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Reviewed on August 18, 2002 I couldn't think of any place better to ponder Godot's wisdom then someplace really really dark and dismal like the dark side of Darkoenia. That's where I found myself when I tried to maneuver from the link to the orbit of the planet. Sitting still and waiting for the sun to come around wasn't going to work here this planet held the unique distinction of being captured and stabilized by a black hole. The planet didn't rotate; the only light source was a single sun constructed by the occupants. They were working on a second sun to light the dark side, but the project was still in work. Darkoenia was adopted by Earth scientists for major terraforming and study. However, an alien race called the Hindred invaded the system, wreaking general havoc and providing a colorful history. Present day inhabitants serve various Hindred parts as delicacies in their finer restaurants and decorate their houses with Hindred-hide rugs only because the mysterious man known only as Hero' rescued their world. I had a chance to meet Hero on Darkoenia, even though these events had happened years ago. He's by far the most handsome, intelligent, resourceful, kind, and talented creature in all of Dataspace. You folks who take a look at the planet will find out exactly what I mean and if you don't agree stop by my doghouse on Earth and we'll discuss that subject while I tear the seat out of your vac suit with my teeth. Darkoenia sports a rich and colorful history and a puzzle, which has the explorer jumping from observer to participant in the blink of an eye. It's not one easily solved, but clues are scattered all over the planet and quite a bit can be explored even without working on the puzzle. I don't want to discuss it in too much detail lest I start talking about deep feelings or give something away. I'm already one Walrus award lighter after visiting this planet. Congratulations Darkdarius on a job very well done! Take a few minutes or hours to explore this planet, it's well worth a good look! |