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Galinfenner says, "Wolfyn won't be here tonight. it's just me and Wyld thing over here" "Pretty good crowd tonight Wyld, you must be popular", says Galinfenner with a wink. Bearing a sack of vegetables, Cen is here. Cen sits in his booth and lays out the brown vegetables in a very orderly manner. Cen says, "Tomato first...." "squash second", says Cen. "Hey Nimat did you bring any zucchinis?", asks Cen. "Ok...", says Galinfenner. "excellent...I've got a sack of potatos for the end, their not old though so they might hurt a little", says Cen with a wink. Heatherjn offers Galin some scissors for the cutting down of the scroll. ;) Galinfenner says, "Welcome to Meet and Greet edition #.. I don't know." Galinfenner says, "Tonight my guest is Wyldcat." "Wooo!!!!", exclaims Snowlily. Sallyanne exclaims, "WooHoo!" Galinfenner winks and says, "I have also heard him refered to as Wyldthang" Cen does a Jerry Springer "Woo woo woo woo!" Sallyanne grins at Wyld. "Welcome Wyld!", exclaims Galinfenner. Uniquette applauds Wyldcat Snowlily giggles Jazir smiles and claps Wyldcat smiles Galinfenner grins Gwarrior pulls out his trumpet and starts playing Born to be Wild. "Ok first question...", says Galinfenner. Cen asks, "Is there going to be any nudity or violence?" Heatherjn whistles, quietly 'cause that's about all she can manage. ;) Galinfenner says, "Only if you all don't shut up" "i sure hope so.", says Wyldcat with a wink. Cen grins. Galinfenner exclaims, "Otherwise I'm stripping!" Sallyanne shuts up! "My eyes!@", says Cen. Heatherjn laughs! "OOOoooohhhh!!!!!", exclaims Snowlily. Esperanza perks Galinfenner grins Roslyn perks Sirglec runs in fright. Galinfenner asks, "Ok, Wyld.. tell us how you found Federation?" Roslyn winks and says, "I've heard tales Galin" Uniquette mumbles something about geckos Galinfenner turns to Wyld "Did you hear the question in that noise?", asks Galinfenner. "actually, the woman i was living with found it somehow, and got me hooked.", says Wyldcat. "When was this?", asks Galinfenner. Wyldcat says, "mid to late 90's, about a year before fed left AOL" Galinfenner says, "So, around 96 or so. We left AOL January 97 or so." "Does she still play?", asks Galinfenner. Wyldcat says, "yes, tail end of 95, if i remember right" Galinfenner nods Wyldcat says, "not that i know of, i lost touch with her when she moved out in april 96" Galinfenner asks, "oh, ok. Do you remember who helped you when you were first around? Or did your GF do most of that?" Wyldcat smiles, "her character was mostly played by me." Roslyn grins. "Really? What was the name?", asks Galinfenner. Wyldcat says, "i met dooeee back when he was journeyman, and he took me under his wing" Galinfenner nods "gypsyqueen", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner asks, "Who did you hang out with back then?" Wyldcat says, "dooeee helped me get into leo, when i onlined persia" Wyldcat smiles, "dooeee, serena, and leo's pigmy princesses." "i rarely left leo, was always someone to talk to in leo.", says Wyldcat with a wink. "Pigmy princesses?", asks Galinfenner. "i'm pretty sure rere was one of them", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner says, "I don't remember those and I think I would have." "Were you involved with anyone in Fed?", asks Galinfenner. Wyldcat blushes Galinfenner thinks that's a loaded question considering the name used. Galinfenner grins Sallyanne giggles. "right toward the end, i did have to make the big announcement.", says Wyldcat. "Uh huh. How many guys were shocked?", asks Galinfenner. Gwarrior laughs. "that shocked the whole duchy, and made me none to popular for a week or 2", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner smirks Galinfenner says, "ok, well. .. I gotta ask..." Wyldcat says, "it all passed, and forgiven, though" Sallyanne giggles. Galinfenner asks, "Did you have any relationships as Gypsyqueen?" Galinfenner grins Roslyn listens closely Rick faints Gwarrior chuckles. Sallyanne leans forward a bit, taking notes ... Darkensi checks his list of names again "Someone pour a little beer on Rick huh?", asks Galinfenner. Wyldcat says, "alot of teasing, and nudity, but nothing too far" Galinfenner grins Thulium chuckles... only validates the assumption that a good portion of Fed relationships are with Lola's :) Galinfenner grins Galinfenner asks, "Ok, When did you change names?" Roslyn gasps. "Really Thul?" Thulium winks to Ros.. just an assumption :) Wyldcat says, "that happened real close to the move, and at the time, i couldn't afford to pay more" Roslyn will not comment on making ASSumptions. Galinfenner nods Heatherjn smirks. Galinfenner asks, "So.. you left fed then?" "gypsyqueen was a casuality of the move, and i drifted away for a few years", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner nods and listens "about october of last year, i found out from dooeee that fed was still going", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner asks, "So you came back to check it out?" Wyldcat says, "hearing that, i had to come back to see, and got hooked right away" Sallyanne grins. "Cool. Now that you are back, what do you think of Fed in comparison to what you remember", says Galinfenner. "i had a few major shocks coming back...", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner smiles "what sort?", asks Galinfenner. Wyldcat says, "groats are much more abundant, and everyone is friendly and helpful" Roslyn grins. Antonia nods "More friendly then you remember?", asks Galinfenner. "We've always been friendly and helpful!", smiles Heatherjn. Heatherjn shuts up again. Wyldcat says, "i fought with blirish for a long time about groats" "Fought? What do you mean?", asks Galinfenner. "i wouldn't take her money, i didn't earn it", says Wyldcat. Heatherjn giggles. Brew nods in agreement. Antonia smiles "Very commendable. So you promoted without help?", asks Galinfenner. "i wish i could say i did, but blir finally convinced me.", says Wyldcat. Brew says, "She's quite convincing." Galinfenner grins Galinfenner says, "So I have heard." Nimat laughs. Gwarrior nods in agreement. Wyldcat smiles "You've recently become a Navigator. Any comments about that?", asks Galinfenner. "it's quite an honor, i'm thrilled. i just wish we had more players to help.", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner grins Roslyn grins. Heatherjn points out the GH that just signed in. ;) Galinfenner nods Darkensi lost his ship may need a navigator to help find it Wyldcat almost left to meet them. :) Galinfenner asks, "Can you give us a most embarrasing moment?" Galinfenner asks, "Having played a female character, I'd think you'd have a few yes?" Heatherjn laughs. Wyldcat says, "telling my duchy the woman they all kknew is really a man." Sallyanne tries really hard not to laugh ... Galinfenner grins Antonia smiles "I guess that qualifies as pretty high up there.", says Galinfenner. Darkensi laughs openly Wyldcat says, "that or cen teleporting in on an intimite moment" Galinfenner grins "Did he hold up a score card?", asks Galinfenner. "only for my intimate moments", says Darkensi. Wyldcat winks and says, "no. i misspelled tongue." Darkensi grumbles Esperanza giggles Antonia chuckles Skeletor chuckles Heatherjn laughs! Sallyanne giggles! "ahhhh. Cen the spell checker!", exclaims Galinfenner. "Oh my", says Roslyn. Galinfenner grins Wyldcat nods Sallyanne winks and says, "You'll never do it again, will you?" "Any other moments you'd care to share?", asks Galinfenner. Wyldcat giggles Galinfenner grins Nimat laughs. "nothing that can top those two", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner asks, "Ok, does anyone have a question for Wyld?" Wyldcat worries Galinfenner grins "If you were a piece of cheese...what type would you be?", asks Skeletor. Galinfenner winks and says, "Everyone is in shock that you changed your gender" "swiss.", smiles Wyldcat. Sallyanne blinks. Heatherjn nudges Skeletor, "You didn't ask if he was human!" ;) Skeletor asks, "Why?" Wyldcat laughs Sallyanne giggles. Skeletor winks and says, "I can see him right there" Heatherjn giggles. Galinfenner chuckles "i get along with everyone, and don't have the greatest memory.", smiles Wyldcat. "Ah", says Skeletor. "Just curious", says Skeletor with a wink. "Anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. Gwarrior scratches his brain. Galinfenner grins Rick asks, "so as a woman you sort of duped all the women and after you told them they didn't kill you ?" Wyldcat has bought you a CPR! Galinfenner asks, "all the women or all the men? or both?" "i was almost booted several times, and hid alot for a week", says Wyldcat. "all the women -- I think the men would take a joke -- But the women -- hold a grudge along time", says Rick. Sallyanne winks and says, "Oh my ..." Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "Well, do you have anything you want to say Wyld?" "i think i got lucky, adn they saw i didn't mean harm", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner chuckles Sallyanne giggles. Antonia smiles Galinfenner asks, "If you could, is there one thing you'd change about Fed?" "more groundhogs/ and possibly less groat transfers", says Wyldcat. "So less money handed out?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner smirks Galinfenner winks and says, "Unless Blir twists your arm" Wyldcat winks and says, "right." Antonia smiles Rick laughs "I want to know if Wyld like being a woman or prefers being a man", says Serena. Sallyanne grins. Nimat laughs. Esperanza waits for the answer to this question Galinfenner looks at Wyld Rick asks, "yeah -- do you keep spare genitals on yoir planet ?" Wyldcat says, "it was definitely a RP challenge, but not really me" Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "Ever get the urge to try it again?" Rick snickers "Once ya swing -- hard to stop", says Rick. Wyldcat says, "i have thought about it before, but then i think of gypsyqueen, adn forget the idea" Galinfenner gives Rick a questioning look Galinfenner grins Esperanza grins at Wyld Antonia smiles Sallyanne grins. Galinfenner says, "Sounds like there's a question I should've asked Rick" "don't want to go through that again", says Wyldcat. "so I understand why the Mini skirt and tube top was out for tonight", says Rick. Roslyn laughs. "What keeps you coming back to Fed Wyld?", asks Galinfenner. "all the wonderful people here", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner nods "and the hot tubs.", says Wyldcat with a wink. Galinfenner says, "Heh, gotta love those." Sallyanne grins. Wyldcat gathers everyone together for a big group hug Antonia asks, "have you found all the the hot tubs yet, Wyld?" "not yet.", smiles Wyldcat. Wyldcat says, "so many hot tubs....." Galinfenner asks, "Anything you'd like to add Wyld?" Wyldcat winks and says, "more hot tubs." Galinfenner exclaims, "more hot tubs. Good thought!" Antonia laughs Sallyanne makes a note ... "Well, unless someone has a question I'll wrap up", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner looks around the room Wyldcat worries Galinfenner smiles "Wyldcat", says Shaynah. Galinfenner says, "Can't get any better than the gypsy thing" Shaynah raises her hand Wyldcat asks, "yes?" "Shaynay?", asks Galinfenner. "err Shaynah?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins "What is your favorite thing about fed.. was that asked?", asks Shaynah. Galinfenner can't remember "Hot tubs maybe?", asks Galinfenner. "the people. alot of wonderful, friendly people in here", says Wyldcat. Galinfenner nods Rick walks up to the hot tub and hands wyld another beer >ex wyldcat "There's a hot tub here in Duffs? I missed that....", says Esperanza. "thank you, rick", says Wyldcat. Sallyanne laughs at Rick. "Wyld brought his own.", says Galinfenner with a wink. "i had it installed for tonight.", says Wyldcat with a wink. Antonia smiles 'now that doesn't surprise me' "Thanks for coming tonight Wyldcat.", says Galinfenner. Wyldcat laughs Galinfenner smiles, "Thanks to everyone for showing up!" Rick applauds Wyld Antonia applauds Shaynah applauds Galinfenner exclaims, "Next week my guest is going to be Haeger!" Wyldcat says, "that wasn't as painful as a expected. LOL" Thulium smiles, "Thanks Wyld :) and thank you Galin" Nimat applauds Wyldcat, and the ever patient host, Galin. Esperanza applauds Wolfyn cheers and claps! Galinfenner stands and claps for Wyldcat Wyldcat blushes "Thanks everyone!", exclaims Galinfenner. Wyldcat applauds galinfenner |