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Anseladams starts rolling the cameras. Wirebreak starts tapping his foot waiting on the guest and viewers. "I guess this is what I get for not interviewing the Easter bunny", says Wirebreak. Anseladams buys everyone in the bar a Samual Adams.. Anseladams sits back in his chair beneath the camera and nurses his beer. With a White Tiger at her side Shel has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Shel grins Shel says, "hi" Wirebreak exclaims, "about time!" Shel giggles "sorry", says Shel. Wirebreak hurridly brings a chair onstage and focuses the lights. "good evening everyone, and Happy Easter!", exclaims Wirebreak. Shel steps up to the stage and has a seat in the chair "tonight we have a very special guest...", says Wirebreak. Shel blushes "the one, the only...", says Wirebreak. "Shel!", exclaims Wirebreak. "Special?", asks Shel. Shel grins Anseladams turns on the applause sign. "Good evening all", smiles Shel. Jazir applauds and cheers Snowstar cheers! Shel says, "Thanks for having me Wirebreak" Wirebreak smiles. Wirebreak asks, "tell us Shel, how and when did you come by our lovely little speck of paradise?" "My very first meet and greet in all the years I've been a fedder", says Shel. Wirebreak says, "oh wow, I feel special then" Shel says, "It was back in 96 I believe when I first came to fed" "before or after the switch?", asks Wirebreak. Shel says, "It was Aol fed and free when I started" Wirebreak nods. "the crazy days, as some call them", says Wirebreak. Shel says, "There were way more people here then" Wirebreak nods. Shel says, "Not so many Duchies" "What was your name then?", asks Snowstar. "normaly 4 or 500 on a time at one point, correct?", asks Wirebreak. "Shelbel96", says Shel. Shel says, "Just about everyone back then had a number at the end of their name" Wirebreak nods. Snowstar was fortunate not to have a number. Wirebreak says, "I think I was Smart something or another" "what happened to that character?", asks Wirebreak. Shel says, "nothing" "it's still me", says Shel. Wirebreak chuckles. Shel says, "just shortened it when we were able to do that" Shel says, "there were a couple other Shel's back then too" "I was afraid I would not get Shel", says Shel. "but I did", smiles Shel. "guess I was first", says Shel. Shel giggles Jazir smiles "do you remember any of the people who first helped you out?", Wirebreak asks. "I think one was BigShel", says Shel. Shel says, "oh yes" Shel says, "Smokey" "and I was hoping Fancy would have been here", says Shel. Shel says, "I see he has Smokeys planet in Toontown" Shel says, "he gave me my first jobs and helped me get my bigger ship" "that always helps", Wirebreak says. Wirebreak asks, "any interesting moments you would like to share?" Shel laughs "How high did ya make it on AOL?", asks Jazir. Shel winks and says, "several I can recall but, not all I would care to share" "I remember when I was new", says Shel. "and I tried to buy clothes but didn't really understand what I was to wear if you know what I mean", says Shel. Wirebreak laughs. Shel says, "the description was so silly" "I walked into CD's", says Shel. Shel says, "and a very handsome fellow was nice enough to explain it to me" Shel smiles, "after he had a bit of laugh though" "what did it say?", asks Wirebreak. "I don't remember but, instead of describing my clothing, I just typed in what I wanted to be wearing", says Shel. Shel says, "it looked rather funny I suppose" Jazir chuckles Snowstar grins. Wirebreak chuckles. Shel says, "I was a real newbie" Wirebreak says, "at least you didn't do like some people did with it back then" Wirebreak looks away innocently. Shel says, "But, after that embarrassing moment" Shel says, "That handsome man became a very close friend" Wirebreak asks, "who?" Wirebreak asks, "Smokey?" Shel says, "nope" "his name was....", says Shel. Anseladams listens intently. "Teransolo", says Shel. "later to be just Teran", says Shel. Wirebreak says, "ah" Shel says, "he was my first love here" "OOo Teran!", exclaims Snowstar. Shel says, "and my Mentor" Jazir nods "Name rings a bell" Shel says, "He was well known for awhile" Snowstar says, "From FreeRain, Jaz" Shel says, "His planet was called...." Shel says, "hmmmm" Shel says, "trying to remember" "Solace?", asks Wirebreak. Shel says, "Solace" Snowstar says, "Solace" Shel says, "yes" Snowstar giggles. "He brought me to MBA", says Shel. Shel says, "which is where I grew up" Wirebreak nods. Shel exclaims, "Home of......Mooooowaaaatttt!" "how long were you 2 together?", asks Wirebreak. Shel giggles "Moowat!", exclaims Wirebreak. "hmm", says Shel. "yep", says Shel. Shel says, "that was something the ladies in MBA started" "and then the men came back with.....Tawooom!", exclaims Shel. Shel laughs at the memory Wirebreak laughs. "Moowat was revived sometime last year, wasn't it?", Wirebreak asks. Shel says, "We had a combination of Duchies much like Allegro and Gettysburg do now" Shel says, "a bit I believe" Shel says, "MBA/Flying/IO" Wirebreak asks, "IO?" "we all had our channel much like 18", says Shel. Shel says, "IO" "Goodnfast", says Shel. "remember him?", asks Shel. Snowstar says, "There were like 12 duchies in Moowat at one time" Wirebreak says, "yikes" Wirebreak says, "sounds almost like 3d was" Snowstar says, "Nah it wasn't cliquish, very informal and fun" Shel says, "those were the days" Shel says, "oh" Wirebreak says, "I meant the togetherness part of it" Shel says, "and my attire I wear today is in remembrance of MBA and the official uniform there" >ex shel Wirebreak laughs! Snowstar giggles. "we was nekkid", says Shel with a wink. "that reminds me of someone else....", says Wirebreak. Shel raises an eyebrow "anyways.....", Wirebreak says. Wirebreak asks, "have you been in to see Fed2 yet?" Wirebreak pokes Shel to get her to pay attention. Shel says, "I have been" Shel says, "a couple times" "but", says Shel. Shel says, "I can't get in anymore" "not sure why", says Shel. "what did you think of what you saw?", asks Wirebreak. Shel says, "I either forgot my password or they purged or something I dunno" "when I was there, there was not much to do yet", says Shel. "you could walk around", says Shel. Shel says, "no ships yet" Wirebreak nods. Wirebreak says, "so its been awhile" Shel says, "yes it has" "The Commander was last heard of on Earth, but hasn't been seen for 3 months", says Snowstar. "is there anything you can think of that might be improved for Fed to new Fed?", asks Wirebreak. "hmmm", says Shel. Shel smiles, "there are some things I think are real good, and some things I think are not so good" "any you would like to share?", asks Wirebreak. "I like most of the concepts", says Shel. Shel says, "but the only getting to hold on to so much groats I don't like too much" "I think that is only going to really matter for lower ranks", says Wirebreak. Shel says, "as it is here, I can't find enough things to do with the groats Tigress makes" Shel laughs "Does your planet name reflect its theme?", asks Snowstar. "of course", says Shel with a wink. Wirebreak asks, "what is the theme of your planet?" Snowstar hasn't visited, so isn't sure what the theme is :) "The theme is jungle, with many many large cats, mostly Tigers", smiles Shel. Wirebreak asks, "is there a puzzle to figure out?" Shel pets her Tiger "nope", says Shel. "just me", says Shel with a wink. Wirebreak asks, "anyone in the peanut gallery have any questions?" Shel cringes "Other romances since Teran?", asks Snowstar. "yes", says Shel. Wirebreak listens closely. "Teran and I remained very good friends after our romance", says Shel. Wirebreak nods "I later married Moosol", says Shel. "whom I met while looking for that little short guy I could hardly find", says Shel. Shel giggles "little short guy?", asks Wirebreak. "yeah", says Shel. "that GM", says Shel. "ooooooooooh", says Wirebreak. "anyone else?", asks Wirebreak. "boy he had me running all over the galaxy he did", says Shel. "yes", says Shel. Shel grins Shel says, "Braindeth" Shel says, "and Korath" "I have dated a few since my return", says Shel. Wirebreak asks, "when did you leave and come back?" Shel says, "but nothing serious so far" Jazir smiles, "Oh? Who are the lucky fellows?" Shel grins Shel says, "Ops" Shel says, "Paladin" Mav smiles. "I can't remember when I left", says Shel. Shel says, "but I was gone for about 5 years I think" Wirebreak says, "yikes" Shel says, "Xorath brought me back almost a year ago I think it's been" Wirebreak nods. Wirebreak says, "the powers of persuasion" Shel nods "anyone else have a question?", asks Wirebreak. Shel glances around "Tigress appears to be doing well as a duchy. Any particular duchy philosophy?", asks Jazir. Shel says, "well it's not doing as well as it once was just after I returned" "Eh, better than Estate", says Jazir with a wink. "a lot of people have left since then", says Wirebreak. Shel says, "but I was here an awful lot back then and I think that had a lot to do with it" Wirebreak nods. Shel says, "I'm not able to be here as much now" "and I have lost a few", says Shel. "not sure where some of them went to", says Shel. "The occasional grace is enough for me", smiles Mav. Wirebreak asks, "real life getting in the way stinks, doesn't it?" "sure does", says Shel. "I am surprise Wirebreak", says Shel. "you are?", asks Wirebreak. Shel says, "you didn't ask me about alts" Wirebreak laughs. "ok, tell us about your alts then", says Wirebreak. "well I don't have any at the moment", says Shel. "but I've had several", says Shel. Shel grins "like whom?", Wirebreak asks. Shel says, "Jaz should remember one of them" "she was a fighter for a bit, not a good fighter but she tried", says Shel. "Oh? Which one?", asks Jazir. "Kadesha", says Shel with a wink. "Ah yes, I remember Ka!", smiles Jazir. Shel says, "I wish I still had her" "because I enjoyed fighting", says Shel. "but I'm too chicken to fight myself", says Shel. Shel giggles Wirebreak chuckles. Jazir grins Wirebreak says, "I would be hesitant about that too" "Naw, its perfectly safe and fun", smiles Jazir. Shel says, "well" "Jaz does it all the time", says Shel. Snowstar exclaims, "Safer than Fedpardy!" Jazir laughs' "he's not afraid of DD'ing like some have done", says Shel. "I think just about every fighter has done it at least once", says Wirebreak. Mav has only by choice. "my greatest fear", says Shel. Jazir says, "You won't dd in a fighting event if you are careful. QSC, to check insurance, is one of the last things I do before the ready.." Jazir has never DD'd in a fighting event Mav nods. Snowstar asks, "How'd you end up as the head of events?" Mav winks and says, "The trick is not to die, right Jaz?" Jazir winks and says, "Dang right." Shel says, "Well, Galinfenner wanted to retire" "and I was here a lot", says Shel. "at that point in time anyways", says Wirebreak. Shel says, "I was helping with events already" Shel says, "so he handed it to me" Wirebreak nods. "would you like to say anything else before we wrap this up?", asks Wirebreak. Shel ponders Shel winks and says, "The event team is in need of hosts if anyone is interested" Shel giggles Jazir grins Wirebreak chuckles. Shel says, "gonna miss you hosting Jaz" Wirebreak says, "well, thank you for coming out everyone" Wirebreak smiles, "and many thanks to you for being the guest tonight SHel" "It was fun,", says Jazir. "Thanks for having me as guest Wirebreak", says Shel. "Join me in 2 weeks for another exciting addition of Meet and Greet!", exclaims Wirebreak. "Thanks all for coming", says Shel. |