The manual covers all of the game that exists so far, and will be updated whenever new features are added to the game. This manual goes into detail about all aspects of the game. You can also read the QuickStart Guide, which gets you started in a hurry, and the Command List, which provides a quick reference.

When explaining how something works, we will use two stereotypical characters as an example. Newbod is the generic new player - keen and eager to learn, but still wet behind the ears and prone to making embarrassing mistakes. Dork is the kind of obnoxious nerd who never reads instructions, thinks he knows everything, wants to be handed everything on a plate without having to work for it, and usually ends with no friends at all.

You will also see mention of Bella, also known as Our Illustrious Leader. Bella is the creator of the Fed universe - the designer and programmer, without whom all of this would not exist.

Then there's Freya, the Fed 2 Game Manager, whose word is law.

Finally there's myself - the demi-goddess Hazed, game manager, and author of The Idiot's Guide. Come up and buy me a drink some time!

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