MEET AND GREET WITH OCCY July 3, 2005 Occy has just arrived. Art has given Occy a firm hug. Occy says, "just early is all" Occy has given Art a firm hug. Preach says, "Hey, Occy. :" Preach smiles Art has plenty of duct tape. Occy says, "act grins at Preach" Preach grins back >ex Occy Dunavant takes a seat near the front Occy says, "Boy i am in trouble" Art says, "I haven't even started putting on the duct tape yet." Art drawls, "Though I can..." Geran raises an eyebrow Art grins Occy says, "Gaffer's tape" Art holds up a grey roll. Geran slides further to teh back Preach says, "Aww, I wanted white." Bourbon says, "Art, that is the microphone, here is the tape" Art shows Occy to his seat at center stage. Art clips a small mic to Occy, then fastens it securely with duct tape. Occy says, "Be careful I am only wearing shorts" Art straps Occy's arms to the chair, then starts on a second roll of tape. Preach says, "Ohhhh." Preach scoots closer to front Art chuckles wickedly... Art says, "I'll help you out of it later. I have a special whip I use just for tape removal." Geran moves still futher away Bourbon applauds Bourbon asks, "should we all just get up and leave Occy taped to the chair ????" Occy says, "better get me keg of ale with a tube then" Geran says, "do we dare... perhaps a gag first... wouldn't want to listen to teh hollarin" Art takes a mic for herself and cues a spotlight Art says, "Good evening and welcome to Meet & Greet" Art exclaims, "My special guest tonight is the one and only, legendary Occy!" Dunavant applauds Occy cringes Bourbon claps Geran chuckles Preach exclaims, "Yea!" Art says, "I am sure that my audience is somewhat familiar with your exploits which seemed to make the news quite often back in the dawn of dataspace." Occy says, "humm" Occy says, "like just about every issue" Art asks, "So, I'll let you tell us all about those early years. How did you find Fed?" Occy asks, "you really want to know that?" Art smiles, "Oh yes :)" Geran says, "heheh, pressure's on" Bourbon says, "think Occy dozed off" Occy says, "well Iwas play gemstone I and went to gs II and was the king before they belew it and then was playing gs and got mad at all the gms and davewhathey (sp) and went looking for a better game" Art nods. Occy says, "and found a game that with no gms and coulkd do basicly what I want to and no magic to learn" Art chuckles. Occy asks, "that make any since?" Art says, "Yes, it does" Dunavant nods Hitman asks, " Whereabouts did your searches turn up Fed?" Art drawls, "Please hold your questions for now..." Hitman nods and quiets. Occy says, "I think there was a small thing in scropo's collon on genie" Art will make sure everyone gets a turn to grill Occy. Art nods Occy says, "thank ya" Art says, "Please continue Occy" Occy says, "Oh by the way I speak occyenesse I leave out words from time to time" Occy says, "or really just about every sentance" Art was noticing that. Art grins. Occy says, "and spell my way" Art drawls, "Hazed mentioned needing a dictionary..." Geran is fluent in most fed languages Bourbon says, "if fed ever put in spell check, would get a sentence out" Occy says, "Ok I went to fed and started to play it was a long hard run to get any place as the very little had been chathered" Art drawls, "Uh huh..." Occy says, "and don't for get we where in pure dos in thiose days" Art remembers those days. Bourbon says, "omg Occy you are" Occy frounds at Bourbon Bourbon frowns, "sorry :(" Art strokes her whip... Art asks, "So you jumped in both feet first?" Occy says, "of course did my jobs which where much easier in those day" Art nods. Occy says, "Oh I had so many factories" Art chuckles. Occy knows why there is a limit on factories Art asks, "Were you the reason?" Occy looks the other way Occy asks, "Me?" Art chuckles. Art winks, "We want details ;)" Occy says, "well I was a good trader and was able to supply all my factories with all the goods they needed and took all the work forace in alll the planets" Art laughs. Art asks, "Enterprising, weren't you?" Occy says, "that supported factories" Occy says, "that how you make groats" Art nods. Occy says, "so everyone was mad at me" Art says, "Well, they would be." Occy says, "so Bella made a limit on how many factories you could have" Art nods. Occy says, "sometimes I think that Bella is comunist" Bourbon laughs Art chuckles. Art asks, "So, facs were cut back... Then what?" Occy says, "and the time that Bella taxed me for too many groats... Boy I layed in to him .. he prommist to give it back but never did" Occy exclaims, "Oops her!" Art giggles. Occy says, "then we started all the coming about puzzles for advancement" Art nods Occy says, "at one time I was a higher rank than Hazed and could spy on her that was fun" Dunavant chuckles Art says, "Ooo, we want all the juicy details." Occy says, "nothing to repeat that I can say but Hazed is a real politican" Art grins. Hitman chuckles. Occy doesn't want to be zapped by H by A Art laughs! Art asks, "So, any other memories, like maybe of the puzzles?" Occy says, "Snark was reall fun" Art smiles, "Ooo, tell :)" Occy says, "and after we did the puzzle and knew that some one doing the puzzle we sit in snark space and get hope and care as they paid 3 and 2 million groats a piece" Occy says, "and run our factories form there" Art grins. Occy says, "giving hauler jobs to the minons" Art nods. Occy says, "in the old days there were to factions the olldball and kre.. and the piemur and occy faction" [EDITOR'S NOTE: that's Oddball and Krell] Art smiles. Occy says, "I should have study for all the names" Art laughs. Occy says, "one of the funniest was o'toole the drunk" Bourbon perks up Art chuckles. Occy says, "we had more fun with him than you can have with any drunk" Art says, "Tell us" Art asks, "What sort of things?" Art says, "Did you do, I mean" Occy drawls, "we would set him up with stock prices and things an just wipe him up once got to make a plaent it was a death bed for most but we able to get around his schecems and took him for another ride moidle shouldn't pay that much...." Art laughs Occy says, "that should say mobiles" Occy says, "Oh I spybeams come around GET one they a great groat making tool" Art nods. Fancy says, "I don't think spybeams will ever be in Fed II." Bourbon nods Art says, "Me either" Occy says, "they will be it's part of a tradition" Art says, "They have reverse beams now. Relay" Occy says, "and how would Bella be able to get 10giga groats out of me for a spyproof room" Fancy says, "Fed II has relay to replace it with the one who would be watched having control." Art says, "I guess having a spyproof room was the best way to ensure the TTTT" Occy says, "ah yup my second persona Looney had that on hi s planet" Art smiles. Occy says, "but I paid for it" Occy exclaims, "here is a good one!" Art nods. Art listens. Occy says, "when player planets first came in" Art asks, "Yes?" Occy says, "I was harassesd to get my planet up as I was one of the first like 3rd to the horsell puzzel and not a real writer" Occy says, "So I embared on buliding a planet" Occy chuckles Art smiles. Occy says, "what a joke that was.. it was a fun planet but done strangely" Art asks, "How so?" Occy says, "once the planet was up and running (the 4th player planet) the game starting to craash alot" Art drawls, "Uh oh..." Occy says, "well Bella looking for the problem for weeks" Art nods. Occy says, "started to load each planet one by one" Occy exclaims, "whne Zippy was loaded it took more than half the game memmory!" Art drawls, "Ouch..." Fancy snickers. Art says, "I imagine Bella had words about that." Occy says, "I didn't follow the rule in planet makeing and such well if there is a number between 48 and 53 i used the something in between" Art says, "Oh no." Occy says, "Oh Bella herself personaly edit my planet" Occy says, "the planet workbench got a bit tighter after that" Fancy asks, "Are you referring to the system "no exit" messages, where you entered a code for each location?" Art says, "It would," Occy says, "you would get the strangest messages when you did some thing wrong on the planet" Fancy grins, imagining the possibilities. Occy nods to Fancy Art giggles. Occy says, "I wasn't aloud to write any more planets" Art drawls, "I wonder why..." Occy says, "so Looney's planet was writen by Rebucka St Clair" Occy says, "sorry spelling" Art nods Art asks, "So, before I turn the audience loose with their questions, is there any other story you want to tell?" Occy says, "I could go on and on with stroies but they probably bore you all" Art smiles, "I doubt that. :)" Art asks, "Ok, does anyone have a question for Occy?" Art says, "Just raise your hand." Fancy raises a paw. Art asks, "Fancy?" Fancy asks, "What's your favorite moment from all your time in Fed?" Occy says, "I have question how come "wait" doesn't make the vwenus shuttle run? I had more fun with that even with old players" Art giggles. Geran says, "bummer eh... i tried and tried yesterday to get that thing moving" Occy drawls, "they would all say that the shuttle has gone crazy..." Art nods. Art says, "No more Yak 42s" Occy has tears flowing Art drawls, "Aw..." Fancy remembers some mischief when an exploration event went to the mines on Venus. Art hasn't even started removing the duct tape yet. Occy drawls, "me have been good so far..." Art nods. Geran says, "that's what scares us most" Occy says, "just not bigg enought ot have fun yet" Occy says, "" Occy says, "me very simple and stupid" Art chuckles. Art asks, "Next?" Bourbon raises hand Art asks, "Bourbon?" Bourbon asks, "Occy, you talked about dos,, just when did you start playing Fed ????" Occy tried to coerver his eyes Art checks the tape on his arms. Occy says, "me thinks in the late 80's" Art thinks that sounds about right. Bourbon says, "wow, that does go back a lil" Occy nods Geran chuckles Fancy says, "So right about when the game originally came into existence." Occy says, "been playing longer than some have been alive" Occy says, "yes Fancy" Bourbon laughs Art chuckles Bourbon says, "at least the youngsters are not snerts" Fancy realizes that generates another question in his mind. Art asks, "Fancy?" Occy says, "from the old day of BBS and such and the internet was hard thing to use for most as the wasn't any browseer" Fancy asks, "How does the current state of this Fed, under development, compare with those days of Fed when it was under development, and new ranks still being added?" Occy asks, "in my opin?" Fancy nods. Art checks for any signs of life... Occy says, "Ok I think GH and captian are right even with out the mag puzzle (which I haven't done yet) adventurer suck right now the ak jobs are use less even tho many think its good for the non explorers" Art nods. Occy is not the 500 words a second typist The most tip-top Top Cat, Fancy - Fancy has left. Occy says, "the one above I have not had a chance to to play with" The most tip-top Top Cat, Fancy - Fancy has just arrived. Fancy is carrying a keyring. Fancy is wearing a wedding ring. Art nods. Fancy wondered why he wasn't seeing the response. Art also slips in a question... Occy says, "I can say one thing I going to be taxed way before I make my next rank" Art asks, "What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?" Bourbon says, "besides have the duct tape removed from you legs" Occy says, "to be honest my planet Zippy I made in one night" Occy says, "that why it was called zippy" Art chuckles. Occy says, "Zippy was the largest duchy ever" Art nods Occy says, "and that why DI came in for display" Occy says, "I would help my planet owners to make their planet better if they did good I did good" Fancy smiles knowingly. Art says, "The hallmark of a good duke" Occy says, "I had over 750 gig" Fancy whistles. Art exclaims, "Wow!" Occy says, "[once I made to the conclave the rest was history" Art nods. Bourbon says, "that was important back then, will have to see what the future brings" Art asks, "Anyone else have a question?" Bourbon raise hand Occy says, "I even made senator or realistic was force to it and had to do some dealing with it" Art asks, "Bourbon?" Bourbon asks, "Occy, how long have you been in Fed2 ???" Occy says, "only an adventurer and not that long work keeps from play alot" Art nods. Art says, "Well, we are glad you decided to come back to dataspace." Bourbon says, "what do you think of the new version" Occy says, "if I ever get over these ak jobs look out" Art chuckles. Occy says, "I have 10% of the ak jobs and 207 kg and no bank to put them" Art nods. "Those taxmen get most of Adv. Geran winks... "did aks in a day and glad of it" Occy says, "the tax man got me once not this time" Bourbon says, "think most of us are on a first name basis with the taxman" Art nods sadly, Occy exclaims, "Geran WoW!" Geran grins Bourbon winks, "if ya ain't paying taxes, ya ain't making money ;)" Occy says, "Hey even Freya was in my duchy" Art says, "Wow." Bourbon says, "darn Occy , you do go back a" Occy says, "going to use other people to hold my groats once I get closet to tax time" Art asks, "Any other questions for Occy?" Bourbon asks, "was she as sweet back then ?" Bourbon raised a belated hand Art says, "Bourbon" Bourbon says, "already asked" Art asks, "Ok, anyone else?" Occy says, "Me I probably the longest player around" Art winks, "Except Hazed ;)" Occy says, "she doesn't play" Occy says, "she zapped you" Art says, "She's here in the mornings." Bourbon smiles, "good answer :)" Art asks, "Any final words?" Occy says, "hang on a few got to think there was one thing I wanted to say but forgot" Art drawls, "Ok..." Bourbon has bought you glass of Glenlivet Scotch Occy says, "sorry can't bring that thought back up" Bourbon shakes Occy's hand Art smiles, "Ok. I'd like to thank you for being my guest. :)" Occy says, "Most welcome" Dunavant claps Bourbon tickles Art one more time ;) Art giggles. Geran applauds Bourbon smiles, "good luck on the adventure Occy :)" Art will see about getting Occy out of that duct tape... Occy says, "hope I didn't bore you aLL too much" Art uncoils her whip and cracks it once in the air... Art smiles sweetly, "Ready?" Bourbon says, "Occy, the leg hairs will grow back in a couple of" Occy can't duck Occy has tears running down his face Art swings her whip and CRACK! One leg is freed from tape. Art smiles. "No blood... so far." Bourbon says, "Occy, this is the best" Occy tries to crawl into a ball Art swings again and again there is a loud CRACK! and one arm is free from restraints. Art chuckles. Occy asks, "where is my hair on my arm?" Art says, "On the tape." Bourbon says, "that too will take a few weeks, remember to use SPF stuff" Occy asks, "I guess this was cheaper that a waxing?" Art suddenly swings the whip and CRACK! The other leg is free. Art swings one last time. CRACK! Your other arm is tape free. Occy says, "when this is done i might be a female" Art says, "There, and once again, no blood." Art says, "No hair left either, but it'll grow back." Art says, "Eventually" Occy says, "beach bums don't have alot of hair anywAYS" Art says, "True." Art says, "Thanks for being my guest" Occy checks to see if his floppy hat is still in tack Art thinks it is... Clio waves and puts away her magic scroll. Occy says, "take every thing I said out" |