Earthdate July 2003




What was in July 2003's Inside Scoop:


by: Again... and Again... and Again

Well, I came back to Fed. Everyone knew I wouldn't be gone forever - I'm an addict!

But, when I came back, I noticed 39 players online, and about 3 people doing all of the talking on 9.

What's going on?? Has Fed died?? What can we do about this?

I say we need to socialize more. All over the Fed site, it mentions that the social side of Federation is a large one. We all need to learn to work together and get along. So, take this into consideration.

Does this sound like you? Do you sign onto Fed, set up your macros, and then walk away from your computer while it plays the game for you? I don't know about you, but I play games to entertain myself, not my computer. My computer has no feelings, thus cannot be bored! What's the point of having an inanimate object play a game?

Try this on for size:

Next time you sign onto Fed, stay away from the macros for a bit. XT a hello to those that are on, chit chat a bit, and get to know your fellow players. We're all in the same game, so we all have something in common. If you remember AOL Fed and the 600+ players online at once, I'm sure you'd remember the annoying snerts, and idiots that just came on to try out a free game.

The game isn't free anymore. Everyone knows the stat puzzle solutions, and no one does price checks on 5 anymore. This would definitely lead to more silence on the channels. Every one of us on AOL Fed at one time complained about too many players. We don't have that problem anymore, so take advantage of it!

"Hello. My name is Again, and I'm a Fedling!"


Apollo is leading the charge against noise in Fed. Witness the following:

Your comm unit relays a message from Wyldcat, ":::Howls!:::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "HOWLS!"
Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Greyspacewolf, "HOWLS!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Apollo, "Posts anti noise pollution notices all over 9."
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "HOWLS in protest!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Wyldcat, ":::sends Wolfcat out to chew up the signs:::"

Last week brought warnings of Spaceherpies. More news this weeks, not on the demise, but rather the spreading. Spaceherpies has spread to the following planets: Highland, Darkstar, Imagination, Mojave, POBox, Primus, GravelPit and Quazar. Take extreme precaution when handling any goods from these areas!! This has been a heath alert!

Your comm unit relays a message from Spaceherpies, "Mwahahaha."
Your comm unit relays a message from Zyphr, "Umm.. Flair?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Zyphr, "Should we be worried that Spaceherpies has WOOD on QUAZAR??"
Your comm unit relays a message from Flair, "*DIES laughing*"
Your comm unit relays a message from Chelsia, "just a tiny weeny wood fac....and when I say tiny... I mean t-i-n-y!!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Zyphr, "Aww... poor Spaceherpies!!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Chelsia, "Hazed will disown me now.. Diesel won't speak to me... and Barb is gone or she would run me up the flag pole."
Your comm unit relays a message from Spaceherpies, "Diesel likes me!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Chelsia, "my dear.. she likes anyone with big wads of groats. Bad enough you gave me Spaceherpies.. but a fac called infection number 8? Yikes."

The Starship Cantina was transformed in the early morning hours this week by the WolfPack Duke. Apparently deciding that a hot tub party was in order, The Wolfy Duke sealed all the doors and windows and filled the 'Tina with hot water. When asked to comment, GSW first denied any knowledge of the deed until he was presented with holographic evidence:

Greyspacewolf grins and welds shut the cantina doors and windows
Wyldcat chuckles
Greyspacewolf ports in several thousand gallons of hot water to turn the cantina into a HUGE hot tub with float-up bar
Sistertwo watches and grins
Greyspacewolf sets up steam jets to keep everything toasty warm
Zyphr wonders if the wolf can wolfie paddle ;)
Greyspacewolf chuckles and just lays on a table
Zyphr LOL!
Wyldcat tries to look innocent
Zyphr hands Wyld the "how to look innocent for dummies" book ;)
You give Wyldcat a hot tickle!
Wyldcat squiggles
"yeah, he needs that.", says Sistertwo.
Greyspacewolf chuckles and turns it right-side up

When confronted with the evidence, the Wolf yelped and put his nose in the corner of the doghouse. No information was released on the costs of the cleanup, but it's said that Hazed has Wolfy in hock.

JarrowShipbuilders is being petitioned to include new amenities in their 2004 spaceships. Zshock is heading the Shipyard Improvement Committee which has come up with some interesting ideas for improvements.

Your comm unit relays a message from Zshock, "I want my galley on my ship to store food and beer."
Your comm unit relays a message from Ops, "alrighty then! My magic engineers can fit you up with cold beer in yer galley..."
Your comm unit relays a message from Zshock, ":) fantastic."
Your comm unit relays a message from Ops, "... and we're not talking a fridgey wif containers... Pipelined draft ale directly from Microbrewery ..."
Your comm unit relays a message from Zshock, "excellent can it be next to/replace my water tap at the sink?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Ops, "Courtesy of MicroSunny and the fine folx from the Connor PipelineAutoBotShipGalleyMasters!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Zshock, "hey is that a time warner partner?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Racingnut, "must have grittys best bitter ale..the smell alone will knock you for a loops ;p."
Your comm unit relays a message from Ops, "Sure... or you can have it snaked on top of the water tap... whichebber you prefer...Aye RN! On special this month is Fuller's ESP...."
Your comm unit relays a message from Racingnut, "which I was surprised very much isn't bitter at all...cept the aftertaste."
Your comm unit relays a message from Zshock, "I want winter warmer :)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Ops, "A bit murky so you can't see yer fingas on da udder side of the imperial pint mug...And when drawn... a speck of yeast will be in the bottom... guaranteed! So the fresh flavor, smell and ambiance will assault multiple senses!! This message has been brought to you by... Better Frothy Flying! Why Fly? If you can't Fly High!!!"

This is definitely the summer of weddings! Another happy couple was brought to you curtsey of the Duchess of Svaboda. Duke Ops and Duchess Chiefsgirl started out arguing about who dumped who and before they knew it, they were asked the fateful question.

Zyphr asks, "Hey Ops? Yes or No??"
Ops does a boo boo lower lip pout
"You're ready??", asks Chiefsgirl.
Chiefsgirl bounces happily around Ops
Zyphr waits for Ops answer...
Ops exclaims, "Yes!"
"Hey, CG Yes or No?", Zyphr asks.
"I'm ready!", exclaims Chiefsgirl.
Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Yes!"
Chiefsgirl knows she left a collar in her ship
Zyphr grins... "I pronounce you man and wife...exchange rings and kiss ;)"
Ops plans consummation at Braves or Redskins game
Chiefsgirl swoons
Chiefsgirl says, "oh Ops, you do know how to plan a romantic encounter"
Chiefsgirl blinks at Zyphr
Chiefsgirl asks, "are you licensed for that?"
Zyphr nods, "I'm a duchesse"
Chiefsgirl says, "oh yes.. well, that would do it"

The Multiverse was yet again surprised about the news, but congratulations soon overcame the shock:

Your comm unit relays a message from Zyphr, "Brief Announcement" Congrats to Ops and Chiefsgirl!! Fed's newest Happy Couple!! Brought to you by Zyphr!! ~*~SVABODA~*~ Carry on ;)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Sallyanne, "Oh sure, leave for 5 minutes, miss a wedding. ;)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Sallyanne, "Congrats Ops and Cg. ;)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Antonia, "Congrats, Ops, and CG."

Is the NEW Fed a Lazy Fed? Or is everyone just recouping from vacations?

Your comm unit relays a message from Lordtate, "any haulers out there."
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "I detect a distinct lack of haulers out tonight."
Your comm unit relays a message from Lordtate, "ok doesnt hurt to ask."
Your comm unit relays a message from Serial, "I detect a lack of life in the game for about a week."
Your comm unit relays a message from Lordtate, "just dont feel like hauling myself tonight."
Your comm unit relays a message from Flair, "But, I'm back!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "geez...ya take a vacation and everyone gives ya grief!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Wyldcat, "plenty of life left. :)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Lordtate, "vacation??????? who had vacation???"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "::raises paw::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Lordtate, "i only have one question. Whats a vacation?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Flair, "It's when you don't have to *shudder* work!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "its where you go somewhere besides home and don't go to work for a while."
Your comm unit relays a message from Lordtate, "but there is no such thing."
Your comm unit relays a message from Wyldcat, "what if you don't work, but stay home?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "that's just relaxing."
Your comm unit relays a message from Lordtate, "I mean all I do is eat sleep work and fed. There's no time for ...... what did you call it again??? Vacation?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "lol."

~*~ Engagement Announcement ~*~

Congratulations to Xyli and Wyldcat who got engaged this week! Xyli was so surprised she became speechless!! Everyone in attendance was shocked and amazed (not at the engagement, but at the speechless Xyli). Wedding news will be posted, so keep an eye out for the wedding of the Galaxy.


Felina will be ecstatic, Wolfyn indifferent, but Greyspacewolf was happy this week when his fleas were calmed with an ancient Chinese secret.

Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "hands greyspacewolf a cricket."
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "::peers curiously at the small chirping thing::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "is this a topping?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, ":::: Cricket hops on greyspacewolf's back ::::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "oh! It's to sing my fleas to sleep! Thank you!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "any time."
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "::feels the itching cease as the fleas all fall asleep:: Um...so how do you turn it off?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "places another cricket near Greyspacewolf."
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "well...at least they're infesting Wyldcat's place and not mine."
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "now they be quiet."
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "why they quiet now?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "they found each other but if flea moves they sing again."
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "um...so what if I move?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "they stay with you."
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "oh ok. I thought I was gonna hafta get a cricket cage."
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "::::hands Greyspacewolf a bamboo cage :::::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "ooooh! thanks :)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "::::hands greyspacewolf a book on care and feeding of crickets :::::"

So if you see a wolf with his crickets, don't be alarmed, be thankful that the fleas are sleeping and therefore will not jump from his back onto your planet!!

There has been some lamenting that the Multiverse was full of Zombies. Take a look around you friends, there are people to meet, parties to have, jello shots to squeeze, suck and swallow! It's up to you. You can't find a party hiding in your ship galley or tucked away on a corner of your planet. If there isn't excitement in progress make your own!! Remember, this is what YOU make it!!

Until next week, make DataSpace your playground. I'm always watching!

by Again, again

As if the spread of Space Herpies wasn't enough, it seems there is a new disease infecting Fedlings all over the universe. About 38 people in Federation were diagnosed with this unknown illness one night. Galactic doctors went on a rampage trying to discover what was wrong with these people. All of the infected people shared common symptoms, and, through careful examination, the doctors finally came up with the name of the disease (thanks to some help from Bella).

Sleeping Sickness.

Sleeping sickness affects 3 out of 4 Fedlings, usually between the hours of 9 pm and 10 am Pacific Standard Time. The symptoms are few, but important. If you notice any of the symptoms in yourself or any of your friends, you must consult a doctor immediately! This disease is highly contagious, and the spread must stop before everyone catches it.

The symptoms are:

  • Having your comm unit turned to the "OFF" position
  • Having your exchange cleared out, and having more money in your treasury without having done any work
  • Lack of response to seeing "Again has poked you with a stick!"

If you notice any of these symptoms in your comrades, they are probably suffering from "Sleep Sickness."

After the discovery of this disease, some went into a state of shock, not knowing what to do for their poor, contaminated companions. Some people even went into denial:

Your comm unit relays a message from Skyline, "Maybe everyone's just speechless."
Your comm unit relays a message from Skyline, "I've got it! Everyone is asleep because they're sleepy!"

There is no known cure, but there are nightly support groups for those whose friends have come down with this terrible disease. Tune 9 during the aforementioned hours to find out more.


Under the watchful eye of Savior, a monumental peace treaty was signed this week on Golgotha. The representatives of the warring factions worked out their differences and misunderstandings and came to a monumental discovery. They were actually fighting for the same thing. This delighted those who were assembled and a hug fest ensued. After the signing of the treaty, they began plotting their new target. Look out Martians, you're in their crosshairs!

~*~ Wedding News ~*~

212742:253 - Zyphr: Out of this tangled world two souls have come together, drawn by mutual love and respect. May their days and years yet unborn deepen the joy of their choice and make it abidingly true. Congrats Wyldcat and Xyli!!

Wyldcat and Xyli decided to go ahead and tie the knot early this week. While Xyli's Duchess was on navigator duty, the couple invaded the Cantina with their request.

"Xyli has to change clothes", Zyphr says with a wink.
>ex xyli
Wearing a shirt saying "I'm not Opinionated, I'm just ALWAYS Right" black pants and a belt that says BITCH. But then you see something sparkle...
>ex wyldcat
Wyldcat's brown hair lays over the collar of his crisp tailored shirt tucked into dark slacks.
Xyli shouts, "WHY?"
Sallyanne asks, "Why?"
Zyphr shouts, "I'M KIDDING!!"
Xyli snickers
Sallyanne hops into Net's lap to witness.
"Okay... Xyli asked for something a little more than will you and yeses", Zyphr says with a wink.
"Ah, so the "we are gathered here...and then...Do you's??", asks Netmndr.
"so... I'll do a serious one for one of my favorite PO's and Wyldcat", Zyphr says with a wink.
Sallyanne winks and says, "She asked for a quickie."
"Oooo look at me, I'm getting married!", exclaims Xyli.
Xyli giggles like a school girl
Zyphr looks at Wyldcat and Xyli and gets serious...
Sallyanne passes out rice to throw at them when they're married.
The public address system chimes softly and a voice says, "Captain Ahab, meeting passenger Moby from Antarctica, please go to Starport Information."
The tourist has just arrived.
Wyldcat takes the tourist's mallet and beats him half to death with it!
"We live in a world of joy and fear and search for meaning and strength in the seeming disorder. We discover the truest guideline to our quest when we realize love in all its magnitudes. Love is the eternal force of life. Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage. For the giving of yourself in love is difficult, for you must learn to give of your love without total submission of yourself. Therefore, in your giving, give your joy, your sadness, your interest, your understanding, your knowledge – all expressions that make up life. But in this giving, remember to preserve yourself -- your integrity, your individuality", says Zyphr
Xyli asks, "Dude, are you making this up right now?"
Zyphr says, "Cherish and affirm your differences. Love each other. Keep your commitment primary. Together you will laugh and cry, be sick and well, be happy and angry, share and grow."
Zyphr has been working on it ;)
Xyli asks, "Or you have it written down??"
Zyphr give Xyli a hot tickle!
Xyli quiets down
"Grow, sometimes together, sometimes separately. But never remain stagnant. Love and life are always changing, always new.", Zyphr says.
Sallyanne whispers, "She's good."
"Always, always value each other. Although you will disagree, remember to respect each other's feelings, needs and wants.", you say.
Wyldcat smiles
"And above all, never, never lose your sense of humor.", Zyphr smiles.
Xyli says, "OH my god!! I'm not logging my own wedding", says Xyli.
Zyphr will send you a copy ;)
"Ack! Me either!", exclaims Sallyanne.
"Can we have a do-over?", asks Xyli.
"yes you can", Zyphr says with a wink. "would you like me to start over??"
Xyli says, "Yes, if Wyld doesn't mind"
Sallyanne giggles.
Zyphr asks, "Wyld? See! I try and be serious and look what happens!!"

Xyli and Wyld turned on their logs and Xyli even changed clothes and made a formal entrance.

Goin 2 da 'tina n I gona get marryd Xyli has just arrived.
>ex xyli
Xyli is wearing a wedding gown made of silk, with tiny pearls sewn over it. Her veil is made of delicate lace.

So, after a few false starts, the wedding commenced in formal ceremony by Zyphr, which surprised many as her normal weddings are considered short and quick. So then, Congrats Xyli and Wyld. May your fed life together be as much fun and as eventful as your wedding!!

Spaceherpies continued to spread further this week. Total infection is up to 12 planets. It was hoped that the Holy Hazed Pizza would rid the multiverse of the disease but, alas, it seems to have merely slowed the infections somewhat. Some of the spreading is blamed on the "borrowing" of workthingies in the duchy of Poem. It seems that infected workthingies are not properly inoculated and when borrowed by other Planet Owners, infect the workthingies of the host planet. Duke Insomnius was quarantined, um, unavailable for comment. Federation Health Officials are working diligently towards a cure. In the meantime, utilize every precaution available to keep yourself, your planet and your workthingies disease free.

Until next week, make DataSpace your playground. I'm always watching!


The Multiverse let out a collective sigh of relief when Spaceherpies was finally vanquished. Amazingly enough, Madonnaboi was involved as was Cureforherpies. Here are the transcripts that were sent in to chronicle the happy day.

Your comm unit relays a message from Cureforherpies, "hello. :)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Flair, "Good grief."
Your comm unit relays a message from Spaceherpies, "EEK!!!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Sistertwo, "Thank god , we got a cure!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Spaceherpies, ":::hides::::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "there is no cure for herpies."
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "it's a virus."
Your comm unit relays a message from Cureforherpies, "sure there is. :)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Sistertwo, "Oh , just go with it, MB. ;)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "::grins::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Cureforherpies, "::::visciously attacks the little germ::: ::::clenses Karate::::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Sistertwo, "Die, Spaceherpies, die :giggles:"
Your comm unit relays a message from Cureforherpies, "where else has the infection spread?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Spaceherpies, ":::whimpers::::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Cureforherpies, "::::starts to search the universe::::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Cureforherpies, "AHA!!! :::gets to work on coralreef::::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Spaceherpies, "NOOOOO!! Someone help me."
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "::throws ajax at spaceherpies:: Oh wait, this is the kinda schnickle that ajax won't even remove."
Your comm unit relays a message from Cureforherpies, "::::systematically eliminated the infection::::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "With a sudden resolve Spaceherpies pulls out an old Arix army knife and with a sudden slash cuts open his wrists. You watch with morbid fascination as the blood drains out of his body... A medical droid - complete with flashing lights and wailing."
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "ooohhh, pretty."
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Spaceherpies, "i'm gonna pet the turtle...uninsured"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Imagist, "Turtle Turtle Turtle!!"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Greyspacewolf, "LOL"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Madonnaboi, "pet the turtle ::grins::"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Greyspacewolf, "ok then...TURTLE!!! TURTLE!! TURTLE!!!"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Madonnaboi, "Wait! Now it'll have herpies too"
"pet turtle?", asks Spaceherpies.
"Get turtle", says Madonnaboi. "It's an object"
An undertaker appears with a shimmer of teleportation effect and solemnly mumbles a few platitudes. He scoops up the mortal remains of Spaceherpies and vanishes.
SPYNET REPORT: Merchant Spaceherpies has left Federation DataSpace.
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Greyspacewolf, "HOWLS!!!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Cureforherpies, "my work here is done!"
Your comm unit crackles with a message from Greyspacewolf, "better get that turtle checked out"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "thank you cure!"
Your comm. unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "he gave my turtle herpies ::cries::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "you have saved us all from a disease worse that death!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "LOL."

Confusion found its way to the duchy of Poem this week.

Your comm unit relays a message from Insomnius, "Xiao, can you be on a team for Poem in Duchy Feud? 10pm eastern?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "tonight?"
Your comm unit relays a message from Insomnius, "::nods:: Yes."
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "ok, but I don't know anything."
Your comm unit relays a message from Insomnius, "that's ok, you can guess."
Your comm unit relays a message from Pouncer, "Me either ;) no worries!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "::laughs;:"
Your comm unit relays a message from Insomnius, "Now we need to recruit Buny and we're in."
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "less I know safer everyone else is."
Your comm unit relays a message from Insomnius, "Pouncer, Xiao, Bunytales, and Madonnaboi :)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "where do I have to be at 10."
Your comm unit relays a message from Insomnius, "Tune to channel 10 :)"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "oh thats good I can't get lost then."
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "::laughs::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Insomnius, "hee hee, well it will be held on a planet. On Hatfield."
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "oh ok I need to find my way out of my ship before 10 then."
Your comm unit relays a message from Insomnius, "::Smirk:: You did not get lost in your ship!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xiao, "a couple of times."

No word yet on how Insomnius' team faired in the Duchy Feud competition this week, but if nothing else, it had to be entertaining!!

Secrets were revealed this week. Not only has Galinfenner claimed he was a person, he revealed his secret crush, or accused another of having a crush on him.

Your comm unit relays a message from Galinfenner, "I'm a person."
Your comm unit relays a message from Xyli, "Nope."
Your comm unit relays a message from Galinfenner, "Come touch me if you don't believe it."
Your comm unit relays a message from Xyli, "Ewwww imagine the diseases!"

MND NOTE: Xyli must have read in The BUZZ how Galinfenner had been helping spread Spaceherpies.

Your comm unit relays a message from Galinfenner, "Xyli wants me. That's why she acts like this."
Your comm unit relays a message from Xyli, "::snorts::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Galinfenner, "::Grins::"
Your comm unit relays a message from Xyli, "Good lord that's funny."

Until next week, make DataSpace your playground. I'm always watching!


Last week The Chronicle reported news of a chocolate mousetrap which was invented to catch pesky rodents. After reading the article, Rasal decided to put a devious plan into action. He rearranged Galilee to catch the chocolate sneaking hostess offering his famous Galilean Chocolate up for grabs. Unfortunately for him, Felina not only managed to port out ALL of his chocolate supply without being caught, she ported him into his own trap! Visit Galilee this week to see if you can find the good squire. He'll appreciate you looking AND giving him lots of TTTT points!

WoLfPaCk'S dUkE, Greyspacewolf has just arrived.
Greyspacewolf HOWLS!
Your comm unit relays a message from Greyspacewolf, "HOWLS!!!"
WoLfPaCk'S dUkE, Greyspacewolf has just vanished.

There have been many complaints of teleport-by-howling in Fed this week. It seems that the penguins have all but disappeared of late (your Buzzer denies any knowledge of the timing of the demise of the penguins after being abducted last month) and are replaced by wolves. Every since the WoLfPaCk DuKe took his merry pack to Horsell, they seem to be reproducing like rabbits! Be on the lookout for Silverwolf and Airwolf, the newest members to the WoLfPaCk.

Nexte tried to relieve some of his voyeuristic tendencies this week and got more than he bargained for:

Your comm unit relays a message from Nexte, "who is spying somethin good. You have Choctaw under surveillance. = lame."
Your comm unit relays a message from Nexte, ">spy felina You are unable to pierce that person's screens."
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, ">spy nexte You don't have the equipment to spy on others!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Nexte, ">spy madonnaboi Madonnaboi now under surveillance."
Your comm unit relays a message from Nexte, "ahh!"
Your comm unit relays a message from Nexte, "it's not nice to moon the people who spy."
Your comm unit relays a message from Madonnaboi, "::cackles maniacally."

Until next week, make DataSpace your playground. I'm always watching!