MEET AND GREET WITH HAZEDWednesday June 4, 2008
Angelfowl goes to make sure Hazed is 'comfortable' by duct taping her arms to the chair Racingnut has bought you a pint of shipyard summer ale Hazed drawls, "Hey! Now wait a moment, you can't do that to me..." Hazed struggles. Angelfowl asks, "Why not?" Andrew laughs Angelfowl grins Hazed asks, "Because... don't you know who I am?" Racingnut asks, "confined?" Angelfowl smiles, "Yes, the Demi-goddess... who may also get away if I don't duct tape you :)" Hazed grumbles. "It's an outrage!" Jewells says, "Duct tape is stronger than the gods.. everyone knows that" Hazed says, "But I guess I should just put up with it so we can get on with things." Lfive says, "Amazing stuff duct tape. Good for everything except sealing ducts" Jewells turns on the "QUIET" neon sign. Angelfowl giggles Angelfowl smiles, "Heya People :)" Angelfowl smiles, "Okay, Since of some hockey game... I'll be starting Meet and Greet tonight. Lets all give a round of applause to Hazed who was nice enough to be our... Guest this evening." grins Jewells turns on the "APPLAUSE" sign. Munabilo claps Lfive claps Bourbon claps Fancy applauds and shouts, "Bravo!" Hazed smiles. She would wave at you but for some reason she can't move her arms. Angelfowl giggles Andrew applauds Jewells turns off the "APPLAUSE" sign. Angelfowl sits back next to Hazed, "Now... Lets start off with something simple... why do I have a brain freeze ><... oh wait... I mean you are a Demi-goddess... how did you become that?" Hazed mutters that the duct tape itches. Angelfowl giggles Hazed says, "One does not become a demi-goddess... one just is." Hazed grins Angelfowl giggles Hazed drawls, "But the reason I is one... are one... am one... whatever..." Angelfowl says, "Thanks, guess that was simple :P" Angelfowl asks, "okay, why is that?" Hazed says, "Is because Bella is the goddess. She created the universe, as you know." Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "So I am a demi-goddess." Hazed says, "She may have designed it, but I tweak it" Angelfowl nods, "So, you were around with Fed was created right?" Hazed says, "That's right. I was, in fact, the very first Fed player - ever." Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "Alan took the game in demo form to a computer game fair, and I got to sit down and play it" Jewells pictures Hazed as a scared groundhog at the meeting point.. Hazed says, "It lasted about 20 minutes before it crashed, I think" Angelfowl smiles, "Sounds cool :)" Angelfowl flinches, "Crashes aren't fun." Hazed drawls, "Oh well in those days you didn't start in the meeting point..." Jewells pictures Hazed as a scared groundhog somewhere in the universe.. Hazed says, "You started in an entrance room of some kind, and were faced with a door that had a notice on it warning you not to go that way" Racingnut doesnt remember that door Hazed says, "Of course, the temptation was impossible to resist - everybody went through that door. And died." Angelfowl giggles Hazed says, "It was a very funny joke, but later Alan was persuaded that it wasn't a good idea to kill your players quite that fast" Hazed says, "So he took it out" Jewells says, "Lol :) Smart move." Angelfowl asks, "What year did Fed start?" Hazed says, "Um... 1989" Angelfowl asks, "What was the first Internet Fed appeared on?" Hazed says, "Sorry 1988" Hazed says, "So it's 20 years old. Wow." Angelfowl nods Jewells says, "Wow almost 20 years.." Angelfowl smiles, "Cool :)" Jewells says, "er... 20 years." Hazed says, "Fed actually pre-dates the Internet" Angelfowl blinks, "Really? Hazed says, "In those days, there were only commercial services that didn't talk to each other" Hazed says, "Fed started on one in the UK called Compunet" Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "Later it moved to the US, on GEnie, then onto AOL, then when AOL kicked us off, onto the web." Angelfowl nods Angelfowl asks, "How did you manage to get it on AOL?" Jewells grumbles at AOL... Lfive remembers AOL Lag..... Valdez blinks from hearing "Aol kicked us off" Racingnut remembers Hazed says, "At the time, AOL wanted to get more games on their service - they only had 1 or 2 of their own. They approached several of the games running on GEnie to do deals with them - us included" Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "Of course we said yes because it was clear at the time GEnie was on the way out, and AOL was a huge deal" Racingnut wonders if one of the games was air warrior Hazed says, "Yes" Valdez remember though how those were the days seeing hundreds of players a 50 or more chatting in Earths cantina Hazed says, "Gemstone was one of the others" Racingnut says, "that was a fun game back then" Angelfowl asks, "In all the years of Fed... how many players have you seen on at one time?" Jewells remembers getting lost and dieing in Gemstone.. a lot. Hazed says, "Yeah, it was busy in those days... we used to peak at around 800-900 players" Angelfowl blinks Angelfowl says, "Wo" Angelfowl says, "wow even" Angelfowl says, "That's a LOT of players ><" Hazed says, "Wow, indeed" Andrew remembers those days fondly Valdez sniffs queitly, missing the days Racingnut says, "yep and it crashed when it got near 1,000" Hazed says, "That was after AOL went flat-rate" Djentsch mumbles "Fed's up" Angelfowl nods Lfive remembers full Fed chat rooms during crashes and posting FIRST when fed came back Dinger says, "you couldn't get on because the server was full" Bourbon asks, "that is when they dropped Fed ?" Andrew says, "crashed and we all went to Feds chat room and waited for it to come back" Hazed says, "The bad thing about those days is that we didn't have the resources to run with that many players, hence the crashes and lags and so on" Angelfowl laughs Valdez says, "LOL yep I remember the chat room too" Hazed says, "Nowadays, the server could easily cope with that number" Jewells smiles, "It was still great tho Hazed.. even with the lag :)" Angelfowl nods Djentsch holds up a sign that reads "Get your friends to play" Hazed says, "They dropped Fed and all the other independent games because they did not like the fact that Fed players were loyal to Fed, not to AOL" Racingnut says, "yes ::raises his glass to friends past now gone::" Hazed says, "They got scared of the fact that they didn't control us" Angelfowl laughs, "They were Greedy apparently." Jewells snickers.. Djentsch says, "i don't think that anyone really controls us :-)" Hazed says, "AOL used to change their policy every week (they probably still do) and independent games fell out of favor" Racingnut remembers the old 45 minute time outs Jewells notes that they change their homepage every couple weeks.. annoying! Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "So they got rid of us, and the other games." Andrew winks, "AOL lost alot of clients when they dropped Fed ;)" Hazed says, "So we had to move to the web... which was scary" Angelfowl says, "I bet they did! (lose clients*" Valdez asks, "Mud clients were next right?" Dinger says, "I went to yahoo when fed moved to the web" Hazed says, "I doubt they lost a huge number." Hazed says, "Lots of people continued to use AOL as their ISP" Angelfowl nods Andrew says, "I remeber running up AOL bills of $700.00 to $800.00 a month playing Fed on AOL" Hazed says, "Moving to the web meant we had to do all of the things that AOL had used to do for us... billing and so on" Angelfowl nods, "Sounds like fun." sarcasm Hazed says, "Still, we're still going. I doubt any other multi-player game has been running for 20 years." Andrew says, "they didn't have the unlimited when I started playing Fed, you got 5 hours free a month, the $3.95 an hours over the 5 hours" Jewells turns on the "APPLAUSE" sign. Racingnut says, "i remember 450 dollar fed bills and once a 525 dollar phone bill cause i got sick of 2400 baud on a 14400 modem" Djentsch cheers Andrew says, "sorry that was meant to be a tb" Lfive claps Angelfowl asks, "What do you think the eviliest Fed player you've ever seen?" Lfive eagerly waits to hear this Valdez says, "lets see I was 12 when I first played Fed and that was 1994 on AOL" Hazed drawls, "Depends what you mean..." Hazed says, "In his day, Pegasus was an evil son-of-a-bitch, but that was just role-playing" Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "And the whole mood of the game was different then" Djentsch chuckles Valdez says, "OH gawd" Andrew laughs Dinger says, "I had beaten Peg" Hazed grins Angelfowl giggles Hazed says, "Before he was a mobile, Pegasus was a player" Djentsch says, "i think that she means a different one" Lfive remembers a space ship shaped like a flying horse...... Valdez says, "thats why I am glad fighting is not turned on right now" Hazed says, "Now he's just a statue in the Venus museum. What a humiliation." Andrew exclaims, "I miss the ship fighting the most!" Angelfowl is afraid when fighting goes in Fancy smiles, "Now you can ride him. :)" Hazed says, "Yes you can" Valdez laughs Dinger asks, "you can ride Peg?" Hazed says, "Yes" Djentsch says, "on Venus" Valdez Really" raises an eyebrow Dinger exclaims, "well, I 'll give that a go!" Hazed says, "Go to the museum on Venus, where there's a stuffed Pegasus." Angelfowl laughs Djentsch see that there are people that haven't tried a lot of the things that are in Fed Andrew exclaims, "and stuffed is only fitting!" Hazed says, "There's probably lots of stuff scattered around Sol which I put in, which many of you don't know about" Hazed sighs that her genius is wasted. Dinger drawls, "tell us..." Angelfowl giggles, "Hold on, you'll all get your chance to ask questions." grins Hazed says, "Maybe I'll put some info in the Star - do regular articles pointing you to the things you can do" Valdez says, "we should have a SOL tour sometime" Hazed says, "Catspaws' role-playing class covers some of that stuff too" Dinger says, "ah, ok" Angelfowl asks, "Okay, so... what was your favorite part of Classic Fed?" Andrew smiles, "Role playing is great, you can be anything you want to be :)" Hazed says, "Same as it is in Fed2... the thing I have always loved the best was designing planets" Valdez says, "I remember the classic vending machine on earth near the hospital" Angelfowl nods Angelfowl smiles, "Designing planets is always fun :)" Hazed says, "I never had much interest in the economic side of things, in fact I never really ran a planet's economy because by the time planets were put in, I had stopped being a player and joined the staff." Valdez can't wait to design his planet, already gathering many ideas Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "But planet design is soooooo much better in Fed2" Dinger asks, "is there old files with our old planet designs around?" Catspaws cracks open an eye, thinking she heard her name mentioned Angelfowl nods, "Really? why?" Lfive knows his planet won't have touchpads.... Hazed says, "No Dinger, sorry." Hazed drawls, "Two reasons..." Hazed says, "First, it's easier cos you have a graphic interface that lets you draw the map, rather than the old text-based workbench on classic Fed" Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "Second, the event system is a million times more sophisticated" Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "In classic Fed, with events, you were limited to just a few things" Angelfowl says, "Which could be good or bad ><" Andrew winks, "likes the old workbench more...easier for an old man to figure out ;)" Angelfowl giggles, Hazed says, "You could move a player, you could send some text, you could check if someone was carring an object - that was about it" Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "But when you finally get to play with events, you will see, you can do so much with them" Angelfowl says, "Yay" Angelfowl can't wait to Hazed says, "The downside of that is that they are a lot more difficult to learn about, of course. Not everyone is going to be able to write events." Bourbon wonders why Hazed just looked his way Hazed says, "Anyone who had problems getting the map information right, or couldn't figure out how to put a no-exit message on your planet, should probably give events a miss" Hazed grins Angelfowl asks, "Okay, if you could take something from Classic Fed, and bring it to Fed2 what would it be?" Hazed says, "Or who managed to include the word Map in their planet name" Hazed grins wickedly Djentsch chuckles Hazed says, "Well, like many people, I really miss my teleporter." Racingnut says, "definetly" Hazed says, "But I don't think teleporters would work in Fed2" Dinger says, "and spy" Bourbon blushes Hazed says, "And the reason for that is because of events" Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "The thing is, there are lots of places in Sol where events control how you get into certain areas. For example, not being able to go far on Pearl without wearing the tabi" Catspaws cracks open the other eye and smirks about players putting the word Map in their planet name Hazed says, "Having a teleporter would break that" Hazed shrugs Angelfowl nods, "I think so too." Lfive says, "what about teleport shielded locations.." Hazed says, "So much as I miss it, I don't think we'll see it back again" Valdez nods to Lfive Hazed says, "You'd have to end up shielding so many locations" Angelfowl nods Andrew winks, "ah but it could be done, after all, you ARE the Demi-Goddess ;)" Lfive winks, "Maybe when fed is 30...... ;)" Hazed grins Hazed says, "That kind of decision is for Bella, not me" Angelfowl smiles, "Okay, finally... What has been the Demi-goddess' most embarrassing moment in Fed classic or Fed2 :)" Hazed winces Angelfowl giggles Hazed says, "Well there are some embarrassing moments I am NOT telling about, and I think I have destroyed all of the recordings." Andrew grins at the look on Hazed face after that question was ask Catspaws comes fully awake, waiting for the answer Angelfowl laughs Bourbon laughs Jewells turns on the "Quiet Please" sign. Valdez exclaims, "well I like the more recent one with the email!!!!" Hazed says, "Once I became staff (whcih was in the early Genie days) I made sure there weren't any embarrassing moments" Hazed says, "But before that... well I guess the most embarrassing was being the very first person to DD" Dinger says, "doh" Lfive chuckles Andrew says, "ouch" Valdez says, "ut oh" Catspaws drawls, "Oh, do tell...." Jewells asks, "Wow, sweet. Did you get a trophy?" Hazed says, "At the time, the highest rank was Trader" Andrew asks, "the sun?" Hazed says, "No, it was the barbells" Valdez says, "HAHA" Andrew says, "ah not enough strength lol" Fancy says, "Went out to applause, at least." Valdez says, "I remember the barbells" Hazed says, "You had to increase your stats, and the way to up your strength was to lift the barbells" Hazed says, "But if you didn't have enough stamina you died" Dinger says, "hehehe" Angelfowl giggles Andrew says, "stamina, I thought it was strength" Jewells asks, "then how did you die again?" Dinger asks, "Do we still up our stats?" Hazed says, "I don't remember the exact circumstances now, but clearly I wasn't paying attention - I died, and instead of going from the hospital to Venus to reinsure, I rushed back to the moon" Hazed says, "Did a few more stat points" Hazed says, "And then messed up again. Dead-dead." Angelfowl asks, "Why didn't you reinsure?" Hazed says, "I just sat at the computer in shock for a few minutes." Jewells buries her head in her hands... "Oh no" Hazed says, "Next day, I got on the phone to Bella, wailing and moaning and begging her to reinstate me" Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "And she did, but after I thought about it for a bit I realized it was a terrible precedent" Angelfowl giggles Andrew asks, "did being a groundhog momentarily after the crash bring back memories of that fateful day?" Hazed says, "So I quietly killed myself again, and made a big thing of coming back as a groundhog and climbing the ranks again" Hazed says, "Yes Andrew, it brought back the trauma" Hazed exclaims, "Flashbacks!" Andrew says, "awww" Fancy says, "And many other players afterwards who died uninsured also begged to be reinstated." Angelfowl giggles Catspaws says, "They'll always do that." Hazed says, "The funniest thing was when I DDed, I went into work the next day, still upset, and tried to explain to my work colleagues why I was miserable" Hazed says, "They thought I was mad" Racingnut laughs Djentsch thinks that is one of the big reasons Hazed doesn't leave CD's Andrew laughs Angelfowl laughs Andrew says, "and hear I thought she just liked Diesel" Angelfowl smiles, "I think I'll now turn it over to the Audience... if you have a question please raise your hand :)" Hazed grins Djentsch says, "well, Diesel is her bodyguard" Fancy raises a paw. Hazed says, "Diesel is my friend" Angelfowl asks, "Fancy?" Fancy asks, "Do you have a favorite moment?" Hazed says, "Gosh, it would be hard to pick one out, but I will try" Hazed exclaims, "In the Compunet days we used to have Fed Meets - because it's a lot easier to get together when everyone is in the UK; it's a small country!" Hazed says, "At one Fed Meet, we were in a restaurant, about 15 of use round a table, being raucous" Djentsch needs to remember to bring chocolate Hazed says, "When someone from another table leaned over and said, "Excuse me, I have to ask, but what are you guys? Are you doctors or what?"" Valdez exclaims, "round table in the UK who would have guessed that!" Hazed says, "To which one Fedder replied, "No, we're astronauts"" Lfive giggles Myrrh says, "lol" Angelfowl laughs Andrew raises his hand Hazed says, "Cue stunned silence" Djentsch chuckles Fancy snickers behind a paw. Lfive raises both left hands Dinger Laugh Valdez is smiling broadly. Jewells laughs. I've used that one.. Dinger Laughs out loud Angelfowl smiles, "Nice :)" Angelfowl asks, "Lfive?" Lfive says, "Of all the Fed players or characters you have known over the years, who do you miss the most who isn't around now" Hazed says, "Probably a player called Oxcart" Lfive says, "why" Hazed says, "He was a GEnie player, and he was one of those truly mad, inspiring characters" Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "Actually Monodefuego reminds me a bit of him" Jewells asks, "Like Zard... only inspiring?" Hazed says, "He was just such fun to role-play with - he was completely off the wall" Valdez raise a hand high Myrrh raises his hand Angelfowl nods Angelfowl asks, "Myrrh?" Myrrh asks, "i think Valdez was before me?" Catspaws lifts her paw Hazed laughs Angelfowl asks, "oh, CVal?" Angelfowl says, "Val even" Valdez says, "Does Fed2 have any plans for advertising to attract more people" Hazed says, "We don't have any money" Valdez says, "I sure miss the large community" Jewells remembers her lotto ticket... Hazed says, "We just barely scrape enough to pay the monthly bills. There's nothing left over for advertising or marketing." Dinger says, "I miss calling out "Hauler for Hire"" Andrew exclaims, "we should all buy more slithies to help Fed out!" Jewells tries to think of ways to get fed mentioned in a movie... Angelfowl giggles Hazed says, "Well if all of you tried to bring a friend into the game, that would help." Racingnut wonders if valdez realizes just how much it costs to run the servers and other costs Catspaws drawls, "But according to Occy, you just bought a new car...." Hazed scowls Jewells says, "lol cats.." Hazed says, "My car is 7 years old, and I bought it with dead relative money" Djentsch waits for the kitty to get slapped Fancy says, "I think some promotional materials, including posters were once on the IBGames web site. Maybe they still are there." Valdez says, "I would advertise on my myspace but I would want to put the Federation banner on it" Hazed says, "You can do that, Val" Hazed says, "There's a whole bunch of pictures you can use to advertise Fed for us" Dinger says, "I will on my Aamco site" Angelfowl smiles, "Myrrh, I believe it's your turn :)" Hazed says, "" Hazed says, "Posters are here:" Myrrh asks, "So my question sort of follows on that, how do you think of the way Fed is running now? How do you feel about voluntary payments? Once the game is totally complete are you considering charging? It's probably tough for a text game in this day an age, are they any plans for any kind of graphical upgrade, even a simple one?" Fancy says, "I think there might even be Fed-related merchandise that can be bought via CafePress." Hazed exclaims, "Wow, that's a lot of questions!" Myrrh smiles, "hehe :)" Catspaws tries to count all the questions Myrrh just asked Hazed exclaims, "I wish Fed had more people, and I wish more people would buy slithies. The voluntary payments thing will only work if enough people make payments!" Myrrh smiles, "this is Munabilo btw just fyi, in case anybody doesn't know :)" Andrew Is shocked! Hazed says, "It was an experiment. If we hadn't switched to it, though, I don't think we would have survived" Hazed says, "Because people were not willing to pay a monthly sub to play" Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "I don't see that changing even when Fed is complete so no, we won't go back to charging" Racingnut remembers his jaw hitting the desk when he first saw it in a staff e-mail Hazed says, "A graphical version of Fed would have to be a different game... and to produce a graphical game these days costs millions of dollars" Hazed smiles, "See above about not having any money :)" Angelfowl smiles Djentsch grins Angelfowl says, "so... Buy more Slithies :P" Djentsch says, "i don't think that it would be as much fun either" Myrrh smiles, "thanks" Racingnut says, "definetly wouldnt leave as much to the imagination" Angelfowl smiles, "Okay... Cats Your turn :)" Hazed exclaims, "Text games are a niche, and these days a very small one, but there are clearly some people out there who like them!" Catspaws mumbles, "Sell that new car..." Valdez says, "yeah but you don't need to be happy, as long as the staff and players are content with the content they will stay, and if the bills get paid Fed will stay" Jewells gives one of her Slithy's a gental pet. Andrew says, "would rather use my imagination then have it made for me by graphics" Catspaws smiles, "My question was already answered :)" Djentsch raises his hand Angelfowl laughs Angelfowl asks, "Okay Dj?" Jewells says, "hehe gentle" Jewells raises her royal hand. Djentsch says, "i know from first hand that you are the expert with events and object creating" Hazed says, "Yes, I am" Djentsch asks, "what would you say was your hardest event, and your hardest object to create?" Hazed says, "Well the Graveyard puzzle was the hardest thing in total" Catspaws imagines it was Occy's balloons, because she had to code them in Occy-speak Bourbon laughs Hazed says, "Most of the stuff I do is little, spot stuff - fun or even necessary but small" Hazed says, "Graveyard wasn't the first puzzle I did, but it was the most ambitious" Hazed says, "The hardest part of the puzzle was the variables." Hazed exclaims, "They made me tear my hair out!" Andrew asks, "Did you make the Snark puzzle as well?" Hazed says, "I realized later that I was making things harder than I needed to, so next time I do a puzzle it should be easier" Djentsch says, "oh, so that is why the kitty was running around bald" Hazed says, "No, Bella did Snark." Dinger had forgotten about all these puzzles Hazed says, "Snark was done when puzzles had to be hard-coded into the game... couldn't be done with events" Fancy says, "I think there were also plans to make a puzzle on Brass, too." Andrew exclaims, "it was an awesome puzzle!" Catspaws grumbles at Djentsch Hazed says, "Yeah, I started to plan a puzzle for Brass, but couldn't get the design right, so have left that one for now" Hazed says, "I am working on one for Earth but haven't had time to do much to it lately" Dinger wonders if all these puzzles are still in Fed Reduox Hazed asks, "Fed What?" Racingnut says, "i think he means fed redux" Dinger says, "Redoux* check that for spelling... LOL" Angelfowl thinks this meet and greet fell apart a little :P Djentsch says, "ummm, i think that they're on the back burner for now" Myrrh asks, "Redux = 2?" Hazed asks, "Ok, it's gone 4 here, so who gets the last question?" Dinger says, "yes" Jewells thinks that this meet and greet is great. And so is Angelfowl ;) Angelfowl smiles, "Yeah, one more question :)" Andrew asks, "will the Tungsten Tourist Trap Trophy ever be brought into Fed2?" Hazed says, "I don't think so. Given that the game is free, so people could just make a million alts to sit on their planet, there woudln't be much point" Djentsch thinks that Zardoz would have an unfair advantage on that one Angelfowl nods Hazed says, "Exactly" Andrew winks, "bloody alts! ;)" Djentsch says, "him and his spreadsheets" Hazed laughs Dinger says, "Thanks for spending time with us Hazed" Catspaws exclaims, "Alts spoil a lot of things. Silly alts!" Jewells turns on the "Applause" sign. Angelfowl smiles Valdez says, "agreed" Myrrh applauds Angelfowl exclaims, "okay, that's it for tonight!" Dinger claps wildly Djentsch says, "oh, never did hear back about the last rank Hazed" Racingnut applauds Fancy claps his paws together. Andrew applauds Hazed and Angelfowl Hazed asks, "Now Angel, would you please get this tape off me?" Angelfowl smiles, "Thank you Hazed for being our guest :)" Djentsch says, "Arlene's toe nail clipper" Hazed asks, "What's that, DJ?" Bourbon places a chocolate mint on Hazed's pillow Angelfowl un-duct tapes Hazed Hazed laughs Catspaws wants to rip off the duct tape... Angelfowl smiles Catspaws smiles, "Did you tell everyone who your fave Fed kitty is, Hazed? :)" Angelfowl smiles, "Thank you all for coming :)" Hazed says, "Owwww." Angelfowl grins Dinger has left. Hazed says, "No Cats, but I will now. My favorite Fed kitty is the cat who sits at the crossroads on Mars." Hazed smirks. Bourbon says, "thank you for the visit, ahhhh, letting us visit" Catspaws grumbles loudly Hazed says, "Ok, I'm off to bed." Angelfowl laughs
Angelfowl smiles, "Night Hazed, thank you so much :)" Djentsch says, "sleep well Hazed" Catspaws exclaims, "That is a mean, nasty, ugly cat!" Andrew says, "g'night Hazed" Jewells exclaims, "nighty night!" Hazed waves Hazed has bought you a glass of something pink and frothy with a cherry in it, orange, lemon and lime slices, icecubes shaped like elephants, a Chez Diesel swizzle stick, a curly straw, a pink umbrella and a monkey hanging off the side of the glass. The divine interventionist Hazed has left.