Reviewed on September 20, 1998 Ten-hut! Don't get confused by the outward, peaceful view of Kingsbay... this is a military outpost, one dedicated to the defense of the Duchy of Weasel. The military headquarters on this planet is bristling with personnel and electronics; our reviewdroid found itself afraid that at any given moment it was going to be pressed into service. In addition there's the Defense Array, which has one of the largest collections of weapons on a single planet our reviewdroid can ever remember. (Well, there was LordTzum's planet Warzone way back when Federation first began on AOL, but we're trying very hard to forget the sheer nastiness of that planet.) Kingsbay is an excellent example of how to take a simple theme--in this case, a military base--and use it to great advantage across an entire planet. The atmosphere of the base is all over the planet; rather than having typical ship building and repairing shops, there's a tarmac that has the various base offices up and down it, for example. There's an O-Club, and even on-base housing. Do make sure to visit the Base Pier, with the USS Bluemarlin and the Tequila Sunrise both in port. (We'll let you figure out which is the military vessel and which is the pleasure cruiser!) There's a lot to see on Kingsbay, all of it cunningly tied together. Congratulations Singapore, you've just won a Carpenter's Award! Do make sure to send a private on over to pick it up. |