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Urissa's Col J. L. Chamberlain has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Shel exclaims, "And here he is!" "The man of the hour!", exclaims Shel. Chamberlain smiles, "Hi everyone" Anseladams shines the lights on Chamberlain Shel grins Chamberlain climbs up on the stage and sits on a stool, grabbing a microphone. Shel says, "Well, looks like we are all set" Shel glances at Chamberlain Urissa thinks Chamberlain has done this before Shel pokes Anseladams Chamberlain says, "Sorry I'm late. I was hosting Deuces Wild." Shel says, "no problem" "how did that go?", asks Shel. Chamberlain smiles, "Very well. We had six players and Heatherjn and Seaurchin won" "great", smiles Shel. Shel smiles, "ok, if the guest is ready, we should begin" Chamberlain is ready Shel smiles, "Thanks everyone for joining us tonight" Charan smiles. Shel says, "Duke Chamberlain is our guest" "Chamberlain, when did you first come to Fed?", asks Shel. Chamberlain says, "Well, there are two ways to go here. We can talk about Chamberlain exclusively, Or we can talk about the charecters I have role played since I first began playing fed." "oh my", says Shel. "A few weeks ago I celebrated my eighth birthday in Fed. I began playing on February 5th, 1996.", says Chamberlain. Shel exclaims, "Wow!" Shel exclaims, "Congrats!" "Thanks. It has been fun", smiles Chamberlain. Shel asks, "since 96 huh?" "Did you begin as Chamberlain or no?", asks Shel. "In those days fed was on AOL and you had to use your AOL screen name.", says Chamberlain. Japresnik checks under the tables and behind the bar for listening devices Shel nods Chamberlain says, "Mine was Cupton2980. But everyone called me Cup for short." Shel smiles "Do you remember anyone in particular that helped you out as a newbie?", asks Shel. "When we moved to the web I shortened it and after a run in with Barb and a lock. I changed it to Kup.", says Chamberlain. Shel asks, "oh my, a run in with Barb?" Shel listens closely for the juicy details Chamberlain says, "Oh yes. I met a merchant named Eldof33. He took me under his wing and was my mentor." Shel raises her hand Shel grins at Preach Preach giggles Sallyanne raises hers too. ;) Japresnik remembers Eldorff33 fondly. Shel says, "very nice" "What Duchy did you spend your time in growing up?", asks Shel. "Heliopolis.", says Chamberlain. Shel asks, "Was that your Duchy when you became a PO?" Chamberlain says, "It was a game created Duchy. When it closed we all moved to Pacifica and then later to Mirror after Wave did the Duke puzzle." Preach was in Mirror Shel remembers those Duchys Chamberlain says, "No. When I onlined Pepperland, Mirror was full." Shel smiles "Pepperland?", asks Shel. Chamberlain says, "I experimented with a few Duchies and finally settled in Neverland." "oh Wow", says Shel. Japresnik gasps "are you kidding?", asks Shel. Nuhira remembers neverland well "Tbarculosis?", asks Japresnik. Jazir does as well Shel says, "I remember Pepperland and Neverland" Chamberlain smiles Shel gasps Shel asks, "that was you?" "That was me", says Chamberlain. Shel blinks "you were tbar!!! oh wow", says Nuhira. "no", says Shel. Shel says, "he wasn't Tbar" Sallyanne giggles. "Cup, AKA Kup. Duke of Pepperland.", says Chamberlain. Shel says, "but" Japresnik says, "nope" Chamberlain bows "I remember that name and that planet", says Shel. Charan remembers Kup. "Tbar was my Duke. Duke of Neverland.", says Chamberlain. Shel says, "funny how I can't remember names till they are said" Shel grins Japresnik says, "oh you are a troubled man for living within his realm" Japresnik chuckles Sallyanne giggles. "So, what happened to Kup?", asks Shel. "Sometime towards the end of 2002, I decided to quit Fed. So I DDed him.", says Chamberlain. Chamberlain says, "I went to the IBGames site and closed his account." Chamberlain says, "I had an alt named Sagramore who'm I also DDed. I was about to close his account too and then something came over me." Chamberlain couldn't do it. Shel winks and says, "something? Or, someone?" "I decided to create a character as an experiment.", says Chamberlain. Chamberlain says, "I wanted to see how quickly I could come up the ranks without anyone's help." Jazir smiles Chamberlain says, "It took 8 months to make Squire on AOL. I went to Duke in 40 days with help after my lock. I wanted to see how fast it could be done knowing what I do now and without anyone's help." "To avoid any help, my identity had to be a secret.", says Chamberlain. "It was hard seeing friends on here and not saying anything to them.", says Chamberlain. Chamberlain says, "Anyway, That was how Chamberlain came to be." Shel smiles Shel asks, "so did your friends know Chamberlain was you then?" "or no?", asks Shel. Chamberlain says, "That year my Daughter and I toured the battlefield at Gettysburg. So choosing a name wasn't very hard." "No... No one knew for quite a while.", says Chamberlain. Chamberlain says, "Urissa was the first person I ever confided in." Urissa smiles and nods to her sweetie Shel smiles at Urissa "So you knew Urissa before you were Chamberlain", says Shel. "By the way. The experiment went pretty well. I made it to Baron in less than 4 months.", says Chamberlain. Shel asks, "on your own?" Shel asks, "no help?" "Yes. On my own.", says Chamberlain. "Good job!", exclaims Shel. Chamberlain smiles Urissa was very proud of him Shel asks, "It was much harder to rank on AOL fed wasn't it?" "Urissa and I were Duchymates in Wyldfire. That is where I met her.", says Chamberlain. Shel says, "awww" Urissa smiles Chamberlain says, "I'm not sure if it was harder. I think it was more that I knew what I was doing this time around." Shel says, "You two seem very happy together" Preach feels all warm and tingly Japresnik hands preach a hanky. Urissa nods to Shel Shel smiles Preach blows and honks Urissa tickles Preach "So, as chamberlain, where did you grow up?", asks Shel. "Lovely, Preach", says Urissa. Chamberlain smiles, "We're very happy. Urissa is wonderful. She is the only reason I am still here. The experiment is over. I am here for her now" Preach smiles sweetly. Jazir smiles Shel smiles, "that is soooo sweet" Urissa beams Nuhira smiles at urissa. "I did lots of trading in Starsicle. It was my plan to get involved there because I knew the Duchesse.", says Chamberlain. Chamberlain says, "About the time I was ready for Factories, Snowstar decided to leave Fed." Shel asks, "That was the Duchesse?" "Dizzyana took me under her wing and I wound up joining Lostnspace.", says Chamberlain. Shel nods Shel asks, "Until you Duked?" Chamberlain says, "Then Dizzyana got ill and the Duchy kept closing. I had befriended Wyldcat who was another one of her PO's. He did the Duke Puzzle and I moved to his Duchy." Shel smiles, "Wonderful" Charan smiles. "It was there that I met Urissa. Duke Wyldcat married us last summer.", smiles Chamberlain. "I know you have recently climbed back up from DD'ing, was that the only time you DD'd?", asks Shel. "He was nervous about it.", says Sallyanne with a wink. Shel grins "Actually, no.", says Chamberlain. Shel asks, "no?" Urissa grins Shel asks, "and could you tell us HOW that happened?" Chamberlain says, "I had a teleporter accident when I was one build from the Duke Puzzle." Sallyanne winces. Shel cringes Shel says, "ouch" Chamberlain says, "The second time around I had Urissa to help me. So I got back to Baron quite quickly." Chamberlain says, "She wanted a Duke for a husband. I would've stayed a Baron if it wasn't for her." Urissa smiles, "he was very helpful too, he worked his cute little behind off getting back..." Chamberlain smiles at Urissa Chamberlain says, "The accident you were refuring to Shel came later." Shel asks, "and how did that one occur?" Chamberlain says, "I was exploring Carrion in Sol and did something stupid. It was my own fault." Urissa didn't want him to go to Charrion Chamberlain tickles Urissa Urissa smiles at Chamberlain with a wink "There are dead end space locations there. I made an f-key to suicide, teleport to Gettysberg and reinsure.", says Chamberlain. Urissa shivers remembering Chamberlain says, "When I got on the ground on Carrion I forgot that the f-key still had suicide added to it. I walked into a death location and hit my insure f-key and suicided. It was dumb on my part." Shel gasps "oh no", says Shel with a frown. Jazir says, "ACk" Shel smiles, "Glad to see you back at Duke" Japresnik nods in agreement Chamberlain says, "By then Gettysburg and Allegro were thriving Duchies. Our PO's helped a lot and I got back to Duke very fast." Urissa is very glad to see her duke back Chamberlain is very grateful to them "Can you tell me a little about your tri duchy thing?", asks Shel. Shel asks, "There are three duchies allied together?" Chamberlain says, "Hook went to Horsel the same day I DDed so our PO's would have a home." Urissa smiles, "Hook jumped in and duked to rescue the planets that ended up in Sol." Japresnik was cold out in sol. Chamberlain smiles, "So now, Channel 18 has three Duchies. Allegro, Crater and Gettysburg." "That was very nice of him", says Shel. Urissa smiles, "He was terrific and the roundup begin." Shel smiles, "that reminds me of the IO/MBA/Flying days" Chamberlain nods "of which I was raised", smiles Shel. Chamberlain says, "We had the same thing in Neverland. Neverland, Wired and Oz. All on channel 24." Furgas holds up his allegro rules flag Urissa giggles at Furgas "Is there anything you would change in fed if you could?", asks Shel. Chamberlain winks and says, "Oh, don't get me started. Lol" "too long of a list?", asks Shel. Shel grins "I think a lot of the changes that Alan is making in Fed2 are good. I don't like all the auto hauling and it looks like that's going to be hard to do in Fed2.", says Chamberlain. Jazir nods and smiles Japresnik nudges preach Preach looks innocent. Sallyanne stifles a laugh. Chamberlain says, "I beleive that this is a game that is meant to be played. By the person. Not by his computer." Shel smiles "You computer can't decide to buy from Charan because she needs the help more than Furgas does. It just looks for the best price.", says Chamberlain. "No offense Fugas. It was just an example", says Chamberlain with a wink. Sallyanne nods. Japresnik whispers to chamberlain, "i wont haul to furgas either." Nuhira thwaps nik gently Chamberlain says, "Other than that I can't think of anything I would change. Fed is still fun and I'm have the time of my life." Shel smiles "What advice would you give to a newbie?", asks Shel. "Join Allegro.", says Chamberlain with a wink. Japresnik laughs Urissa applauds! Nuhira chuckles "no offence", says Furgas. Jazir laughs Preach cough, "Plug". cough. Shel giggles Urissa laughs "Actually. I try to help Newbies as much as they want. But if they want to do it on there own I respect that.", says Chamberlain. Japresnik picks up the plug and hands it back to preach Preach feels a small electric shock. "You can have that back." Shel asks, "If a newbie asked advice on trading, what would you tell them?" Chamberlain says, "Eldorf33 was a Friend of Japresnik" which was a group in AOL fed that believed in helping others. I have always tried to live by that philosophy." Japresnik says, "very good advice to give and live by Chamberlain, that would make the real jap proud" Japresnik smiles "The best thing to do is find a Duchy that is active and trade in it exclusively. Work with the PO's. If you help them they will help you. Trader is a hard rank but it has it's rewards.", says Chamberlain. Chamberlain poses showing you his Friends T-shirt. Jazir notes there is nothing wrong with inactive duchies, they are fine places too Shel grins Japresnik remembers the t-shirts well Sallyanne agress with Jaz on that one. Sallyanne agrees as well. Shel smiles, "Thank you for being our guest tonight Chamberlain" Chamberlain winks and says, "Are you suggesting that a new trader should work in an inactive Duchy, Jaz?" "Anyone have any questions for Chamberlain?", asks Shel. Jazir winks and says, "Well, if they could find a way to do it profitably, they'd be smarter then the rest of us" Sallyanne laughs! Chamberlain chuckles Chamberlain looks out in the crowd for questions Japresnik raises his hand "Jap?", asks Shel. "Nik?", asks Chamberlain. "You're not teaching right now, Jap.", says Preach with a wink. Shel giggles Japresnik asks, "any players that you had as adversaries?" Shel smiles, "good question" "Hrmmm... Good Question.", says Chamberlain. The cleaner has just arrived. "I have had many and for many different reasons.", says Chamberlain. "ack", says Japresnik. Preach kicks the cleaner The cleaner has just left. Chamberlain smiles, "Thanks Preach" Preach smiles, "My pleasure." Japresnik met the cleaner about an hour ago Japresnik exclaims, "it took my watch!" "Never trust a mobile.", says Sallyanne. Preach winks and says, "Bah, don't trust the non-mobiles, either." Sallyanne winks and says, "Good point." Jazir laughs "Players that I had disagerents with over hauling. Over Women. Over many things.", says Chamberlain. Japresnik says, "and opal, diamond, thimble, vandier, sargeur, token, and umm what else, sandwich" "er, disagrements.", says Chamberlain. Chamberlain hopes you can read typo. Nuhira reads and types it very well Chamberlain grins "if you grew up around tbar you had to learn typo language quickly", says Japresnik. Nuhira nods Shel snickers Chamberlain says, "Well... tbar was a drinker. And back in those days I was too." Preach has bought you a drink! Japresnik slugs it down Japresnik passes out a round of Japresto's Finest Cold Ale. Chamberlain Thinks that Tbar and I may have understood each other when no one else could ;) Jazir smiles and thanks folks Shel smiles Shel asks, "Any other questions?" Chamberlain says, "I'm still working on Gettysburg. My other goal when I started was to get it reviewed." Shel smiles "It's definitely worth exploring for history of the Civil War", says Urissa. Chamberlain says, "I'm very proud of it. If you're in to the American Civil war it is worth a look at L(" "what does the J stand for in JC?", asks Japresnik. Chamberlain says, "Joshua." Urissa grins Preach thinks 'Jesus' Nuhira has given Preach a sloppy tickle! Japresnik nods cause he always wondered that "Colonal Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, 20th Maine, Army of the Potomac, at your service", says Chamberlain with a wink. Jazir smiles Chamberlain snaps a salute Urissa says, "Visit Gettysburg, the information is all there" Shel says, "Thanks all for joining us tonight" "Thank you Chamberlain", smiles Shel. Chamberlain winks and says, "Or watch "Gods and Generals"" Japresnik says, "thanks for hosting and presenting, both of you" Chamberlain smiles, "Thanks for Hosting Shel. This was fun" Preach winks and says, "God's and Generals was filmed in my town." Jazir applauds "It was fun, and interesting", says Shel. Nuhira says, "was very interesting chamberlain. and thanks shel for hosting." Shel says, "I learned lots more about you Chamberlain" Chamberlain asks, "Harper's Ferry, Preach?" Urissa applauds wildly and cheers her Joshua Preach smiles, "Well, the indoor stuff. Hagerstown." Chamberlain nods Shel pokes anseladams Anseladams blinks Anseladams packs up his cameras |