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Wolfyn exclaims, "Ladies and gentlemen.. welcome to tonight's Meet and Greet featuring Hook!" Galinfenner smiles, "Hi" Wolfyn waves Hook up to the stage. Wolfyn peers around for Hook? Wolfyn starts the room chant, "Hook, Hook, Hook, Hook, Hook..." Galinfenner grins Hook moves through to the stage Furgas starts chanting hook hook hook hook Wendee applauds "Thanks for being our guest tonight, Hook. Tell us how you first stumbled onto Fed.", smiles Wolfyn. Hook shakes with the guys and hugs the girls twice Wolfyn wonders if the neuters are left out. Hook smiles, "I was bored and on aol" Hook says, "I am scifi freek and ........" "How long ago was that?", asks Wolfyn. Hook says, "early fall of 96" Wolfyn says, "Wow, you're old then." Hook blushes Wolfyn grins. "no h00tin pls", says Hook. Wolfyn asks, "Do you remember anyone that helped you out during those days?" "just cause I am old don't mean I still ain't good", smiles Hook. Wolfyn chuckles. "a few yes. Longstrider was the first to ever show me anything", says Hook. "Longstrider ... there's an old name.", says Galinfenner. Fancy winks and says, "Third best duchy in Fed" Hook says, "He gave me my first hauling tip" Galinfenner chuckles "that's right Fancy", smiles Hook. "then he invited me to help in the JP puz", says Hook. Wolfyn asks, "What was the tip.. don't haul to the Sun?" "dont fall for the solar ATM", says Racingnut. Hook lol Hook smiles, "I had already learned some of that" Wolfyn grins. "the hard way", says Hook. "it was woods from gondor, actually", says Hook. Wolfyn smiles, "Have you always been Hook or did you have one of those wacko AOL names." Hook ended up with a wacho aol name Wolfyn asks, "Did you get a planet?" Hook says, "yes, with my wacho aol name, hehe" "What duchies did you end up in?", asks Wolfyn. Hook grins MBA, Flying, and IO "Wow.", smiles Wolfyn. Hook says, "JT picked me up after the PO I had fac on got the boot" "Were you a duke with that first persona, Hook?", asks Wolfyn. "yes, I was", says Hook. Wolfyn asks, "Cool! Did I dump commods in your duchy?" Hook laughs and doesn't think so Hook says, "I was working on the duke Puz when the game took it out" "Oh my.", says Wolfyn. Fancy says, "That must have been around the time Fed moved to the web." "right after I think", says Hook. "so I sat on my hands .......till it was back", says Hook. Wolfyn grins, then you probably sat in line to try the new puzzle. Hook thinks had hands then Hook says, "O yes, like all the rest of the crazy lines we went through, like the ACID" Wolfyn grins. "But this time you're one of the newest dukes in Fed with a thriving duchy - I assume you started over.", says Wolfyn. Hook says, "no. I was a baron for years, I am an alt. My duke dded" Wolfyn blinks. Hook says, "HE started over LOL" Wolfyn grins. Wolfyn gets a headache trying to figure out if the duke knew his alt duked after the dukely dd. Hook thinks that was a mouth full Wolfyn asks, "What can you tell us about Crater. Any duchy philosophies you can share with us?" Hook says, "well crater is a new duchy. The Duke Chamberlain and the Duchess Urissa took me in as a baron" "I had started the Duke puz years ago, but my evil duke wouldn't let me promote", says Hook. "Bad evil duke.", says Wolfyn with a frown. Hook says, "Gettysburg and Allegro suffered a few small set backs, as I am sure we all know" Chamberlain grins "We do? Fill us in! Details!", exclaims Wolfyn. Hook says, "All I can say is that just because your a duke, you may be smart, but as smart as you think you are, Duke or not, someone is smarter, or luckier" Wolfyn wonders if there's evil ducal skeletons hidden away! "We all get careless with our porters, and such", says Hook. Hook peers at Tmb Wolfyn nods solemnly. "other then the fact that the Duke was on a fact finding mission, I don't know what happened", says Hook. "So how did this impact Crater?", asks Wolfyn. Hook says, "but I was asked if I could help the Gettsyberg Planets, and I tried" "I failed to solve the first attempt", says Hook with a frown. "so some hours later I went back with renewed ammunition", smiles Hook. "I had completed the first part of the puz years ago.", says Hook. Hook says, "so I only had to do the second part" Hook says, "needless to say I wasn't happy and quite concerned for the planets now in sol" "but with the support of good friends we got it off.", says Hook. Hook says, "as far as duchy policies. I do and have always tried to be fare, and judge fare" Galinfenner smirks Hook smiles and again has good help and support Chamberlain smiles Hook smiles, "this game used to make a point of that" Hook says, "the good help and being fare I mean" Wolfyn asks, "Well, how about the good stuff... any love interests in Fed?" Wolfyn nudges Hook... love interests. Love interests. Hook says, "None lately. But I 've been lucky once or twice" Wolfyn asks, "So you're eligible?" Hook thinks of the guys smirking out there Fancy grins, trying to avoid smirking. "ok, ok", says Hook. Chamberlain thinks about the ladies plotting out there Wolfyn hands out Hook's comm unit number to the ladies. "when I was a JP...........yea yea I know", says Hook. Hook says, "or my wacho aol persona" Hook says, "I meet a Trader, Joansen." Hook says, "she worked for aol, and lived in Canada" "she could only play 4 hrs a day, not a good thing when trying to run fac to promote", says Hook. Hook says, "and back then as many know it was tough" "galin and the team wouldn't let you sleep", says Hook. Hook glances towards Galin Galinfenner smiles "thanks.", says Japresnik. Hook says, "anyway the long and the short was, it was good. And because of the team work and effort of players Like Long and JTmoomau she was promoted" Hook says, "she doesn't play any more as I know" "my first planet just out of the shop became a experiment", says Hook. Hook chuckles "What kind of experiment?", asks Wolfyn. Hook says, "to promote a player on 4 hrs a day in as short a time as possible. Long gave us a menu if you will, while I was at work she would set the ex to her fac" Wolfyn nods. Hook says, "then reset and when I got home I reset for her and so it went for about two weeks" "Neat.", smiles Wolfyn. Hook smiles, "I had alot of good help and good Players - friends" "there's an ex dedicated to them in fed somewhere", says Hook. "Do you have a most embarrassing Fed moment you can share with us?", asks Wolfyn. "well you mean which is the most embarrasing", says Hook. "I take it that means there were several.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Hook says, "and aside from "tb your and As......." Hook asks, "and you forgot the " was there?" Hook says, "prob CG getting the bosses best shorts" "Ohhh! What did they look like?", smiles Wolfyn. "tailored with "Home of the Whopper" on them", says Hook. Wolfyn laughs. Chamberlain chuckles Wolfyn asks, "Does anyone have a question for Hook tonight?" Galinfenner looks around the room Hook looks around "Anyone have any answers for him then?", asks Wolfyn. Hook laughs Wolfyn grins. "I've got a few, but they are all wrong", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn says, "Thank you Hook for being our guest tonight!" |