To save a picture, right click on the picture and click Save Picture As.
Do not change the filename but ensure that you are saving it in PNG format.
IBunyc |
Inara |
Inxs |
Ironman |
Jackrungh |
Jake |
Jarin |
Jennifer |
Jessecka |
Jets |
Jewells |
Jinto |
Jordis |
Jughead |
Justamir |
Kaia |
Kalandra |
Karaathvanja |
Kayla |
Kblackdragon |
Kella |
Kendry |
Kimberly |
Kinret |
Kistian |
Kitty |
Klytos |
Kolie |
Korak |
Kup |
Kurgan |
Kway | ||||
Ladyvader |
Laliandrah |
Lambert |
Lester |
Lfive |
Liakell |
Liandri |
Librarian |
London |
Lonnie |
Lothar |
Lucabrasi |
Luchi |
Lynnea |
Download all the player character pictures
To make your own picture:
Size - 80 x 96 pixels
Format: .png