Federation II - space fantasy trading game

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May 22, 2005

Art exclaims, "Good evening and welcome to Meet & Greet with my special fill in guest: Furgas!"

Furgas walks to the stage

Art makes sure that Furgas can't escape as she tapes a mic to him.

>ex Furgas
you see a tall gentleman wearing a red long sleeved shirt, black pants and a full length cloak
Furgas is wearing a celtic cross. The cross is of silver and both the arms of the cross and the circle feature intricately worked representations of knots. The cross is hung from a leather thong.
Furgas is carrying a multi-dimensional keyring made by the prestigious TenBrane Corp. If you look carefully you can see the glow of the macro-superstring logo. It has on it:
An executive washroom key. The ornate key is a much sought after key to the Galactic Administration executive washroom, and is genetically coded to its owner.

Cragon claps for Furgas.

Ferreri claps

Jessecka whistles.

Art asks, "So Furgas. How did you find Fed?"

Furgas says, "well back in 1995 i was on aol and i saw the ad for fed in the games section"

Hitman tosses an extra roll of duct tape to Art.

Art says, "That one got a lot of people."

Furgas says, "yes i have been hooked since"

Art says, "It is addictive."

Furgas says, "yes it is"

Art smiles, "Tell us about those early years :)"

Furgas says, "well the universe was all new to me, i was here every chance i could get as the 800 aol bills will show"

Art says, "Ouch"

Furgas says, "yea plus the long distance bill"

Art says, "Ooo, double ouch"

Furgas says, "i was thankful when aol went unlimited"

Art can just imagine.

Furgas says, "and i remember the line to get into fed"

Art chuckles

Elar twitches his tail

Furgas says, "but thats all i basicly remember"

Art asks, "Any special friends or guilds or something?"

Furgas says, "well i want the founder of the shadow warrior guild it was based on my planet shadowland"

Furgas says, "was rather"

Art says, "Ah. I think I remember that planet."

Hitman remembers it well.

Art says, "Tell us about your planet."

Elar perks up his ears

Furgas says, "shadowland was a planet that got its light not from a sun but from a black hole so it was a dark world, one had to have a lamp to explore it"

Art smiles, "Ooo, fun :)"

Jessecka smiles.

Furgas says, "now i did take a year off fed and i created dilconia which once i get to founder i am going to be reonlining"

Cragon smiles

Art has fond memories of Dilconia

Furgas says, "many do"

Elar has bought you Pilsner Urquel

Cragon sips his Pilsner

Art asks, "So, now you are in Fed 2, and keeping busy. What do you think about the changes?"

Furgas says, "i like the changes it makes someone who has been around a long time have to relearn the game its a different game"

Art says, "Yes, it is a different game"

Furgas says, "i love the fact that as a factory owner you now cant milk the company for all its money"

Furgas says, "tho i do not liek the taxman , i feel he is puniching me for being profitable"

Art has wondered what we are getting for our taxes.

Elar agrees, game needs tax shelters

Hitman acrees and thinks the tax system should be re structured.

Furgas takes his soapbox for antitaxmand and puts it away

Art giggles.

Art asks, "And of course, I just HAVE to ask... Any romances?"

Furgas says, "and art we pay custom to pull over jessecka for our taxes"

Furgas says, "well i am seeing this sexy indy"

Art asks, "Really?"

Furgas says, "yes"

Art wants names.

Furgas says, "Reethyn"

Art grins.

Art smiles, "Good thing she's here then :)"

Reethyn looks innocent

Furgas says, "yea"

Furgas says, "i maybe in trouble for naming her now tho"

Art winks, "You never know ;)"

Furgas says, "true"

Art asks, "Anything you'd like to tell all dataspace while you have the soapbox?"

Elar perks up his ears

Furgas says, "yes ban customs and the taxman"

Art chuckles.

Furgas says, "and give me back my porter"

Hitman giggles.

Art laughs!

Art asks, "Ready for the questions?"

Furgas says, "yes"

Elar looks through the yellow pages for bank that offers Fed.R.A's

Art says, "If someone has a question for Furgas, just raise your hand."

Hitman raises a hand.

Art asks, "Hitman?"

Ferreri raises a hand

Elar twitches his tail

Hitman asks, " Furgas, what do you hope to see develop in the game as the new ranks get added?"

Furgas says, "well i hope that we will well all have planets soon and that the sutures of promtation /development of the planets is not to hard"

Hitman nods.

Art nods... confused.

Furgas says, "i also want a genisi like program"

Art says, "That would be nice,"

Art asks, "Ferreri?"

Ferreri asks, "you said the only thing you remember from AOL Fed was the line to get in, I've forgotten it, what was it?"

Furgas says, "well it was the fact that if you booted out of aol you could spend hours in limbo trying to get back in"

Ferreri says, "I remember that"

Art grins.

Art asks, "Anyone else?"

Cragon Raises his hand.

Art asks, "Cragon?"

Cragon You and I have a similar Fed background Furgas do you remember any of these planets...newyorkcity, Riva or Bubble?

Ferreri remembers newyorkcity and Riva

Furgas says, "i belive i remember newyorkcity and riva"

Cragon Metro was another back in 95 too.

Furgas says, "i had other planets besides shadowland also"

Cragon What were they?

Reethyn remembers Riva and Bubble

Art remembers those names.

Dunavant remembers Metro

Furgas says, "planetp,volcano, sweetpop and another i can not remember the name of at this moment"

Cragon Riva was around a long time.

Ferreri raises her hand

Art asks, "Ferreri?"

Ferreri asks, "did you have a different name back then, and if so what was it?"

Furgas says, "well on aol fed i was cbrown and a bunch of numbers but once fed went to the web i have had furgas"

Art nods.

Furgas says, "now my main alt was maxpain"

Art smiles, "I remember that name :)"

Hitman Remembers Maxpain

Ferreri says, "oh, yeah, Charley Brown"

Cragon says Wasn't alts a big issue back then?

Furgas says, "yes they were"

Art nods.

Furgas says, "but maxpain didnt become my alt til my brother joined the army"

Art chuckles.

Cragon says I seem to remember being fooled by a few alts.

Art asks, "Anyone else?"

Ferreri says, "no"

Elar has bought you a pizza - Capriciosa, with extra moose.

Art asks, "Ok... What was your all time most embarrassing moment?"

Cragon Gobbles down his pizza.

Elar perks up his ears

Art checks the duct tape.

Elar didn't know you could tape ducks

Furgas says, "well i did grope bella as a prank, and of course all my friends/guild members joined me in it but i got banned for the night by bella"

Art says, "Oops"

Cragon says Yeah I remeber that.

Furgas says, "yes i regret it"

Ferreri laughs

Cragon says Did you grope Barb too?

Furgas says, "yes"

Art drawls, "Ouch..."

Cragon says Yes I do believe you paid for that.

Art asks, "Anyone else have a question?"

Hitman nods

Hitman asks, " Ever DD?"

Art asks, "Hitman?"

Furgas has left.

Furgas has just arrived. Furgas is wearing a medallion and is carrying a keyring.

Hitman says, " Thats one way to get out of Duct tape"

Furgas says, "sorry about that the server shut down by accident"

Art asks, "Er... The question was did you ever DD?"

Furgas says, "yes i dd'd furgas as a baron when i took my year off"

Art reapplies the duct tape.

Furgas says, "and i dd'd here to get rid of my beta test version"

Art asks, "And accidental DDs?"

Furgas says, "no but i have come close a few times"

Art nods.

Furgas says, "i kept forgettign in the fighting events to reinsure"

Cragon raises his hand.

Art says, "That'll do it."

Hitman nods and remembers.

Art asks, "Cragon?"

Cragon says Do you miss the Duke puzzle?

Furgas says, "yes but i had help from urrisa and chamberlain when i did it"

Cragon says Wasn't it boring being a Duke?

Furgas says, "i hope there is something like it in this game"

Furgas says, "well i made duke the day fed 2 went live so i was a duke with out any planets"

Art winks, "Great timing ;)"

Cragon says At one point there were too many Dukes and a lot left cause they were bored.

Furgas puts away the knife he was using to escape with

Furgas says, "yes i remember the dukes leavign but some just dd'd to restart over"

Art has knife-proof duct tape. Orders it special.

Hitman wonders if Fugas has ever met anyone from Fed in Offworld.

Furgas says, "no i havent else for my brother and our friend that played fed"

Art asks, "Any other questions?"

Cragon raises his hand?

Art asks, "Cragon?"

Cragon says At one point wasn't there pictures of live meets posted on the web?

Furgas says, "yes there were"

Art says, "Still are, I think"

Furgas says, "in fact i belive the florida fedder site is still up"

Art says, "It is"

Cragon says "Interesting".

Art asks, "Anyone else?"

Furgas says, "i am sorry about my bad spelling"

Art smiles, "No problem."

Art says, "Well, it looks like that about wraps it up"

Art smiles, "I'd like to thank Furgas for stepping in and letting us grill him. :)"

Cragon says "Good work both of you"

Elar looks around at everything wrapped in duct tape

Ferreri says, "Thank you Furgas"

Art says, "Join me in 2 weeks when my guest will be the radioman, Archer."

Furgas says, "was my pleasure maybe next time i will be more perpared"

Art smiles, "I hope you had fun. I know I did :)"

Furgas says, "i did"

Art says, "Thank you very much"

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