MEET AND GREET WITH STARLINA April 24, 2005 Under the spotlight, Starlina is here. >ex Starlina Art steps up on stage and adjusts the mic. Art says, "Good evening everyone and welcome to Meet & Greet." Allanon smiles Art exclaims, "My special guest tonight is Starlina!" Starlina stands and gives Stuverats a kiss on the cheek before moving to sit next to Art. Gwarrior cheers. Dorian lights a cigarette. Stuverats tries to hog all the front row seats Art says, "I'm especially glad to have her here tonight since she had to miss the M&G she was originally scheduled for." Starlina has a twinkle in her eyes. Art says, "There really is no escape." Jessecka giggles. Starlina grins Art grins and sits beside Starlina. Starlina fluffs up a pillow to place under her bare feet. Art says, "So, tell us how you found Fed and all about your early years." Ferreri asks, "where's the duct tape?" Starlina grins slyly. Starlina says, "Well, the eons ago during AOL free Federation is when I began. About 12 years ago it was." Art points out the stack of duct tape rolls behind her chair. Art drawls, "Long time ago..." Starlina says, "Those were the fun times" Art nods. Starlina says, "That was when captain was a time that you made good friends with the JP's" Starlina says, "and would make a meg per haul" Starlina says, "ahhh the good old days" Art says, "Those were good times." Reethyn remembers that well. Dorian smiles to himself. Starlina smiles, "Well these are great times too:)" Starlina says, "I just recently found Fed again through Archer" Art grins. Starlina says, "He was one of my PO's back in the day who I kept in touch with" Starlina says, "So this is awesome to be back" Starlina says, "Let's see...what else do you want to know" Art says, "Who were you back then, if you don't mind telling." Starlina says, "ahh ok, I was SosayCin" Starlina says, "Duchesse of Harem" Art smiles, "A fun duchy :)" Stuverats says, "Never a dull moment" Art asks, "So, did you have any special friends then?" Starlina says, "I had a very fun time back then" Art likes to get all the names... Starlina exclaims, "I sure did!" Starlina says, "Well my best friend was Stuverats" Ferreri exclaims, "Harem Rocked!" Starlina points at Stuverats Starlina says, "I don't know if you remember Wicked1025" Starlina says, "She was PO of Punish, I met her here and actually met her in RL" Fancy says, "Ah, of Punish" Starlina says, "she lives very close to me" Starlina says, "yes, very fun chick" Art isn't sure... "Oh yes, now I remember." Starlina says, "There was Cattysu" Starlina says, "She and I liked to shake things up. We actually got married. First female marriage back then" Starlina laughs Art giggles. Starlina says, "Let's see, Ferreri there was a PO and Archer, Buddykarl, Caribou92" Starlina says, "wow so many friends" Starlina says, "Uwntmykiss" Reethyn glances at Starlina Starlina says, "who was the other one Stu" Starlina says, "kissy, what was her name" Starlina exclaims, "Reethyn remembers the hot tub parties on Harem, don't ya!" Stuverats winks, "Hmmm. There are so many other ones. ;)" Starlina says, "Nickdan and dior" Reethyn nods to Starlina Reethyn grins Starlina says, "mkaspar" Art always did like parties. Starlina says, "I had too many alts to remember as well" Starlina says, "Doing the JP puzzle was always fun" Reethyn exclaims, "MK!" Starlina says, "gosh so many, I know I'm missing some" Starlina says, "Devaberial was a harem boy" Art drawls, "Oooo, harem boys...." Starlina says, "we were all a bit on the wild side back in the day" Starlina says, "yeah they were fun" Reethyn pouts that she was forgotten. Starlina has given Reethyn a warm hug. Starlina says, "Freya was always there to give a helping bland one" Art asks, "A what?" Starlina says, "bland smile" Starlina asks, "doesn't she still do that?" Art doesn't know. Starlina says, "And we never saw Mr. Lenton on but occasionally" Starlina says, "it was always a treat" Art smiles, "That it was. :)" Starlina says, "Nice to see him around here. I almost died when he sent me an email about a bug I reported LOL" Reethyn remembers them being so mysterious, unlike nowdays. Starlina asks, "No kidding huh?" Starlina giggles Art smiles, "Things are different now :)" Starlina says, "This is true. I enjoy seeing them around" Art asks, "What do you think is the biggest difference now?" Starlina says, "No bots and no macros" Starlina says, "I hated that" Starlina says, "It took the game to an unnatural low for me" Art nods. Starlina says, "I don't have that knowledge that the computer genius types have" Starlina says, "to set up ...."macros"" Starlina laughs. Art says, "I know that feeling." Starlina says, "It is nice to have real players on." Art says, "Yes, much nicer" Starlina says, "I think not having the fabric of live rip all the time is nice too" Starlina says, "so many people just went nuts with a million alts and planets" Art asks, "The Snark?" Starlina says, "yes" Starlina laughs Reethyn laughs because she had forgotten about that Starlina says, "There are definitely less snerts around" Starlina says, "oh my gosh, too many PO's" Dorian chuckles, "Snert..." Starlina says, "Once you had one everyone wanted a zillion" Art nods. Starlina says, "So ...that and the whole scheme of the ranks" Starlina giggles to herself. Art chuckles. Art asks, "And tonight was something special?" Starlina s eyes gleam as she looks over at Stuverats. Starlina says, "well" Art drawls, "Speaking of ranks..." Stuverats grins Starlina says, "Just seeing Stuverats here makes it special" Art chuckles. Starlina says, "but yes, I am now a Trader" Starlina grins from ear to ear. Reethyn cheers for Starlina Stuverats beams Art exclaims, "Congrats!" Starlina says, "I actually bought my first future thanks to Sleeper over there in Phobos" Fancy smiles, "Congratulations. :)" Starlina says, "Thank you" Starlina smiles. Starlina says, "we will see if anything good comes out of it. I expect this level to stick with me for a while" Ferreri whispers 'she must have got the explosives' Art asks, "Anything else, other stories maybe, that you want to tell before I open the floor for questions?" Starlina laughs Reethyn chuckles at Ferreri Starlina says, "No, I can't think of anything else. My memory isn't as good as I wish it to be." Art says, "Ok... If anyone has a question, just raise your hand and I'll call on you." Starlina smiles out at the crowd. Ferreri raises her hand Art asks, "Ferreri?" Ferreri asks, "when are you and Stu tying the knot?" Starlina giggles and smiles at Stuverats Starlina says, "well...I have no idea. When we find our way to the marital vow spot on Earth I suppose" Stuverats grins Starlina says, "I'd say we've been attached at the hip already" Starlina asks, "just a piece of paper, right stu?" Art giggles. Stuverats says, "And wedding rings" Starlina says, "he had me at...tb starlina" Starlina chuckles. Art says, "Yes, everyone can see that you are married." Reethyn laughs Stuverats says, "And a notation on spynet report" Dorian grins. Starlina exclaims, "This is true!" Allanon thinks it's too bad this isn't a wedding chapel Art says, "It's a good thing." Starlina says, "That reminds me. one nice thing about the new spybeam snerts" Starlina has bought you a nice stiff one Stuverats hated the demonic piece of machinery called the spybeam Starlina winks Art says, "Privacy is a very good thing." Dorian glares at his 'stiff one' gingerly. Ferreri raises her hand again Art asks, "Yes Ferreri?" Dorian clears his throat. Ferreri asks, "were you drunk when you decided o promote to Trader today?" Starlina laughs Starlina says, "No actually I was thinking it would be more stimulating to use my brain instead of my typing skills for once" Starlina cackles Starlina says, "Now, I think I made a mistake" Starlina grins Boone offers his speelchekcer to Starlina Fancy says, "You'll figure it out, I'm sure. How soon, I don't know." Ferreri says, "I know you will figure it out." Starlina says, "I just know I will" Starlina says, "maybe by the end of summer" Stuverats says, "Hell, I did" Starlina snickers. Boone says, "If I can do it, anyone can" Zane asks, "what's the difference between merchant and trader?" Starlina says, "a nightmare, Zane" Boone agrees with Starlina Starlina says, "wow, i have libs still on my ship" Starlina says, "oh geez" Reethyn chuckles Starlina asks, "libs anyone?" Ferreri says, "you can't unload now" Fancy says, "I think all you can do with them now is store them." Starlina says, "Maybe I should just open up a little booth here and give them away as parting gifts" Art asks, "Any other questions?" Furgas has bought you blood wine Starlina grins and tries to slip down off her stool Ferreri says, "we can't be done yet" Starlina says, "yes we can" Archer chuckles Starlina giggles. Ferreri raises her hand Starlina says, "aww geez" Art asks, "Ferr?" Starlina says, "i remember being one of those" Ferreri asks, "why did you change your name?" Starlina says, "I have been playing another mud since I left here and that was my name" Starlina says, "It is better than my old band name" Starlina laughs Allanon wonders what is a 'band name' Art chuckles. Fancy asks, "And what's the old band name?" Starlina says, "My band" Starlina says, "back when I had no children" Starlina says, "So Say Cin" Starlina grins Starlina says, "This one fits my personality and cartoon looks" Fancy smiles. Starlina says, "You all seen my pornographic cartoon drawing of myself I hope" Starlina laughs Art asks, "No, where can I see it?" Starlina says, "I call it...Starlina on a cold day" Archer has seen it...more than once. Stuverats laughs Reethyn chuckles. Starlina says, "remember they said to give a picture of yourself" Archer grins Ferreri says, "I saw it, was gonna edit it for you" Starlina says, "aww shucks" Starlina says, "no bandaids on the shirt" Starlina says, "my daughter had a fit when she saw it" Art laughs! Starlina says, "we should put a black bar across it or something. I liked the whole look less the nippley effect" Starlina says, "what the heck. it goes with the ol' sosay" Art drawls, "And on that note, I just HAVE to ask..." Starlina says, "oh do" Fancy grins at what's coming... Art says, "What is your most embarrassing moment? Here or in Classic... or both." Starlina says, "see, the branding iron of the big H is hiding behind my right butt cheek" Starlina says, "most embarrasing. none here" Starlina says, "having Wizard spy on me" Art checks... "Yep." Starlina says, "when I was in duffs" Starlina says, "you know, back then" Starlina says, "stu, could you leave the room for a moment" Art says, "Oooooo" Stuverats says, "Ummmm, ok" Starlina says, "I'm just kidding" Archer laughs Starlina says, "wizard always spied" Starlina says, "he liked our hot tubs" Stuverats is as red as his tropical punch kool-aid right now Art wants details! Starlina asks, "I'd say the most embarassing was Wizard broadcasting things from Harem to channel 9 was it?" Starlina says, "from his spybeam" Fancy perks up his ears in interest. Starlina says, "oh I can't get any more in details" Art drawls, "Oh my...." Reethyn vagely remembers belly button jello shots. Starlina laughs Starlina exclaims, "you remember those bachelorette parties!" Starlina says, "Harem had some humdingers" Ferreri says, "we had lots of fun in Harem" Starlina says, "I would try to win that trophy" Starlina laughs Reethyn says, "I threw one also.. good lord." Art grins. Archer remembers being "entertainment" on occasion and turns a little red. Stuverats asks, "Tungsten Tourist Trap Trophy, eh?" Starlina exclaims, "yes!" Art nods. Starlina says, "but Wizard was always a naughty one to spybeam on little ones and report it to the whole channel" Starlina says, "so that is it in a nutshell" Stuverats says, "Like I said before, spybeam = demonic" Reethyn agrees totally. Starlina agrees with Stuverats Art giggles. Starlina says, "It is much more interesting without it" Art says, "It's different." Fancy says, "That definitely made getting to the top rank an incentive for privacy." Starlina says, "More a game now" Starlina asks, "well is the beam on earth disconnected?" Starlina says, "hrrrm" Starlina says, "hehehe, remember doing that" Reethyn nods. Starlina says, "spying on tbar" Starlina laughs Art can just imagine. Starlina says, "we were downright nasty as duchesses and dukes" Starlina says, "trying to get the inside scoop" Starlina says, "muahahahahha" Art says, "And no pity for the poor duke without a screen." Starlina says, "that's right" Starlina says, "it was dog eat dog. I like it the way it is now. Everyone helping each other to promote" Art says, "It's amazing how many didn't have one either" Starlina says, "It is a definite must nowadays" Art asks, "So... Any other questions?" Starlina looks over and winks at Stuverats Stuverats winks back Starlina bats her eyes. Ferreri thinks she's asked all the questions Art thinks someone should find that office and give up a slithy. Starlina smiles Stuverats bought some of his own Starlina asks, "Did you?" Stuverats says, "Yep" Starlina says, "shame on you. I told you I would" Art chuckles. Art asks, "Wedding tonight?" Starlina asks, "Did you get the warehouses you needed?" Stuverats says, "Well, I have future plans for some of these" Stuverats says, "And I did upgrade my depots" Starlina says, "well darnit all" Starlina says, "good" Archer says, "You two already sound" Starlina says, "See, he is a good man" Stuverats says, "And I can help you out if you need it" Starlina says, "we have known each other from the beginning" Art says, "Best way" Starlina says, "haven't we Stu" Stuverats has set his mood accordingly Whipped and loving it, Stuverats is here. Starlina says, "we have always been the best of friends" Stuverats says, "9 years, I believe it has been now" Starlina laughs at stuverats mood Art chuckles. Starlina says, "yup" Starlina says, "well wait, i was around earlier than that" Starlina says, "so since your beginning" Stuverats has known her since merchant Starlina says, "awwwwwwww" Art says, "I'm telling you, it's destiny" Starlina says, "well, come on Stu, let's get hitched" Art exclaims, "Yes!" Starlina slides down off the stool and sneaks over to hold Stuverats hand. Starlina gives Stuverats a peck on the cheek. Art gets a scoop for M&G! Art asks, "Everyone link up?" Starlina says, "He better know where he is going" Starlina point Stuverats Archer chuckles Fancy says, "We'd have to follow once we get to Earth." Ferreri says, "can't follow through space" Starlina says, "this is true" Art says, "Yes... meet on Earth LP" Stuverats says, "Ok, well, I'll see you all at the Earth LP then"
Stuverats asks, "Everyone following?" Starlina says, "yup I think so" Art smiles, "Yep :)" Jessecka smiles, "I am:)" Clio has the camera going Starlina smiles into the camera Stuverats says, "Ok, here we go. I'll take the long way in case the monorail decides not to cooperate"
Here comes the bride
Starlina is here. You can see the registrar. Starlina says, "ahhhh" Starlina says, "i lost half the people" Stuverats asks, "Should we wait for them?" Starlina says, "art is coming" Clio says, "Please wait. She didn't get to join" Art? Art who? The Art? What the Art? Oh, THAT the Art has just arrived. Art is wearing some medallions Starlina says, "here she is" Art exclaims, "Finally!" Starlina laughs Jessecka sniffles, wishing her hubby was here. Starlina says, "i know, I was lost for a while there" Starlina has given Jessecka a tender hug. Stuverats asks, "Do we have everyone?" Starlina says, "I think so" Ferreri starts to cry Starlina wipes off Stuverats shoulder Starlina says, "you have a little something there...ok, all better" Art offers Starlina a wedding dress... She's still wearing her 7 veils and carrying her branding iron Starlina says, "oh hell, i'll just leave on the damn veils" Art giggles! Stuverats asks, "Should I do a repeat of our last wedding?" Starlina says, "I'll do the seven veil dance later" Starlina says, "Well..ok" Art LAUGHS! Starlina says, "wait" Starlina says, "no" Fancy thinks of Ray Steven's song Ahab the Arab. Jessecka giggles. Starlina nods to Fancy Starlina puts away the haremboy branding iron Starlina says, "guess I'll have to give up the haremboys again" Art snaps! Starlina says, "darnit" Starlina laughs Reethyn laughs Stuverats says, "That's right" Art exclaims, "I'll take 'em!" Starlina says, "well, those bots were worthless anyway" Archer laughs Jessecka wonders what she got herself into. Starlina pinches Stuverat's cheek Stuverats asks, "Wouldn't they rust in the hot tub anyway?" Art wonders which one... Starlina says, "every time" Starlina winks at Art. Starlina says, "alright Stu, you starts" Art giggles and winks back Ferreri says, "they'd get all hard in the hot water" Starlina says, "when they worked their best" Reethyn asks, "wouldn't that be a good thing?" Starlina says, "ooh..well..anyway" Reethyn grins at Ferreri Starlina looks over at Stu Jessecka covers her ears and blushes. Clio is still recording. Stuverats asks, "Now I just put in the command and it's a done deal?" Starlina says, "I think so hon" Art drawls, "I think so..." Starlina says, "unless you have spelling problems" Starlina says, "and don't put it in a tb" Starlina snickers Stuverats is going to triple check the spelling Starlina says, "i'm sitting single and all" Stuverats says, "Ok. Here goes" Starlina smiles Along with the other guests, you all sit at the back, as though you were still at school. Once everyone is seated and the coughing and shuffling has ended the ceremony begins. It is very simple and very moving. The registrar calls the couple up to the platform and asks each of them in turn to recite their marriage vows. Using a quill pen, he inscribes their names into a large leather bound book - a real book with real paper. After he has carefully blotted the writing he declares the couple to be married. With his part in the ceremony complete the registrar bows and invites everyone to adjourn to wherever the reception is to be held, there to complete whatever other ceremonies the couple's culture calls for. Starlina says, "i now dub myself his" Fancy smiles. Starlina points at Stuverats Jessecka has given Stuverats a hot hug. Jessecka has given Starlina a passionate hug. Archer says, "Congrats you two" Archer sniffles Starlina is married to Stuverats. Reethyn exclaims, "Congrats!" Jessecka frowns, "now, I need a tissue:(" Allanon says, "Congrats" Reethyn has given Starlina a truly scrumptious hug. Starlina says, "awwwwwwwwwwwwww" Art exclaims, "Congratulations!" Reethyn has given Stuverats a hot hug. Ferreri exclaims, "congrats!" Starlina exclaims, "it says we be married!" Art throws rice. Starlina smiles, "thanks:)" Allanon hands Jessecka a handkerchief Starlina has given Stuverats a friendly hug. Stuverats has given Starlina an agreeable hug. Starlina says, "now yer broke" Starlina has given Stuverats an ecstatic kiss. Art exclaims, "What a great M&G!" Ferreri says, "it's in the review" Starlina grins Jessecka says, "thanks Allanon" Fancy applauds. Starlina says, "oo oo" Allanon smiles Art exclaims, "And you'll always be able to check on the date because it will be on the website!" Jessecka giggles. Archer says, "Oh man, no excuse for missing the anniversary now Stu" Fancy says, "April 24." Art says, "Yeppers" Jessecka says, "I had to look up ours in the hall of fame cause I forgot it" Stuverats is now officially doomed Ferreri has given Starlina a cool hug. Art hugs the happy couple Ferreri has given Stuverats an agreeable hug. Allanon has given Starlina a truly scrumptious hug. Allanon shakes Stuverats hand Reethyn says, "Man Starlina, you sure got a lot in the spynet review today."
Starlina says, "where is this review" Reethyn says, "spynet review" Art says, "Just type spynet review" Starlina exclaims, "wow!" Reethyn smiles Starlina says, "what's a magellan society" Art winks, "And I'll let you get to the honeymoon... ;)" Starlina smiles, "awwww:)" Art says, "It's the new puzzle." Starlina says, "a puzzle" Stuverats says, "Too bad there's no harem or hot tub at the moment" Starlina drools Starlina says, "aw hell, who needs a harem" Art exclaims, "Join me in 2 weeks when my guest will be Bourbon!" Starlina says, "the ol bourbon" Reethyn whips out a blow up hot tub and hands it to the happy couple. Fancy says, "There is the crystal pool on the water demonstration world on Magrathea, though." Art says, "Different" Jessecka winks, "hey, I know of a beach you can go to guys;)" Art smiles, "Congrats" Fancy says, "And actually, come to think of it, there is one hot tub I know of." Art has given Stuverats a friendly hug. Starlina says, "thanks guys" Art has given Starlina a hearty hug. Stuverats says, "Yes, thank you all" Art says, "Yes, I know of a hot tub and a beach... and fairly private too" Stuverats sets his mood again Angels do exist, cause
I just married one Stuverats is here. Stuverats is
wearing a wedding ring. Starlina says, "awwwwwwwwwwww" Jessecka smiles, "gotta run guys, congrats :)" Reethyn exclaims, "Great mood Stu!" Art exclaims, "How sweet!" Starlina says, "that he is" Archer shakes Stu's hand. Starlina pinches Stuverats Archer has given Starlina a cool hug. Starlina says, "well alrighty" Stuverats ties tin cans to his ship Archer winks, "soooo when should we expect a Stu junior? ;)" Clio will be getting things written up. Starlina says, "never!!!!!!!! no alts" Starlina laughs Starlina says, "that's how things get way messed up" Art smiles, "Great M&G, Starlina. Thanks for filling in. :)" Archer laughs Starlina says, "thanks Art" Stuverats says, "Even if we did, it'd be messed up with only one of us watching the baby" Art says, "I did say it would be fun. You never know what will happen." Fancy grins. Starlina says, "you never know" Archer says, "True..hehe" Starlina exclaims, "to Phobos!" Art drawls, "Yes...." Art has to do the write up... Fancy smiles, "Ah yes, the living fur. :)" Starlina asks, "am I wearing a wedding ring?" Art says, "Congrats again, and yes, you are." Reethyn nods Fancy says, "Yep, you sure are." Starlina says, "i don't get to see it darnit" Stuverats says, "Mrs. Stuverats Starlina is here. Starlina is wearing a wedding ring." Starlina says, "thanks honey" Archer winks, "That's so you can pretend its not there. "Married? I'm married?!?!?" ;)" Stuverats says, "There you go" Starlina says, "hehehehe" Starlina cackles Archer tosses a wink at Stu. Fancy says, "Examining you says you are married. So does Spynet Report." Archer says, "ok kids, have fun." Starlina eyes her bats and bats her eyes Starlina says, "ooooo" Stuverats says, "Well I guess we're off then" Art winks, "Have fun... and good luck getting any sleep tonight ;)" Starlina says, "hoorah hoorah" Reethyn says, "Bye guys" Starlina says, "oh hush" Art is so naughty. Starlina says, "you is" Stuverats says, "Again, thanks for coming" Starlina snickeres Art says, "It's in my description" Fancy says, "Oh, they'll probably sleep REAL well afterwards." Angels do exist, cause I just married one Stuverats has left. Starlina says, "hehehe" Mrs. Stuverats Starlina has left. |