Wednesday September 10, 2008

Examine Manufacturer Blinx
A shiny blue droid with a titanium cylindrical body, a chrome domed shaped top, mounted ona duel track drive unit complete with pivoting search light, flashing lcd-s and sensorarrays.

Chez Diesel ( Social Center of the Solar System)
This bar is one of the few constants in this ever-changing world - Diesel has been a leading light in Mars culture for centuries.
The centerpiece of the room is a large fountain made of white marble, which has been decorated with intricate abstract designs. The water changes color every few minutes, and the gushing upjet changes speed and direction, sometimes sprinkling the drinkers with water. Shoals of tiny robotic fish dart around in the rippling pool, chasing a floating shamrock left over from a party.
The decor is black, the fittings chrome, and the seats are the plushest, most comfortable leather sofas ever invented. The walls are covered with a thick, soft fabric so that anybody collapsing against them will be cushioned as they slide to the ground.
A shiny new electronic piano sits in one corner, and an elderly Arcturian uses his four arms to good effect to play requests.
A large spiral staircase leads through a trapdoor onto the roof of the bar.

Blinx is here. Blinx is carrying a keyring.

Meteu says, "Have a seat Blinx"

Meteu smiles evilly

Catingreen has bought you a pint of Diesel's Old Peculiar strong dark ale.

Blinx sits down reluctintly

Lyn asks, "Is Blinx the victim tonight?"

Meteu says, "yup."

Lyn grins.

Blinx drops of sweat start to fall from its brow

Catingreen curs up in a ball in the corner

Blinx's pet nano sneaks over to Meteu's drink and steals a sip.

Lyn growls.

Lyn says, "Aliases you can't live with them and you can't live that is"

Lyn smiles at Catingreen

Catingreen bows to lyn

Blinx serves you a large platter of spicy hot wings

Catingreen purrs

Lyn bows her head to Catingreen.

Meteu duct tapes Blinx to the chair

Blinx sensors tremble

Meteu asks, "Lets get started shall we?"

Blinx faints

Meteu asks, "Good evening Blinx how are you tonight?"

Blinx says, "good"

Catingreen sharpens claws on the furniture

Lyn cringes.

Meteu sprays Cat with a water bottle

Catingreen hides

Meteu says, "Lets start with the easy question, what brought you to Fed2 or Classic if you started playing there."

Blinx says, "One moment please, accessing my memory."

Blinx says, "Yes there was two times I had access to Classic Fed."

Blinx says, "The first was back in 1990 that time I only made it to the rank of JP."

Blinx says, "The second was in 2000, that time I made it to planet owner."

Meteu asks, "Why did you decide to start playing Fed?"

Blinx says, "I don't really know, just stumbled across it on Genie"

Meteu asks, "I take it GEnie was really the hey day of Classic?"

Blinx says, "I think so, because there were a lot of player interaction back then."

Lyn nods in agreement.

Meteu asks, "How long did you play Classic?"

Blinx says, "Unfortunately not long due to high cost"

Blinx says, "On Genie I ran up a monthly bill over $$500"

Catingreen nods

Meteu says, "Wowsa"

Meteu says, "Thats.... a lot"

Meteu asks, "Is there anything you miss about Classic?"

Blinx says, "Yes, but it was worth it"

Blinx scans the surroundings with its sensors checking for any inteligent life

Meteu asks, "What do you miss most about Classic?"

Lyn clears her throat.

Blinx says, "The second was in 2000, that time I made it to planet owner."

Blinx says, "sorry"

Blinx says, "Yes, the necessity to interact with others to solve the puzzles."

Meteu asks, "Are there any puzzle that you miss?"

Blinx says, "Why, just the big one in order to get to planet owner."

Blinx frowns

Lyn looks puzzled.

Meteu asks, "What puzzle was that?"

Blinx says, "I think it was called the snark puzzle."

Catingreen says, "getting all the objects"

Blinx says, "Yes, I always had trouble finding them all."

Lyn asks, "But that wasn't for getting a planet was it?"

Blinx says, "I don't really remember, since that was way back in 1990"

Catingreen looks interested

Blinx says, "I think you needed it to get to explorer just before planet owner."

Meteu asks, "What do you like about Fed2?"

Blinx says, "I like the structure, each rank gives you an opportunity to experience a different part of the game."

Lyn remembers gathering objects to increase stats.

Meteu smiles, "Now we move on to the really fun part and the whole reason for the duct tape:)"

Blinx begins sweating

Meteu asks, "What is the most embarassing way you have died in Fed2?"

Blinx says, "Oh thats simple, flying into the sun."

Blinx says, "My only death so far."

Meteu smiles, "Are you sure about that?:)"

Blinx says, "Wait, processing"

Blinx says, "That's what my score states."

Meteu asks, "Now you said you were a PO back in 2000, what was your planet like?"

Blinx says, "It was only an agricultural one designed like a satalite."

Meteu asks, "Will that planet make a comeback when you reach PO here?"

Blinx says, "I'm working on that project now, how ever"

Blinx says, "with the new work bench it will be difficult for me."

Catingreen plays with a model satelite rolling on the floor

Meteu asks, "What is your favorite rank in Fed2 up till now?"

Blinx says, "Manufact"

Meteu asks, "why is that?"

Blinx says, "The others are good, but It's the first real rank you don't get pentalized by the taxman so often."

Lyn says, "Huh"

Meteu says, "ah yeah that evil tax man"

Meteu asks, "How many donations have you made to the Stevedores?"

Lyn says, "I'm taxed everytime I log in"

Catingreen growls at the taxman

Blinx says, "With me that is only personal taxes"

Blinx says, "Oh, about a dozen."

Meteu says, "I think we all have, sometimes several times over."

Meteu drawls, "Now for the big question....."

Blinx says, "Yes but I learned finally"

Blinx says, "what an f key can do."

Catingreen snickers

Meteu asks, "Are you one of Zards alts?"

Lyn laughs.

Blinx says, "NO! I am an original"

Lyn asks, "Original alt?"

Lyn chuckles

Blinx powers up its sensors to fry Meteu

Catingreen swipes at lyn

Lyn back away.

Meteu sprays Blinx with the same bottle he used for Catingreen

Blinx sensors sizzle

Meteu asks, "Any questions from the audience?"

Lyn moves to another chair so she's not bothered by swipes.

Lyn thinks.

Catingreen jumps up on the back of lyn's chair

Lyn leans forward a bit

Lyn asks, "BLinx, what was your name in Classic Fed?"

Blinx says, "Blindman"

Lyn peers around at Catingreen wondering what he was upto.

Catingreen says, "what was your easiest rank so far in Fed2"

Lyn doesn't think she ever meet him.

Blinx says, "ak jobs"

Catingreen licks paws clean

Meteu asks, "Why AK jobs?"

Lyn says, "Good question."

Blinx says, "Because you only had to pick up and deliver with no time limit."

Lyn turns a bit to watch Cat wash his paws.

Meteu asks, "Yeah that is nice, what did you do to pass the time waiting for the shuttle at Hobbs End?"

Blinx says, "Just sip on my private stash of old wd-40."

Lyn hopes he had an oil's a long wait.

Blinx says, "Does the body good ya know."

Lyn nods at Blinx, "Great"

Meteu asks, "Any other questions?"

Lyn reaches over and slowly pushes Cat's mouse away.

Blinx's pet nano sneaks over to lyn's drink and steals a sip.

Lyn turns to get her drink and thinks she's sure was thirsty.

Blinx grins

Lyn has bought you of old favorites

Meteu asks, "Why did you decide to play a bot?"

Lyn raises her glass to Blinx, "No questions but wish you lots of fun and luck with your efforts in Fed."

Blinx says, "I thought it would be a different kind of challange"

Lyn says, "I knew a blob once long ago. He was fun."

Blinx says, "i'm trying"

Catingreen decpitates a new mouse and nibbles at it contentedly

Lyn shudders.

Meteu asks, "Any other questions for Blinx?"

Meteu says, "Well that about wraps it up for the night then, thank you for coming."

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