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Phedre laughs Shel smiles Shel smiles, "Thanks everyone for joining us tonight" "Tonight our guest is the wonderful Phedre!", exclaims Shel. Phedre smiles "Phedre", says Shel. Shel asks, "When did you come to fed?" Phedre smiles, "I started playing back in 1997 originally... One of my good friends introduced me to Fed" Shel asks, "really?" Phedre nods "What was their name?", asks Shel. Phedre says, "We went to high school together and he'd started playing off AOL. I was GoalieCat back then, he was BriGuyMHS" Shel nods "So I would imagine you had him to help you out as a newbie?", asks Shel. Phedre nods and smiles Phedre smiles, "he wasn't much higher ranked than I was but he knew the basics and did his best to help me out" Shel asks, "any others that you remember helping you out in the beginning?" "Kariscats helped me but that was later on, after I dded the first time... There were so many people around back then that it's hard to remember most of them", says Phedre. Phedre says, "most players were very helpful, especially the high ranking ones" "you dd'd?", asks Shel. Phedre nods Shel asks, "How did that happen?" Phedre says, "I made it to trader and then got caught in a death trap" "Did you have Kusheth back then or later?", asks Shel. "unfortunately, no one had told me about the sell-ship-travel thing", says Phedre with a wink. Shel shudders Phedre shakes her head and smiles "oh my", says Shel. "no, Kusheth didn't come about until this last time... I left Fed for a while and came back a few years ago", says Phedre. "I see", says Shel. "I have not seen you around much lately, are you not coming as much now?", asks Shel. Snowstar grins at Phed. Phedre nods a bit "Have you explored fed2 at all?", asks Shel. "my life has been somewhat busy lately, mostly due to school and finals...", says Phedre. Phedre nods and laughs Phedre says, "and yes, I've been spending a lot of time in Fed2" "ooooh", smiles Shel. "what do you think of fed2 compared to original fed?", asks Shel. "I really enjoy it... It's very different from classic Fed but I think that's a good thing.", says Phedre. Shel smiles and nods "I love classic but Fed2 always has me wanting more... I can't wait to see what Bella does next", smiles Phedre. "That's great", smiles Shel. Shel asks, "Does your name have special meaning?" Phedre nods "care to share", smiles Shel. Phedre says, "my name is taken from one of my very favorite characters in literature" Shel smiles, "oooh, nice" Phedre smiles, "she's someone that I identify very well with, which is the reason I took the name" Phedre giggles a bit... "Phedre got me to read the books too, very enthralling.", says Snowstar. "make no mistake though, we're also very different", says Phedre with a wink. Phedre nods at Snow and laughs "I'm glad you're enjoying them", smiles Phedre. "what book is Phedre from?", asks Shel. "Kushiel's Dart is the first in the series - it's a trilogy", says Phedre. Shel nods Fancy says, "And that might explain the planet name of Kusheth." Shel says, "ahhhh" Phedre nods again Shel smiles, "very interesting" Phedre grins Shel asks, "I've never been to Kusheth, can you tell us what it's like?" "The theme?", asks Shel. "Kusheth is a very peaceful place... all the space locations are safe and there are only a few dangerous areas, very carefully marked of course", says Phedre. Shel nods Shel winks and says, "that's good to know" Phedre nods and laughs Shel asks, "What do you like most about fed?" "I had hoped it would be a place people would enjoy visiting... A place they would feel safe", says Phedre. Shel smiles, "I plan on visiting" "I like the social aspect the best I think... I've made a lot of friends here, even some that have carried over into real life", says Phedre. "it's very dynamic", says Phedre. Shel smiles Shel asks, "If you could change something about fed, what would it be?" "the politics...", says Phedre. Shel nods Phedre says, "it seems everything goes political after a while and that's really unfortunate" Shel says, "does seem to be a bit of that at times" Phedre nods "Do you have an embarassing moment you would care to share?", asks Shel. Shel grins Phedre laughs "hmm... let me see", says Phedre. Phedre says, "I was once tbing a friend of mine something about another player who had made me angry and I accidently sent the tb to the person I was talking about, not the person I was talking to" "that was -quite- a mess", says Phedre. Shel shudders at the thought Jazir exclaims, "Lol!" Fancy chuckles nervously. "oh my", says Shel. "that had to be a REAL mess I bet", says Shel. "but other than that and the occassional tb/comm slip up, I've tried not to embarrass myself", says Phedre with a wink. Phedre nods Shel smiles Phedre says, "it was... but in the end, things worked out well and we were all friends" "everything happens for a reason", says Phedre. Shel asks, "Has there been any significant others?" Phedre blushes a little bit and nods Phedre says, "yes" Snowstar winks at Phed. Shel asks, "any marriages or anything?" "I'm engaged here in classic Fed and in January I was married in Fed2", says Phedre. "Wow!", exclaims Shel. Phedre nods and smiles Fancy smiles and says, "Ah." Shel asks, "Might you let us in on who you are engaged to?" "Skyline and I have been together for a while now, since last August", smiles Phedre. Shel smiles, "oh! Very nice" "and our Fed2 counterparts were married", smiles Phedre. "how wonderful", smiles Shel. Phedre nods and smiles "Lovely wedding too, I must say", says Snowstar with a wink. "must be a real nice guy", says Shel. Shel says, "I've never met him I don't think" Phedre winks at Snowstar Phedre says, "he's wonderful..." Shel says, "Ok, thank you Phedre for answering all of my questions" Phedre smiles Phedre smiles Phedre smiles, "of course" Shel says, "I will open the floor for other questions now" Shel asks, "anyone care to ask a question?" Faolan raises her paw. Shel looks around the crowd "Faolan?", asks Shel. Faolan asks, "What's your favorite dessert?" Shel giggles "chocolate mousse", smiles Phedre. Shel says, "mmmmmm" Phedre grins Faolan hmms and licks her lips Shel grins Fancy raises a paw. Shel says, "Fancy" Shel giggles "You mentioned you name on AOL was GoalieCat. Does that mean you were the goalie of one of your high school's sports teams?", asks Fancy. Phedre laughs and shakes her head Phedre says, "no... actually the name comes from a stuffed cat that my grandfather gave me when I was a child" "Ah", smiles Fancy. Phedre says, "he's posed like a goalie, hence the name" Shel says, "awwww" Snowstar raises a pa...err carefully manicured hand. Phedre laughs! "Snow?", asks Shel. Shel grins Snowstar asks, "Phed, you were the winner of the last Fed Survivor, amidst some controversy. Was your victory a blessing or a curse?" "ooh...", says Phedre. "It's difficult to say... Generally, I think it's both...", says Phedre. Shel wonders what fed survivor was all about Shel ponders "Much like the Survivor TV show.", says Fancy. Shel nods "playing was really hard on me but in the end, I played the game how I wanted and I came out on top.", says Phedre. "the fallout was somewhat disastrous though... but like I said, everything happens for a reason", says Phedre. Faolan wonders if Phedre's chocolate mousse is made of real moose Snowstar asks, "Would you play a FS5?" Phedre shakes her head Phedre says, "no way" Snowstar giggles. Phedre grins Jazir winks and says, "Tell me honestly, and don't spare my feelings! How much did you love my planet in Fed Survivor 4?" Snowstar giggles at Jaz. Phedre laughs Faolan wants to cover her next moose steak in chocolate Faolan chuckles "from a players perspective? I -hated- it! But after we were finished, I was really able to appreciate the design. It was a grand planet Jaz", smiles Phedre. Jazir smiles Shel smiles at Jazir Phedre winks and says, "those mazes were killer" "We aim to kill, er, to please!", smiles Jazir. Shel snickers Snowstar says, "Does your brother still play Fed? I haven't seen him since I returned." Phedre shakes her head Phedre says, "no, he left Fed to play Earth and Beyond and hasn't been back since" "he's popped in a few times but otherwise, nothing", says Phedre. Snowstar nods. "who is your brother?", asks Shel. "Embrionic was my brother", says Phedre. Shel says, "hmmm, don't know him either" "he left a while back", says Phedre. Faolan remembers him "I was gone for 5 years or so, only been back about a year maybe now", says Shel. "I missed a lot of people in those years I think", smiles Shel. Phedre nods Fancy nods his head. Snowstar smiles at Shel. Shel says, "but" Shel winks and says, "I am an old fedder" Shel says, "I remember back in the day...." Phedre grins "so long ago", says Shel. Shel mutters Shel exclaims, "gah, I'm getting old!" Faolan has only been here a year, Embri was around a little in that time Phedre nods Phedre says, "yes... I think he left in September or October" Shel says, "Phedre" Faolan nods Phedre asks, "yes?" "when you became a PO what duchy were you in?", asks Shel. Snowstar was just about to ask that! Phedre says, "originally I was in... Voyage" Shel nods Shel asks, "You changed before becoming a Duchesse?" Phedre nods "yes, a few times...", says Phedre. "oh really?", asks Shel. Shel asks, "how many?" Shel asks, "And what ones?" "I moved to Lostnspace to help out Wyldcat while he was running it, then to Calamari, keeping my promise to Fishy, and then to Neurotic when my brother became a duke...", says Phedre. Shel says, "ah" "when Embri left, I went back to Calamari and I stayed there until Fishy left", says Phedre. Shel wonders if Fishy will ever return Phedre doubts it Snowstar says, "He pops into Fed2 now and then" "I brought him to Fed", says Phedre. "did you?", asks Shel. Phedre nods "I liked the Fish", says Shel. Fancy raises his eyebrows in surprise. Shel grins Shel misses him "we met through an online blogging site and I told him about Fed... next thing I knew, he was playing", says Phedre. Shel smiles, "that's great" Phedre says, "I was shocked when he decided to leave" Faolan wonders why he did Snowstar asks, "What's this online blogging thing that I've heard you mention?" "Open Diary", says Phedre. Snowstar says, "Right, but how did you meet someone there? I'm not sure how that works.." "basically everyone on the site has a diary and you can read other people's diaries and leave notes for them... after a while, you make friends that way", says Phedre. Phedre says, "Fishy started noting me, I noted back, and then we started chatting on AIM... that's how we got to know each other" Snowstar smiles, "Ahhh cool" Phedre grins Fancy smiles. Shel smiles, "how fun" Shel asks, "Do you still speak to him from time to time?" Phedre nods Phedre says, "yes, on occasion when he's not too busy" Shel wonders if you might tell him hello for her Phedre smiles Shel grins Phedre says, "of course" "thanks", smiles Shel. "no problem", smiles Phedre. Shel asks, "Any more questions?" Shel peers about Phedre grins Shel smiles, "Well Phedre looks like you are off the hot seat" Jazir smiles, "Great job, Phedre!" "thanks so much for being our guest tonight", says Shel. Fancy claps for Phedre. Jazir smiles and applauds "phew... made it through without scandalous stuff", says Phedre with a wink. Phedre grins Shel applauds Phedre "thank you, it was my pleasure", smiles Phedre. Faolan perks Faolan asks, "scandalous stuff?" "scandalous?", asks Shel. Phedre grins Shel glances at Phedre Phedre giggles Shel has bought you a drink! "Is there more scandalous stuff?", says Snowstar with a wink. Phedre laughs "I guess I do have one more question.", says Fancy. Phedre winks and says, "I don't think so Snow... no more than what you know" Phedre nods Phedre says, "sure Fancy" Fancy asks, "What was your favorite thing about the last Fed Survivor, aside from winning?" "I liked getting to know the players... the ones who were open to getting to know me I mean. There were lots of cool people playing that I probably never would have hung out with otherwise", smiles Phedre. Fancy says, "Or your favorite experience or immunity challenge." "I liked the immunity where we had to show how well we knew each other", smiles Phedre. Faolan ponders Fed Survivor and is sorry she missed it Shel is too Phedre says, "it was interesting, that's for sure.." Snowstar says, "Fed needs a FS5 for sure" Fancy says, "I think the transcripts of it are on a web site somewhere." "Yeah they are, Fancy, I'm gonna check around to find them", says Snowstar. Phedre nods Phedre says, "on the MacNbreely site... however you spell that.." "It even had pictures of the playing characters.", says Fancy. Phedre says, "yeah, and a Flash intro" "MacNBrelly, I believe.", says Fancy. "Yeah Vlad created cartoons", smiles Snowstar. "wow, that's cool", says Faolan. Phedre says, "yeah, Mac went all out" Jazir smiles, "It was very well done" Phedre nods and smiles Phedre says, "very well" Snowstar says, "http://home.ec.rr.com/macnbrelly/" Shel smiles, "thanks Snowstar" "Some good reading there", smiles Snowstar. |