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"whoops..", says Wirebreak. Wirebreak exclaims, "welcome to Meet and Greet everyone!" Wirebreak exclaims, "tonight we are honored to be in the presence of Fed's one and only fighting bunny, Mashimaro!!" Chamberlain applauds "Rabbit..not bunny..Rabbit", says Mashimaro with a wink. Wirebreak hits the button for the applause sign. Jazir claps wildly Wirebreak scowls at the silent audience. Mashimaro listens for the crickets "Mashi, please tell us, how did you come to find Fed?", asks Wirebreak. Mashimaro grabs one to use for fishing later "ahh yes memory lane", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro grabs his cane and walker Mashimaro says, "lets see" Mashimaro says, "about 2 months before AOL went unlimited a friend of mine signed up and found Fed one nite" "he mentioned it to me and then lost his computer for about 3 months", says Mashimaro. "ouch", says Wirebreak. Mashimaro says, "mostly because i was on it playing fed" "so it was your fault he lost his computer?", asks Wirebreak. Chamberlain asks, "Did he ever find it?" Mashimaro winks and says, "oh it was in the same spot, i was just parked in front of it fighting for jobs to haul" Wirebreak laughs. Mashimaro says, "eventually though i made it out of sol and to trader" "ooooo.. the mysterious trader rank", says Wirebreak. "I wonder how many people in this room actually went through the whole trading thing", says Wirebreak. "I did", says Jazir. Art raises her hand. "lol i spent months on 4 asking for pc's", says Mashimaro. Wirebreak asks, "what was your name back then?" Mashimaro says, "Jedixwing" Wirebreak should have known. Mashimaro says, "which i lost when i got my own aol account and became jedixwing2" Wirebreak asks, "remember anyone in particular helping you out back then?" Mashimaro says, "a few, JandSlube, Smokngnr, Aldva, Annavia, OG, although he was more into laughing at me for 30 minutes and then helping..but that was just OG" Wirebreak laughs. "eventually i got facs and stayed a merchant till webfed came around", says Mashimaro. Wirebreak asks, "what did you do then?" "promoted to PO and moved into Annavia's new duchy", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro says, "then promptly dd'd about 10 times" Wirebreak says, "ouch" Mashimaro says, "oh it was quite on purpose" "why did you dd on purpose?", asks Wirebreak. Mashimaro says, "wellllll" Mashimaro says, "see i was married in rl and could only have one account...but i liked building planets" Wirebreak says, "ok" "so i would just dd when a planet got old and buil", says Mashimaro. Jazir smiles Mashimaro says, "err buolt a new one" "grr", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro says, "yeah anyway" Lirimaer smiles, "one more time" WoLfPaCk'S dUkE, Greyspacewolf has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Mashimaro considers having wolf fur in front of his fireplace Greyspacewolf looks insulted WoLfPaCk'S dUkE, Greyspacewolf has just vanished. Mashimaro says, "eventually i settled on one name and one planet" Wirebreak asks, "which was?" "i was Dalaquin and the planet was Wizardry", says Mashimaro. "I'm guessing that Dalaquin is a favorite character of yours?", asks Wirebreak. Mashimaro says, "An original character i made up in about 86 when i played D and D" "oooooooooooh", says Wirebreak. "I remember Dalaquin..", says Jazir. Wirebreak asks, "what happened to that character?" "He went the way of bad memories and is in other games", says Mashimaro. "ah", says Wirebreak. Mashimaro says, "long story on that one that would take 3 meet and greets to get through" Mashimaro chuckles Wirebreak wants to hear it now. Mashimaro coughs and has a memory lapse "where am i?", asks Mashimaro. Wirebreak laughs. Mashimaro curses old fed age Wirebreak asks, "what happened after Dalaquin left us?" Jazir chuckles Mashimaro says, "After Dalaquin left there was a string of other characters and planets, and then i left fed for about 6 months" Wirebreak says, "ok" "Returned with Darkensi for more hilarity and good times", says Mashimaro. Wirebreak remembers lots of stories about Darkensi. Wirebreak asks, "any past romances?" Mashimaro says, "oh there were a few tales about him" "lol Wire, i was not called a fed whore for nothing", says Mashimaro. Wirebreak laughs. Wirebreak sees Hazed editing that out first thing. Mashimaro chuckles "Aunti Hazed would do no such thing", says Mashimaro. Wirebreak asks, "do we need to start a list?" Mashimaro says, "well lets see" "past romances", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro says, "right hmm" Xyli can name them all "ok Xyli, lets see it", says Wirebreak. Xyli asks, "Starting from which point?" Mashimaro says, "Jordy was my fed wife, there was Mysterie/AZFembrat, Snowlily, Snowstar...shoot uhh..Gypsy..Jordy again....uhhh" Mashimaro says, "lets see i am missing a few" "oh yes and my current wife who i am faithful to even though she is married to Xyli, Sallyanne", says Mashimaro. Xyli says, "You are married to me too" Wirebreak laughs. Mashimaro says, "oh yes married to Xyli" Mashimaro says, "those are just ones that i was with with" Mashimaro says, "there were a few random engagements..orgies thus and such" Wirebreak says, "missed Sasha" Xyli says, "He tries not to think of her" "oh yes when she was Snuggs", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro says, "back before i found out she was sent after me" Wirebreak asks, "sent after you?" "another long story", says Mashimaro. "I'm guessing that you have made a few enemies through the years", says Wirebreak. "me enemies? i thought everyone loved me of course", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro flutters his eyes "I know the Blirish clan wasn't too fond of you", says Wirebreak. Jazir chuckles "no i haven't been the most popular person in fed", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro says, "ahh yes, they liked me at first" Mashimaro says, "but well...man thats way to long a story" "Clan is a rather nice word", says Xyli. Mashimaro says, "and would be edited" Jazir smiles, "Tell it anyway!" "any embarrassing moments to share?", asks Wirebreak. "lol hrm", says Mashimaro. "other then jumping Smokngnr when he was a gm and proclaiming i found him in a packed cantina, no no emberassing moments", says Mashimaro. "ok, I'd like to hear this stpry", says Wirebreak. "or story rather", says Wirebreak. Mashimaro says, "lol he was sitting in the cantina on a friday night on aol fed" Mashimaro says, "so roughly 600 billion people in there" "i had been looking for the gm for a couple of days/months/years", says Mashimaro. Wirebreak remembers those times fondly. "and there was Smokngnr", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro says, "and new gm" Mashimaro says, "err a new" Wirebreak says, "ok" "so i walked in and in all caps proclaimed 'HAH i found you you hiding snert!", exclaims Mashimaro. Wirebreak laughs. "yeah so anyway after everyone quit laughing i was told the gm was a mobile event", says Mashimaro. "would have loved to have seen the look on your face after that one", says Wirebreak. Mashimaro says, "at that time someone gave me a gm finder and i found him 3 minutes later" Wirebreak laughs. Jazir chuckles Mashimaro says, "so yeah that was the most embarassing moment" Mashimaro says, "other then random xt'ing of tb cybering" Wirebreak chuckles. "but thats neither here nor there", says Mashimaro. Wirebreak says, "I think pretty much everyone has to have done that at some point" Mashimaro says, "i liked this one night that Embrionic and cen decided to telecast a little get together i was having" Mashimaro says, "complete with commentary" Wirebreak chuckles. "but yeah other then that, no nothing embarassing has happened", says Mashimaro. Xyli rolls "That was hilarious", says Xyli. "any questions from the peanut gallery?", asks Wirebreak. "oh good none", says Mashimaro. "I ever have you in my Duchy, Mashi?", asks Jazir. Wirebreak listens to the crickets chirping. "Who was/is your favorite wife?", asks Xyli. "Yes you have Jaz...twice with different characters", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro says, "and Sally of course Xyli" Xyli asks, "Not me?" Xyli huffs "as she is close enough to stab me if i say someone else", says Mashimaro. Jazir smiles, "Twice? I was thinking I remembered ya joining up after the Blirish business. What was the second?" Wirebreak laughs. "Lets see..Darkensi i think and Spike", says Mashimaro. "you were Spike?", asks Wirebreak. "Ah Spike! I wondering (when he joined) who the heck that was!", smiles Jazir. "actually spike is still in estate", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro smiles, "Yes i was" Jazir smiles, "Lol, yep, he still is!" Jazir laughs Wirebreak asks, "who played SPike's female counter-part?" Jazir probably fails the good Duke test, of knowing who is in his duchy ;) "Oh wirebreak i could never say that, i have sworn myself to secrecy", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro says, "which is actually kinda odd for me" "but ya know first time for everything", says Mashimaro. "are you planning on duking again?", asks Wirebreak. Mashimaro says, "eventually, if i can remember my lp numbers and avoid dd'ing again" "anyone else have a question?", asks Wirebreak. Mashimaro says, "i was building a truely Jazir worthy planet, and forgot that my lp was 30 something instead of 10 and i ported after a fighting event and bit the dust" Jazir exclaims, "Ack!!" Lirimaer says, "I missed his fed relationships" Wirebreak says, "ouch" "scroll up there are a few", smiles Mashimaro. Jazir asks, "Any details you care to share on your quarrel with Blirish?" "That is to general a question Jaz, be more specific", says Mashimaro with a wink. Jazir smiles, "Well, what started it?" Mashimaro says, "oh that" "thats easy", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro says, "Blirish and me had spent some time together in another game, i wanted to be more serious here which of course was not possible with all her men. Soooooo one thing led to another and i dared to say something in fed" Xyli says, "Keep the language nice in your explanation Mark :P" Jazir grins Mashimaro says, "which caused her to flip out and lead to everything else" "What was everything else?", asks Jazir. Mashimaro says, "hmm me taking 20 gigs and then dd'ing Dark might have had something to do with it also" Jazir laughs "Yeah, even I'd go to war with ya for that! I did it once for 100k", says Jazir with a wink. Mashimaro winks and says, "Oh but now i would shoot ya down Jaz" "Would ya now?", says Jazir with a wink. Xyli asks, "How many people have ya cybered with here, and do you enjoy people watching?" Mashimaro grins "hmm less then 40 and more then 35..and it doesn't bother me", says Mashimaro. "Who was your best cyber experience with?", asks Lirimaer. Mashimaro says, "hrmph thats a loaded question" Mashimaro says, "pun intended" Wirebreak laughs. Lirimaer says, "That is if you can narrow it down." Mashimaro says, "hmmm dunno, can't have just one" "there would be a few ones that play now that could be upset", says Mashimaro. Xyli says, "Upset people, its fun" Mashimaro says, "well hmmm" Mashimaro covers Jazir's ears Lirimaer smiles, "Yes, let's ruffle some feathers" Mashimaro smiles, "oh wait nevermind noone of course except my current wife SAllyanne" Xyli asks, "You miss having elbow sex with me?" Mashimaro coughs althoughmysteriewasprettygood cough Wirebreak knows all of this will be edited out. "lol lets hope Wire", says Mashimaro. Mashimaro says, "so anyway" Mashimaro says, "any semi normal questions" Jazir grins Mashimaro says, "there is fed survivor" "uhh a few other things", says Mashimaro. Jazir asks, "Which Survivors did you do?" "Were ya in 3 or 4?", asks Jazir. "just 4", says Mashimaro. Jazir grins Jazir winks and says, "Ah, well, then I must ask my usual question, for form's sake.." Apathy chuckles. Mashimaro says, "of course Jaz" Jazir tosses the sawed off tl into the air.. "So tell me, how much did you love my planet?", says Jazir with a wink. "lol it was great, Especially running from you and Mac when me and Embri ticked you off", says Mashimaro. Jazir laughs Wirebreak laughs. Apathy didn't care for it much. Jazir winks and says, "Ah, you were in that? I have forgotten, one of the perks of age" Mashimaro says, "Darkensi was in it" Wirebreak is considering doing a new Survivor. Jazir winks and says, "Lol, not entirely sure what you were thinking, trying to hide from the planet designer, who had maps and a porter..." Apathy remembers that bloke, didn't care for him much. Apathy has a question, but doesn't care if it is answered right away. "yes Apathy?", asks Wirebreak. "it made for good tv Jaz, what with the camera's trying to keep up and all", says Mashimaro. Jazir grins "All for the show" Apathy smiles, "What ever happened to that Embrionic guy? I remember him to a certain extent, but didn't care for him much." Mashimaro says, "Embri was of course the most brilliant person i have ever known" Mashimaro winks and says, "he dd'd of course one of the tragic losses to this game" Apathy smiles. Wirebreak forces a smile and nods. "Sad end.", says Apathy. Apathy coughs, "Not like I care or anything." Mashimaro chuckles Jazir says, "Ah, Embri was another one of those POs who wandered into Estate, fine fellow" Wirebreak asks, "anyone else have a question?" Apathy smiles, "Had to come back just long enough to see the rabbit's interview." Mashimaro says, "yes yes good man Jaz" "well, many thanks to Mashimaro for joining me on short notice", says Wirebreak. "anything other then the standard what would i change question that ends it all?", asks Mashimaro. Jazir smiles, "Aye! Good M&G, Mashi!" "What would ya change?", asks Jazir. "oh so glad you asked Jaz", smiles Mashimaro. "He'd bring me back from the dead.", says Apathy with a wink. Jazir figured you'd have plenty of ideas here ;) Mashimaro says, "actually i am being told to answer a different way then i wanted" Mashimaro says, "sooooo" "Who's telling ya?", asks Jazir. Mashimaro says, "i would just bring back the snark and make it a requirement to advance again" Jazir says, "Ah, but consider.." Wirebreak heard tell that it will be in Fed2 Mashimaro says, "Sally is sitting beside me with a sharp instrument in her hand" Jazir asks, "We have the Duke puz, is that truly an obstacle to promotion?" Mashimaro says, "no" Mashimaro says, "Ask apathy if he thinks it is" Mashimaro says, "ask anyone" "I think all the builds are an obstacle", says Xyli. Jazir asks, "But why would Snark be any different?" Apathy mastered the duke puzzle Wirebreak remembers Embrionic's duking school. Mashimaro says, "it wouldn't really, would just be fun" Apathy grins. "AS did I, 13 warps, I duked legit", smiles Jazir. Jazir grins Apathy smiles at Jaz, "My old Duke." "Thats for sure, it was a fun puz", smiles Jazir. Mashimaro says, "of course giving the game over to an afluent programmer would also help....." Fancy winks and says, "I suspect that right now, there aren't many who have done Snark, and remember how it was done." Mashimaro says, "but lets not go there" Wirebreak isn't going to comment. "anyone else?", asks Wirebreak. "Snark was fun Fancy", says Mashimaro. Apathy remembers some fun puzzles. Fancy smiles and nods his head. Mashimaro says, "miss all the rips in the fabric of reality" Fancy grins. Mashimaro says, "or shifts or whatever it was" Jazir smiles, "Rips they were" Apathy remembers 1gig for the good old Stilleto puzzle.. Fancy says, "Rips in the fabric of the time-space continuum." Apathy winks and says, "Only a few understand that one" Fancy says, "Or actually a feeling like a rip" Mashimaro says, "ahh yes Fancy" Mashimaro says, "been a while since it was around" Wirebreak exclaims, "Please join me in 2 weeks, same time, same place, for Meet and Greet featuring Wolfyn!" "Oh whee!", exclaims Apathy. "Excellent!", smiles Jazir. "that one promises to be interesting", says Wirebreak. |