To save a picture, right click on the picture and click Save Picture As.
Do not change the filename but ensure that you are saving it in PNG format.
Easterbunny |
Eldar |
Eli |
Elijah |
Elizabeth |
Emie |
Excel |
Fancy |
Ferreri |
Fraak |
Frederika |
Freya |
Frodo |
Froggy |
Furgas |
Gabriel |
Gandolf |
Gandroid |
Garioso |
Gearjammer |
Geiiga |
Gemma |
Genike |
Genshu |
Gert |
Gizmo |
Golden |
Gooner |
Granny |
Grimreaper |
Guido |
Gwaptiva |
Hazed |
Hbcm |
Helga |
Hemo |
Hephaestus |
Hitman |
Honoria |
Hymie |
Download all the player character pictures
To make your own picture:
Size - 80 x 96 pixels
Format: .png