.", says Galinfenner. Felina says, "phew1" Felina says, "or phew! even" Galinfenner asks, "anything else?" Wolfyn says, "And other than that, I'd not chance anything but in the ways they always change and emerge." Uniquette laughs "how would u get new people to come ?", asks Jamel. Esperanza smiles and looks away Galinfenner nods and grins Wolfyn says, "Fed has lasted through a lot of people saying it wouldn't make it... for years." "and many changes", says Galinfenner. "And I like it just as well now as I did on AOL.", says Wolfyn. "Yeah Fed has been on its last legs for what 5 years now?", asks Esperanza. "Or longer", says Esperanza. Galinfenner nods "i still miss having real newbies to mess wiff", says Jamel. Galinfenner asks, "Anyone have any questions?" Wolfyn winks and says, "Okay, so we could make it free again." Kissy screamz, I have questions!!' Jamel says, "they were so much fun" Galinfenner grins Kissy asks, "What is my question supposed to be about??" Galinfenner winks and says, "Questions for Wolfyn" Jamel sighs Galinfenner says, "This is a meet and greet" Uniquette laughs Uniquette exclaims, "You can ask anything you want!" Wolfyn exclaims, "Let's ask Kissy questions!" Kissy gigglez, 'Ah.... okay. Sorry to be nutzy.... yeah.... but that is just me! Galinfenner laughs Sirglec asks, "Uh.... Wolfyn.... How was it you caught me?" Kissy asks, "Um, if I was to teleport anywqhere on your planet, what would be the srangest thing I may find??" Kissy says, "Strangest too" "Teleport 10 Kissy", says Galinfenner. Jamel says, "lol" Wolfyn says, "Okay, do 10. A warning to eat veggies. And Sir, I persued you until you caught me." Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner smiles Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else?" "Oh!", exclaims Wolfyn. Satine smiles, "I have one" Galinfenner asks, "yes?" Wolfyn smiles, "I do have one more thing." "what was your favorite rank ?", asks Jamel. "Wolfyn first, then Satine, then Jamel", says Galinfenner. "JP Jamel, Snarking. Er.. the one more thing was about my posts...", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner nods "I post a lot of stuff that just sounds good that day.", says Wolfyn. "But get a great deal of giggles when people think it's about them.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Galinfenner grins Galinfenner asks, "Like what for instance?" Wolfyn says, "Oh, there was one once about how people would be less likely to worry about what people thought of them when they realized how little they do." Galinfenner nods "Who thought that was for them?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner looks at Sir "That one caught many people thinking I was talking about them. It's actually just a piece of paper that hangs above my desk.", says Wolfyn. "I think Cricket really went wild off that one.", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner grins and chuckles "Satine, you had a question?", asks Galinfenner. Satine smiles, "What's your most embarassing fed moment?" "oh, yeah.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner says, "Geez even with a list I forget em" Wolfyn asks, "Well, other than when Sir said yes?" Satine nods "Like worst dropped tb", says Satine with a wink. Wolfyn was awfully embarrassed at that one. Wolfyn says, "You know, I didn't drop many accidental tb's. Probably the worst was over the duchy comms when I did a Spy Olias." Satine grins... Galinfenner chuckles "I don't think he liked that.", says Wolfyn. Satine grined... "Well, there was one other time.", says Wolfyn. "can't imagine why", says Galinfenner. Jamel says, "i dont understand why" "The PO's of Trout set me up", says Wolfyn. Galinfenner nods "They arranged for DrSaxx to ask me to marry him, in front of a huge crowd of people.", says Wolfyn. Satine asks, "How so?" Galinfenner asks, "Were you dating him?" Wolfyn says, "He even had a book on Animal Husbandry along with the ring." Satine giggles... Galinfenner smirks "Sheesh no. We were good friends, but I was otherwise involved.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn didn't realize it was joke. Galinfenner asks, "What'd you do?" Wolfyn smiles, "I stammered for a long long time, then took a timely punt." "rofl", says Galinfenner. "Ok, anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. Satine asks, "you faked a PUNTING?" Wolfyn says, "It was a couple days before I came back into Fed." Felina raises her hand Wolfyn picks a flea off the hand. "Felina", says Galinfenner. Jamel asks, "how often do you fake your punts ?" "So Flea bitten one how long have you secretly desired to be a Feline?", smiles Felina. Wolfyn groans. Wolfyn says, "In your dreams." Galinfenner grins Wolfyn says, "In closing... just let me say...." Wolfyn smiles, "Bye." Galinfenner laughs "Thanks so much for doing this WOlfyn.", says Galinfenner. Captdmg chuckles Esperanza smiles Felina thinks it's your dreams Wolfyn hugs all around. Galinfenner says, "And thanks a ton for being a good friend." Uniquette applauds Felina sprays first then cautiously hugs wolfyn Uniquette says, "Very nice story to hear" Esperanza applauds "Next week our guest is going to be EMbrionic", says Galinfenner. "And tomorrow will be a well-beaten Racingnut!", exclaims Wolfyn. "We'll reschedule Racingnut after I get in touch with him", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner nods and grins Kissy says, "Touch with him...." "WE'll take turns", says Galinfenner with a wink. Satine smiles and claps... Galinfenner grins |