Wednesday August 20, 2008

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Art's Bistro
This out of the way eatery is a gathering place for off world visitors to Rhea. The walls are lined with booths which can be closed off with curtains for more intimate discussions. Waitdroids whirl between tables carrying platters of buffalo wings and drinks on metal trays and several hidden loudspeakers offer an eclectic mix of song styles.
The exit to the museum is to the southeast.

Running around, being chased by Angelfowl, Monodefuego is here.
Chasing Monodefuego with a vat of Ice..... Angelfowl is here. Angelfowl is carrying a keyring.

Examine Gengineer Monodefuego
This monkey stands at about three and a half feet tall. He'd be cute if it weren't for the fact that he is completely engulfed in a raging inferno. He wears only his maniacal smile.

Monodefuego turns a little cartwheel, waves, and continues the escape, swinging from a low-hanging lamp.

Monodefuego bounces up to Andrew and jumps into his arms.

Monodefuego has given Andrew an ecstatic snog.

Monodefuego hops down and continues his run.

Andrew falls over laughing

Angelfowl doubles over laughing

Andrew asks, "comp esta Monolito?"

Andrew says, " como even"

Monodefuego asks, "So, Met, how long HAS it been since you've been after me for this?"

Monodefuego asks, "Mui, mui bien amigo. Y tu?"

Meteu says, "I asked once then you disappeared for a while"

Andrew says, "bien, bien gracias"


Trilleth has just arrived.

Angelfowl waves

Monodefuego says, "Like one month, Met. Yeesh."

Andrew smiles, "Hi Trill :)"

Monodefuego checks Trilleth out and whistles!

Meteu smiles, "You aren't as hard as Zardoz is to schedule though:)"

Trilleth waves and throws a banana at Mono.

Monodefuego catches the banana, immediately igniting it. He snarfs it down quickly.

Trilleth hmms. "I'll have to freeze it next time."

Andrew wonders how they will tie Mono down with that won't burn

Monodefuego exclaims, "My frigorificator must be one of the first persistent objects. How happy!"

Meteu hands Angel a pair of fireproof gloves and some asbestos tape to tape the firemonkey down with.

Monodefuego exclaims, "Not asbestos tape!!!"

Monodefuego clamors up a wall and clings to a light fixture.

Andrew says, "well that answered my question lol"

Trilleth lifts a brow, amused.

Meteu says, "Angel you may wanna wear a mask with that stuff"

Angelfowl giggles, and puts on the gloves and starts taping Monodefuego to a fireproof chair. "There, that wasn't so bad," giggles, and sits down next to her vat of ice just in case.

Monodefuego fingers his frigorificator. Immediately the flames begin to die down and he starts to squirm out of his bindings!

Andrew says, "poor friggin Monkey"

Trilleth blinks. "Fireproof chairs on the ceiling?"

Meteu smiles, "We can do what we need to here:)"

Monodefuego politely orders his droid to extinguish any flames lingering about the room.

Wearing and Asbestos Suit Andrew has left.

Wearing and Asbestos Suit Andrew has just arrived. Andrew is carrying a keyring.

Trilleth smiles, "I would think it'd be easier to just do the meet and greet without tying people down, but that's me. :)"

Meteu says, "thats half the fun"

Monodefuego makes googly eyes at Trilleth and says, "You can tie me down whenever you want, luv... Though remember it's covered in the Pre-nup."

Kalandra says, "we don't need a hot seat, we need a frost seat"

Monodefuego bounces his chair over to kalandra and gives her a little snuggle.

Trilleth hands Kala her fire extinguisher.

Kalandra douses herself

Kalandra shivers "Thanks Trill"

Andrew passes out asbestos suits to all

Meteu puts on bunker gear that he heisted from Joe

Angelfowl says, "Thanks Andrew"

Kalandra says, "Thanks andrew"

Andrew winks

Trilleth wrinkles her nose. "Not fashionable, sorry." ;)

Angelfowl laughs

Kalandra takes the asbestos suit and expertly tailors it into a cute outfit

Kalandra smiles

Kalandra exclaims, "there!"

Andrew rolls his eyes

Monodefuego freezes (something hard for a firemonkey to do). He says, "I am strapped down in a room full of humans..."

Trilleth calls her lawyer to check the pre-nup. "Am I obligated to protect the firemonkey?"

Andrew examines Mono with a magnifying glass

Monodefuego flares violently, igniting his chair.

Meteu dumps a bucket of water on Mono

Angelfowl says, "Ice is better Meteu"

Andrew tags a heat resistant tracking device on the monkey

Monodefuego steams violently as the chair creaks ominously beneath him.

Trilleth hmms. "Not 'til after the wedding. Good to know."

Monodefuego drawls, "Bah, we're legally married! Well... Depending on what planet we're on..."

Trilleth says, "It's a GA planet right now."

Monodefuego mutters a curse about Sol.

Kalandra hands Meteu a vat of liquid nitrogen

Meteu says, "Thanks Kal"

Meteu says, "Good evening Mono"

Monodefuego exclaims, "Meetings to you all!"

Cragon asks, "Who are we meeting?"

Angelfowl giggles, sitting back.

Monodefuego wriggles a little. The chair creeks reluctantly, but holds firm.

Monodefuego says, "Your Emperor demands a cushion."

Andrew turns up the Air Conditioner

Kalandra grabs a chair and sits watching the show. "Your emperorness would just combust it"

Meteu asks, "Lets start with the easy questions, what brought you here to Fed?"

Monodefuego asks, "Fed or Fed II?"

Lyn has just arrived.

Meteu says, "Both really"

Monodefuego lifts a hand off of his chair's armrest in a weak, little wave.

Monodefuego says, "Well, there were a lot of things that originally brought me to Fed. I would say chiefest among them is my will to dominate all life in the galaxy, and bring it under my ultimate control."

Lynnea frowns at this

Monodefuego says, "Also, I was offered a limitless supply of Rolos."

Cragon says, "Good luck with that Mono."

Monodefuego has bought you a tube of Rolos, compliments of your master.

Lynnea nods in agreement to Cragon

Monodefuego exclaims, "Thanks Crag!"

Lyn rolls the Rolos back to Mono and grins.

Meteu asks, "what really got you started here though, what aspect of the game?"

Monodefuego says, "Wellllll, you see, I'm a rather, how do you humans put it again... Unhinged sort. I appreciated that I was able to do whatever the heck I felt like. Observe."

Monodefuego snaps his fingers. Sparks fly about the room igniting Trill's shoes.

Cragon laughs uncontrolaby.

Monodefuego says, "Like so."

Trilleth absently removes her shoes and tosses them at Mono. "That's the third new pair you owe me this week."

Meteu asks, "What do you like best about playing here?"

Monodefuego orders his droid to provide Trilleth with a new pair of shoes. He turns to Meteu and says, "The thing I like best about playing here is the unquestioned and undying loyalty that I get from my subjects. Also, tormenting Angelfowl."

Monodefuego says, "Oh, I also LOVE seeing people exploring my planets."

Lynnea whispers loudly to Cragon. "I guess she doesn't have to worry about the athletes feet now."

Trilleth clears her throat and waits.

Angelfowl asks, "Hey now, you like tormenting me THAT much?"

Angelfowl raises an eyebrow

Lyn says, "Just be careful with the drinks."

Lyn sips carefully.

Monodefuego says, "More than THAT much. More like THAT MUCH."

Meteu asks, "speaking of your planets what was your inspiration for building them the way you did?"

Angelfowl laughs

Kalandra clears her throat "Your planets are a nightmare Mono...."

Monodefuego says, "Hrm, which one? I had different inspiration for each of them."

Cragon makes a mental note to visit Mono's planets.

Monodefuego says, "Sanitaria because, well, let's face it, it's a more perfect home for me than anywhere else."

Meteu says, "All of them if you like"

Monodefuego says, "Narcissus because, well, let's face it, there HAD to be a planet devoted entirely to worshipping me."

Lynnea rolls her eyes

Lyn rolls her eyes.

Kalandra just shakes her head

Lynnea high fives Lyn

Lyn laughs and high fives Lyn.

Cragon says, "Act makes a mental note to avoid Narcissus."

Monodefuego says, "And, if there was another planet in my system, which of course there isn't, the inspiration would have been to conduct biological experiments on everyone who comes and goes. But of course that's just nonsense."

Lyn nods in agreement with Mono.

Monodefuego says, "And find a way to recreate an army of firemonkeys for galactic control purposes. But, as you can see, that's just plain ridiculous."

Kalandra absentmindedly flicks her thumb/lighter

Andrew plans the destruction of Narcissus

Monodefuego laughs overenthusiastically.

Meteu asks, "Why did you name your one planet Link?"

Angelfowl helps Andrew plan

Monodefuego says, "Lookin' good there, Kal."

Cragon joins Andrew in his plans.

Monodefuego says, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Met."

Trilleth pulls out her inflatable couch, inflates it, and takes a nap. She's heard all this before.

Monodefuego says, "If you're suggesting that there's a way to board my interstellar link, you're clearly insane."

Lynnea leans forward to sneak a peek at the plans

Monodefuego flicks a spark at the couch, burning a tiny hole in it and allowing it to slowly deflate.

Meteu says, "uh uh uh the Link, I trade there all the time"

Lynnea offers the use of the doomsday device on lair for the plans

Trilleth sighs. "Mono..." she trails off, shrugs, and curls up on the deflated pile of inflatable couch.

Lyn wonders if Mono unintentionaly meant Link to be the Missing Link of his ancestory.

Andrew accepts Lynnea's offer and adds the man power

Monodefuego says, "Well, IF there was a way to board my interstellar link then OBVIOUSLY I would name it Link, since that's what it is. And I would offer a spread of 6% on all biological commodities and stockpiles of 20k on every prod."

Monodefuego exclaims, "But that's a mighty big IF!"

Monodefuego cackles quietly.

Lynnea nods at Lyn in agreement

Andrew raises his brow at the free advertisement

Angelfowl giggles

Kalandra chuckles

Meteu asks, "How did you come up with the name Monodefeugo?"

Monodefuego says, "Well, I'm a monkey... And I'm on fire... I guess the inspiration came from ee cummings."

Lynnea checks to see if her groats are still firmly in her bag

Cragon says, "I Have a hard enough time making money for myself...:-)."

Lynnea nods

Lynnea says, "It's hard to make groats when I don't work."

Kalandra says, "I got lucky this roll... dunno if I am going to give it up any time soon.."

Monodefuego says, "Oh, monodefuego means, of course, Monkey of Fire."

Andrew wonders what Lynnea does, if not work ;)

Trilleth gets a little faint at all the talk of... that thing.

Lyn asks, "Work?"

Meteu asks, "Is there anything you miss about Claasic Fed?"

Monodefuego orders his droid to hand Trilleth a large jar containing something that is burning violently.

Lynnea looks at Lyn with wide eyes, nodding.

Monodefuego drawls, "Is there anything I miss about classic Fed? Hrm..."

Lyn thinks she has said something wrong, "Sorry"

Monodefuego says, "There are certain PEOPLE I miss from classic Fed. I remember a few in particular, their hair, their eyes, and the screaming expression on their faces as I finally broke their will... Those were the golden days."

Andrew looks back at both Lyn and Lynnea suspiciously

Monodefuego says, "Oh, and I also miss the crowd at Chez Diesel."

Trilleth gracefully and quietly faints dead away. The droid gets to keep the jar.

Lynnea rolls her eyes again.

Lyn rolls her eyes.

Cragon rolls his eyes.

Monodefuego rolos his eyes. They melt quickly.

Lyn raises her feet so she doesn't step in Mono's eyes.

Meteu asks, "Do you have any plans for any new planets?"

Monodefuego says, "Yeah, probably the thing I miss most is the huge, constant crowd at Chez's."

Andrew nods remembering the parties fondly

Monodefuego says, "Of course! Many ideas. Whether or not I'll be able to implement them is another story. It all depends on events and so forth."

Kalandra mumbles under her breath about the lack of player events.

Lyn has got to get out more and check out these new planets.

Monodefuego says, "Agreed, Kal."

Monodefuego says, "All of my planets have events."

Monodefuego says, "Some more than others."

Lyn asks, "Dangerous?"

Monodefuego says, "And each of the planets has the maximum allowable rooms, to encourage some exploring."

Cragon agrees with Lyn and makes a mental note to do the same.

Monodefuego says, "You CAN die on my planets, but I promise that I bring you back for free."

Kalandra flicks her thumb at Lyn "some are kinda useful actually"

Monodefuego cackles and says, "It's not a hard coded death, in other words. I'm too nice sometimes."

Lyn asks, "Useful as in?"

Andrew you won't trick me into one of your experiments Monkey!

Meteu asks, "Care to detail some of those events?"

Lyn laughs

Monodefuego exclaims, "That was my nickname in highschool, Andrew!"

Kalandra says, "I have a free lighter anytime I want one! I dont' remember how it came to be exactly, but there it is"

Andrew says, "it suits you amigo"

Meteu asks, "Not how to beat them but what they allow you to do?"

Monodefuego says, "No. Explore my planets and you'll find them. If you try to land on the Link you'll find one of them VERY quickly."

Trilleth remarks absently, "If you could land on the Link in the first place, which is absurd."

Monodefuego says, "That's my biggest Fed complaint, actually, not enough people explore."

Monodefuego says, "Exactly, luv. Thank you."

Andrew wonders how many groats Mono slipped Meteu for all this advertisment

Kalandra says, "and when people do, they get stuck, or bored to death with stock worlds .... grrrr"

Monodefuego shoots Andrew a wink. It's cute how you can see what humans are thinking!

Lyn asks, "How can you explore when you've got to spend your time ((&(^^ing all the time?"

Monodefuego says, "Exactly, Kal. Stock worlds are the devil's work."

Meteu asks, "How many events do you have on your planets?"

Lynnea nods in Lyns direction

Monodefuego exclaims, "That's confidential information, Met. I'll tell you for a slithy, though!"

Monodefuego cackles happily.

Monodefuego says, "Let's just say that I spend ALL my slithies on events."

Kalandra chuckles

Lynnea mutters. "Everyone here is corrupt."

Cragon shakes his head in disbeleif.

Monodefuego says, "And I spend them literally as soon as I get them."

Kalandra says, "you wouldn't have to if we just had the bleeping editor"

Monodefuego says, "Well, actually Hazed DID give me the Advanced editor."

Andrew Is NOT corrupt

Monodefuego says, "I think she got sick of me bothering her."

Monodefuego cackles quietly.

Kalandra shakes her head

Lyn isn't I.

Meteu asks, "How many Slithy's do you run through in a month?"

Lynnea says, "I didn't mean everyone in this room, I was talking about Mono specifically."

Monodefuego says, "Also, there was an incident with a cat and a fire. It was bad."

Monodefuego says, "Depends on the month. Not many, usually. My most was 5."

Meteu asks, "Have you ever tried to light Cats on fire?"

Monodefuego exclaims, "No!"

Lynnea has given Monodefuego a flaming slithy

Lyn laughs.

Andrew hands Lynnea the bribe money for retracting her statement anlong with a Thus jersey

Lyn says, "I hope he hasn't."

Monodefuego quietly coughs into his hand. Sparks bounce over and ignite a small, mechanical cat with a target on it.

Meteu smiles, "And now the question of the night, are you one of Zardoz's alts?:)"

Lynnea tosses the Thugs Jersy on the monkey so it will burn up quickly.

Lyn says, "Hey, he is useful."

Monodefuego says, "I thought we all were! It's my theory that all of Federation is actually one person."

Kalandra chuckles

Lyn high fives Lyn again.

Monodefuego sits tied to burning jersey fragments.

Meteu drawls, "Thats an interesting theory..."

Trilleth regards Mono coolly. "You're sleeping on the couch, Monkeyboy."

Andrew has more Thug jersey's made

Lynnea returns the high five giggling.

Cragon asks, "You don't expect a truthful answer now do you Mteeu?"

Meteu asks, "Are there any questions from the audience?"

Monodefuego asks, "Wha? Why izzat Trill?"

Meteu says, "Thats kinda the joke question that everyone gets"

Trilleth is not an alt. :p

Andrew says, "yes I have a question"

Monodefuego turns whatever smoldering remnants of his attention are left towards Andrew.

Lynnea may be altered, but is not an alt.

Andrew asks, "What is all this nonsense of you conquering the universe Monkey?"

Monodefuego says, "Really Trill? I always feel like you and I are one."

Lyn thinks on the couch sleeping.

Monodefuego laughs and nods to his small group of droids, which burst into applause.

Trilleth stage-whispers to Mono, "One and alt are not the same, dear."

Lynnea asks, "Which planet do you intend to conquer first?"

Monodefuego says, "Well, I plan to conquer the universe and enslave you. Then Trilleth and I will oversee all things as they are gradually made into worlds in my own image or (glares at Trilleth) enormous shopping centers."

Meteu asks, "And what does Hazed think of all this?"

Monodefuego says, "Hazed is one of my biggest supporters. As I said, she has been invaluable in providing me with additional support."

Cragon says, "Mono must be dreaming in color."

Monodefuego says, "As for which one I plan to conquer first, it changes depending on who is topping off 'the list' at the moment."

Trilleth blows a kiss at Mono, looking smug about the shopping centers.

Meteu says, "Musta slipped her a lot of chocolate"

Lyn says, "Reds and yellows."

Lynnea ponders the galaxy full of shopping centers idea.

Andrew thinks Mono is frying on acid

Monodefuego says, "She is VERY fond of chocolate covered bananas."

Monodefuego sneaks a wink at Trill.

Lyn thinks shopping centers means more hauling.

Monodefuego says, "Oh, I also have an Imperial announcement."

Trilleth blushes. Or Mono is just that hot.

Andrew asks, "How do you plan to go about with your granios plans Monkey?"

Lynnea sighs, "Probably so, Lyn."

Meteu says, "The snozzberries taste like Snozzberries"

Monodefuego says, "Well Andrew, I'll address your question first."

Monodefuego says, "I have a simple 27,143 step plan that I have been working on in consultation with Hazed for the past several years."

Lyn is sure Mono is staff now.

Cragon just realized that this is not a Meet and Greet but rather a Meet and Bow.

Lyn grins.

Monodefuego is sure Lyn is sure, but not sure how he knows that she's sure. He must be a freakin' mind reader! Wait, how do you know he's thinking this?!

Lynnea holds up Cragon to help him NOT bow.

Monodefuego says, "No no, Lynnea, Cragon just moved down the list."

Cragon says, "No need Lynnea..Cragon will never bow."

Monodefuego gestures vaguely to a droid, which moves Cragon's list back up a scoreboard of several thousand names.

Lyn gives Cragon an atta boy nod.

Meteu asks, "Any other questions?"

Monodefuego says, "Right now we are on step 9,815 of the plan."

Lynnea pats Cragon, "Thank goodness." She then wrinkles her brow and asks Cragon. "If he does defeat you, can I have Jr. finally?"

Cragon says, "Cragon will never admit defeat...sorry."

Andrew asks, "Are you really just an escapee form your Sanitaria?"

Lynnea's eyes tear up. "I want him though."

Monodefuego says, "I built and occupy the Asylum on Sanitaria. The inmates rule the Asylum sometimes."

Trilleth lazily lifts a hand. "What is step 9,815? Just wanna see how close I am to being Queen of the Infinite and all that."

Monodefuego grins happily at Trilleth and says, "Do a Meet & Greet with Meteu."

Lynnea stifles a laugh.

Angelfowl giggles

Monodefuego laughs and says, "Everything you do plays into my plans!"

The tannoy goes bing-bong and a crazed voice says, "Brains! I want brains! Give me your br-" before it is abruptly cut off.

Cragon prefers Andrew's plan.

Lyn smiles, "Ah how sweet"

Meteu drawls, "if that announcement wasn't well placed I dunno what is...."

Lynnea sends word to her troops to fire up the doomsday device.

Lyn asks, "Oh geez so soon?"

Monodefuego exclaims, "Oh! I have another complaint!"

Cragon asks, "Lynnea has Troops?"

Monodefuego asks, "There are TOO MANY HUMANS running around. How do you all tell each other apart?"

Lynnea nods at Cragon

Meteu smiles, "We have ya know names:)"

Cragon says, "I'm the human with the clown suit."

Meteu asks, "Any other questions, comments, concerns, grudges, gripes, grievences or random barstool gibberish?"

Lyn looks at her arms and ponders the freckles.

Trilleth shakes her head. "I get to ask mine without the duct tape."

Monodefuego drums his fingers quietly as he imperiously casts a gaze over the room.

Lynnea raises her hand

Monodefuego waggles his eyebrows at Trilleth.

Andrew speaks into his com unit commanding his Generals to set up an embargo on the monkey's sytstem

Lynnea says, "A comment."

Monodefuego says, "Yes, Lynnea."

Lynnea says, "You're insane"

Kalandra laughs

Cragon asks, "Andrew has Generals?"

Lyn gulps and nearly falls off her chair.

Meteu asks, "any barstool gibberish?"

Monodefuego says, "You're sweet, Lynnea. I'll make sure you find a nice firemonkey to have you as a pet."

Lynnea checks her bag for the fire extinguisher.

Kalandra hands lynnea another vat of liquid nitrogen

Cragon agrees with Lynnea.,,Mono is definitely not all there.

Lynnea tucks the vat in her bag

Meteu says, "Kal juice the firemonkey please"

Monodefuego exclaims, "Wha?!"

Trilleth says, "Oh, he's all there. Except the part he had.... removed. But he has that, too."

Monodefuego tries to use the fact that he's not all there to pass through the duct tape.

Monodefuego exclaims, "It's just detachable!"

Kalandra pulls another container of liquid nitrogen out and dumps it unceremoniously on Mono's head

Andrew exclaims, "So that's what it carries in that suitcase!"

Monodefuego exclaims, "Far more convenient. I couldn't think with it!"

Cragon says, "Trill that monkey is not holding a whole banana tree,"

Monodefuego steams extremely violently under the liquid nitrogen. He fingers his frigorificator, which dims him briefly.

Lynnea says, "Well, apparently monkeys and men have that in common"

Monodefuego says, "Plus I kept tripping over the stupid thing. It was getting in the way of galactic conquest."

Lyn looks around confused.

Andrew raises a brow at Lynnea

Monodefuego kicks his squatty legs and says, "Low ground clearance, you know."

Lyn says, "oh"

Monodefuego says, "That's why no man will ever rule the world, Lynnea."

Lynnea says, "Apparently monkeys and men also lack the ability to measure corredctly"

Kalandra says, "If you think he is insane now, you should have heard him with it attached"

Lyn laughs.

Kalandra shakes her head

Cragon laughs.

Monodefuego nods to his droid. It produces a large jar containing something which burns violently.

Andrew bets Lynnea really thinks she can

Monodefuego says, "Seriously, it was like have two brains arguing for attention."

Trilleth shakes her head and just sits back and watches.

Meteu asks, "Any other questions for Mono?"

Lyn chokes as she sips and laughs not doing either to well.

Andrew asks, "which brain won?"

Monodefuego says, "The one not in the jar."

Cragon asks, "I would like to know when is Mono leaving for a vacation on the Sun?"

Lynnea says, "The one that is detached obviously"

Lynnea says, "It had the sense to abandon ship... or monkey in this case"

Monodefuego says, "Mono tours his empire frequently. Perhaps I will do so in Sol again, though I prefer to come here as a conqueror."

Meteu asks, "When are you and Trill getting married?"

Andrew exclaims, "poor friggin monkey has no idea what he's missing!"

Cragon says, "Good luck with that Mono...hehe."

Lyn asks, "Being a conqueror or getting married?"

Lyn looks to Cragon for an explanation.

Monodefuego says, "As soon as our lawyers have finalized the pre-nup... I've got a bid in on the Library of Congress to house the document, which is even now threatening to alter planetary orbit with its weight."

Cragon asks, "Mono is getting married?"

Monodefuego says, "Of course. I need a Queen for subjects to love and believe they can appeal to."

Lynnea shoots Trill a warning look

Trilleth yawns and thumbs through a catalog for new shoes.

Cragon says, "I can't imagine Mono with a mate."

Monodefuego cackles quietly.

Andrew asks, "In other words, your Queen will be in charge?"

Lyn says, "She needs something to keep her warm Lyn...what better than a firemonkey."

Lyn winks.

Monodefuego says, "You'll have to review the pre-nup, amigo. It's pretty complicated."

Meteu asks, "Anyone else?"

Lynnea giggles at Lyn.

Trilleth says, "Mate? Oh, no. No, he's not attaching that thing again. No mating."

Monodefuego asks, "Wait wait wait, what's this, Trill?"

Lynnea asks, "Do you use it without him, then?"

Cragon thinks it may be time to go.

Lyn actully falls off her chair.

Trilleth looks at Lynnea. "Um. Ew?"

Andrew chokes laughing so hard

Monodefuego asks, "What about Article 1733 page 49153 section 2239 subsection 14 paragraph 2?"

Lynnea shrugs. "What?! I was just wondering!"

Andrew says, "Only from a Wino! lol"

Kalandra chuckles

Lynnea leans back in her chair and folds her arms over her chest

Monodefuego says, "Feh. Look what you've done, Met."

Andrew has given Lynnea a firm tickle.

Meteu asks, "That about wraps things up but we have time for one more question... who wants it?"

Lynnea keeps her lips shut

Cragon waves farewell to everybody in the room and blows a kiss in the direction of Lynnea.

Cragon has left.

Trilleth throws Skittles at Lynnea to see if she opens her mouth.

Lynnea throws Cragon a kiss

Monodefuego exclaims, "Taste the rainbow, Lynnea!"

Lynnea puckers her lips

Andrew wants some Skittles

Monodefuego asks, "Sooooo... Someone gonna get me up, here?"

Angelfowl says, "nope"

Andrew exclaims, "Leave him!"

Lyn asks, "No, but I have a question?"

Meteu says, "That wraps up tonights Meet and Greet, thank you Mono for joining us on such short notice"

Meteu says, "Lyn.."

Monodefuego asks, "Yeeeeeeeeees Lyn?"

Trilleth eyes Mono. "I could totally take advantage of this moment."

Lyn asks, "What would you wnat to be if you weren't a firemonkey?"

Monodefuego exclaims, "Please do, Trill!"

Monodefuego exclaims, "Tough question, Lyn!"

Lynnea nods, "Good question."

Andrew winks, "a human ;)"

Monodefuego thinks to himself, shooting a disgusted glance at Andrew.

Angelfowl asks, "Elf?"

Trilleth calls her lawyer and has him revise page 538, section 9, article 3 of the pre-nup to her advantage.

Monodefuego says, "I would want to be... A firehippo."

Kalandra laughs

Monodefuego says, "Or a slithy tove. For the snuggles."

Lyn asks, "Hippo?"

Monodefuego says, "How about you, Lyn>"

Lynnea whispers to Lyn. "I think he meant Hippy."

Monodefuego says, "A flaming hippy? Don't be ridiculous."

Lyn chuckles

Kalandra tries to picture mono as a flaming hippy

Lyn says, "Hippies are/were okay"

Lynnea says, "Probably just the flaming part."

Lyn bit crazy but okay

Lynnea says, "I'm thankful I am not a moth at this point."

Monodefuego exclaims, "Well, thanks for everything folks! You'll serve me for eternity!"

Trilleth hmms. "Moth. Hadn't thought about trying moth for a new race."

Lyn thinks Mono is a wonder of his own mind.

Lynnea laughs hysterically at that, as she prepares to leave.

Andrew says, "more like a flaming turd"

Monodefuego exclaims, "Oh ho ho ho! A firemoth! It'd be attracted to itself!"

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