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"So, anyone here tonight suffering from eating too much beef or anything?", asks Wingdman. Wingdman smirks as he finishes off his Guinness "um... I dont' want to know where that came from....", says Wirebreak. "Wing has his teeth in , so he was able to enjoy a steak today", says Gemct. "The chef in me... always wonders, as the nation shifts its diet to high protein/low carb...", says Wingdman. Wingdman laughs Wingdman says, "I know that the digestive system doesn't process beef in particular unless you also eat a bit of fiber" Wingdman says, "which leaves folks a bit more flatulant than they used to be" Wingdman chuckles and orders another stout "So I just thought I'd ask now, in case I need to ask someone to turn on the ventilation fans to high", says Wingdman with a wink. Wirebreak chuckles. Cian snickers Wirebreak says, "would have to be careful though... wouldn't want it to hit the fan" Wingdman glances at the clock and takes a deep breath Anseladams turns on the camera and points the spotlight at Windgman. Wingdman looks around for some sunglasses Wirebreak exclaims, "Good evening everyone! And welcome to another edition of Meet and Greet!" "Tonight's guest is Windgman!", exclaims Wirebreak. Wolfyn cheers! Fancy applauds for the winged man. Chamberlain aplauds and whistles. Urissa applauds Wingdman waves his hands like a pope and tries unsuccessfully to look serious Chamberlain adds a "P" to his applaud. Wirebreak asks, "tell us Wing, how did you first come to find Fed?" "By accident a million years ago in AOL", says Wingdman. "I was doing a keyword search (which was limited back then) for games and saw something about Fed", says Wingdman. "So I thought I'd give it a try", says Wingdman. Wingdman says, "That was when it cost $2.95 per hour to be on AOL" Shel gasps Wirebreak nods. Wirebreak asks, "so no banner yet?" Nuhira remembers that "I tried it for a bit and then gave up", says Wingdman. Wingdman says, "Then about a month later decided to try it again" "banner?", asks Wingdman. Wirebreak asks, "what made you give up the first time?" "I didn't know anyone...", says Wingdman. "and I wasn't ready to just work", says Wingdman. Wirebreak nods. Wingdman says, "but when I went back I decided to work and give it a go" "within a week I was hooked", says Wingdman. Wirebreak grins. "addicting, isn't it?", asks Wirebreak. "so was my bank account", says Wingdman. Wingdman nods "I bet aol loved you after that, as it did so many of us", says Wirebreak. Nuhira laughs "was all kinds of excited when AOL went unlimited", says Wingdman. "then they started with the premium game thing and text games went by the wayside", says Wingdman. Wingdman says, "and Fed moved to the web" "Naturally I followed", says Wingdman. Wirebreak nods. "rather like a smackhead chasing a dealer", says Wingdman. Wirebreak says, "that was a weird time for everyone" Wingdman says, "but it was cool on AOL cuz when it crashed we'd all be in the little chat room waiting rooms, still playing" Wingdman says, "and livin' it up in Limbo" Wirebreak nods. Fancy remembers the chat room. "those were the best times....", says Wirebreak. Shel remembers it too Wingdman winks at "Shelbel" Wirebreak smiles, "just sit in the Tina all day drinking" Shel blushes Shel nods Wingdman says, "that was when the snark was still there" Wirebreak asks, "did you ever solve it?" Wingdman says, "and then the whole thing went haywire and folks were all stuck at Explorer" Wingdman says, "ummmm... no, because right after I started going through the process it broke" Wirebreak says, "ah" "I thought maybe I'd broken it", says Wingdman with a wink. Wirebreak laughs. Wingdman says, "of course, by that time, I'd already made a semi-permanent place for myself in Mba as a merchant who'd never promote any further" "and I'd met Gem", says Wingdman. Fancy smiles. Gemct smiles Wirebreak asks, "was it love at first words?" "well, it was lust", says Wingdman. Nuhira chuckles Wingdman sniggers Gemct thwaps Wing Wolfyn grins. "I was on a planet, waiting for a lotto to start", says Wingdman. Wingdman laughs Gemct winks and says, "I thought he was harmless" Wingdman says, "My friend Anrky and I were there, and he was sitting on my lap" "The place had scores of people", says Wingdman. Wirebreak asks, "do I even want to ask why he was sitting in your lap?" Gemct shakes her head "So when she walked in, I didn't know her, but I offered her my other leg", says Wingdman. "Don't you know she was a sucker and sat down", says Wingdman. Wirebreak laughs. Gemct grins Wingdman exclaims, "Ends up she won the freakin' money!" Gemct curtsies Chamberlain chuckles Wirebreak grins. "Rky and I were not too happy but the odds were against us anyway", says Wingdman. Wingdman says, "We prolly would have just taken the groats to the casino anyway" Wirebreak asks, "so what happened after the lotto?" "I remembered her name, saw her a couple of days later and offered to help her get puzzle pieces", says Wingdman. Wingdman says, "that was back when you had to wait in line a few hours for your turn at the..." Wirebreak nods. Wingdman whispers so he doesn't violate the rules, "spanner..." Wingdman sniggers Wirebreak asks, "when did you get married?" "a couple of months later", says Wingdman. Wirebreak asks, "and have been together ever since?" "I proposed on the LP of Vox... after asking the Duke's permission to ask her", says Wingdman. Wirebreak says, "aww.." Wingdman sighs heavily and looks at Gem Wingdman says, "... yeah" "is she the only love you have ever had in Fed?", asks Wirebreak. Wingdman makes a motion like he has handcuffs on but then winks at his wife "Nope!", exclaims Wingdman. "Not even close", says Wingdman. Gemct dangles the key from its chain Wingdman laughs Wirebreak asks, "who else then?" Gemct frowns Wingdman asks, "Oh my gosh, you want names?" Wingdman laughs Wirebreak nods. Wingdman says, "Well, let's see..." Gemct grabs a piece of paper and a pen "I'm required to ask that question", says Wirebreak. Snow laughs Nuhira laughs Fancy grins. Gemct hands Wire a check "Elaine, Rusty, Shel, Grace, Kazi, Gaminglady....", says Wingdman. "go get him gem", says Nuhira. "the list goes on and on...", says Wingdman. Wirebreak says, "ok.. hold up..." "I thought Shel was your sister.. or was I mistakenly informed?", asks Wirebreak. Wingdman says, "Of course I fall in love rather regularly" Wingdman says, "Oh no, you are right" Fancy grins and quips, "Pretty much the whole white pages." Wingdman says, "I didn't say I boffed 'em, Wire... just that I was in love" Wirebreak says, "ooooooooooooh, ok" "But they aren't still here at my side, are they?", asks Wingdman. Wirebreak says, "the women only, I hope" Gemct has run the pencil down and grabs another Wingdman laughs Wingdman lightly thwaps Gem "are there any embarressing moments you would like to share?", asks Wirebreak. Gemct laughs "do tell!", exclaims Gemct. Wingdman exclaims, "Oh my god yes!" Wingdman says, "There was this woman..." Wingdman says, "She used to hang out on Private when it was in Mba" Wingdman says, "She was... preditory to be kind" Wirebreak says, "ah, the infamous Private" "she was hitting on me, and honest to god I ran for my life and my privates", says Wingdman Shel busts out laughing Gemct says, "understatement" Shel snickers Wingdman says, "and the worst part was I was being spied at the time" "yikes", says Wirebreak. Gemct starts laughing Shel rolls Gemct hands Shel a tissue Wingdman says, "and soon everyone in the duchies of Mba and Flying and Lothlorien and Io knew that I'd run away from a woman" Nuhira laughs Wingdman says, "So the next thing you know, folks are using her line on me on the comms" Antonia waves to Urissa Gemct says, "Wish i could remember her name" "crud.. lol", says Wirebreak. "but what was funnier was the day she hit on Gem!", exclaims Wingdman. Gemct blushes Wingdman exclaims, "Now talk about someone running for her life!" "she hit on Gem?", asks Wirebreak. Wingdman laughs hysterically Wingdman says, "yes, was practically mauling her on an LP" "Gem was a low rank but she nearly teleported that day", says Wingdman. "that had to be funny", says Wirebreak. Wirebreak laughs!1 Gemct exclaims, "but this is about Wing!" Wingdman sticks his tongue out at Gem "But that was soooo good!", exclaims Wolfyn. Gemct hides in the corner "I really do wish I could remember her name...", says Wingdman. Wirebreak asks, "what else has happened in your long span here?" Wingdman says, "Maybe I can look through some old Chronicles and see if I find it" "gosh...", says Wingdman. "everything", says Wingdman. Wirebreak says, "sounds like Kella actually... lol" "remember the day the explorer's workbench started allowing all of the explorers to online their planets", says Wingdman. Wingdman says, "by then I'd caught up to Gem... cuz she was a hard worker, where I was a partier, and she promoted past me like a zephyr" Wolfyn snickers. Wingdman says, "But then I went whipping past her..." "I bet she didn't like that too much", says Wirebreak. Wingdman says, "and I remember when the duke puzzle didn't work... and everyone was stuck at Baron/ess" Wingdman says, "I don't know, she never really complained about it... everyone in the duchies knew she was the hard worker and the more economically minded of the two of us" Wirebreak nods. Wirebreak asks, "what happened with the Duke puzzle?" "but they could count on me to make the wet their drawers with the chatter on the comms", says Wingdman. Wirebreak laughs!! Wingdman says, "dunno, it was broken... then it was fixed..." "I think I went to Horsall about 10 times helping people and then had a bunch when I went", says Wingdman. Wirebreak nods. "The suddenly I had my own duchy", says Wingdman. "what duchy/ies where you in?", asks Wirebreak. Wingdman says, "I spent my time from trader to Baron in Mba" Wingdman says, "but we were part of an alliance that included Flying, Io, Lothlorien..." "there were a bunch of us there who'd grown up together", says Wingdman. Shel looks around "Name names!", exclaims Wolfyn. "Moooooowat!", exclaims Shel. Shel ducks Wolfyn grins! "Well, Shel... Teran, Erakose, Gem, Rusty....", says Wingdman. Wingdman hollers out "Moooooooooooowat!" Fancy grins, remembering that common expression. Wingdman winks, "Tawoom" Wirebreak says, "what did Moowat stand for, for all of those that don't know" "derived from that, backwards.", says Fancy. "Well, it didn't stand for anything at first, and Shel, Gem, and some other womyns decided to do the Tawoom thing", says Wingdman. Wirebreak nods. "They made it stand for something... can't remember what off-hand", says Wingdman. Wirebreak looks at Shel and Gem. "The Awesome Women Oddballs of MBA, I think.", says Fancy. Wingdman says, "So T, Erak, and I decided that Moowat needed to stand for something too" "Men Ooing and Ogling Women All the Time!", exclaims Wingdman. Wirebreak laughs. Wolfyn exclaims, "That sounds like you!" Wolfyn ducks. Wingdman nods and grins Wingdman wads up a bar nap and throws it at Wolfyn Wolfyn eats it. Wingdman laughs "what happened after you dukes?", asks Wirebreak. "So... there was that...", says Wingdman. "*duked", says Wirebreak. Gemct seems to remember the men were required to be naked Shel wonders how Fancy knows so much Fancy winks and says, "Photographic memory - with film" Shel says, "then all of us were" Wirebreak says, "Fancy is an old fart, the is how" Shel says, "MBA Uniform" Wingdman looks at Shel and smiles, "Me thinks Mr. Pants is quite older than he fesses up to being" Gemct laughs "gotta love them uniforms", says Wirebreak with a wink. "We were a seriously nekkid bunch of people", says Wingdman. Gemct nods Shel has given Wirebreak a sloppy tickle! "I've hardly had clothes on since", says Wingdman. Anseladams moves the light to put the bad parts in shadow. "bad parts?", asks Shel. Gemct grins Wingdman looks at Ansel and mumbles, "Thanks" Wingdman smirks Gemct hands Wing a bar towel as a napkin is too small Wirebreak asks, "you just recently returned to Fed, what made you leave?" Wingdman takes a drink of his Guinness Wingdman sniggers Wingdman says, "Lots of things made me leave" "such as?", asks Wirebreak. Wingdman says, "Losing Kazi out there in rl... a dear friend choosing to not listen to the truth... life getting busy..." Wirebreak asks, "what happened to Kazi?" Wingdman says, "being married in rl, moving from one state to another, having a child with a heart condition..." Wingdman sighs Wingdman says, "She was taken before her time" Wingdman frowns Wirebreak frowns. Wirebreak says, "those are always sad times" Wingdman says, "And how" Fancy whispers October 1998 Chronicles. "October 14, 1998", says Wingdman. Wingdman says, "very early in the morning" "what made you decide to return?", asks Wirebreak. Wingdman says, "like a smackhead following a dealer..." Wirebreak laughs. "Something was calling me", says Wingdman. "I'd popped in every once in awhile over the intervening 4 years...", says Wingdman. Wolfyn asks, "Are you sure that wasn't your stomach growling?" Gemct laughs Krystal has just arrived. Wingdman sniggers and slowly rises to his feet, dragging his walker over to Wolfyn and thwapping her "don't forget your towel ,dear", says Gemct. Wingdman says, "no ma'am, my stomach doesn't growl anymore" Wingdman peeps "have you taken a venture into Fed2 yet?", asks Wirebreak. "nope", says Wingdman. Wolfyn says, "Ouch" "I designed some cities for AoA long ago", says Wingdman. "but haven't stepped into FedII yet", says Wingdman. "Though a few people have suggested it", says Wingdman. Wingdman says, "I might... sometime... before the lights go out here" "is there anything you would like to see changed from here and put in there?", asks Wirebreak. Wingdman says, "Maybe I knew that Fed was just about ready to have the lights go out... and I promised long ago that I'd be here the day the lights go out" Wirebreak nods. "I only make promises I believe I can keep, and that way I can keep the promises I make", says Wingdman. "Anything different? hmmmmmm", says Wingdman. Wingdman says, "maybe spybeam shields that really shielf" Wingdman says, "shield" Nuhira seconds that "I know too many people who have made such a mess of things because of spybeams", says Wingdman. Wirebreak nods. Japresnik nods "those have already been suggested", says Wirebreak. "there is a good possibility of no spy beams at all", says Wirebreak. "did you say I had to come up with something new??", asks Wingdman. Wingdman giggles "That would be fine by me", says Wingdman. "alright, any questiosn from the peanut gallery?", asks Wirebreak. Wolfyn waves a paw. Wirebreak asks, "yes Wolfyn?" Wingdman sticks his tongue out at Wolfy Wolfyn asks, "When you scramble eggs, do you add a little water or a little milk?" Gemct grins Snow laughs Wolfyn waits anxiously. Gemct says, "I order off the menu, myself" Japresnik whispers better add water, milk will burn too Wingdman says, "I add a little half and half and some salt and pepper, then I scramble them over a low heat, keeping the pan moving constantly. I pull them off the heat just as they finish coagulating, because the carryover cooking finishes them" Wingdman pokes Gem in the side Wolfyn jots all that down. "Thank you!" Wingdman winks and says, "Low heat keeps the milk from burning, and constant movement keeps them fluffy" "I really have been wanting to ask you that.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Japresnik makes a note of that Wingdman thinks suddenly about doing a Fed cookbook Fancy grins. Lizzie grins. Wirebreak asks, "anyone else have a question?" Wingdman hums the Jeopardy theme Fancy raises a paw. Japresnik raises his hand too Wingdman sniggers "yes Fancy?", asks Wirebreak. Fancy asks, "Which rank did you enjoy playing the most?" "Oh wow... that's tough, Mr. Pants", says Wingdman. Chamberlain grins Wingdman giggles remembering the other night when Wink finally caught that Wingdman says, "I really like merchant... cuz I was a total slacker" "But I think what I like the best was Techie... from the economic point of view", says Wingdman. Wirebreak nods. "Jap?", asks Wirebreak. Japresnik asks, "what has changed the most since you last played or has much of anything?" Wingdman says, "not much seems to have changed except my attitude, Nik... that and some of the people who seemed to annoy me the most have also seemed to have gone" Wirebreak says, "and now you have all new people to annoy you! lol" Wingdman says, "but in the same vein... some of the people I enjoyed spending time with the most are also gone" Wingdman exclaims, "You got that right Wire!" Wingdman thinks of someone who mouths off on 9 a lot... "anyone else have a question?", asks Wirebreak. Wingdman looks around the room Wolfyn is very glad to see Wingy and Gem back. "anyone needing cooking lesson?", asks Wingdman. Wingdman grins Snow says, "i do" Snow laughs "You know I do.", says Wolfyn. Wingdman smiles Gemct pulls her takeout menus from her purse Wirebreak says, "Wing, I think you will have to hold a cooking class sometime" "Nope, all set", says Gemct. "Well, we can always have cooking classes in Fed! hehehehe", says Wingdman. Nuhira hopes so Wingdman sniggers at Gem "And after the scrambled eggs lecture, I'm hungry! Again.", says Wolfyn. "anything else you would like to say before we wrap it up Wing?", asks Wirebreak. "We can make my famous Gemandi elgnihs-ano-tihs sandwich", says Wingdman. Wingdman shrugs once... Fancy chuckles. Urissa laughs Nuhira says, "oh no, dont think so" Wirebreak laughs!!!! Fancy thinks he'll pass on having one, though. Wingdman says, "Just that I'm glad to be home... and back among friends. I'm honored that you all showed up to watch this spectacle" Wirebreak says, "alright, thanks to everyone for coming out tonight" Wingdman says, "And if there is anything I can do to be of service, lemme know" Wolfyn cheers! "and many thanks to Wingdman for being my guest", says Wirebreak. Wingdman says, "Thanks for having me Wire" "thanks for hosting Wire.", says Japresnik. Chamberlain applauds Fancy claps wildly for the Winged Man. Wingdman winks at Mr. Pants Wirebreak says, "join me in 2 weeks when, hopefully, I'll be interviewing Wolfyn, finally...." "Why?", asks Wolfyn. Wingdman pokes Wolfyn in the side and whispers, "You could have done this tonight, you doof" Wolfyn pokes Wingy. "You don't know how much I was on the other screen." "come on, you have been blowing me off for a month, lol", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn exclaims, "And you've enjoyed every minute of it!" Wolfyn blushes. Wingdman asks, "you did say "off" right Wire?" Wirebreak chuckles. Wirebreak just wrote his own death warrent. "And I'm so sorry I missed my death in the fighting earlier tonight", says Wingdman. "Ya'll will have to suck me into an arena later this week", says Wingdman. |