The 'SPYNET NOTICE' command tells you about everybody that logs in and out of Fed2, but there is a way to be more selective about the notifications you receive. FedTerm maintains a Friends list, and you can tell it to alert you when anybody on the list logs into the game.
Specifying your Friends
To bring up your Friends list, select the 'Friends notification' item from the 'Options' menu. You can specify the names of players you want to be told about, or you can choose to be told about certain ranks - or both.
The left hand side of the window lets you specify which ranks you want to know about. Click on one or more of the checkboxes. If you change your mind, click again and the box will be unchecked.
The right hand side of the window lets you type in the names of individuals you want to be told about. Names you have already specified are listed in the large panel. To add a name, type in the input box and click on the 'Add Name' button. To delete someone from the list, click on their name so it is highlighted and then click the 'Delete Name' button.
You can choose to be alerted by a sound, which is useful if you want to walk away from the keyboard while you wait for your friend to log on - just make sure the checkbox marked 'Audio Alert' is checked.
When you have finished, click on the 'Save & Exit' button to keep the changes you made, or 'Scrap Changes' to reject them. Your Friends list will be saved across sessions.
The Friends Alert Sound
FedTerm looks in its sound folder for a sound called friends.wav and uses this to alert you when one of your friends logs on. If it cannot find that file, it will use alert.wav instead, which is the sound used for the general text alert.
We supply a sound in the installation package, but if you want to use a different sound, you can substitute any wav file - just rename it as friends.wav and place it in the sounds sub-folder of the FedTerm folder, over-writing the old version.
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