Angelfowl does a quick change of clothes
Kalandra asks, "I like your mood t-shirt better, know where I can get one Angel?" Angelfowl winks, "I made it up ;)" Kalandra winks, "I meant a slithy for my mind... I'm a few short of the, extortion, I mean quote that hazed gave me for my new planet puzzle ;)" Angelfowl laughs Angelfowl winks, "Wish I could help with that ;)" Kalandra frowns, "its going to cost aroudn 24 slithies to put in :(" Meteu asks, "Lets get started shall we?" Angelfowl says, "ouch, and now? Wow... there is hardly anyone here" Meteu duct tapes Angelfowl to the chair Angelfowl exclaims, "Eep!" Angelfowl is glad she put on a jacket to make sure it didn't get her sunburn Kalandra nods "I was just thinking of your sunburn" Angelfowl smiles Kblackdragon has just arrived. Kblackdragon says, "Hiya" Angelfowl would wave but her arms had been duct taped Kalandra smiles, "heya Kb :)" Djentsch says, "be glad that you didn't get taped with my tape" Kalandra says, "yeah 100mph tape doesn't come off as easy" Kblackdragon says, "Wow. That's gotta be painful with lobster syndrome" Angelfowl winks, "This is why I put a jacket on ;)" Djentsch says, "nope. i've used it a few times to tie someone to the gun tube on a tank" Kalandra says, "and then it leaves that sticky goop left on everything" Meteu asks, "Dj what did they do to deserve that?" Kblackdragon says, "Let's get to inquiring" Meteu says, "We are here with Angelfowl tonight. Good evening Angel" Angelfowl smiles, "Hiya :)" Kalandra applauds Kblackdragon exclaims, "Hurrfay!" Meteu asks, "Lets start with the obvious, what brought you here to Fed?" Angelfowl smiles, "My dad :)" Angelfowl smiles, "When I was about 13, I was watching my dad play Fed2 and asked him if I could play. He decided that It involved reading, typing, and a lot of math, so he let me play :)" Meteu asks, "So you joined for the "educational" aspect?" Kblackdragon says, "And don't say the drugs because we know it's not true" Angelfowl nods, "At first... once I got into the game, I figured out there was a lot of social aspects too... and didn't really work much for the longest time" Meteu asks, "What do you like most about Fed?" Angelfowl drawls, "Probably... Social aspect, getting to meet all different types of people, and working with them. Or the fact you can make player planets..." Angelfowl grins, "I love my planet, since I love writing, and I thought that aspect of getting to write an entire planet was just the greatest thing. ^^" Meteu asks, "Lets talk a little about your planet, what inspired you to write your planet the way you did?" Angelfowl smiles, "Well, the fact that I love writing stories had a lot to do with my planet. I took one of the settings from a story I had been writing and used it as the planet. The four Kingdoms were fun to write, each has there own personality." Meteu asks, "Why did you do four kingdoms instead of saving one or 2 for another planet?" Angelfowl smiles, "Probably because I never thought I'd get a second planet, and I was a little impatient that day... wrote my planet in four hours. .and had been planning that planet for over a year before the workbench finally came out :)" Meteu asks, "What is your favourite part about your planet?" Angelfowl smiles, "Probably either the Wind Kingdom, or the new addition... The Party Mansion :)" Meteu asks, "I'm sure we'll be over to check that out. Did you make any mistakes when you made it that are still around?" Angelfowl says, "Couple of the normal spelling errors... southest and so forth, but northing major unfortunately" Meteu asks, "Care to share any plans for your second planet?" Angelfowl smiles, "I will only say that it will compliment Kingdom very nicely." Meteu smiles, "Now on to the good part:)" Angelfowl gulps Meteu asks, "Whats the most embarassing way you have died?" Angelfowl says, "Mars" Angelfowl rins Angelfowl grins even Meteu asks, "Where on Mars?" Angelfowl says, "I was doing one of my first adventurer jobs, and it was to Mars... well I decided to try Inside the ruins... Where I got lost and fell down the pit and died.... but that's not the funny part" Meteu drawls, "Do tell...." Meteu leans forward Angelfowl says, "I came back to Mars... and decided I must have missed where the room was I was suppose to deliver the package... So I got stuck again, had to ask my dad for help... and got out... Well, turned out... it was the room across from the Ruins entrance that I was looking for... so I died, and got lost twice" Angelfowl winks, "For no reason... Let me tell you, I felt like an idiot after that ;)" Meteu asks, "Have the radiation rooms ever got you after you knew what was in there?" Angelfowl winks, "Yep, had to try all three doors ;)" Angelfowl says, "And then again when I was doing the Magellan Puzzle" Meteu says, "Ouch, man are you unlucky" Meteu asks, "I'm going to ask the obvious here, other than your planet which is your favorite?" Angelfowl winks, "Yeah, then the other funny thing was I had to change computers at some point so my Fed Map wasn't full... so I decided to run into the sun to have it on my map ;)" Meteu smiles, "Thats special:)" Angelfowl smiles, "Uh... It's it obvious? Gforce is probably my other fav planet... but that is for obvious reasons, besides that the other really good planets are probably anything in the Java system, anything in the Recipe system, Kalandra's planet is awesome, and Trill's isn't half bad either :)" Kalandra says, "aww, thanks Angel" Angelfowl smiles Meteu asks, "Did you play classic Fed?" Angelfowl says, "Nope, I would have been like 5 when classic Fed was around :P" Meteu says, "Now comes the real question" Meteu smiles, "Are you one of Zard's alts?:)" Angelfowl wonders if she should be scared Angelfowl laughs Kalandra chuckles Angelfowl says, "Definitely not, I don't think Zard was around when I started playing HA :P" Angelfowl giggles, "Sorry too many Reeses tonight" Meteu smiles, "Are you the one controlling Zard and his Alt army?:)" Angelfowl winks, "I don't think I'd have TIME to control them all ;)" Meteu asks, "Why did you pick Lucky 7 to hold Meet and Greet tonight?" Angelfowl smiles, "Because before I was a Merchant, I use to hang out down here... with Dj, Ferreri, Freya, Nightdroid, and another girl that I can't remember how to spell there name ;P" Angelfowl smiles, "Sometimes Bella would show up too :)" Meteu says, "So there is a history here" Angelfowl nods, "For me yes, spent many days down here before I got into gear and promoted to merchant... which took Months." grins Meteu asks, "What are your thoughts on Futures?" Angelfowl says, "Love 'em." Angelfowl says, "I liked that I did them in the morning and could then sit around all day while they made me money" Angelfowl says, "I use to work with about... 5 other Traders and we'd split the planets in Sol up and we'd all check them every morning after reset" Meteu says, "Sounds like one of the better plans." Meteu asks, "Thats all I have, any questions from the audience?" Angelfowl looks at everyone sleeping from her long answers, and smiles sheepishly. "Wow, I can put a crowd to sleep." grins Djentsch says, "Zzzzzzzz" Angelfowl giggles Kalandra pokes Dj Angelfowl smiles, "Come on people, gotta have a question for me :)" Kalandra raises her hand Djentsch says, "hey, watch where you stick that" Kalandra says, "I heard a rumor about you and something about a chicken, is it true? :::ducks:::" Angelfowl exclaims, "Oh geez... No I am not, nor will I ever be a chicken! You can ask Gw that, he'd agree with me!" Djentsch says, "ummmm, she's only 16. she shouldn't know about that stuff yet" Angelfowl smirks Meteu asks, "Any other questions?" Angelfowl kicks Dj's leg, then tries to look innocent Djentsch says, "hmmm, i've got none" Angelfowl winks, "aw... come on guys you can think of something ;)" Angelfowl smiles even Kalandra shrugs "That was all I had... sorry" Meteu asks, "Dj, Kb?" Angelfowl sighs, and sits back glancing at the dragon, "I don't think it's awake either." Djentsch says, "already said i didn't have any. lol" Meteu asks, "What do you think was the worst rank we have?" Angelfowl winks, "Commander is murder on your feet ;)" Kalandra asks, "If you could change one thing about Fed2 what would it be?" Angelfowl smiles, "Uh... I know this is weird to say but nothing really. I like Fed how it is... I wish there were more people playing but that's about it :)" Kalandra nods Meteu asks, "Any other questions?" Angelfowl says, "More people actually talking would be nice, I also miss the times when I hung out in the Merchants lounge" Angelfowl says, "Lots of people there 24/7 all talking, but when player planets went in... that kind of died... that's about the time that I took a hiatus from Fed for a few montsh" Angelfowl says, "months even" Kalandra drawls, "musta been around the time i first came back..." Angelfowl nods, "Yeah, it was hard on me for awhile, cause all my friends disappeared to there own planets and rarely talked to me after player planets went in." Kalandra has given Angelfowl a friendly hug. Meteu asks, "How many folks have you recruited to Fed?" Angelfowl has given Kalandra a truly scrumptious hug. Angelfowl smiles, "Only a few, most of the time it didn't stick unfortunately.... not many of my friends are like me when it comes to being on the computer so much :)" Kalandra asks, "what do you think the toughest part of being a PO is in fed?" Angelfowl says, "Hauling" Angelfowl winks, "It stinks, that's why I never do it ;)" Kalandra says, "I'm with you most of the time, but am trying to promote soon." Angelfowl winks, "But seriously, I don't like hauling or trying to understand builds ;)" Angelfowl yawns, sitting back. "That all you guys got?" Meteu says, "I still don't understand builds" Kalandra says, "i think its mostly trial and error" Kalandra says, "very expensive error" Angelfowl nods, "Yeah, very expensive error is right" Kalandra says, "I remember buildign 9 heliographs ::::blushes::::" Angelfowl drawls, "I wait until I can grab someone to explain what I need..." Angelfowl looks at Dj, who helped her out the most with that Meteu says, "What is up with the Fed Story we have all heard about/" Angelfowl laughs Angelfowl says, "It's a schoolwork assignment that thanks to Nomad I have" Angelfowl smiles, "Nomad decided to tell my dad I had not enough schoolwork, so my dad decided to make me write a Fed Story :)" Meteu asks, "And how is that coming along?" Angelfowl says, "I am working off an outline right now, and basically writing the story, it's gonna be long though... it's about the Whole Alts issue and Weathermans Cult/Fusion Generator blow ups" Angelfowl winks, "I was trying to be done with it this week... but the pain of the sunburn has set me back a couple days... seeing as how it is hard to think when you are in a little bit of pain ;)" Kalandra asks, "are you going to submit it for publication with ibgames?" Kalandra asks, "perhaps as a novel through the star?" Angelfowl nods Kalandra can't hardly wait Angelfowl smiles, "I hope to get it in the star, I think Hazed said she'd love to run it in the star for me :)" Meteu asks, "Any other questions?" Kalandra says, "chapter by chapter to keep us tuned in with bated" Angelfowl laughs Angelfowl winks, "yeah something like that ;)" Meteu says, "I think that about covers us for this evening. No Meet and Greet for the next two weeks as I'll be away" Kalandra frowns, "aw :(" Kalandra says, "we'll miss you Met" Angelfowl nods, "Yeah... could you please UN DUCT TAPE ME!" :P Kalandra whips out a swiss army knife and removes the tape carefully Angelfowl smiles, "Thankies :)" Kalandra says, "You are quite welcome" Meteu smiles, "shoulda left her go:)" |