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Galinfenner hands zyphr a piece of stage Zyphr squirms... Zyphr winks and says, "Thanks" "Tonight our guest is Zyphr.", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn applauds! Snowlily smiles, "Yesss!!!" Zyphr giggles, "At least Wolfyn and Lily are happy!" Jazir smiles and claps "FOr those of you who don't know, Zyphr is Baroness of Svaboda and located in Thorus", says Galinfenner. Diz claps her hands Galinfenner chuckles Wyldcat claps "To begin, Zyphr, tell us when you first found Federation and how?", asks Galinfenner. "Wow... that's deep in the recesses of my mind...", says Zyphr. Galinfenner hands you a pick Snowlily couldn't remember if she had to! Wolfyn gets out the saw. Zyphr says, "It was my birthday and I was on AOL...thought it would be a kick to email everyone who had the same birthday as me so I sent all these IM's to random people..." Galinfenner grins "One guy... LSRNabn or something like that, invited me into Fed...", says Zyphr. Diz giggles Zyphr winks and says, "And THAT is how I found fed" Snowlily laughs and claps her hands Zyphr says, "So I played for a while with him... met GamingLady, JHitch, lots of oldies..." "Then he was a jerk so I dd'd and reinvented myself, GamingLady held all my groats of course", says Zyphr with a wink. Diz says, "Remembers GamingLady" Wolfyn asks, "Who was a jerk?" "Wooo!!!", exclaims Snowlily. "LSRN guy...", says Zyphr with a wink. Galinfenner asks, "LSRN.. that was an AOL worker?" Wolfyn says, "Ah." Wolfyn settles back down. Racingnut remembers gl also "He just played... had an office on Lotus", says Zyphr with a wink. Galinfenner nods Zyphr smiles, "He introduced me to some great people though..." "SO you were around when it was still pay by the hour then.", says Galinfenner. Zyphr smiles, "So I am a huge Bard fan... came back as Cressida who in Trolius and Cressida was quite the sophist... I thought that was cool" "not actually... AOL was flat rate... just had gone flat rate", says Zyphr. Galinfenner says, "ahh ok." "Wow you were Cressida?", asks Wolfyn. Zyphr never had the HUGE bills ;) Racingnut remembers those 400 dollar aol bills each month "Who do you remember as being most helpful at first?", asks Galinfenner. Zyphr nods, "I was Cressida" Kariscats waves Xyli winks and says, "You shouldn't have told them that Z" Zyphr says, "Most helpful... Teransolo" Galinfenner chuckles "They may hate ya now", says Xyli. Zyphr winks and says, "Depends... Xyli" Galinfenner says, "Teransolo, I remember that name." Wolfyn misses Teran. Zyphr does too and still talks to him often... "Don't worry Xyli, you'll still have plenty.", says Wolfyn with a wink. "Zyph, what did you like best about Federation back then?", asks Galinfenner. Zyphr says, "Well..." "It was great because their were so many people at all the different ranks...", says Zyphr. Galinfenner nods "Like, I worked as VP of Solace for months while Teran taught me the ins and outs of Planet Ownership before I promoted", says Zyphr. Galinfenner asks, "How long was it before you were PO?" Zyphr says, "And I spent a lot of time exploring great planets..." "Hmm... 5 months?", asks Zyphr. Galinfenner asks, "Not bad. What was your first duchy?" Zyphr grins, "Freedom" Wolfyn smiles. Jazir smiles Galinfenner says, "Freedom.. that was..." Galinfenner thinks Zyphr says, "VEN" Galinfenner exclaims, "Ven!" Zyphr grins... "I remember him", says Galinfenner with a wink. Zyphr says, "Svaboda means Freedom" "I came back with Shaver when he did this time...", says Zyphr. "Stage was taken so I brought back Freedom", says Zyphr with a wink. Galinfenner asks, "I see. You and Shaver are close?" Zyphr winks and says, "Depends on the day" Zyphr grins... Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "Tell us about your love affairs. Have you been fed married?" "The good stuff!", exclaims Wolfyn. Zyphr laughs, "Well..." Zyphr says, "I was first fed engaged to MrFantisy who was a really nice guy..." Zyphr says, "But RL messed that up and he left Fed..." Galinfenner says, "Don't recall that name" "My first fed marriage was to C4JL/Garnimal", says Zyphr. Galinfenner nods Zyphr says, "Then things happened... you know how they do..." Galinfenner chuckles "Things have a tendency to happen yes.", says Galinfenner. "Before I dd'd in protest to the Duchy ban rule Onyxgod and I fedmarried then dd'd", says Zyphr. Rasal blinks. Zyphr winks and says, "It was an interesting business arrangement..." Galinfenner winks and says, "I remember that one" Zyphr winks and says, "Because of the Shaver/Onyx wars" Zyphr squirms.... Galinfenner nods Ricmer reminisces "So, you were gone for quite awhile?", asks Galinfenner. Zyphr nods, "A couple of years" "And Shaver talked you into coming back? Or vice versa?", asks Galinfenner. "Shaver and I were talking one day and decided to see what was different...thought we could stir things up", says Zyphr. Galinfenner nods Zyphr says, "So we talked about it... never did anything then one day he IM's me and says I'm in Fed, let's do this" "So I came back", says Zyphr. Zyphr winks and says, "And now he's leaving again" Galinfenner asks, "Yes, what is that about? Or can you tell us?" "He's bored with the game...", says Zyphr. Galinfenner says, "ahh" Galinfenner asks, "And you? Will you be going also?" Racingnut mutters cant say i blame him there Zyphr says, "quite possibly" "He ran out of colors", says Xyli. Galinfenner laughs Zyphr winks and says, "You promote so quickly... groats are free... people are mean" "What would have to change to entice you to stay?", asks Galinfenner. "You adore me mean", says Xyli. "I think before there wasn't as much of the... pettiness because there was a point to the game...", says Zyphr. Galinfenner asks, "Not sure what you mean. What pettiness?" Roslyn says, "Hang around some Galin" "Galin!", exclaims Snowlily. Galinfenner grins Rasal asks, "Petticoats? Where?" Zyphr winks and says, "I mean the bickering between groups, accusations... btw, I was accused of being Blirish, then I was Snowstar..." Zyphr says, "it's kind of tough to prove you're who you say you are..." "You're Z! Duh silly", says Xyli. Zyphr asks, "Why would I care about what people think?" "Well, why care if they think you are someone else ?", asks Galinfenner. "to be specific", says Galinfenner with a wink. "I care when I'm accused meanly of being someones alt... I care when people say it to others to hurt them", says Zyphr. Galinfenner says, "I see." Zyphr shrugs..."That's just me" Galinfenner asks, "So, if people stopped asking you who's alt you are you might stay?" Wolfyn grins. "I tend to become friends with people", says Zyphr with a wink. Galinfenner nods "Wouldn't that ruin the mean person act?", asks Wolfyn. Zyphr says, "It's tough for me not to ask about you're job or who you are..." Ford exclaims, "Zyphr. just tell em to go intercoursed!" Zyphr laughs... "I'm mean?" Zyphr exclaims, "I'm just trying to do what everyone asks for!!" Galinfenner laughs Zyphr winks and says, "Slow down the promotion process" Galinfenner nods Snowlily coughs Zyphr hands Snowlily some water ;) Snowlily smiles at Zyphr "What would make me stay...", says Zyphr. "thanks.", smiles Snowlily. Galinfenner watches the gears turn Rasal winks and says, "Free groats?" Galinfenner smirks Galinfenner asks, "Lack of free groats?" Zyphr says, "Different puzzle answers... slower cycles..." Zyphr says, "heck, I'm maxxed at the moment..." Galinfenner nods Zyphr winks and says, "I do give back to the dukes who's agris I take from... if they ask nicely" Xyli holds out her hands Esperanza grins and thinks she's maxed with a good deal of Milagro groats too :) Zyphr grins, "Yeah, Espy raised her import taxes on me. Now I only make 350 meg a day ;)" Wyldcat turns his empty pockets inside out Ford thinks Zyphr wants AOL Fed back with out the AOL. Spaun says, "a few of Soulless' too" Esperanza grins at Zyphr "put in the invasion code too", says Racingnut. Wyldcat chuckles Snowlily nods "And you've been making me a mint", smiles Esperanza. Diz exclaims, "Would be max out if I quit giving it away!" "I'll make it up to you, Spaun", says Zyphr with a wink. Esperanza will miss both Shaver and Zyphr terribly Zyphr says, "that would be nice..." "You mentioned you d'd because of the duchy ban rule. Have you any words about that rule?", asks Galinfenner. "There are all these changes that have been talked about over the years... nothing has happened tho", says Zyphr. Galinfenner nods "I thought the Duchy Ban rule was stupid", says Zyphr. Wolfyn exclaims, "Well, the spanner became a wrench!" Jazir chuckles Galinfenner chuckles "Why zyph?", asks Galinfenner. "I was duchesse and my po's were being banned from places when they weren't online", says Zyphr. Snowlily giggles What liked the spanner better Zyphr exclaims, "And you don't need the acid to pull the lever!" Snowlily nods to What Ford thinks Wolfie prefers wenches to wrenches. Zyphr says, "People went crazy with the ban rule... for example, Filbert was out of town and his planet was offlined" "Fil!", exclaims Xyli. Zyphr says, "When he got back, he was banned from duchies when he was gone... people would just make up logs" Snowlily exclaims, "Zyph! People are banned today for no reason!" "I thought, fix the code so I can kick you out, not some spynet report!", exclaims Zyphr. Galinfenner winks and says, "Well, they don't need logs to ban someone" "How do people make up logs?", asks Diz. Galinfenner nods Zyphr winks and says, "Sure you did... you have to have the tb then the timestamp" "Heh. Forged logs are a Fed staple.", says Rasal. Snowlily says, "Careful editing, Diz" "Read it in the chornicle!", exclaims Zyphr. Ford has never banned anyone but Kao/Ron. Racingnut says, "its easy unfortunetly diz" "Right, I see what you mean.", says Galinfenner. Snowlily has never banned anyone, period. "I haven't been banned... that I know of", says Zyphr with a wink. "I think Rc is trying to catch me tho", says Zyphr with a wink. "Oooo I have, it's fun", says Xyli. Snowlily grins at Zyphyr Diz exclaims, "That is not good at all!" "i got banned from rons duchy lol", says Racingnut. Zyphr logs off before he can send the tb ;) Spaun snickers Galinfenner chuckles Wolfyn grins. Esperanza never bans friendly villains :) "anyone have any questions for Zyphr?", asks Galinfenner. "Spaun would like to ban me", says Zyphr with a wink. Ford may ban himself from Steam since I stay in Serenity. "not me, you help mine", says Spaun. Jazir chuckles at Ford Zyphr exclaims, "yay! no questions!" Galinfenner chuckles Racingnut says, "i have one" Zyphr exclaims, "dang it!" Zyphr grins Galinfenner says, "Yes Racing" "zyphyr you mentioned how youd like to slow down the promotion process...considering many "newbies" are alone with noone to guide on how would you do that?", asks Racingnut. Ford raises his hand for a question. Xyli says, "I have a question too" "now look what i started lol", says Racingnut. "Good question Racingnut... If I notice a newbie is on, I try to help. I think the mistake most of us make is to assume a newbie is an alt and everyone goes into harassment mode. I think everyone should take a newbie at face value and bring them into the", says Zyphr. "I think everyone should take a newbie at face value and bring them into the game. Spaun does a really good job at that as does Snowlily.", says Zyphr. Wolfyn nods! Roslyn hasn't seen a real newbie in ages. Racingnut agrees Fancy applauds. Uniquette raises her hand and waits to be called on also... Galinfenner grins and waits for answer 1 Zyphr says, "But I don't think helping is giving loads of groats or giving puzzle answers" Snowlily nods to Zyphr gratefully Zyphr winks and says, "And Roslyn...how do you know?" Roslyn says, "They usually confess" Roslyn grins. Zyphr says, "So treat them as newbies until they do... usually people will come in and say, like Paul for example..." Zyphr says, "I brought in a new character and I was constantly harassed by people telling me they knew I was someone else..." Kariscats wonders why it matters whether someone is an alt or not Snowlily laughs! Galinfenner says, "Well, we have a couple new Nav's and another ready to start." "Hopefully that sort of thing can be stopped.", says Galinfenner. Zyphr smiles, "kewl" Racingnut says, "what about the FO thing...in aol you made so much in 30 days" "Let's see....", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "I think Xyli was next." Racingnut says, "what can be done to improve that so u wont promote in 48 hours" "Xyli and then Ford?", asks Galinfenner. Zyphr bites her nails and looks at Xyli... ;) Xyli says, "ford first" "sorry my faukt", says Racingnut. "fault", says Racingnut. "Ford?", asks Galinfenner. Ford was away awhile with temporary business and missed if this was covered. Are you Fed married and if so, do you still beat her? "Racingnut... don't give all arts and set markup at -20", says Zyphr with a wink. "make 'em haul!", says Zyphr with a wink. Zyphr winks and says, "I'm a girl, Ford" Wolfyn grins. "Ahhhh, same difference.", says Ford. "Don't worry, Ford, i once blew Zyphr's gender as well.", says Fancy. "And no I don't take beatings", says Zyphr with a wink. "Heh, thre's a one liner in that one somewhere", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner asks, "Ok, Xyli?" "Its OK, I have had an excess of beer tonight.", says Ford. Xyli asks, "I have 3 questions, One, Do you have alts? Two, got any family? Three. How much do you adore me?" Snowlily laughs! Racingnut rolls Xyli asks, "Oh and 4, Can I have groats?" Snowlily raises her hand Snowlily looks at Galin Ford has given Xyli 1 IG less taxes, "1. Yes I have an alt that I outted on 9 by mistake when I was angry one day because I was accused AGAIN of being Blirish. She is Satine and Fedmarried to Captdmg", says Zyphr. Esperanza asks, "Satine is you?" Esperanza didn't know that "Oh people know? good I can open my mouth again", says Xyli. Zyphr says, "2. RL Familiy yes... a mom and a dad, a brother and a sister... if you go to Svaboda you'll see Branduskas Music shop next to Maggies dress shop which was named after you..." "But then that explains why she is really good at skimming my agris too", smiles Esperanza. Zyphr winks and says, "3. So I guess that means that I adore you" "As if it was ever shut, Xyli!", exclaims Snowlily. Wolfyn chuckles. Zyphr winks and says, "And 4. Shaver is giving you all his groats" Racingnut says, "hehehe" Xyli says, "Yes well, more is always good" "You can only use so many", says Galinfenner. Zyphr chuckles Galinfenner asks, "Ok, I think Uniquette has a question?" Zyphr winks and says, "I can't let you promote too quickly, then I can't spy you spying others, Xyli" "Hey, I promoted JUST to spy others", says Xyli. "but then they dare to promote more too!", exclaims Xyli. Uniquette asks, "You have a reward posted on you. What for?" Ford thinks Uni has the better questions but then you know how exnews hounds are. "how dare they do that hehe", says Racingnut. "Hmm... 13 is my lucky number... Shaver posted it one day.", says Zyphr. Zyphr winks and says, "He either loved me or hated me that day" Xyli says, "very fickle he is" Galinfenner laughs "Don't you just hate it when you can't tell", says Uniquette with a wink. Zyphr winks and says, "could you ever tell with Shaver?" "Snowlily had the next one?", asks Galinfenner. Zyphr winks and says, "BTW for you curious types, shaver's picture is on my website" Snowlily asks, "When are you going to duchesss, Zyphyr?" "I haven't decided if I will stay, if I do, it's just a matter of population", says Zyphr. Xyli says, "Shaver is one sexy man" Xyli snickers Racingnut says, "xylis havin delusions of grandeur" Xyli has another question when time "Ok, anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. Xyli asks, "Who else have ya "dated" in fed? and are you spying me now?" Zyphr laughs, "no, I'm not spying you now" Zyphr winks and says, "As who? Cressida or Zyphr?" Xyli says, "both" Zyphr says, "Cressida dated Budwarp" Zyphr winks and says, "Zyphr doesn't date...she's too mean... and Galin isn't available" Roslyn asks, "What website?" Galinfenner grins Xyli asks, "Do you want to peek up his kilt?" Galinfenner says, "Many have tried" Zyphr winks and says, "He let me last week" Xyli exclaims, "Shocking!" Zyphr squirms "www.shawnitasworld.com", says Zyphr. "What do you think of PMSuite?", asks Xyli. Esperanza uses the stem of the butterfly net to reach other and edge Galin's kilt up a wee bit Zyphr winks and says, "I think PMSuite rules" Xyli says, "good answer" Galinfenner grins Galinfenner asks, "anyone else?" Jazir raises a hand Galinfenner asks, "Jaz?" Zyphr wonders if the sword is his words ;) Zyphr exclaims, "lawyers!" Jazir smiles, "But PMSuite makes it much easier for players to promote faster. Why do you like it in spite of that fact?" "I use PMsuite to slow down promotions", says Zyphr with a wink. "No it doesn't, it's still taking me forever to promote", says Xyli. Jazir grins Xyli has another question! Jazir winks and says, "Good point Z" Zyphr adds Estate to the list ;) Zyphr says, "I really won't haul if I'm asked not to" "really?", asks Xyli. Zyphr nods, "really" "I just wait till I'm banned", says Xyli. Zyphr chuckles Galinfenner asks, "xyli another question?" Xyli asks, "Do you like Shaver or OG better?" Zyphr laughs, "Apples or Oranges? "Depends on the day", says Zyphr with a wink. Galinfenner winks and says, "Fruit salad" "I think Shaver would be the Orange", says Xyli. Xyli asks, "What's your favorite command in fed?" Uniquette doesn't think Shaver would be an apple unless it was a green sour one. Zyphr grins at Uniquette Wolfyn chuckles. "Shaver is gruff, Onyx is a romantic", says Zyphr. Galinfenner laughs Fancy seconds the grin. Zyphr smiles, "I talk to both of them quite frequently" "tell OG to IM me", says Xyli. Zyphr says, "Favorite command..." "That does bring up another question", says Uniquette. Zyphr nods to Xyli... Galinfenner asks, "Yes Uni?" Zyphr says, "cheat" Uniquette says, "It's curious how you're friends with both... I thought they were mortal enemies and I don't remember Shaver ever being the forgiving kind..." Galinfenner nods Uniquette says, "either you were with him or against him." Zyphr grins, "it is quite the line ;)" Uniquette asks, "How is it that you've remained friends with both of them?" "Actually I think that they both had great respect for the other...", says Zyphr. "When Shaver and I came back, we started using PMSuite which was Onyx's tool of choice", says Zyphr. Galinfenner winks and says, "Neither was known for respect" Zyphr says, "I think Shaver wished Onyx would've come back to liven up the game" "Who gave it to ya?", asks Xyli. Zyphr says, "kind of a love to hate you relationship" Galinfenner nods Zyphr grins at Galinfenner "Xyli gave it to us, but I know that Shaver has also talked to Sholevi", says Zyphr. Esperanza wonders to herself if Onyx isn't here...somewhere Uniquette asks, "So what is this PMSuite that you're talking about?" Xyli says, "I own it now, so he can talk to me" Roslyn looks around and think possibly so Xyli hmphs "I guarentee you that Onyx isn't here", says Zyphr. Ricmer nods to Zyphr, Ive talked to him on more than one occasion Zyphr :) "PMSuite is a hauling program", says Xyli. Zyphr says, "PMSuite was the triggers for hauling that ShoLevi created" Zyphr says, "It's used with zMud" Uniquette says, "Ok... I have one last question and then I'll stop." Galinfenner grins "Ok", says Galinfenner. Xyli exclaims, "Keep going, interogate her!" Uniquette thinks Galin had better speak up now if he wants her to shut up Zyphr grins, "you can ask as many as you want... and I'll answer anything that is asked" ;) Zyphr puts duct tape on Galin's mouth ;) Galinfenner exclaims, "Not at all. I just got you back. DOn't want to shut you up now!" Ricmer asks, "Originally, didnt RooRatt create PMSuite?" "NO", says Xyli. "Sholevi", says Zyphr. Uniquette asks, "You said earlier in this interview that you wanted the game to slow down. How can you make a statement like that if you're using triggers and macros to speed yourself up?" Racingnut coughs at that Uniquette is just curious. "Oh the paradoxes.", says Rasal with a wink. Esperanza nods "I didn't speed up the process... I didn't use PM Suite until I was tech and I didn't take groats from anyone...", says Zyphr. Uniquette smiles, "ahh... thank you" Zyphr smiles, "Zyphr didn't take groats" Racingnut wonders if uni ever had her fingers and both wrists hurt for days on end from hours of manual commod hauling "Racingnut the answer to that is yes", says Uniquette. "I don't say it's right or wrong, Uni... it shouldn't be so easy to promote, even with triggers", says Zyphr. "not fun is it? thats the main reason i went to macros", says Racingnut. Zyphr says, "Before, when we were all on AOL we didn't have that luxury and we had cycles that slowed everything down... and it was great because people learned the game and created their planets..." Galinfenner smiles, "and did puzzles" Uniquette says, "Actually... it didn't bother me Racing... it was my choice" Zyphr says, "Film Noir, Solace, Lotus... great places" Zyphr nods at Galin, and did puzzles Rasal notes sadly that Lotus has been lost in the ether recently. Racingnut says, "uni imho fed is not worth carpal tunnel and having to wear a brace for life sorry" Zyphr says, "I know IB took out Cycles when we went to the web, but I wasn't sure why paying on the web was different than pay to play on AOL" Wolfyn waves a hand. Esperanza nods. "It just went poof with no warning one night Galinfenner says, "Well, I've got no braces and no carpal tunnel." Uniquette winks and says, "Racingnut, this is the Meet and Greet... if you want a heated discussion about this later, please look me up" Galinfenner winks and says, "I've promoted many a commander to captain" Zyphr promoted manually... lot's of typos ;) Galinfenner asks, "Right, anyone else have a question for zyph?" Galinfenner hands Uni a cool drink Wolfyn sort of does. Galinfenner asks, "Yes?" "I dd'd manually too as Cressida... just typed faster than my screen", says Zyphr. Uniquette smiles sweetly as she sips it Wolfyn smiles, "Just please send on my best regards to Teran." Galinfenner grins "I would be happy to...", smiles Zyphr. Xyli asks, "Are you and Y gonna get married before he DD's?" Galinfenner asks, "Y?" Esperanza asks, "Y?" Zyphr sends idle Teran a IM from Wolfyn ;) Esperanza rechecks her notes Galinfenner looks at Esperanza Galinfenner says, "Jinx" "Shaver? Heck no!", exclaims Zyphr. Xyli says, "Shaver is Y, I'm X and Zyphr is Z" Zyphr has never ever ever been with Shaver in Fed and will never be! THANK GOD! ;) Esperanza says, "Ah" Zyphr grins "Should I make up some logs?", asks Xyli. Zyphr exclaims, "heck no!" Galinfenner laughs Zyphr shudders! "bring some spice to the game", says Xyli. Zyphr winks and says, "And Y will puke too... believe me" "Why do you call him Y?", asks Galinfenner. Xyli asks, "What's your opinion on cyber?" Fancy feels his right hind foot start to twitch. Zyphr winks and says, "We were all in Thorus, Galin and Xyli would come on and we'd yell X! then I was Z and Shaver for S just didn't work for us... so we changed it to Y" Zyphr says, "Cyber... do what you want to do..." "ahh", says Galinfenner. Xyli says, "X Y and Z" "Ok, Well, we've gone past the hour", says Galinfenner. "Time flies with someone special in your lap.", says Galinfenner with a wink. Zyphr squirms "That wasn't so bad", says Zyphr with a wink. "I'd like to thank Zyphr for being my victim tonight", says Galinfenner. Jazir grins and applauds Galinfenner smiles, "and I"d lke to thank the audience for being here" Uniquette applauds Zyphr Zyphr winks and says, "Thanks for the questions" Kariscats winks and says, "gosh I didn't get to sit in your lap when I was guest" Racingnut claps Wyldcat applauds Galinfenner exclaims, "Next week, I have Admrlrose as a guest!" "you just have to take advantage of the moment, Kariscats", says Zyphr with a wink. Fancy offers his lap for any willing female. Kariscats makes a note of that Xyli heads back to CDs Galinfenner says, "Apparently he is leaving the game, after the meet, Please join me ot find out more next week" |