Wednesday September 3, 2008

Sitting back enjoying the ameretto sour from ZQ Queenmommy has just arrived.

Sitting back enjoying the ameretto sour from ZQ Queenmommy has left.

Squeeky ducktapes angelfowls feet to the floor

Angelfowl exclaims, "Hey!"

Meteu asks, "Where did she go?"

Angelfowl shuffles her feet trying to get the tape off

Blinx scans the surroundings with its sensors checking for any inteligent life

Meteu free's the sainted turkey

Blinx says, "can't locate her"

Angelfowl asks, "Your a tainted Turkey Met?"

Sitting back enjoying the ameretto sour from ZQ Queenmommy has just arrived.

Blinx shines the spot light on Queenmommy

Queenmommy shades eyes

Queenmommy exclaims, "whoo hoo!"

Squeeky whispers to queen to light the rocket

Examine Founder Queenmommy
QM looks like she just walked out of the 1800's with her fitted low cut white dress, high button shoes and lace parasol over her shoulder. She and Bastile make quite the handsome couple.

Queenmommy lights rocket and stands back.

Meteu smiles, "Angel the duct tape please:)"

Queenmommy asks, "umm, duck tape?"

Angelfowl nods, and duct tapes QM to the chair securing her

Blinx says, "it's a tradition"

Queenmommy exclaims, "hey!"

Queenmommy says, "lol.."

Queenmommy says, "that's ok.. been ducted before.... was something we did at walmart.. lol"

Meteu asks, "Hi QM how are you?"

Queenmommy says, "peachy"

Queenmommy says, "kids are in bed.. I should say great"

Queenmommy smiles

Squeeky didnt like working at walmart

Meteu says, "Lets start with the obvious here, what brought you to Fed/Fed2/"

Queenmommy says, "me either Squeeky) Umm, I started playing fed about ten years ago when I met and started dating someone who played fed."

Queenmommy says, "stopped playing in 98 until about 6 months ago."

Meteu asks, "Do you have any good Fed stories to share?"

Queenmommy smiles, "hmm, off the top of my head, no, but I'll keep thinking :)"

Meteu asks, "Is there anything that you miss about Fed?"

Queenmommy smiles, "Umm, I like fed 2 better, more then likely because I don't remember much more then flying around picking up and dropping off stuff .. was 10 years ago :)"

Squeeky knows the answer to that question :)

Queenmommy asks, "ok.. what's the answer?"

Squeeky misses transporters

Meteu says, "You said you started playing Fed because of someone you dated, like at least a few other Fedder's did you marry them"

Queenmommy says, "see, I don't remember them.. or maybe I don't remember enough about them."

Queenmommy says, "no.. I did have two children with him. but we broke up after 5 years of being together.. but are still good friends and we both still play fed"

Meteu asks, "Thats always good. What do you like best about Fed2?"

Queenmommy smiles, "all the players :)"

Meteu smiles, "all 5 of us:)"

Queenmommy says, "no, every one! :) there are only a few (like 3 or so) that I would say haven't been 'friendly'"

Meteu exclaims, "Now we get on to the fun part of the night!"

Blinx's pet nano sneaks over to 's drink and steals a sip.

Meteu asks, "Whats the most embarassing way you have died?"

Queenmommy says, "I've died 4 times, twice I flew into the sun, twice here on mars.."

Meteu smiles, "The radiation rooms:)"

Queenmommy smiles, "more then likely.. I'm not even sure, I got lost :)"

Queenmommy says, "and then I got lost on earth after dying and had forgot to reinsure.. could have been bad"

Queenmommy says, "flew into the sun like an hour later, good thing I went back to reinsure."

Meteu asks, "ah the chocolate planet, paying homage to Feds own demigoddess?"

Queenmommy says, "I don't believe she had stopped by yet.. have a box with her name on it though.. lol"

Meteu smiles, "You'd have to get her out of CD's first:)"

Queenmommy says, "is this where she hides, I've wondered.. lol"

Meteu asks, "What are your thoughts on the Akaturi jobs?"

Queenmommy smiles, "they are interesting.. wish you got more then 1 ak that's for sure.. :)"

Queenmommy says, "but it was a good way to learn my way around."

Queenmommy says, "but liked the victor clues better"

Meteu asks, "What is your favorite way to pass the time while waiting for the Hobbs End shuttle?"

Queenmommy says, "hmm... I would think about where they would send me next.. and stare at the screen so I didn't miss it.. don't know if that would be favorite.."

Queenmommy says, "but that's all I did.. lol"

Meteu asks, "Now the question we have all been waiting for are you one of Zardoz's alts?"

Blinx snickers

Queenmommy exclaims, "lmao heck no!"

Queenmommy says, "doesn't he have enough? lol"

Meteu says, "So you weren't born on ALTWERKS"

Queenmommy asks, "what is that?"

Meteu says, , "That is where all alts are made"

Meteu asks, "Why did you choose the name Queenmommy?"

Queenmommy says, "oh.. then nope."

Queenmommy says, "cause I'm a mom of four, if you count every one who treats me like their mom verse sis, aunt, wife, friend, mom of about 20 and I'm the queen of my house or whatever I please lolol"

Meteu asks, "Thats as good a reason as any. Care to share the inspiration for the name of your system?"

Queenmommy says, "i love to bake, i love chocolate and my favorite is chocolate covered caramels so my first planet is caramel"

Meteu asks, "Do you have any plans for your second planet yet?"

Queenmommy says, "some, but not much.. working on what i will be adding when i promote.."

Meteu asks, "Thats always tough. What brought you back to Fed?"

Queenmommy says, "umm, a memory of it popped in my head one day but i couldn't remember the name so i called my ex and we both started playing again"

Meteu asks, "Aha, are you open about building on your planet or do you request/require permission?"

Queenmommy says, "I don't honestly know.. I'm not sure what I'm all hoping/planing on doing.. or what I would all need to get an ok for.."

Queenmommy says, "I have some ideas, and I'm writing discriptions on a notepad doc. on my desk top.. waiting to make the changes until I know for sure what I want to do."

Meteu says, "That seems to be the norm for planning a planet."

Queenmommy says, "I have to talk to hazed more about the one idea I have..... hehe."

Queenmommy asks, "Any thing else?"

Blinx raises its appendage

Meteu asks, "Blinx?"

Blinx asks, "Queenmommy, how much mimium bal for a planet treasury would you suggest>?"

Blinx says, "sorry about the spelling, minium"

Queenmommy asks, "hmm, well, when I promoted I had 273M in company and only had the 2000 shares in treasury and 500 personal. gave me just over 60M after divis were handed out.. more would have been helpfull.. does that answer your question?"

Blinx says, "yes"

Queenmommy smiles, "awesome :)"

Meteu asks, "Do you have a favorite part of planet design?"

Queenmommy says, "I liked writing the planet.. I've always liked writing and wanted to be a writer.. didn't work out, but writing the planet was my favorite part."

Queenmommy drawls, "when I first did my planet I used about 30 spaces, took some off to save for later. but then those are events that I guess we can't do yet..."

Queenmommy drawls, "or I don't have the slithies for yet...."

Meteu asks, "Any other questions from the peanut gallery?"

Squeeky shakes its head no

Queenmommy asks, "angel? your quiet.. you around out there?"

Angelfowl laughs

Blinx shakes its dome in a no response

Angelfowl smiles, "Here, writing :)"

Queenmommy asks, "lol.. ok.. any questions?"

Meteu asks, "What do you think is the best ship we have here?"

Angelfowl smiles, "hmmm nope, I think Meteu covered it :)"

Queenmommy smiles, "I don't know about best, I have an imperial with 900 cargo and I like it :)"

Queenmommy says, "ok.. if your sure angel"

Queenmommy says, "have run out of fuel a couple times though.. keep forgetting to fill the tank"

Queenmommy is looking at you.

Meteu says, "At least fuel prices here aren't as bad as RL"

Queenmommy says, "no kidding! unless you run out in space"

Meteu drawls, "yeah....."

Blinx looks at meteu with a puzzled look

Queenmommy asks, "why puzzled blinx?"

Blinx says, "if you run out in space it's expensive"

Queenmommy asks, "yes.. it is.. you know how long it took me to relieze I could put buy fuel in the fkeys so I didn't run out while filling def's?"

Queenmommy says, "lol"

Blinx is smiling broadly.

Meteu asks, "How many F keys do you use?"

Blinx says, "i use all 12"

Queenmommy says, "five in total, lowest three on one, next lowest six or eight on another, and then the rest on three others.."

Queenmommy says, "can't use f10 for some reason it messes up, and f1 goes every time i load each fed term (hubby has a player, but I take care of it mostly)"

Queenmommy says, "but I was using the other ten at one put"

Meteu says, "I used all of them with my last roll and them some saved to notepad for later"

Queenmommy says, "well I got rid of two def's with upgrades so that helped me out.. but figure it's all of them once or twice or a couple a million times.. lol it's the same thing either way"

Meteu asks, "Any other questions for QM?"

Zarquad has just arrived.

Queenmommy says, "Hiya ZQ"

Zarquad says, "hiya. RL called me away for a bit :-P"

Queenmommy raises hand 'Thanks for the drink'

Queenmommy says, "no problem"

Meteu asks, "ZQ any questions for QM?"

Zarquad says, "sure."

Zarquad asks, "who is the best looking Ferengi in Fed?"

Queenmommy says, "oh boy.."

Blinx chuckles

Queenmommy says, "lol.. what's a ferengi"

Queenmommy winks at blinx

Queenmommy says, "well, I guess that would be you ZQ :)~"

Zarquad says, "aww... gee, shucks QM, that's so sweet of you"

Queenmommy says, "sure, no problem.... seeing your the only one.. I think.."

Queenmommy has bought you a pint of Diesel's Old Peculiar strong dark ale.

Blinx says, "thanks mom"

Zarquad asks, "so anyway... how about silly questions. What's your favorite book?"

Queenmommy asks, "any more questions?"

Queenmommy says, "no problem"

Queenmommy says, "umm, I don't know if I have a favorite book, (besides the fed2 manual of course!) but my favorite auther is dorthy garlock."

Queenmommy says, "dorothy*"

Meteu asks, "What genre is she?"

Queenmommy says, "eaily 1900's western romance"

Queenmommy smiles, "where the bad guys get caught and the good guy gets his gal :)"

Zarquad nods. "Can't say I know her, but sounds interesting."

Meteu smiles, "beach novels:)"

Queenmommy says, "very girlie books.. but I like them, can read one cover to cover in a day.. :) yes, very much so."

Meteu smiles, "They are what I call trashy romance novels:)"

Queenmommy says, "I wouldn't say that.. they aren't the heated books like some that are out there, that's for sure.. I could let my ten year old read them and only have to take out like two or three pages"

Zarquad slaps Meteu. "Don't call them trashy. She likes them. :-P"

Meteu smiles, "These ones may not be:)"

Meteu asks, "any other questions?"

Queenmommy smiles, "be nice boys :)"

Zarquad smiles. "Yes, mommy."

Meteu ducks

Queenmommy says, "if you check out my outfit and that of bastile you can guess I like that ara"

Meteu asks, "We have time for one more question, who wants it?"

Queenmommy asks, "era* .... ?"

Queenmommy says, "what about mateo.. unless that's meteu's aly"

Queenmommy says, "alt*"

Meteu says, "He's just the camera"

Queenmommy asks, "really?"

Queenmommy is looking at you.

Zarquad asks, "oh yeah?"

Queenmommy says, "hmm, I don't think I believe you.. :)~"

Zarquad makes faces in front of mateo.

Zarquad makes shadow puppets in front of mateo.

Queenmommy laughs at ZQ

Queenmommy asks, "wow.. it's been an hour already?"

Queenmommy asks, "squeeky? any questions?"

Queenmommy smiles, "I'm an open book.. :)"

Meteu asks, "Your Fed story, did you recall one?"

Zarquad watches QM attentively, "oooh. I love stories..."

Queenmommy says, "oh... no.. still can't really think of any thing.. and any thing I might have was already answered.. sorry zq"

Zarquad blows QM a raspberry.

Queenmommy drawls, "only one could really think of would have been that of meeting my ex on here...."

Queenmommy sticks tongue out at ZQ

Queenmommy smiles, "I can be a kid too! :)"

Meteu says, "thats up to you if you want to share, if not thats cool"

Queenmommy says, "well, I was wondering the internet back in like 97 looking for something to do, chatting in aol chat rooms and someone mentioned fed.."

Queenmommy says, "so I didn't meet him on her per say cause he is the one that said it in the chat room, but we only talked on aol for him to give me the site."

Queenmommy says, "started talking on here cause he was telling me the basics.. and after a couple months we met and started dating and that lasted 5 years.."

Queenmommy smiles, "the end :)"

Meteu smiles, "Thats great:)"

Queenmommy says, "oh, wait, two kids and 5 years later.. lol"

Zarquad says, "nice"

Meteu says, "and that concludes this weeks meet and greet, thanks QM, Angel can you cut her loose please"

Queenmommy says, "yes please, I think I'm getting a rash"

Zarquad holds a rocket up in the air and gives it a shake to operate the self-ignition mechanism.

There is a hissing noise as the rocket's fuse ignites, and then it shoots up into the air with a whoosh, trailing sparks behind it. There's a pause... and then it detonates with a loud *BANG* and releases a host of small purple lights, which themselves explode a few seconds later, releasing smaller lights which dart off in different directions before releasing their own cargo of tiny purple sparks.

The sky is soon filled with purple lights darting off in all different directions. It's hard to know where to look. Then the sparks fade out, one by one, until the sky is clear once again.

Angelfowl cuts QM loose

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