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Wirebreak smiles, "Welcome everyone to Meet and Greet, and a happy fourth of July to everyone" Japresnik smiles "Tonight, I am interviewing the lovel yand talented Wolfyn", smiles Wirebreak. Wolfyn wiggles onto the stage, planting the pole she brought with her in the middle of the stage floor. Wolfyn smiles, "I am loveled." Rasal chuckles. Wirebreak says, "sorry.. need to slow down my typing..." Wolfyn cues the music and grasps the pole with one paw. Wirebreak asks, "do I even want to ask why I have a pole on my stage?" Wolfyn slides a hind foot up the pole. Rasal says, "Looks like it's for a pole dance." Japresnik applauds Wolfyn peeks around from behind the pole, continuing to slide the hind paw up. Wolfyn absently scratches at an ear. Rasal stuffs cup 7 with a generous wad of groat bills. Wirebreak says, "ok Wolfyn, that is quiet enough" Wolfyn slides the paw back down. Wolfyn exclaims, "My ear itched!" Wirebreak snaps his fingers and makes the pole disappear. Wirebreak says, "ok, I have to ask it..." "And I was going to use that to whack Rasal.", says Wolfyn with a frown. Wirebreak asks, "how did you first come to find Fed?" "oh.. I'll give it back later just so you can do that..", says Wirebreak. Japresnik chuckles Wolfyn says, "I waz born in an alley on Mars.." Wirebreak says, "mm hmm.." "in the maze?", asks Wirebreak. "Long time ago. AOL 2.95. Hung around Trout.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak exclaims, "aol 2.95? yikes!!" Wolfyn says, "almost 8000 games played." Japresnik thinks, 'sounds fishy' "Anyway, that's about it.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "Long time, been here, done that. Don't remember when or to whom." Wirebreak chuckles. "How long have you been a duchess?", asks Wirebreak. "Er... I was a duke before I was a duchess.", says Wolfyn. "Twice.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak raises an eyebrow. Japresnik ponders that statement "Then I rearranged the management, and took the reins", says Wolfyn. "what duchy were you duke of?", asks Wirebreak. "I actually played two dukes before I duchessed Wolfyn. Well, one of them was the duchy of Honshu.", says Wolfyn. "Kyushusan won his Walrus when he was a duke.", says Wolfyn. "and the other?", asks Wirebreak. Wolfyn mutters something like don' remember. Wolfyn grins. Wirebreak pokes Wolfyn. Wirebreak says, "come on.. spit it out" Wolfyn says, "Nope nope. Never cybered with any females, though." "So no big surprises.", says Wolfyn. Japresnik says, "damn" Wirebreak raises his other eyebrow. "opps, sorry", says Japresnik. "come on...", says Wirebreak. "And not anyone that anybody would remember.", smiles Wolfyn. Wirebreak gets out the cattle prod. Wolfyn exclaims, "Hey, this is the only vocal version of me!" Wolfyn grins. "what was the characters name atleast?", asks Wirebreak. "Um, I duked under Bigshell's character. But he took it back again later.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "No big story there." Wirebreak says, "ah ok" Wirebreak asks, "so how many characters have you actually had?" "That was when the duke puzzle was first unbroken. Um.. characters...", says Wolfyn. "I've raised 32 at last count.", says Wolfyn. "32? wow", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn says, "All but 9 of them were PO's." Wirebreak wants names. Wolfyn says, "At one time I had a character at every rank." "wow, sounds like someone else I know, hehehe", says Wirebreak. Rasal smiles, "Beam chain!" Japresnik thinks that sounds familiar Wolfyn says, "Once again, they were mostly silent company. Now it's just me and Kyushusan" Wolfyn says, "I mostly kept them in Trout, Caddo, Honshu, or Conch." Wirebreak says, "you and the infamous Blirish were, and still are to some extent, long time friends" Wirebreak coughs. "what kept you around after her departure?", asks Wirebreak. "Well, we were friends, but I was not part of 3d.", says Wolfyn. "Tenacity. Friends. And the knowledge that it really pissed some people off that they didn't get me to leave.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn smiles, "That's the best part." Wolfyn says, "Then there was a campaign by CDs and company to make sure everyone knew about Alsatian." Wirebreak asks, "Alsatian was the character you did the planet reviews under, correct?" Wolfyn says, "That was pretty rude, and the rumors they spread about him." "Yes, I did the reviews for over 4 years.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak says, "wow" Wirebreak asks, "why would they spread rumors about him?" "Just nasty jealous things. Funny about it though, no one who was doing that ever asked for a review.", says Wolfyn. "They just told people how biased the reviewer was.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Wirebreak laughs. Wolfyn says, "One of the first planets I reviewed was in my duchy.." "A very nice player and good friend.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "With the worst planet I ever saw." "aww", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn had to slam it hard but still offer sympathy. "So I guess I made some mean remarks about Alsatian too.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Wolfyn says, "And I gave Walruses to people that Wolfyn couldn't stand." Wirebreak says, "wow" Wirebreak asks, "did you have a hard time keeping the characters seperate?" Wolfyn says, "No, not at all. I was careful to not browse around much as Wolfyn." Wolfyn says, "And when I put on the Alsatian hat it was a different world." Wirebreak nods. "I finally figured out how to solve my little problem with that", says Wirebreak. "But it finally got old, and he shed his skin for the next reviewer.", says Wolfyn. "ok, another one I have to ask...", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn exclaims, "And no, I'm not going to submit Caddo for review!" "what in the world is Boolean?", asks Wirebreak. Wolfyn exclaims, "My call to arms!" Rasal winces. "Well, every semester I spend a couple weeks lecturing on logic, boolean algebra, and circuit reduction. Yes, I am the dreaded professor.", says Wolfyn. "I just love the word Boolean - the way it rolls from your throat, bounces around the jaws, and trips over the tongue. I usually come home muttering 'boolean' to myself, and sometimes it spills over into Fed.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak laughs. "Those weeks are my second favorite times of the year.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak asks, "what are you a professr of?" Wolfyn says, "Computer science. Mostly languages and ethics." Wirebreak asks, "so you teach people how to hack, then tell them not too?" Wolfyn winks and says, "I get quite a bit of material for my lectures from Fed." "And if those are your second favorite times of the year, what's the first favorite?", asks Rasal. Wolfyn chuckles, exactly. Wolfyn exclaims, "My first favorite is finals week, of course!" "I have the key.", smiles Wolfyn. Wirebreak chuckles. Rasal winks and says, "Heh, I was gonna say. There had to be a reason you're the only person anywhere to like finals week." Wolfyn chuckles. Wolfyn says, "I think one time someone got upset at that remark - they thought I was selling the keys for final exams." "speaking of arms, you were once very active in the fighting events, and at one point in time, co-host of Meet and Greet", says Wirebreak. "what happened to that?", asks Wirebreak. "Um, I don't do that anymore.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "Yes, I was running a close second in a couple season of fighting. I taught Rasal how to fight and then couldn't ever beat him." Wirebreak laughs. Rasal flexes. "But then last year I was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of cancer. In 15 months I went through 7 surgeries and 5 months of chemo - the first time I tried fighting after the chemo left me scroll-sick for days!", exclaims Wolfyn. "yikes", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn says, "It still bothers me quite a bit, and scroll from big gatherings or fighting makes me nauseous." "I remember your countdown to your last chemo session", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn says, "But things work out well.." Wolfyn takes a deep breath and shows of her Never-Sag(tm) reconstruction. Wirebreak laughs!! Wolfyn exclaims, "Now I have 18 year old boobs over a 50 year old butt!" Wirebreak chuckles. "That changed the way I played Fed in other ways too. I'm not actually at the computer as much (I put in a lot of couch time during chemo!) and it refined my outlook on a lot of things.", says Wolfyn. "how so?", asks Wirebreak. "If you can't keep laughing at yourself and what happens in here, it's time for some re-evaluation!", exclaims Wolfyn. "all too true", says Wirebreak. "I know you like stealing peoples ships...", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn doesn't worry about much anymore. Bad hair days are nothing compared to no hair days, and insults flung in Fed are nothing more than spit-wads. "but what philosophy do you use to run your duchy?", asks Wirebreak. Rasal says, "I have to admit, by association that a lot of that attitude trickled its way down to me too." Rasal is quite thankful for that really. "scary, isn't it Ras?", asks Wirebreak. "Ah, I have not so much rules, but opinions that my PO's are required to endure.", says Wolfyn. "like what?", asks Wirebreak. Wolfyn says, "Number 1 - Onyxgod was a putz." Wirebreak laughs. Wolfyn says, "Number 2 - Macros were created for me to mess up." "And the most important....", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn sings, "~~~~It's my duchy and I'll close if I want to... close if I want to... close if I want to! You would close too if it belonged to yoooou!~~~~~~" Wirebreak laughs. Rasal chuckles. "There's nothing consistant about the way I 'manage' Caddo or myself for that matter.", says Wolfyn. "The used ship lot we run there does a booming business.", says Wolfyn. Rasal nods. "Many a fine ship I picked up there, back in those hauling days.", says Rasal. Wirebreak says, "ok, one last question before I go to the audience" "I think I even got yours once, Rasal.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak asks, "you seem to have an endless amount of quotes, where do they all come from?" "Probably more.", says Rasal with a frown. Wolfyn grins. "Those quotes have been an endless source of amusement.", says Wolfyn. "Bigshell runs a quote database - every day I get three in the mail.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak laughs. Wolfyn says, "If any of them strike a funny bone or I especially like them - I'll post it." "But you wouldn't believe all the people in Fed that thought I was posting about them.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak laughs. Wirebreak asks, "ok, anyone in the peanut gallery have a question?" "They had no idea they were the 'victim' of a random distribution!", exclaims Wolfyn. Art says, "After 4 years of reviewing planets, what was your favorite? Both of your own, and others." "Rain and Cows.", says Wolfyn. "And I can't really tell you why. I just loved both those planets.", says Wolfyn. "Both long gone now.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak thinks Art's is the best but anyways.... Wolfyn says, "And Facet was really a favorite too." Wirebreak asks, "anyone else?" Wolfyn is managing to dodge the question concerning any she reviewed! Art had no complaints about her review. "surely there were some complaints from some of the PO's", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn exclaims, "Indeed!" Wirebreak knows of at least one. "Oh, there were.", says Rasal. "Embrionic had a fit over his Carpenter.", says Wolfyn. Rasal is still waiting for the plating to be added to his award. Wirebreak says, "oh that I wouldn't doubt one bit" "That was in the middle of surgeries, and he didn't like the delay - plus just knew he deserved more. Made plenty of nasty little posts and quips about it.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "Oh yes, and Rasal's award." "I looked at his planet.", says Wolfyn. "It took me several passes to review planets. So a couple days I went back.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "And there were 120 locations all the same - The Dark." "That's it. Just The Dark.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak laughs! "I still maintain it was a well-written and mistake free planet!", exclaims Rasal. Rasal grins. Wolfyn says, "No more script there anymore. Just The Dark locations. So he got a gold-plated dog poop award." "And he's peeved because the gold washed off in the first rain.", says Wolfyn. Rasal frowns and says, "Along with most of the award too." "There's lots of absolutely wonderful work out there.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak laughs!! Art put her award in a locked cabinet. Wolfyn grins. Art says, "Well, display case." Wolfyn smiles, "Art's being one of the best." Art grins her thanks. "it is truely a work of.. um.. art", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn grins. "alright, anyone else have a question?", asks Wirebreak. "The answer is still no, Rasal.", says Wolfyn. Rasal snaps his fingers. Wirebreak gives Wolfyn her pole back. Wolfyn plants it in the middle of the stage again. Wolfyn dances from paw to paw to paw to paw. "I had a question, now I just have to remember it.", says Rasal. "Oh yeah.", says Rasal. Wolfyn says, "Oh, and I had another soapbox! Question first." Wirebreak says, "well, spit it out then" "Since you spent a good deal of time exploring planets, what one piece of advice would you give to someone that's writing a planet for review.", says Rasal. Wolfyn says, "Read it out loud to yourself." Wolfyn says, "Real live out loud. Then get someone else to do the same. Then spell check it." Wirebreak asks, "anyone else?" "But make sure it all fits together, and it all sounds good when you say it.", says Wolfyn. "I have a question.", says Wolfyn. Rasal gets set to open a can of worms... Wirebreak says, "Well, thank you for joining me for what very well may be the last Meet and Greet inside of Federation." "sure, shoot WOlfyn", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn says, "Thank you." Wolfyn asks, "Wolfyn, what's the biggest change you've seen in your years of Fed?" Wirebreak holds back the last of his wrap up. "Well, there's been a lot of cycles, a lot of changes in the community.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "But I think the worst change is the pounding that roleplay has gone through." Wirebreak asks, "what do you mean?" Wolfyn says, "Some people elected to make fun of it. And awful lot of public fun about it." "People eventually seemed to quit even trying.", says Wolfyn. "Now roleplay is just the word folks use to excuse snotty behavior.", says Wolfyn. "Hardly roleplay at all.", says Wolfyn. "I hope Fed cycles back into that kind of fun game again.", says Wolfyn. Wirebreak nods. Wolfyn says, "Someday." Wirebreak says, "we all shall seem in time" "shall see, I mean", says Wirebreak. "well, thank you everyone for coming out", says Wirebreak. "Thank you, Wire, for putting up with me.", smiles Wolfyn. "I'm 99% sure that the next Meet and Greet will be held in Fed2, the weekend that it goes live", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn exclaims, "Good!" Wirebreak says, "where I'm hoping I will be able to interview Hazed" "Oooh, that would be neat.", says Rasal. Wolfyn says, "Will she be sober enough by Sunday? Those pink drinks are pretty strong." "Blaze has Bella for the next Underground.. so I want Hazed", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn logs that statement for later use. "oh don't even..", says Wirebreak. Wolfyn grins. Wolfyn smiles, "Okay, I'm outta here. Later, folks." |