Wednesday January 7, 2009

Meteu says, "I'm hoping we get a few"

Fletcher says, "If it's just us, I can tell dirty little secrets. lol"

Meteu smiles, "its logged:)"

Fletcher blushes

Meteu asks, "Hi all. Shall we get started?"

Fletcher says, "Gee ... gotta run. (just kidding) '-)"

Andrew laughs

Andrew says, "break out the duct tape"

Meteu says, "Good evening Fletcher, thanks for signing up to be the vict uh uh guest tonight."

Fletcher says, "eeek. duct tape"

Fletcher says, "Thanks for having me Meteu"

Meteu asks, "Lets get started then, what brought you to Fed?"

Fletcher says, "The waters .... oh, wait ... that was what brought me to Casablanca .... I came to Fed on AOL back in the summer of 96."

Meteu asks, "Ah an AOL Fedder, what drew you to the game?"

Fletcher says, "I enjoyed text games ... got one with my TRS80 back about 1982 (Pyramid 2000, i think the game was called) ... just always enjoyed the exploring aspect."

Meteu asks, "Is there anything particular about Fed itself that drew you in?"

Fletcher says, "I'm a numbers guy, I guess. I enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out how the numbers all work out to my advantage. And I like the small tight circle of friends I've made."

Meteu asks, "Now we start the real fun:), whats the most embarassing way you have died?"

Fletcher says, "Oh geez .... Graveyard puzzle ... stumbled into a pit and died .... hospital on Earth ... re-insured ... was so ticked that I rushed right back to GY .... and fell in the same pit .... 2 deaths in the same place in ... oh ... about 2 minutes. LOL"

Andrew laughs

Meteu asks, "Did the radiation rooms ever get you?"

Andrew says, "sounds like me with the radiation room lol"

Fletcher says, "Nope ... I did figure out the magnets. GY killed me plenty though."

Meteu asks, "what do you like best about Fed?"

Fletcher says, "I enjoy the fact that Fed doesn't require constant attention. You can leave it for a few days and everything doesn't collapse. That makes it easy to hang around and play at your convenience."

Meteu says, "That it does"

Meteu asks, "Lets talk a bit about your planet, what inspired you to write your planet?"

Andrew winks, "I look at it in a different way, I can play Fed without RL collapsing on me ;)"

Fletcher says, "lol Andrew"

Fletcher drawls, "My planet .... hmmm .... well ..."

Fletcher says, "When I was about 7 years old my dad sat me on his knee so I could see Walter Cronkite do a CBS special report on the moon landing in 1969. He said "I want you to watch this .... you won't forget it." I never did. I always wanted to be an astronaut. So my planet is Apollo ... for that dream."

Andrew says, "ah, that would make you about 47-48 then"

Fletcher says, "29 ROFL"

Fletcher says, "Oh, ok ... 47 next month."

Andrew says, "lol"

Andrew says, "I would call you old but then that would make me ancient lol"

Meteu asks, "Do you have any plans for your second planet?"

Fletcher says, "I would like to follow the theme of my sytem (Nasa). I would like planet #2 to be Gemini and planet #3 to be Mercury 7. Each would be an "ancient space museum" like Apollo is."

Meteu asks, "That sounds really cool. Are there any questions from the audience?"

Andrew raises his hand

Meteu asks, "Andrew?"

Arthurfrayn is remembering where he was on that July evening long ago.

Andrew says, "I actually have two questions, 1...did you go by the name Fletcher in aol Fed and 2......where did you hang out back then, what Duchy"

Fletcher smiles, "My name on AOL was pretty generic. I believe it was Alien1980 (stupid AOL name limitations). I only played for about a year ... then I hang out elsewhere on AOL and became an AOL host ... where I actually met my real-life wife. :)"

Arthurfrayn asks, "do you and you wife still keep in touch by IM?"

Andrew says, "cool"

Arthurfrayn snickers

Meteu asks, "And is she on Fed?"

Fletcher says, "She gave me 2 wonderful daughters .... and we didn't do that by IM. ROFL"

Arthurfrayn asks, "email?"

Andrew winks, "I hope not, that would be a bit....messy ;)"

Fletcher says, "Yeah ... we had kids by email ... kinda tricky. LOL"

Fletcher says, "Unfortunately, she died of ovarian cancer 2 years ago .... so, no .... she doesn't play Fed."

Arthurfrayn says, "so did your desire to be an astronaut lead to hobbies like astronomy or anything like that."

Andrew frowns, "I'm sorry to hear that Fletcher :("

Arthurfrayn says, "sorry for your loss Fletcher."

Meteu says, "I'm sorry Fletcher."

Fletcher says, "Yes ... I LOVE astronomy. I want to make my own little observatory in the back yard. My girls love our telescope."

Andrew smiles, "awesome :)"

Fletcher says, "Thanks all."

Arthurfrayn says, "sometimes I'll just go out into the backyard on a full moon night, look up at the moon, and think hey "we've been there, how come we as a people are still so messed up planet wise""

Fletcher says, "The room is at a halt. LOL"

Andrew says, "I'd like to get a telescope but, living in the city with all the city lights I wouldn't be able to see much"

Arthurfrayn says, "same for me, telescope wise, the milky way isn't to milky here only the brigher stars shine through"

Meteu asks, "Do you live in the woods Fletch?"

Fletcher says, "I grew up it the city .... light pollution sucks. I know live in a tiny mountain town ... the stars are wonderful."

Fletcher says, "LA had 3million people .... Fletcher NC (where I now live).... has about 3000 people .... and 2 traffic lights. LOL"

Andrew says, "I used to captain a fishing boat years ago......out in the ocean at night, the view of the sky is unbelievable"

Meteu says, "I like LA but I love the south, I'd live on the water down there if I could"

Fletcher asks, "Ok .... so we are all getting a boat and a telescope and living on the waters. Agreed?"

Fletcher says, "lol"

Meteu says, "sounds good"

Arthurfrayn says, "actually I prefer that little mountain town"

Andrew says, "hehe, I sold my sailboat last year, I live by the ocean in San Diego"

Meteu says, "The problem is my g/f won't ride jet skis with me cause I almost dumped her in the intracoastal in SC"

Andrew says, "so get her a life jacket"

Andrew says, "take her to Myrtle Beach"

Arthurfrayn asks, "so being a kid during the Apollo years did you have any cool models of say the lunar module or the command and service module?"

Fletcher says, "Oh yes, Arthur. Revell made a whole series of Apollo models. I had most of them."

Arthurfrayn drawls, "I think I had a model of the command and service, thing was hugh. I had it hanging from the ceiling with threads, until one night when one of the thumb tacks left loose...."

Fletcher says, "And I drank LOTS of Tang. LOL"

Andrew smiles, "we all drank lots of Tang back then :)"

Arthurfrayn says, "yeah Revell that was the name. I also had a diorama of Ed White's space walk."

Andrew says, "It was so cool to drink what the astranaunts drank"

Fletcher says, "Ooooh. Cool"

Fletcher says, "I still can't believe no one came up with the Nasa/Apollo concept before me."

Andrew says, "no doubt, especially this being a space based game lol"

Meteu smiles, "Andrew, we were at Myrtle and had vests on:)"

Andrew winks, "hmm, then give her a few drinks before you ask her to go on the jetski with you ;)"

Andrew says, "or, do something with her that she really likes that you don't really like, make it a trade off"

Fletcher says, "And I spent waaaay too much time on the museum .... but it was fun to create ... and the research made me re-live the Apollo days."

Fletcher says, "I miss Fed on AOL .... there were always so many folks around."

Arthurfrayn says, "too many folks"

Meteu says, "Most on here now are alts"

Fletcher says, "True, at times."

Arthurfrayn says, "I only played for about two days there, the lag was horrible"

Arthurfrayn says, "heck playing on GEnie with a 300 baud modem at the time seemed faster. ;-)"

Meteu asks, "AOL Fed?"

Fletcher says, "It took me two days on AOL just to figure out how to get a spaceship. LOL"

Meteu smiles, "Now thats quality right there:)"

Fletcher says, "And then it took me 1 day to figure out how to crash it into the Sun. ROFL"

Meteu smiles, "bet that was nice and warm:)"

Fletcher smiles, "It was warm ... and frustrating. :)"

Arthurfrayn says, "scripts gone wild"

Fletcher says, "Meteu ... thank you very much for having me. I gotta run and get some sleep and get the rotten kids to school in the morning."

Arthurfrayn laughs, 'oh so now they are rotten...'

Meteu says, "Your welcome and thank you Fletch"

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