Moves money from your personal bank balance into your planet's treasury, or between the treasuries of any two of your planets. Plutocrats can also move money from your personal bank balance into the cartel treasury.
Usage: TRANSFER megagroats
Parameters: 'megagroats' is the number of meg you wish to transfer.
Example: transfer 10
Cost: The transfer is taxed at a rate of one third.
Restrictions: You must be somewhere on your planet. You cannot transfer more than 100 meg.
Usage: TRANSFER megagroats planetname
Parameters: 'megagroats' is the number of meg you wish to transfer.
'planetname' is the planet where you want the groats to move to.
Example: transfer 10 bodopolis
There is no tax on this kind of transfer.
Restrictions: You must own both the planet you are standing on (which is where the groats come from) and the destination planet. You cannot transfer more than 100 meg.
Usage: TRANSFER megagroats CARTEL
Parameters: 'megagroats' is the number of meg you wish to transfer.
Example: transfer 10 cartel
There is no tax on this kind of transfer.
Restrictions: Plutocrats only. You cannot transfer more than 100 meg.
TRANSFER can be abbreviated to XFER.