In order for your business to actually do anything, it's going to need more operating capital which you put into the coffers by selling shares. You can buy shares yourself or sell them to investors. This, coupled with money made from running factories - the profit - will allow you to expand. However, there is a cash limit: your business can only have 100 meg working capital before the taxman smells a rat and steps in to confiscate excess profits.

You buy some more of the business' shares with 'BUY SHARES amount AT shareprice'. There's a minimum purchase of 150 at a time, and an upper limit of 1,000 total that you can own in your business, which means that after the initial registration you can buy another 750. There's no limits on the price you pay, but since the whole point of the exercise is to put more money into the business, it doesn't make sense to make the price too low... and if you make it too high, you will deter outsiders from investing.

Or you can use Other People's Money to fund your business. Financiers can bid for shares, and its your choice whether to accept the bid or reject it. Sensible Fins won't just launch a bid out of the blue, but will negotiate with you first so they know whether their offer is going to be acceptable to you. You can see any outstanding bids on the business display. Bids are renumbered at the reset to start from 1 again.

To accept a bid, use 'APPROVE BID bid#' where 'bid#' is the number of the bid in question. You could probably figure out how to reject a bid: it's 'REJECT BID bid#'. See, sometimes, Fed2 commands are logical!

If you approve a bid, it sells the treasury shares to the Financier, and the money is put into the business's balance. However, if you delay too long before approving a bid, the Fin's circumstances may change - she may have bought shares in other businesses which put her up to her portfolio limit, in which case when you try to approve the bid, it'll get cancelled anyway. If you ignore a bid, it will expire after 7 days.

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