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...V... Xslaught is here. Xslaught smiles. Galinfenner says, "So, without further ado..." Galinfenner turns to Xslaught Galinfenner asks, "X, tell us how you first came to discover Federation?" Xslaught says, "many years ago.. I've lost track at this point, but it was some time before AOL went flat rate" "I happened upon the game", says Xslaught. "You didn't have proper guidance yet...", smiles Ops. "but I was always a big sci-fi fan, so the game intrigued me", says Xslaught. Galinfenner asks, "Was that when there were greeters?" "and spent two weeks in confusion", says Xslaught with a wink. "everyone in the game was a greeter", says Xslaught. Zyphr wonders how they greeted ;) Xslaught says, "and of course you could give money to commanders then" Xslaught says, "and Sol was just swarming with players" Ops was a bit swarmy then... Galinfenner asks, "Heh, Do you have anyone you remember in particular that helped you?" Jordy raises a brow, "Just a bit?" Ladylynn chuckles at ops Zyphr thinks... "then? now is different?" Xslaught says, "oh God... I moved up the lower ranks pretty much on my own" Xslaught says, "but later a number of the History sisters helped me out" Galinfenner laughs "middle school", says Xslaught with a wink. Xslaught says, "or you meant in Fed..." Ops grins Galinfenner grins Ops asks, "Yes, yes... but where did you learn to fight?" Galinfenner says, "The History sisters. SOunds like a rock band." Xslaught says, "pretty much self taught" "except fighting ship to ship was slow for me", says Xslaught. "dialup, and a bad one", says Xslaught. Xslaught says, "of course, most people had dialup then" Xslaught says, "but I wasn't much for full combat.. more like hit and run tactics" Zyphr winks of Galin and whispers, "AOL HELL" "Some of it very slow dialup.", says Galinfenner. Xslaught nods her head, "Yes.. extremely slow dialup.. and AOL was far worse back then.." "Which Sister of History was your favorite?", asks Ops. Zyphr squirms becomingly ;) "I had a soft spot for Jasana", says Xslaught. "but Kshandria helped a great deal", says Xslaught. "Jas probably taught you how to make more efficient kills?", asks Galinfenner. Xslaught says, "Odyssey first interested me in planetary design long before I made it to Squire" Xslaught says, "she had a certain style" "one I miss", says Xslaught. "most likely it was the puzzle piece holders", says Xslaught. "When did you first know that you wanted to kill people for a vocation?", asks Galinfenner. "I spent a very very long time trying to get them", says Xslaught. Galinfenner laughs Ops asks, "So it wasn't Jasana's short skirt that attracted you?" "and I believe I paid 6 megs for the Spanner", says Xslaught. "Do you have a list of who you d'd over the years?", asks Galinfenner. "Planetary design even... go figure", says Ops. "Ops: No... Galin: what's the point?", asks Xslaught. Xslaught says, "I always wondered that too" Galinfenner asks, "I dunno. why stuff a moose and hang it on a wall?" "perhaps if players were unable to return", says Xslaught. Xslaught says, "I might have kept track" "but everything revolves", says Xslaught. he One and Only Uniquette has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "Hey, who invited you?", asks Galinfenner. "I need an invite?", asks Uniquette. Uniquette scoffs "Ok .. I guess not.", says Galinfenner. "Am I interupting? I can leave", says Uniquette. "oh no", says Xslaught. "you must stay", smiles Xslaught. Galinfenner winks and says, "Sit down Uni" Galinfenner shuffles his notes Xslaught grins. Twokool says, "i tried to invite you Uni but Galin said no" Uniquette says, "I know... Galin has always hated when I've shown up" Galinfenner exclaims, "Liar!" Twokool says, "everyone knows that Galin... It's in my job description" Uniquette takes a seat in the corner. "Don't let me interupt" "Did not. I hated it when you teased me by bending over the bar all the time.", says Galinfenner. "You do have better legs, Uni", says Ops with a wink. Galinfenner clears his throat Zyphr hands Galin his dropped notes ;) Twokool asks, "what are we here for again?" Uniquette has given Galinfenner a sloppy tickle! Galinfenner asks, "Ok, X, tell us your most embarrasing moment?" Xslaught clears her throat.. "And I do that on purpose too", says Uniquette with a wink. Xslaught says, "hmmmmm..." Galinfenner grins "DDing", says Xslaught. "on my own planets", says Xslaught. Xslaught winks and says, "twice" "how'd you manage that?", asks Galinfenner. "well I'd love to blame it on lag", says Xslaught. Xslaught says, "and stupidity of course" "but in truth I think I entered the wrong map in the WB", says Xslaught. Galinfenner waits for a little more detail Zyphr grins "I'm not above stupidity", says Xslaught. Xslaught says, "luckily I learned from the mistakes" "perhaps too slowly", says Xslaught with a wink. Ops says, "Perished by yer own devise... :P" Xslaught nods. Galinfenner says, "Hee hee that's good." Galinfenner asks, "Learned where your own land mines were kept huh?" Xslaught winks and says, "the WB has a double-edge" Galinfenner asks, "How so?" "Is it true that you now test the designs with live bait as a result?", smiles Ops. Xslaught says, "it's a wonderful tool, and capable of being very deadly" Galinfenner thinks you are being evasive. Xslaught says, "actually, I no longer design DD worlds" Xslaught says, "for obvious reasons" Xslaught says, "in the old days I spent more time on Starbase1 than my planets" "Well just for the first D then?", asks Ops. Xslaught says, "also easy to make errors" Galinfenner winks and says, "Being able to access Fed speaks for itself" Xslaught says, "oh, I've had other personas banned for the DD world" Xslaught says, "but, as with all of us, we return" Galinfenner asks, "Heh, so what would you change about fed if you could?" Xslaught ponders... Xslaught winks and says, "perhaps a change in insurance" "and after the rules and coding changed, I took a break anyway", says Xslaught. Galinfenner asks, "Insurance?" Xslaught says, "expense dependent on rank" Galinfenner nods Xslaught winks and says, "maybe a gig for Dukes" Gangleri asks, "Instead of, or on top of, how often you die?" "everyone is far too afraid of dying", says Xslaught. Gangleri asks, "Would take a lotta the fun outta fighting too, wouldn't it? For us fighters?" "What would that do for the game?", asks Galinfenner. "considering you lose nothing", says Xslaught. "well, true, maybe a different structure if dying in a fighting event", says Xslaught. "but the game itself is quite good as it is.. the players just sometimes need to be.. corrected..", says Xslaught. Uniquette thinks more like slapped up side the head but keeps that to herself. Xslaught grins. Galinfenner asks, "YOu've been busy. Leading people into traps. HOw many have you killed lately?" Xslaught says, "traps or macroes are, of course, the easier way to kill these days" Xslaught says, "I'm at 5 now" Xslaught says, "with the ban rule, new since I left, it's tapering off" "I get along", says Xslaught with a wink. "Heh, I bet. Not many places for you to do your work anymore is there?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner looks out over the crowd Galinfenner asks, "Does anyone have a question for X?" Galinfenner asks, "Or maybe a comment or two?" Twokool asks, "who killed Kennedy?" Zyphr grins Xslaught says, "Elvis" Twokool asks, "does it have to be specific to him?" Galinfenner says, "That was Uni" Galinfenner says, "I'd appreciate it if it was." "sorry", says Twokool. Uniquette says, "Galin!! That was suppose to be a secret" Galinfenner chuckles Twokool says, "i withdraw my question" "X, Have you been involved romantically with anyone?", asks Galinfenner. Xslaught grins. Xslaught says, "no" Xslaught says, "well, not except to kill someone" Xslaught says, "men are so easy" "We resemble that!", exclaims Ops. Uniquette waits for this answer. Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner says, "I can imagine the look of surprise on their faces." Uniquette grins "Just before they hit the gurney", says Galinfenner with a wink. Xslaught says, "actually" Xslaught says, "they think it was a mistake" Xslaught says, "and I let them believe it for as many kills as I can get" Galinfenner grins Galinfenner says, "WEll, now that your secret is out, it may be a lot fewer." Xslaught smiles and looks innocent. "Who is the last person you dd'd?", asks Zyphr. "Oo good question...", says Galinfenner. "Triangle", says Xslaught. Galinfenner asks, "who's that?" Xslaught says, "my previous FO actually" "Nimat's alt", says Xslaught. Zyphr winks and says, "His Fac's not producing for ya?" "You mean for the ones that don't do it for the pleasure...", says Ops with a wink. "naw, he got to Squire, not sure if any builds", says Xslaught. Superdave says, "lol" Xslaught pouts, "Got me banned from Scoutranch." Galinfenner looks at the crowd Galinfenner asks, "Any other questions?" "Kills you want to know about?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins Zyphr winks and says, "Who killed Kao?" "that was me", says Xslaught. Ops likes the personalized tour of Purgatory by Xs... Galinfenner thinks this is finally going to get interesting. Galinfenner asks, "really? How'd that happen?" Xslaught shrugs, "She was hauling, not to mention teleporting back to Babe after each load." Xslaught says, "which is just silly" Galinfenner nods Xslaught says, "since it restarts you after dying" "while some macroes might just run you into a corner", says Xslaught. Galinfenner asks, "So you killed her once, she restarted and then what happened?" Xslaught winks and says, "killed her again" Xslaught says, "I was quite surprised" Galinfenner nods "but it happens", says Xslaught. Galinfenner says, "Wow." "Dang, the audience is quiet tonight.", says Galinfenner. Xslaught smiles. Ladylynn says, "i have a question for you X" Xslaught says, "go for it" "why?", asks Ladylynn. Xslaught says, "aside from the fundamental way in which I play..." Galinfenner looks for ropes "any parting thoughts X?", asks Galinfenner. Ladylynn asks, "why would u kill Kao?" Ops asks, "Did you log it, Xs?" "yes, I did", says Xslaught. Xslaught says, "Kao also embraced such play.. she was willing to kill, so she was willing to be killed" Xslaught says, "and as I posted that day" "no one who is immune from Ron is immune from me", says Xslaught. "that's bull", says Ladylynn. "your opinion", smiles Xslaught. Xslaught asks, "of course, the short answer may just be.. why not kill Kao?" Galinfenner clears his throat "and Kao was decidedly immune", says Xslaught. "Any other comments? questions? Let's try to keep the emotion tameable.", you say with a wink. Ops asks, "Do you consider Kao a greater kill?" "if you are asking whether I should give someone special consideration because they are a long time player", says Xslaught. Xslaught says, "then no" Ops asks, "Or does the player not matter to you?" Xslaught says, "and yes, Kao has killed many" "so that makes it ok?", asks Ladylynn. "yes, it does", says Xslaught. Zyphr says, "Well, your view of the game follows Rons..." Macnbc raises his hand "I've got a question..", says Macnbc. "you could ask him yourself.. but then, they both seem to be gone", says Xslaught. Ladylynn shakes her head in disbelief "and Ron's view follows Kao's", says Xslaught. "And isn't Ron gone, too?", says Zyphr with a wink. "Xslaught are you scaring these people away?", asks Uniquette. "well I hope not", says Xslaught. "uhm, what was the question Mac?", asks Xslaught. Macnbc asks, "what's your favorite color?" Xslaught says, "blue" "well, darker blue", says Xslaught. "cool", says Macnbc. "nothing too flashy", says Xslaught. "If you were a piece of cheese, what kind would it be?", asks Gangleri. Gangleri says, "And blue's a good color" Macnbc nods Xslaught says, "mmmm... I'd have to say bri, on french bread" Zyphr says, "brie" Xslaught says, "ah" "not french", says Xslaught with a wink. "neither am I", says Zyphr with a wink. Gangleri says, "I always thought it was Bris" Xslaught grins. Zyphr smiles, "So, XSlaught... you go after everyone or just haulers?" Xslaught says, "everyone" Xslaught says, "though I have a bias against Ron's elite, of course" "am I spelling bri right?", asks Xslaught. Zyphr laughs, "Then I would be safe ;)" Xslaught says, "no" "you just trade to safe planets", says Xslaught. Zyphr grins, "you are correct" "Are you going to come out with any new puzzles?", smiles Kewlness. "I'm not sure. It seems pointless as no one would visit", says Xslaught with a wink. Xslaught says, "but if the mood strikes me" "I visited Purgatory...", says Ops. "was Darklight your's?", asks Eltanin. Galinfenner says, "If any of you have not tried one of X's puzzs, she's very inovative." Galinfenner winks and says, "Worth checking out" "Just check that insurace often!", exclaims Galinfenner. "err insurance", says Galinfenner. "Purgatory is currently very safe", says Xslaught. "except in my personal offices of course", says Xslaught. Galinfenner grumples about lack of power in his spellchecker. Xslaught says, "I picked up the Christmas tree decorating price" Galinfenner chuckles Xslaught says, "that area is location 50" "..recently too", smiles Ops. Galinfenner chuckles Xslaught says, "if anyone has the nerve to go look" Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else have anything for Xslaught?" "Ok, thanks everyone for coming!", exclaims Galinfenner. Macnbc asks, "I have the TDX.. can I give it to him?" "Next week we're going to be interviewing the Survivor players!", exclaims Galinfenner. "Be sure you show up. same greet time.. same greet place!", exclaims Galinfenner. |