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An extremely elaborate portrait of Flair has just arrived. Anseladams says, "ok, time to get started" "ready Flair?", asks Anseladams. Xyli exclaims, "Lets jump her!" "Sure", says Flair. "no Xyli, thats later", says Anseladams. Furgas gets the big bright light over flair ready "ok Flair, how did you come to first find our lovely universe?", asks Anseladams. Flair laughs Flair winks and says, "Lovely? I wouldn't call it that, but close enough" "I found it on AOL when I was 13", says Flair. Anseladams asks, "as the banner?" "...I played it till it went to the web and quit.", says Flair. Flair says, "Yep, as the banner" Jazir grins Flair winks and says, "And when it went flat rate, I talked some poor chap into paying for me" Anseladams wonders how many people actually clicked on that banner. Anseladams laughs. Chewbaconn 's checks are still bouncing Xyli exclaims, "rocking kid!" Anseladams asks, "who was it?" "And he paid for me for years.", says Flair. Flair says, "Scorperticus" "was he one of the first to help you out in Fed?", asks Anseladams. Flair says, "So yea, and then I started doin events and my accounts went comped." Flair says, "No, the person to first help me out was Uraspy, he played the piano in CD's a lot." Anseladams nods. "anyone else you remember helping you out?", asks Anseladams. Flair says, "Yea, during the time I wasn't playing, I forgot everything. Then I came back and Calyx and Lexie helped me out a bunch." Anseladams nods. "And when I got to have my planet (which took forever because I'm the laziest fedder ever), Snowstar and Srgasman were my parents.", says Flair. Anseladams remembers those names. Anseladams asks, "what were some of your interests back then?" Flair shades her eyes from the lights as she looks around the audience. Flair winks and says, "Uhh, I can't really talk about them here, it's probably deemed very inappropriate" Anseladams says, "oooooooooooooook.. moving on then" "aw man", says Xyli. Flair giggles "any interesting relationships in your past?", asks Anseladams. Xyli says, "Nothing juicy" "Everything about me is juicy", says Flair with a wink. Chewbaconn grins. "Relationships...I was married to Uraspy in AOL Fed. When I came back after hourly Fed was over, I didn't have really any relationships except one.", says Flair. Anseladams asks, "and that was?" "That was Jonathan. We butted heads pretty bad. REALLY bad.", says Flair. "But now I'm happily Fed2wed to Chewie.", smiles Flair. Chewbaconn smiles warmly. Flair says, "He's the greatest" Flair has given Chewbaconn a sloppy kiss! Chewbaconn has given Flair a friendly kiss! Anseladams says, "a happy relationship is the best kind" "Fed2 has better kisses..No sloppies!", exclaims Flair. "any embarrassing moments you would like to share?", asks Anseladams. "No, but I'll tell ya about one that someone else had", says Flair. Flair has given Anseladams a sloppy tickle! Anseladams blushes. "um... if it the one I'm thinking it is, its best not said", says Anseladams. Flair sighs deeply Flair exclaims, "But inquiring minds need to know!" Fancy says, "Well, we'll never know if it is unless she says so." "um... no, they don't", says Anseladams. "down with censorship!", exclaims Chewbaconn. Anseladams laughs. Flair giggles "I'm not the first to do it, and certainly won't be the last", says Anseladams. Flair goes WOAH and backspaces Anseladams laughs. Flair winks and says, "You shouldn't have said it was you!" Anseladams says, "certainly you have one from your long history in Fed" Flair says, "Get back to me on that." Chewbaconn can see Flair accidently xt'ing some sexual act Fancy grins and chuckles. "pretty common thing from what I hear", says Chewbaconn. Flair chuckles Jazir can see Flair doing it on purpose ;) "Yay! Someone knows me!", exclaims Flair. Chewbaconn nods to Jazir Flair giggles at Jaz "Fancy is busted!", exclaims Flair. Fancy chuckles at Flair's "clothes". "what keeps you coming back to Fed?", asks Anseladams. "Mudsex.", says Flair. Flair says, "Oh, wait, hehe." Anseladams laughs. Flair says, "Nah, really, I just like the people" "I want to know her most embarassing moment", says Xyli. Xyli says, "She's holding out" "Well, that would be the polite way to put it", says Jazir with a wink. Anseladams is looking at her old M&G to find one. Flair was hoping nobody would catch on. "ok, lets hear it Flair", says Anseladams. Flair looks at Xyli. "Alright. There was this one time...at band camp..", says Flair. Flair says, "No, wrong line." Chewbaconn remembers that time! Flair says, "There was this one time that I was going to ask Galin out..." "But he laughed at me.", says Flair. "did you get under his kilt?", asks Anseladams. Nuhira has just arrived. Flair says, "No, but there was someone already under his kilt." Chewbaconn is looking at you... Flair shouts, "XYLI!" Xyli smirks Flair shudders Xyli says, "Like mother like daughter dear" "what of the rumors that you are the spawn of Xyli and Ming?", asks Anseladams. Furgas smiles Flair exclaims, "Ming's not my papa, that was my baby brother that just *happened* to disappear. I've no clue where he went, I swear!" "riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight Flair", says Anseladams. "I wish Ming were my daddy, I'd be rich!", exclaims Flair. "Oh yeah the other kid", says Xyli. Anseladams exclaims, "oh, I found it!" "What?", asks Flair. "tell us about Kradya", says Anseladams. "You had a hard time finding it in the first place?", says Flair with a wink. "uh, no... tell us about Alexy's rabbit", says Chewbaconn. Flair hands Ansel a magnifying glass "Kradya's a ho.", says Flair. Nuhira tries not to chuckle Anseladams asks, "how so?" Flair says, "..And Alexy's rabbit...heh, the jackrabbit in the Oral Fixations 101 class." Chewbaconn grins. Flair remembers that class clearly. Anseladams asks, "Oral Fixations class?" Flair says, "Yessir, Synch was the teacher." Anseladams asks, "what was he teaching?" "Me and a buncha other girls were the students.", says Flair. "Oral Fixations, silly!", exclaims Flair. Chewbaconn bops some reading comprehensions into Anseladams. "ok, what are some details on what he taught then? lol", says Anseladams. "So, Alexy had this teaching aid, it was called a jackrabbit.", says Flair. Anseladams says, "ok" "It taught us girls lots", says Flair with a wink. Flair says, "It taught us the value of sharing..." Nuhira can just imagine what "OH ewwwwwwwww", says Xyli. Chewbaconn says, "sharing is good" Flair laughs Nuhira asks, "sharing what tho?" Chewbaconn winks and says, "think 'bout it" Anseladams doesn't think he wants to know. Nuhira just wanted flair to elaborate for the others "It also taught us the joy of playtime.", says Flair. Xyli asks, "You cleaned it please god before you shared?" Nuhira rofl "Of course, we had some Wet nearby.", says Flair. "can you think of anything you would change with Fed, or Fed2, at this point?", asks Anseladams. Flair says, "I went on and on about it at my last M&G. This time it's cosmetic. And for F2." Flair exclaims, "In F2, I want my planet already so I ain't gotta mudsex in the hallway!" Chewbaconn blushes. Fancy chuckles. Anseladams laughs. "I have questions!", exclaims Xyli. Chewbaconn asks, "what's your favorite vegetable?" "Carrot.", says Flair. Chewbaconn asks, "why a carrot?" Flair has deja vu. Flair winks and says, "Ever seen Bio-Dome?" Chewbaconn is spending the night at Flair's house! Anseladams laughs. "yes, I have... a couple times", says Chewbaconn with a wink. Flair clears her bed off for Chewie Flair asks, "What's your question, Xyli?" Anseladams asks, "any else have a question?" Chewbaconn says, "everyone has dreams about killing a fedder..." Chewbaconn asks, "...who would you whack if you had the chance?" Chewbaconn looks around, "What? you guys don't?" Flair giggles Flair has murderous tendencies, sure. "Oooo Who would you most like in a dungeon rotting?", asks Xyli. Xyli asks, "Who would you most like to tar and tickle?" Flair smiles, "Tar and tickle, ooh, that'd be fun" Anseladams says, "I thought it was tar and feather" Flair says, "That would have to be Snowstar, but she's not around anymore. She'd squirm like hell." Fancy thinks Snowstar might be in Fed 2. "WHo is your fed idol?", asks Xyli. "Chewie. He's really really really smart.", smiles Flair. Chewbaconn blushes some more. Xyli asks, "Who would you most like to be like in here?" Flair says, "And in F2, Marina because it's 'All Marina All The Time'" Flair asks, "In F1 or F2?" Xyli says, "f1, not everyone plays f2" Flair makes a face Flair says, "Nobody. I like bein myself." "where did you get your name from?", asks Anseladams. Furgas refuses to play f2 til he can take his planet with him "How would you describe yourself in 2 words?", asks Xyli. Nuhira catches herself coming and going between the two Flair says, "Fed name...I was looking for an elegant name, so I looked up 'elegant' in the thesaurus and came upon the word flair. I loved it, and it's been me everywhere I go ever since." Jazir grins Anseladams says, "that makes sense" "flair: dead sexy", says Chewbaconn. Flair asks, "2 words...Chewie, what was the definition of Flair again?" Fancy smiles. Flair laughs! Anseladams chuckles. Xyli says, "Come on, others ask questions too" Chewbaconn stops reading Flair's mind. "anyone else have one?", asks Anseladams. Flair says, "Me and Chewie have this ability to read each other's minds." "what's your favorite fruit?", asks Chewbaconn. Flair says, "Ooh, good one.." "I think a chocolate covered strawberry...So sensual", says Flair. Flair asks, "Heh, and for those of you doubting our mind-reading skills, as I was typing that Chewie IMed me: Strawberry?" "strawberries aren't a fruit, if I remember correctly", says Anseladams. "Anything with seeds is a fruit", says Flair with a wink. Xyli asks, "How did you and Chewie hook up?" Chewbaconn says, "they're fleshy like a fruit" Xyli asks, "Then all veggies are fruits?" "no that's tomatoes arent a vegie. i think", says Nuhira. "It's the fruit with its seeds on the outside.", says Fancy. Flair says, "...A pea is the fruit of a pod...Tomatoes are a fruit..." "Anyhow, me and Chewie..", says Flair. "strawberries are a berry though", says Anseladams. "We've known each other forever...I never thought he'd be remotely interested in me though, so was happy just bein friends with him.", says Flair. "Then I saw him in F2, and if ya didn't know, I have an obsession with flirting.", says Flair. "no way!", exclaims Anseladams. "So I was flirting with him, found a few commonalities and really started to dig him after a few days.", says Flair. "I sent him a tb one night that said 'Yanno, if I wasn't such an obsessive flirt and you were into mudmarriage, I'd say let's get hitched'", says Flair. Anseladams chuckles. Nuhira laughs Anseladams asks, "so you did?" Chewbaconn says, "damn, word for word" "And we married in 3k a few days later on a whim, followed by an official wedding in F2 on Monday, Jan 26.", says Flair. "If your past fed wed came back, would you dump Chewie?", asks Xyli. "Which was interrupted by none other than Bella.", says Flair. "Hell no.", says Flair. Jazir chuckles Anseladams says, "ah yes, the fabled reset" Flair says, "Yep, it was a reset, but Bella was kind enough to let us finish our vows." Anseladams says, "well that was nice of her" Flair coughs a bit and nods "anything else you would like to say before we go?", asks Anseladams. "We're done already?", asks Flair. "I was just gettin started..", says Flair. Anseladams chuckles. "Ansel has a hot date, I think", says Chewbaconn. Anseladams says, "well tell us something about you then" Fancy says, "If you have more to say, go for it." "...maybe with a liquor bottle", says Chewbaconn. Flair says, "Yes, there's something I wanna say." "I want everyone to know that I love Chewie", smiles Flair. Anseladams says, "awwwwwwwwww" Fancy smiles. Chewbaconn blinks, but in a good way. Flair has given Chewbaconn a friendly kiss! Nuhira thinks that's very sweet Chewbaconn has given Flair a tender kiss! Flair makes it so much more than friendly you wanna turn your face Nuhira is envious Flair grins Anseladams asks, "anyone else have anything they want to say, or any questions?" "does this go in the fednews?", asks Nuhira. Flair nods and grins Anseladams says, "yes, it does" "It'll be on the website in perpetuity", says Fancy with a wink. Nuhira says, "oh good cuz i missed the first part :-)" "probably like Tuesday", says Anseladams. Anseladams asks, "anyone else have anything they would like to say?" Flair says, "Yes, please, ask me a good question." Nuhira asks, "do you two plan on having children?" Flair chokes Chewbaconn wears rubber gloves for a reason Flair laughs Furgas laughs Nuhira would love to see a bunch of chewies running around "ok, I think that that wraps things up for tonight", says Anseladams. Anseladams says, "thanks a lot for coming out tonight Flair" "join me in 2 weeks for the next M&G with Chamberlain!", exclaims Anseladams. |