When your planet is linked into the game and you become a Founder, it has a basic economy, which will make you money if you set things up right. But you will never be able to promote to the next rank without enhancing your planet considerably. You do this by building infrastructure.

There are approximately 50 different things you can build, split into 10 categories: communications, defense, ecology, education, energy, health, housing, security, social security and transport.

Some of the builds cannot be done until your planet is at a certain level. Some require you to do other builds first as a prerequisite. The effect of some of them will be permanent; others will expire when your planet gets to a certain level.

Builds are vital not just to enhance your planet, but also for your promotion. To climb the planet-owning ranks, you are required to complete a certain number of builds. The 'RANKS' command will tell you how many. If you've not yet reached the requirement, the 'PROMOTE' command tells you how many builds you have done; once you have made the target, the command will initiate the promotion, which will happen at the next reset. You will move up to the next rank and your planet will advance to the next economic level.

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