Sets the minimum and maximum stock levels you want your exchange to have, either for the exchange as a whole or for individual commodities.
Usage: SET STOCKPILE max|min amount
SET STOCKPILE max|min amount commodity
Parameters: 'max' will set the highest amount the stockpile should go, and 'min' the lowest, 'commodity' is the name of the commodity (leave it off and the command applies to the whole exchange), and 'amount' is maximum stock you want.
Example: set stockpile max 5000
Example: set stockpile min 200 livestock
The command can also be used remotely:
Usage: SET STOCKPILE max|min amount planetname
SET STOCKPILE max|min amount commodity planetname
Example: set stockpile max 5000 rigel 4
Example: set stockpile min 200 livestock rigel 4
Restrictions: The max level must be between 20,000 and 200. Min must be between 100 and 2,000.